The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1058 Are you polite?

For Xu Jie, the busiest time of the year is not during Chinese New Year, nor during film and television crews, but the eve of recording variety shows.

Because during this period of time, he had to prepare for the show and was busy responding to various invitations.

Especially this year.

The fifteen invited artists are all related households. Apart from the entertainment company and the TV station as their backers, it is not good to not go to anyone. In order to maintain this relationship, they can only choose to go passively.

He went at noon and at night, and he refused all visitors.

He also has principles.

Eat as much as you want, drink as much as you want, listen to music, and take care of girls, but there is only one principle that cannot be broken, that is, you must guard your body like a jade, and resolutely never give female artists the opportunity to take advantage of him.

It cannot be said that a man can take advantage of a woman, and a woman can take advantage of a man.

Especially a man like him who is powerful, young, handsome and rich, is the target of female artists who are eager to seduce and devote themselves to it.

If he can't hold himself well, he will be hated forever if he stumbles.

What is there to say?

no Zuo no Die!
No way, who told him to only work in the capital now?

If you want to expand your influence, you can only make friends with influential people in other places, and form a community of interests through resource exchange to maximize your influence.


This is the time Xu Jie looks forward to most every day, because he can go home to accompany his wife after get off work, but now he is very resistant, because he has to go to the dinner party after get off work.

He finally understood why Boss Jiang's belly was getting bigger and bigger.

In the past, Boss Jiang went to the dinner for him, but now that Boss Jiang left, he became the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and there was no one who blocked the dinner for him, so he had to go by himself.

It seems that no matter how high your status is, there are times when you can't help yourself.

This is the so-called: I saw thieves eating meat, but I didn't see thieves being beaten.

If you don’t reach that level, you will never understand things at that level.

"Ring bell bell!"

A mobile phone rang, and Xu Jie, who was directing the stage, frowned.

But he frowned not because his work was interrupted, but because he knew that someone had asked him to dinner again.

In fact, asking him to dinner is nothing in itself, the problem is that he already has an appointment tonight, and he is also the deputy editor-in-chief of Shanghai TV, so it is an appointment that cannot be avoided.

If you wait to tell the truth on the phone, the person who asked him will definitely feel uncomfortable, and maybe he will go back to recruit soldiers, and also call in big shots like the deputy editor-in-chief and deputy director of his own TV station to help out, but if you just ask him Let's have a reason, people are not stupid, and they will definitely not believe it easily, maybe the car has already parked outside the TV station.

Oh, it's hard!

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the caller ID.

Fortunately, it was Hu Zhen.

"Old Hu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked while answering the phone.

"President Xu, do you have time later? How about eating together?" Hu Zhen asked.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, thinking that the other party had something to do, but he was also invited to dinner.

"Old Hu, don't you have a home? Wouldn't it be nice to have dinner with your wife and children when you come home from get off work? What kind of meal can you ask me for?" Xu Jie said angrily.

He wanted to go home to accompany his wife but not to go back, but the other party was able to go home to accompany his wife and not to go back, isn't it annoying?
"Mr. Xu, you can't say that. My wife and children can accompany me whenever I want, but I can't eat with you whenever I want. Besides, if I don't eat with you, it will be too late." Hu Zhen said.

"It's too late? Why, are you catching a plane tonight? I'm busy with something. We'll talk about dinner later. Why are you being polite to me?" Xu Jie said.

The two have also been friends for several years, and they usually communicate a lot, so there is no need to get together before leaving, and it's not like they won't come back for a long time, as for it?

Wait, aren't you really planning to not come back for a long time?
"Old Hu, tell me the truth, do you feel that you have earned enough money and are going to run to the other side and never come back?" Xu Jie couldn't help asking.

"Mr. Xu, look at what you said, am I that kind of person? Besides, who would think too much money?" After Hu Zhen clarified, he continued: "Since you said don't be polite to you, then I will I'm not being polite to you, Mr. Xu, I heard that recently, many contestants in the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" invited you to dinner? Even the bosses behind them are dispatched?"

"Oh? The news is quite well-informed." Xu Jie said with a smile.

At this moment, I also understood why Hu Zhen invited him to dinner.

This is nervous, anxious, afraid that the artists of my company will be the first to be eliminated.

The other party is a person who has enjoyed the bonus of "Crossover Actor". Many singers under him have successfully transformed into actors because of participating in "Crossover Actor". How could they easily give up the opportunity of the fourth season?

What are resources?
Resources are money!
"The bosses of entertainment companies with TV backgrounds from all over the country gathered in the capital. Is it a small matter? I feel like I knew it too late. Mr. Xu, tell me, do you want to eat tonight?" Hu Zhen asked.

