Chapter 1056 Down?
There are many rules on the wine table. For example, if you toast to the boss, you have to drink up, but you can't ask the boss to drink up too. If you don't drink up, it is disrespectful to the boss. You can't put your position right, you don't know whether you are high or low.

Sun Hao also saw Xu Jie's remaining glass of wine, but didn't point it out. If it was her, if an artist she didn't know well offered a toast to her, she wouldn't drink it all, and would even take a sip of it symbolically. .

Identity is always an insurmountable hurdle in this circle.

People at the bottom can only obey those at the top, otherwise they will not be able to survive in this industry.

Sun Hao cast a consoling look at Bai Yutong, signaling the other party not to worry, take your time, anyway, the night is long, and the two come in turns, why don't you get this man drunk?
Bai Yutong calmly filled the wine glass in front of her.

She was not in a hurry, after all, it was not the first time she had done such a thing, she had already expected it.

Men, we must slowly conquer.

"Mr. Xu, eat this, it's delicious." Bai Yutong held another piece of meat for the man beside him, and slowly approached him.

She is constantly testing the other party's bottom line.

If she threw herself directly into the arms of the other party, the other party would definitely push her away, but if she gradually drew closer to each other through some small intimate actions, then the subsequent hugs would become more logical.

Seeing Bai Yutong's actions, Sun Hao felt extremely relieved.

She likes artists like this, she knows what she wants, and she also knows how to fight for it, unlike some artists who are so lofty that they never know how to take the initiative.

If there is no effort, how can there be any return?

How can there be such a good thing as a pie in the sky in the world?
Sun Hao stared at Xu Jie who was eating, his eyes were erratic, he should already be a little drunk, but Yutong had just finished paying respects to him, if Yutong was to pay respects at this time, it would inevitably make people feel offended, it seems It's time to create some more opportunities for Yutong.

"Yutong, you want to thank Mr. Xu, how about just toasting?" She gave Xu Jie a wink, then asked Xu Jie, "Mr. Xu, have you heard Yutong's song?"

"Huh? What?" Xu Jie was shocked, and his squinted eyes widened a little, as if he had been awakened suddenly, then nodded and said, "Well, I heard it, it sounds good."

In fact, where has he heard Sun Hao's song?Just be polite.

Seeing Sun Hao, he secretly rejoiced in his heart. This expression, this reaction, is not far from getting dizzy.

"Mr. Xu, let Yutong sing a song for you live today." Sun Hao urged impatiently: "Yutong, why don't you hurry up and sing a song for Mr. Xu?"

"Mr. Xu, then I'll sing a song for you." Bai Yutong slowly got up, stood beside Xu Jie, touching the man's arm intentionally or unintentionally, then cleared his throat and began to sing.

Singing can not only add to the fun, but also an excellent opportunity for her to express herself.

How many people fell in love with a singer because of his singing voice?

Bosses are human too, no exceptions.

Different from Su Yun's ethereal and pure, Bai Yutong's singing voice is high pitched, bright, and full of tension, especially the treble, which makes people get goosebumps all over.

As Xu Jie listened, he nodded his head lightly following the rhythm, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, revealing a smile of intoxication.

The singer who can be praised by Huxiang TV station is really extraordinary.

In fact, when he received the list of singers recommended by various TV stations, he conducted a simple survey on these singers.

He has two principles for inviting artists, one is not to invite those with poor reputation, and the other is not to invite those who are good-looking. He doesn't want to be implicated because of the artists for the show he worked so hard to direct.

Bai Yutong was able to pass the inspection and become the singer invited in the fourth season of "Crossover Actor", which just shows that the other party still has some strengths.

Unlike some popular singers nowadays, the fire is fire, but the singing is really not very good, like howling ghosts and wolves, it all depends on post-processing.

After more than two minutes, the singing ended.

Bai Yutong bowed deeply, with his collar drooping, he straightened up again in just a second or two, and said modestly: "Mr. Xu, you're making a fool of yourself."

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head and said, "It's not ugly, it's really good singing."

I don't even know what ugly means.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your compliment." Bai Yutong showed a shy expression, but she was happy in her heart. Judging from the man's reaction just now, it is not far from her taking him down. At least it gave her the confidence to complete tonight's plan .

