The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1059 Greatly Inspired

Chapter 1059 Greatly Inspired
Xu Jie drove to the location of the dinner, and just parked the car when the cell phone rang.

He thought that the people from Shanghai and Shanghai were waiting in a hurry, but he took out his mobile phone and found out that it was his wife.

"Honey, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked while unbuttoning his seat belt.

"Honey, Zhang Zhicheng and the others are leaving." Su Yun said.

"Huh? So fast?" Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, then turned his head to look at the time displayed on the central control screen. It was only ten minutes before he left home.

Could it be that it was really just a script?Don't even talk about the plot, how much the film is paid, who is the starring director?

Xu Jie couldn't help but began to wonder whether Zhang Zhicheng came to talk about the script, or he was looking for him to talk about the script. It was so fast that one could doubt the real intention of the other party.

If he is talking about the script with the actor he wants to invite, start at least two hours, and he will not stop if the other party does not agree.

"I think he came to our house just to invite me to act. His real purpose is you. You don't know. When you didn't come back, Zhang Zhicheng and the three of them were all absent-minded. After you promised to help them, you will be happy." I can't even sit on my butt, it looks like I can't wait to find a place to celebrate right away." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Strange, how did he know about our family?" Xu Jie was puzzled.

"What's so strange about this is that Mr. Zhang is also one of the most important bosses in the industry. So many artists know where our house is, so he can find out just by asking anyone." Su Yun explained.

Xu Jie thought about it, and he was right.

He is not afraid of Zhang Zhicheng, but the artists in the circle are afraid.

The other party is not only in charge of most of the entertainment resources of Huxiang TV, but also the behind-the-scenes behind the well-known stars in the entertainment circle.

"By the way, husband, didn't you tell me that you would not help any artist in "Crossover Actors"? Why did you change your mind now?" Su Yun asked suspiciously.

She was curious just now, but since Zhang Zhicheng was here, she didn't have the nerve to ask. Now that Zhang Zhicheng is gone, she finally couldn't help making the call.

She also thought about it.

At first, I thought it must be that my husband was worried about the Huxiang TV station behind Zhang Zhicheng, but after thinking about it, I felt that it was impossible. On the one hand, my husband is from the Beijing TV station, not only from the same unit, but also not from the same circle. On the one hand, if the husband really has scruples, he has already agreed to a meal appointment, and he will not keep refusing it, causing the other party to come to the door.

"I haven't changed my mind. I will create a fair and just environment for their artists. This is the greatest help to them. Am I wrong?" Xu Jie asked.

After Su Yun finished listening, she was immediately stunned.

Can you explain that?

The problem is, if her husband explained it to her, she could listen to it. If her husband explained it to Zhang Zhicheng and the others, would those people listen?

"Honey, you, aren't you lying?" Su Yun said with a wry smile.

This is a big joke!

Who is Zhang Zhicheng?The general manager of Weilan Culture Media Company is also the number one person in the entire entertainment industry. If he is deceived like this, can he not be angry?
"Who lied? I didn't. He only said to help, but didn't say how to help, such as ensuring that the artist advances to the top nine and six." Xu Jie said.

"Don't you know that?" Su Yun felt that her husband played a little too much this time, after all, Zhang Zhicheng was different from the general entertainment company boss.

"I don't know. This is just my personal guess. It doesn't mean I know what Zhang Zhicheng is thinking. I'm not the roundworm in his stomach." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Su Yun frowned slightly when she heard this. Based on her understanding of her husband, such an explanation was not the style of the other party.

How could my husband, who is so well-rounded, use such a low-level explanation to explain to Zhang Zhi?
If you explain this to Zhang Zhicheng after Song Xiaotong and Xu Hui are eliminated, won't Zhang Zhicheng be so angry?
How will you cooperate with Huxiang TV in the future?

Are Hu Xuan, Chen Siyan, and Ding Mengni still on Huxiang TV?
Such an absurd explanation runs counter to my husband's recent operation of exchanging resources.

This is not exchanging resources, this is soliciting hatred.

"Honey, I don't want to know what's going on in Zhang Zhicheng's heart, I just want to know what's going on in your heart." Su Yun said.

This explanation certainly doesn't work.

"Why, do you think this explanation is not enough?" Xu Jie asked.

"Of course not, you are not explaining at all, you are irritating." Su Yun said after hearing this.

"As expected of my wife, she's smart. I really didn't intend to explain it that way, but it's true not to help." Xu Jie said.

He will definitely not help anyone, because helping one person is tantamount to offending everyone else. How could he do such a small thing?
"Husband, don't be foolish, okay?" Su Yun knew that her husband must have a better plan in mind.

"Honey, I said I was fooling Zhang Zhicheng, do you believe it? In the past few days, all the artists and people behind the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" have invited me to dinner. Their purpose is also very unified. I hope my artists can go further, but the competition adopts an elimination system, I can't agree to any of them, doing so not only violates the principle of fairness and justice, but also offends several other parties..."

Su Yun nodded while listening.

Recently, she saw her husband go out to socialize after get off work every day. Apart from feeling sorry for him, she felt more anxious about him.

It is too difficult to choose to eliminate the artist without offending the various forces behind the artist.

"I was thinking, since I can't offend the major TV stations, I should agree to their request. In this way, they will be happy and I don't have to go out to socialize. Isn't that great?" Xu Jie felt that he was very smart, so good All the solutions were thought of by him.

"Okay? What's good? What will you do when the elimination starts?" Su Yun asked.

