Chapter 1057
Bai Yutong sat on the edge of the bed with a stiff body, her face was hot and red like a soldering iron that had been burning for a long time, and she was even more embarrassed in her heart.

Originally, she was planning to take advantage of both parties' drinking energy to directly cook the raw rice into mature rice, but in the morning of tomorrow, the other party would not be able to admit it even if they wanted to, the evidence was overwhelming.

But now, the target suddenly opened his eyes, how to explain this?
Do you want to tell the truth, I want to sleep with you?

This, this is not impossible, but the other party's eyes made her very flustered, it was a feeling of being seen through.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jie asked coldly.

"I, I..." Bai Yutong's brain turned sharply, and suddenly he had an idea, and explained: "I see that you wear so many clothes, it must be uncomfortable to sleep, so I want to help you take off your coat."

"Oh? Really?" Xu Jie stretched out his hands to support his body, sat up from the bed, buttoned up his clothes, and said, "So, I still need to thank you?"

"No, you're welcome, this is what I should do." Bai Yutong forced a smile on his face.

At the same time, my heart was full of doubts: Didn't I already pass out?Why did you suddenly wake up again?Was it awakened by urination?
According to her past experience, it is normal for her to fall asleep and be woken up by urination when she drank a lot of alcohol. Thinking back to the meal just now, the other party did not seem to have gone to the bathroom. If so, It didn't stop her from continuing with her next plan.

"Mr. Xu, are you going to the bathroom? I'll help you go." Bai Yutong tried her best to show a gentle and decent side, and stretched out her hand to help the man get off the bed.

She felt that the other party must be in a state of confusion right now, if it was her, if she suddenly saw someone unbuttoning her clothes after being drunk, her head would be buzzing.

But it doesn't matter, she has a way to make the other party wake up completely.

Xu Jie moved to the bedside, feeling his head was a little heavy, so he stood up holding the woman's hand, and walked towards the bathroom.

Originally, he didn't intend to go to the bathroom, but when the other party mentioned it suddenly, he felt the urge to urinate somehow.

Speaking of which, he did drink a lot just now, otherwise why would his feet start to feel dizzy?
Alas, if I knew this earlier, I should have fallen asleep when I drank the fifth cup.

Xu Jie came to the bathroom and was about to untie his belt, but found that the woman beside him was still there, and she didn't intend to leave.

"You pee too? Why don't you come first?" Xu Jie pointed to the toilet, and then made a gesture of please.

"No, no, I don't." Bai Yutong shook her head.

"Then why are you staying here...?" Xu Jie looked at Bai Yutong suspiciously. Could it be that the other party has a habit of appreciating other people's peeing?The point is that he doesn't have the habit of being watched peeing.

Even if he is handsome and wants to take advantage of him, he can't be so blatant, right?

Are all female hooligans so crazy now?
"Mr. Xu, I'm worried that you will fall." Bai Yutong explained.

"Oh, thank you for your kindness, but I can stand." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

It seemed he had misunderstood.

"But you drank so much wine just now that you can't even walk steadily. Don't worry, I won't look. I'll just stand behind you, right?" The man Bai Yutong was shy, so he came behind the other party, Hands up, always ready.

If one fell into the toilet unsteadily while peeing, wouldn't he blame them later?
Xu Jie was speechless.

This service is also in place, right?
"You'd better go out."

Xu Jie was still uncomfortable.

"President Xu, don't be shy, just treat me as your nurse." Bai Yutong said.

Xu Jie thought to himself: Nursing is not as responsible as you are.

He stopped talking nonsense, turned around and pushed the woman out of the bathroom, and then locked the door from the inside.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

I feel much more comfortable.

Bai Yutong stood outside the bathroom, her ears pressed tightly against the door, listening to the movement inside, it wasn't that she was abnormal, but that she was really worried about what happened to the other party.

Now there are only her and Mr. Xu in the room. If something happens to Mr. Xu, she must be the first to suffer.