"Mr. Xu, Yutong's voice is outstanding among the female artists signed by our company. Not only can it be high and low, but also its voice is mellow..." Sun Hao also began to praise.

Note that she said voice, not singing.

Singing refers to the vocalization when singing, while voice refers to the normal vocalization when speaking.

It looks similar, but there is a big difference. Anyone who has studied vocal music should be aware of this. This is one of the reasons why some people sound ordinary when they speak, but they sing very nicely.

And after Yutong sang, she deliberately emphasized that her voice was beautiful, and she definitely had good intentions.

Xu Jie was slightly startled when he heard it, and stared at Bai Yutong for a while, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

Sun Hao originally wanted to praise Bai Yutong more, to leave a deeper impression on Mr. Xu, and at the same time deepen the other party's affection for Bai Yutong, but seeing Mr. Xu's infatuated look, the soul has clearly flown away , so he changed his words and said: "Yutong, didn't you hear Mr. Xu praised you? Hurry up and toast and thank Mr. Xu."

Bai Yutong brushed her hair behind her ears with her hands, exuding the charm and gentleness of a woman, then picked up the wine glass and faced Xu Jie, her eyes were watery like springs, and said softly: "Mr. I am so happy to recognize and praise you, and I would like to toast you again."

After speaking, he touched the wine glass in his hand with the wine glass on the table in front of the man.

Now, the other party can't do without drinking.

If you don't drink it, you have failed the beauty's wishes, and if you don't drink it, it means that the compliment just now is just perfunctory.

Under the gaze of everyone, Xu Jie picked up the wine glass...

"So where, I'm just telling the truth. There are really fewer and fewer talented and good-looking singers like you now. It would be great if I could meet you earlier. It's a pity, a pity!"

Xu Jie sighed and drank the remaining half glass of wine.

When the others heard Mr. Xu's emotion, they couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

Would it be nice if we met earlier?

What does this mean?
Could it be that he was tempted by Bai Yutong?

If he could have been earlier, would he have married Bai Yutong?

Literally understood, isn't that what it means?

Sun Hao was a little surprised. He didn't expect Mr. Xu to be genuinely interested in Bai Yutong. Of course, it might be because he really drank too much, but regardless of whether it was drunk or not, tonight's plan was a success anyway.

Yutong has successfully attracted Xu Jie!
Next, the highlight of tonight can finally begin.

"Mr. Xu, it's actually not too late to meet him now." Bai Yutong said while leaning gently towards the man.

"That's right!" Xu Jie slapped the table and stood up straight away, leaving Bai Yutong alone, and then said loudly, "As long as we meet, it's never too late."

After speaking, the body shook.

Bai Yutong had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and immediately reached out to support Xu Jie, and it was not a simple support, but the kind of support in which the body was tightly attached to the man's arm.

"President Xu, slow down." Bai Yutong said with concern.

"I'm fine." Xu Jie waved his hand, but pressed his hand on the table again. After a few seconds, he slowly raised his head, looked at Sun Hao and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Sun, I seem to have drunk too much." , why don’t we just stop here today? Let’s meet again another day.”

"Farewell, Mr. Xu, I'm usually in Huxiang. We finally made an appointment to have dinner together. How could it be over so soon? Besides, how can people who drink too much know that they drink too much? You are still awake." Sun Hao said with a smile.

Another day?

How can it be!

It was so hard to get people confused. If I miss this opportunity tonight, I don’t know that I will have to wait until the year of the monkey next time. What’s more, the filming of "Crossover Actor" will start soon. By then, it will be too late even if we have the opportunity to drink together up.

"Mr. Xu, you just said that it would be nice if you could meet me sooner. Why did you leave in a blink of an eye? Did I say something wrong? Or do you think my singing is ugly?" Bai Yutong put on a face Asked with a pitiful look.

"No, nothing." Xu Jie shook his head and strongly denied it.

"Then you sit down, and I'll sing you another song to cheer you up." Bai Yutong supported Xu Jie to sit on the chair, and then sang another song.

Xu Jie smiled, staring straight with reddish eyes, not leaving for a moment, clapping his hands along with the singing.

This time, Bai Yutong only sang for 1 minute, but received warm applause from Xu Jie.


"Okay, that's great!"

"Mr. Xu, I suddenly remembered something." Sun Hao said at this time: "I remember that you can also sing, and you sang a love song with Su Yun at the CTV Spring Festival Gala last year. I suggest, Mr. Xu, you can sing." How about singing this song with Yutong?"