Although his company doesn't have a TV station as a backer, he has signed a lot of celebrity artists. At worst, he can find a few more female artists to participate in the dinner. Anyway, the other party is now the sweet spot in the hearts of female stars, and it's too late to compete.

"Eat, of course, but not with you." Xu Jie said.

"Huh? Mr. Xu, someone will invite you tonight again?" Hu Zhen was about to cry.

Knowing that the other party is very popular now, but still stuck in the evening to treat him to dinner, isn't this making things difficult for himself?

"You're right." Xu Jie didn't deny it.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, even if he finds a reason to evade it, the other party may know it from other people, why bother?

"Mr. Xu..." Hu Zhen's voice was weak, and he felt that the fourth season would be a season of failure.

"Old Hu, we have worked together for so many years, don't you know who I am? When have I made you suffer? Just put your heart in your stomach." Xu Jie comforted with a smile.

When Hu Zhen heard this, he was shocked immediately, and asked excitedly: "Really? What you said is true? Then I will hand over the artist to you."

Xu Jie originally wanted to say that there was no problem, but felt that something was wrong. The other party seemed to have misunderstood him.

What he wants to say is: With me here, I guarantee that your artists will be treated fairly and justly, and there will be no shady scenes.

But the other party seems to understand that he will take care of the other party's artist during the competition.

"Mr. Xu, I knew you would definitely help me. Don't worry. If you need someone in the future, I promise to give it to whomever you want. If you hesitate, I will be hit by a car when I go out..." Hu Zhen was so happy that he swore directly.

Xu Jie originally wanted to explain clearly to the other party to avoid misunderstandings, but seeing the other party's joy, he didn't want to explain anymore.

Forget it, misunderstanding is misunderstanding.

The other party is happy, and saves the time of making appointments, isn't that great?

If he explained it according to the original intention, the other party would definitely not be reconciled, and would definitely continue to invite him in the future.

"Who we are with whom, can you rest assured now?" Xu Jie asked.

"Don't worry, don't worry! Mr. Xu, then I won't disturb your work. I'll see you in a few days." Hu Zhen also knew that the other party was busy, so he quickly hung up the phone after achieving his goal.

Xu Jie looked at the phone, smiled wryly and shook his head.

Since when did you feel relieved if you don’t ask acquaintances for help?

Not long after, it was time to get off work.

Xu Jie didn't stay in the studio too much today, and left the TV station after get off work with others.

He's going to meet the deputy editor-in-chief of Shanghai TV in a while. Although it's a private dinner, he still needs to dress a little more formally. Now that he's wearing some dust from working, if he goes like this, It will inevitably give people a feeling of not paying attention.


Xu Jie drove into the gate of the community, and saw a strange car with a license plate from another city far away from his door.

Is someone at home?
He parked the car next to him and walked towards the door.

No need to guess, it must be my wife's friend.

Since he came to Jingshi Culture, Su Yun has more and more friends in the circle.

Xu Jie took out the key from his pocket, and when he was about to open the door, the door opened from the inside with a "click".

"Husband, you are back!"

Su Yun rushed to speak in front of Xu Jie, and then kept looking into the room, as if she had something to say.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he saw it, but years of tacit understanding soon made him understand what his wife meant.

The one inside is uninvited, and the relationship is very ordinary.

After people with good relationships like Liu Qing, Liu Jiaman, and Ding Mengni came, my wife would definitely not be in such a hurry to open the door as she is today, and she would keep winking.

Xu Jie nodded calmly to express his understanding, then changed his shoes and walked inside.

When he came to the living room, he saw three people sitting here, and when they saw him, they all stood up.

"Mr. Zhang, why are you here?" Xu Jie looked surprised on the surface, but kept rolling his eyes in his heart.

It's just that he didn't promise the other party to eat together, and he agreed to eat in a few days, so why did he find his family?

The middle-aged man standing at the front is Zhang Zhicheng, the general manager of Weilan Culture Media Company. Behind him are artists Song Xiaotong and Xu Hui, who are also singers who participated in the fourth season of "Crossover Actor".

Behind Weilan Media is Zhejiang Hangzhou TV Station.

"Mr. Xu, I'm here to deliver the script to Su Yun. We, Weilan Media, are planning to invest in a TV series, and we want to ask Su Yun to be the lead actress." Zhang Zhicheng explained.

In fact, this reason is just a shield, the person he really wants to find is the one who just came back, Xu Jie.

There was no way, the other party was too busy, and there was no time to make an appointment. Seeing that the recording of "Crossover Actor" would start in a few days, I could only come up with this trick.