But speaking of it, Mr. Xu is really shy, isn't he just holding him to pee?She doesn't care about a woman, why does the other man care so much?

The bathroom door opened, and Xu Jie came out from inside.

"Mr. Xu, you..." Seeing the water on the man's face, Bai Yutong couldn't help but feel his heart tighten. Did he really fall into the toilet?
However, no movement was heard.

Seeing Bai Yutong's expression, Xu Jie knew what the other person was thinking, so he said while arranging his clothes, "Don't worry, I didn't plant it in the toilet, I just washed my face."

Bai Yutong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then stepped forward to hold the man's arm, and said softly, "Mr. Xu, I'll help you undress."

"No need!" Xu Jie raised his hand to avoid the other party's hug.

I just washed my face with cold water, and I feel much more awake.

"Ah?" Bai Yutong was taken aback, looked at the bed, then at the man in front of him, and asked, "You, aren't you sleeping?"

"Yes." Xu Jie replied.

Bai Yutong frowned slightly.

don't sleep?

If she doesn't sleep, why does the overlord force her bow?

and many more!

Now that Mr. Xu is already awake, there is no need to bow hard.

By the way, when the other party sang before, didn't you still hold her hand?This is the best proof of liking her.

Now that you have a good impression, things are much simpler.

The so-called: men chasing women, separate layers of mountains; women chasing men, separate layers of yarn.

The mountain is not easy to move, but the gauze can be opened as soon as it is lifted.

It's time for her to lift the veil.

"Mr. Xu, before I met you, I have always admired you very much, but after I came to the capital and saw you as a real person, for some reason, I felt a feeling of déjà vu in my heart. I don't know if you have... ..."

Bai Yutong was full of affection, and directly launched an offensive.

She felt that as long as she was a man, she should understand the meaning of what she said. It was already very obvious. If she said it more directly, she would be a female hooligan.


Xu Jie had goosebumps all over the ground, so he interrupted the other party before he finished speaking.

To say this kind of dialogue to him?
I don't even think about what he does.

Gold medal screenwriter!

Love short plays, love movies, love TV dramas, he has written all of them, can you come up with something new?So disingenuous.


Bai Yutong stopped and looked at the man puzzled.

Does the other party like to be more direct?

Thinking of this, she came to the man and hugged him tightly by the waist.

"Mr. Xu, I..."

"Okay, stop acting." Xu Jie not only interrupted the other party this time, but also pushed the other party's hand away, looked at the woman with a cold face and said: "This is not the stage of "Crossover Actor", don't Act like this."

Bai Yutong's whole body was shocked, and she was a little at a loss, but she still squeezed out a smile, pretending to be puzzled and asked: "Mr. Xu, you, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Don't understand? Why, do you have the guts to do it, but don't you have the guts to admit it?" Xu Jie narrowed his eyes, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through people.

Bai Yutong unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then secretly looked at the man. The moment she met the man's gaze, she not only felt stripped naked, but also knew that the man was not drunk, because drunk people It is impossible to have such sharp eyes.


Could it be that the other party was pretending before?
Drunk is pretending, sleep is also pretending?

No, no way, the other party drank six or seven glasses of white wine.

Mr. Sun is so good at drinking, after drinking five cups, isn't he also walking unsteadily?

"I know the purpose of your inviting me to dinner, but I didn't expect that you were going to get me drunk and then have raw rice and cooked rice, really awesome!" Xu Jie directly gave the other party a thumbs up.

In his life, he had only heard of a man getting a woman drunk and cooking it with raw rice. This was the first time he heard of a woman getting a man drunk and having a drink of raw rice. The key is that this incident happened in his body.

Are all the female artists in the entertainment industry so unscrupulous now for resources?

It's too curly!

Like the few female artists he met before, at most they just eat and drink with them and give hints, they didn't force them.

Today is considered a long experience.

Bai Yutong couldn't help but blush when she saw that the plan was exposed, no matter how thick-skinned she was and how strong her psychological quality was, she couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed at this moment.