"Okay, it's a great fortune to be able to hear Mr. Xu singing on the spot." Liu Tianze echoed.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, you can fulfill our little wish." Zhou Yapeng also said.

"Mr. Xu, it is widely rumored in the circle that you are capable of writing, martial arts, acting and singing. Let us witness your demeanor! Come on, everyone applaud." Sun Hao took the lead in applauding after finishing speaking.

"Clap clap clap!"

There was applause in the room.

"Okay, then I'll sing twice." Xu Jie said.

Sun Hao immediately took out his mobile phone, found the song on the Internet, and clicked to play it.

The prelude sounded, and Bai Yutong sang first. Although it was very different from Su Yun's voice, as a professional singer, his singing would definitely not be bad.

After the first paragraph was over, it was finally Xu Jie's turn.

Sun Hao looked at the two people who sang duet, and the joy in his heart was already showing on his face.

The so-called antiphonal love songs, there is emotion while singing.

Xu Jie and Bai Yutong, you say a word to me, especially in the chorus part, one is drunk and the other is full of love, and they hold hands together while singing.

"Clap clap clap!"

The singing ended and the applause sounded.

"Mr. Xu, you sang so well. It seems that the rumors are indeed true. Let me toast you." Sun Hao found another reason to toast.

"Where is it!" Xu Jie smiled and took a drink.

"Mr. Xu, it's also the first time I've sung with someone. Here's to our tacit understanding." Bai Yutong immediately picked up the wine glass.

"Tacit understanding, yes, tacit understanding." Xu Jie could not speak clearly, but still took a sip.

When he sat on the chair, his expression was a little numb, except for laughing.

"Xu, Mr. Xu..."

Just as Sun Hao was about to say something, her stomach suddenly churns, as if something was about to rush out, she quickly shut her mouth, and swallowed again abruptly, but the throat and esophagus were so hot that tears came out.

It seems that I also drank too much.

Sun Hao thought.

But for the sake of the company's artists, she still braced herself and said, "Mr. Xu, since you and Yu Tong hit it off so well, when the fourth season of "Crossover Actors" is filming, you need a lot..."

Sun Hao stopped suddenly when she said this. She found that Xu Jie had closed her eyes, so she called out: "Mr. Xu? Mr. Xu!",

Xu Jie opened his eyes in a daze, and quickly closed them again.

Sun Hao looked at the situation and guessed that the other party didn't hear a word of what he said just now.

Well, it's useless.

"Mr. Xu, where is your home? I'll take you home. Forget it, let's just open a room upstairs." Sun Hao pretended, and then ordered to the side: "Tianze, Yapeng, You help Mr. Xu upstairs, Yutong, you stay and take good care of Mr. Xu."

When it comes to the word "care", I read it with extra emphasis.

Hearing Mr. Sun's order, everyone acted immediately.

Liu Tianze and Zhou Yapeng supported Xu Jie from left to right. Although they are stars outside, they are waiters here.

"President Sun, go slowly."

Bai Yutong looked at Mr. Sun whose gait was a little unsteady, and immediately stepped forward to support him.

"Are you okay?" Sun Hao asked in a low voice, although he had a headache and a stomachache, he did not forget the business.

"I'm fine." Bai Yutong shook her head lightly.

These few glasses of wine were just right for her, not too drunk, but also allowed her to let go.

Sun Hao didn't say anything more, he didn't trust people when he talked about what was planned.

Several people came upstairs, Liu Tianze and Zhou Yapeng put Xu Jie on the bed, and then consciously exited the room.

Sun Hao patted Bai Yutong's back lightly, and then left the room.

it is more than words.

Bai Yutong locked the door from the inside, and then came to the bed, looking at the man on the bed, her heartbeat suddenly started to speed up.

Powerful and capable, this should be the youngest bigwig in the Beijing circle and even the entire entertainment circle in her impression.

If he could get the other party's help, wouldn't he be better off in the Beijing circle in the future?
Thinking of this, she came to the man's side and reached out to take off his clothes.

Just as she was unbuttoning a dress, she suddenly found that the man had opened his eyes and was staring straight at her. His eyes not only lost the confusion before, but were also full of indifference.

"President Xu, you, wake up!"


(End of this chapter)

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