Of course, it would be even better if Su Yun could agree to act in this leading female lead TV series, after all, she is currently the hottest actress.

"Oh?" Xu Jie turned his head to look at Su Yun. Seeing that the other party did not agree or explain, he immediately understood that Zhang Zhicheng's statement was not reliable, so he stepped forward to hold the other party's hand politely, and said: " You guys talk, I'm going to change clothes, and I have to go out later."

Zhang Zhicheng was stunned, and he was a little confused.

He has already come to the door, how can the other party have the nerve to leave?
This, isn't this a bit impolite?

But Xu Jie was thinking: If you have something to discuss at the company, or at the dinner table, come home, are you polite?

Zhang Zhicheng was a little embarrassed, neither to leave nor to stay.

Su Yun smoothed things over at this time, "Mr. Zhang, my husband has something to do at night, so he's in a hurry. Don't mind."

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhang Zhicheng forced a laugh and shook his head, expressing that he didn't mind.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Mr. Xu has already greeted him and finished shaking hands. Could it be that you have to stay at home and chat with them if you have something urgent to do?
Isn't that nothing serious?

And today's matter, he was reckless in the first place, how could he ask the other party to stay with him?Isn't this more wrong than wrong?

Soon, Xu Jie changed his clothes and came downstairs.

"Mr. Zhang, I have an appointment with someone tonight. I'm really sorry. Let's talk again when we have time." Xu Jie said apologetically.

When Zhang Zhicheng heard it, he felt a little embarrassed, but if he just let the other party go, wouldn't today be in vain?

"Mr. Xu, can I delay you for a few minutes?" Zhang Zhicheng stopped pretending, and if he pretended again, it would be nothing but a bamboo basket.

"Oh? Mr. Zhang has something to do with me?" Xu Jie looked at the other party pretending to be puzzled, pretending to be confused with understanding.

"Hey, I wanted to find a time to chat with Mr. Xu slowly, but since I met you today, let me tell you directly. I know you are very busy recently, so I dare not delay your time for too long. In fact, it's okay. The big thing is about "Crossover Actor", as you know, Song Xiaotong and Xu Hui are both contestants for this season, so please take care of Mr. Xu during the filming of the show in the future."

Zhang Zhicheng put his posture very low.

Although both of them are the general manager of the TV station's company, they are equal in theory, but who has better resources in the hands of the other?

It may not be possible to bow your head, but it's okay to say a few words for the artists under your banner.

"Just this matter?" Xu Jie asked, thinking: finally willing to speak.

"En." Zhang Zhicheng nodded.

"Mr. Zhang, you called me to ask me out, isn't it because of this?" Xu Jie asked again.

"That's right." Zhang Zhicheng nodded again.

"Oh, why do you need Mr. Zhang to open your mouth for such a trivial matter? Even if you don't say it, I know it." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Zhang Zhicheng was stunned.

So happy to agree?

He always thought that the other party didn't make an appointment because he didn't want to help him, but he was too embarrassed to say it face to face, so he used the reason of "something" to decline.

However, looking at the other party's attitude now, it is obvious that he is judging the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

The other party really has no time.

"Xu, Mr. Xu, is it really possible?" Zhang Zhicheng was a little uncertain, and even wondered if he had heard it wrong.

"Of course I can. Although I have returned to the capital now, I have never forgotten Mr. Zhang's warm hospitality when I was in Zhehang. If such a small matter can't be done, how can I have the nerve to go to Zhehang in the future? Mr. Zhang, what do you say?" Isn't it?" Xu Jie said seriously.

"Well, yes, yes..." Zhang Zhicheng followed the other party's words, but immediately realized something was wrong after he finished speaking, and quickly changed his words: "No, no, no matter whether it is done or not, as long as Mr. Xu goes to Zhejiang and Hangzhou, I will entertain warmly, the program is the program, we are us, we cannot destroy our relationship because of one program."

Zhang Zhicheng showed great generosity, since the other party is so generous, he can't be stingy, can he?

"Haha, last time I saw that Zhang is always a righteous person. If I don't have time, I will treat him well... Well, I will invite Mr. Zhang the day after tomorrow." Xu Jie said.

"No, no, Mr. Xu, you are so busy. If you have time to rest, we will have a long time to come. After you have been busy for a while, it will not be too late for us to get together again." Zhang Zhicheng said hastily.

Since the other party has agreed to help, then there is no rush to eat this meal.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Xu Jie shook hands with Zhang Zhicheng again.

"Boss Xu, you are busy!"

Zhang Zhicheng sent the person out of the house directly, thinking: Mr. Xu, that's interesting.


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