It turned out that the other party already knew their purpose!
Thinking of the performance at the dinner table before, Bai Yutong felt a little ashamed.

So embarrassing.

"Mr. Xu, in fact, I just want to have more performance opportunities on the stage of "Crossover Actors." Bai Yutong explained with her head down, not daring to look directly at the other party anymore.

As for seduction...

Forget it!

Just one look from the other party made her tremble all over, how dare she act rashly?

"Everyone wants opportunities, but opportunities need to be won by oneself." Xu Jie said.

"Didn't I fight for it just now?" Bai Yutong said in a low voice.

Although she has not been in the entertainment industry for a long time, she has understood one thing early on. The best way for a female artist to make a name is to rely on her body to win opportunities, otherwise the road will be very difficult, unless the talent is different. talent, or favored by capital.

Anyway, most of the people around her were like this.

Like Liu Tianze and Zhou Yapeng at the dinner table just now, they are men, but they are no exception.

"You should use this aggressiveness on the stage, not on me. Don't even think about it. The audience's eyes are so poisonous now. Can't they see whether your performance is good or bad? ? If you don’t perform well, I let you advance, the shady voices will be overwhelming, and this matter will become your black spot, and if you perform well, I will eliminate you, and the audience will definitely feel for you It's a pity, maybe I will gain a group of fans because of it..."

Xu Jie didn't tear himself apart, it was a cooperative relationship after all, and he didn't want to make the relationship between the two parties too rigid, so he directly started the reasoning mode.

"That's what I said, but if you are eliminated in the first round, even if you gain fans, it is still very rare. Moreover, if Mr. Xu, you can tell me the content of the performance in advance and give me more time to prepare, I will definitely perform. It will be better and gain more fans." Bai Yutong said.

"You think so, and other artists who participated in "Crossover Actors" also think so. I might as well tell you the truth, the artists who participated in the fourth season all want to ask me out for dinner, and they all want to reach an unusual friendship with me. , in such a situation, if it were you, what should you do?" Xu Jie asked back.


Bai Yutong thought about it for a while, but it was really not a good choice.

"How is it, is it difficult to choose?" Xu Jie asked.

Bai Yutong didn't want to admit it, but finally nodded.

"If I help you, other artists will definitely feel uncomfortable, and if I help other artists, you will definitely feel uncomfortable, so in this case, all I can do is level a bowl of water and give A fair and just competitive environment for all of you, without shady scenes or internal appointments, is the greatest help to you." Xu Jie said earnestly.

Bai Yutong stared at the man in front of her in a daze, her heart was touched.

Variety shows, especially competitive variety shows, more or less have some inside stories, and some even act directly according to the script, there is no fairness at all.

In fact, she is not afraid of a fair and just competition, what she is afraid of is that someone will destroy a fair and just environment. In this way, if she is good at everything, wouldn't she be at a disadvantage?

She has suffered such a loss before, the so-called gaining wisdom through a fall, so she came up with the idea of ​​cooking raw rice into mature rice.

When shady scenes are everywhere, even the most basic fairness and justice will become a luxury.

So what Mr. Xu said just now definitely touched her heart.

Who doesn't want to get a fair and just treatment?
If "Crossover Actor" really has no shady scenes and no related parties, then... just compare, who is afraid of whom?

"Mr. Xu, if what you said is true, then I apologize to you for what happened just now." After Bai Yutong finished speaking, he bowed deeply. Meaning of repentance.

"You don't need to apologize, because not only you think so, other contestants also think so, and even everyone thinks so when they encounter similar problems, so this is not your problem, but I am very sorry for your current attitude. I hope you can devote all your energy to the performance after you go back, so that the audience can see your hard work, your strength, and your dedication..." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Bai Yutong's heart was filled with warmth for a moment, and the man's teachings nourished her heart like spring wind and rain, just like a lost person finally found his way home.

At this moment, she saw the light in the other party.

"Mr. Xu, thank you. I'll go back and prepare right now. I won't let you down." Bai Yutong said solemnly, and then walked out of the room by herself.

"Slow down, goodbye!"

Xu Jie sent people out, until he saw Bai Yutong walk into the elevator, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, he hurried to the safe passage beside him, and walked down the stairs.

Can't stay here.

If he stayed any longer, he was worried that the other party would be instigated by Sun Hao again, and if he fudged him again, it would not be as effective as before.



Bai Yutong knocked on the door.

After a long time, the door opened.

"Yu, Yutong?" Sun Hao who opened the door looked at the people outside in surprise, and asked stammeringly, "You, why did you come down? Where's Mr. Xu?"

"Boss Xu is still upstairs." Bai Yutong replied.

"It's over?" Sun Hao hurriedly pulled him into the room, and quickly looked him up and down.

Is this too fast?

The problem is that even if it's over, shouldn't they stay there overnight and let Mr. Xu see it with his own eyes tomorrow morning?Otherwise, what should I do if I put on my pants and refuse to admit it?
"Mr. Sun, Mr. Xu and I didn't do anything." Bai Yutong confessed.

"Ah? Why? Could it be that crooked?" Sun Hao asked suspiciously.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, but she didn't expect Mr. Xu to be such a person, and when she thought of Su Yun marrying such a person, she secretly felt a pity that a generation of national goddesses was so blind in vain.

"No." Bai Yutong shook his head and explained: "I had already helped Mr. Xu take off his clothes, but he was suddenly woken up by urinating. After he finished going to the bathroom, he woke up. I don't think the original plan will work. , I confessed to him directly, and in the end he not only expressed my thoughts, but also guessed our intentions."

Sun Hao's whole body was shocked, and his dizzy head was completely awake.

It's not troublesome to be guessed, the trouble is to be exposed face to face.

She has invited countless big bosses before, don't those people know?
Also know.

But everyone did not expose it, but chose to acquiesce in this behavior, first received the favor, and then returned the favor later, isn't that how resources are obtained?
But once this meaning is exposed, it is tantamount to tearing up the face in a different direction. Not only will resources be denied, but even cooperation will be cast a shadow.

"Mr. Xu is angry?" Sun Hao asked nervously, with his heart in his throat.

She really didn't expect that all the female celebrities had already entered the room and flung themselves into their arms, yet there were still men who could sit still and keep calm. How firm his will was, Fa Hai was not so calm.

"Mr. Xu was not angry, and he told me a lot. He said that all the contestants in "Crossover Actor" wanted to invite him to dinner, and he reassured me that he would remain neutral and create a fair and just environment for all contestants." Let me go back and prepare well, looking forward to my performance on the stage..."

Bai Yutong told Mr. Sun exactly what Xu Jie said to her just now.

After Sun Hao heard it, he suddenly became angry, "Yutong, Yutong, you can do these things? You have been in the entertainment industry for so many years, why are you so naive? They just said that they refused. It's just a little prettier, why are you... oh!"

In the end, Sun Hao was speechless, and could only sigh deeply, lamenting that such a good opportunity is gone, what a pity.

Bai Yutong blinked, and asked hesitantly: "No, can't you? I think Mr. Xu was very serious and sincere when he said it, and he doesn't seem to be lying to me."

Sun Hao just rolled his eyes, he didn't know what kind of ecstasy drug Xu Jie gave Yutong, she is usually quite shrewd, how could she become so naive?
As expected of a gold medal screenwriter, he is really good at fooling people, just like Mr. Zhao, he can fool people into limping with just opening his mouth.

"Mr. Sun, why don't I go up again?" Bai Yutong asked, she believed Mr. Xu's words, but Mr. Sun's words made her feel a little uncertain.

"never mind!"

Sun Hao shook his head.

They have already limped people, can they still stay where they are?
Now I can only hope that what Mr. Xu said is the truth.


(End of this chapter)

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