"I will make this year's judges stricter, especially in the first round, they must be ruthless in their comments. In this way, even if the people behind the eliminated artists come to me, I can still say: It's not my brother, I won't help , your artist’s performance is really bad, and I have no choice but to keep the one with the better acting skills to advance... What do you think of this explanation?" Xu Jie asked.

Su Yun was startled.

This explanation sounds like...

is acceptable!
At least it is better than "guaranteeing fairness and justice is the greatest help".

This is tantamount to transferring the problem to the artist, and the artist's problem is the problem of each party, and has nothing to do with the husband.

You can't let the worst performers advance to the next round, and let the best performers be eliminated, right?
If you don't talk about others, the audience will not agree.

Going around, it seems to be back to "fairness" and "justice".

Because only by being fair and just, the ones who are eliminated will be the worst. Later, when facing the bosses of major companies, they will have the confidence to say: It’s not that I don’t help, it’s that your artists are performing too badly...

Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief for her husband.

I didn't expect such a difficult problem to be solved by my husband so easily, what a genius.

He really didn't see the wrong person.

"Honey, are you going to say that later?" Su Yun asked.

"Yes." Xu Jie replied.

He also came up with this idea when he was talking to Hu Zhen.

Didn't Hu Zhen misunderstand what he meant?Then let everyone misunderstand what he meant.

Anyway, just give an explanation that everyone can accept.

Misunderstanding itself is not terrible, what is afraid of is not being able to explain.

Some explanations will make the misunderstanding deeper and deeper, while some explanations will turn the misunderstanding into understanding.

This is the art of interpretation.

Coincidentally, he is very reasonable.

"Whatever you say to everyone, you won't be afraid of being discovered by them?" Su Yun expressed her concerns.

"It's not something glorious. It's too late for them to keep it secret. Why would they spread the word? Isn't it really a sand sculpture?" Xu Jie was not worried.

Such an agreement itself is shady, who would show off such a thing?

Once it really gets out, his big deal is still the same sentence, "Ensuring fairness and justice in the competition is the greatest help", not only can the dumb people who are dumb and hard to tell, but also can ensure that he is positive in the hearts of the audience. image, but the exposed artists will be miserable, and they will inevitably be resisted by the audience of the show. Not only do they not want to be promoted, they even don't want to enter the film and television industry.

"Well, no matter what, I will support you, remember not to drink too much." Su Yun asked with concern.

"Don't worry, by the way, call me in an hour for any reason, so I can take the opportunity to leave." Xu Jie said.

"Ah? Is it okay? Is one hour too short?" Su Yun asked.

For a meal, especially a meal with wine, usually two hours is the starting point, and three or four hours is normal.

"If I don't let go, they will naturally not let me go. I have already promised to help them, so what reason do they have to keep me?" Xu Jie said confidently.

If it wasn't for him to help, who would travel all the way to invite him to dinner?Wouldn't it be nice to experience the nightlife in Beijing?

"ok, I get it."

After talking on the phone, Xu Jie put the phone in his pocket, looked in the mirror, opened the car door, and walked out.

Entering the hall, someone greeted him immediately.

"Mr. Xu, hello!"

Seeing the person coming, Xu Jie showed a smile on his face, stretched out his hand, and said, "Mr. Chen, hello, welcome to the capital."

Chen Liangwei, general manager of Oriental Media.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for coming tonight." Chen Liangwei held each other's hand tightly, his hands shaking with joy.

People in the circle, who doesn't know that the other party is a busy person?It is not an easy task to make an appointment with each other.

"Mr. Chen, are you mocking me? Could it be that you are coming to the capital and I didn't take the initiative to entertain you, so you feel uncomfortable?" Xu Jie asked.

"No, absolutely not. God can testify." Chen Liangwei said seriously.

"Mr. Chen, just kidding, in fact, I really want to treat you well, but I've been too busy recently. When I turn back and pass this time, I will definitely accompany you around to see the scenery of the capital and understand Let's take a look at the customs of the capital." Xu Jie said seriously.

Chen Liangwei didn't expect the other party to be so enthusiastic, and even felt a little embarrassed to go to the capital to make trouble for the other party.

"Mr. Xu, your words are enough. Please go upstairs." Chen Liangwei pointed in the direction of the elevator, not daring to waste too much time here, because Gao Cheng, the deputy editor-in-chief, was still waiting upstairs.

The two chatted while walking, and soon came to the private room.

After Xu Jie entered, he took a quick glance. There were as many as six people in the room. They were Gao Cheng, the deputy editor-in-chief of Shanghai TV Station, singer Tian Rongrong, singer Gao Jinfeng, and singer Hu Yunxi, and two women who looked familiar. I don't know who it is, but none of them are singers who participated in "Crossover Actor".

"Editor Gao, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came to the capital, so that I could pick you up at the airport." Xu Jie showed the enthusiasm of the host, and held the other party's hand without letting go. like a friend.

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. I came to the capital this time for a meeting. I have a car to pick me up and send me off, and I will stay here for a short time. I will return to Shanghai tomorrow. I just heard that Xiao Chen wants to invite you to dinner, so I came here with you, Mr. Xu, you don't think I'm a joiner in the fun, do you?" Gao Cheng asked with a half-smile.

"No way, if you don't come tonight, I have to invite you." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Haha." Gao Cheng laughed heartily, then pointed to the seat beside him, "Come on, Mr. Xu, please sit down."

"Editor Gao is also sitting."

Xu Jie stretched out his hand, made a gesture of invitation, and waited for the other party to sit down before sitting down himself.

After greeting Gao Cheng, he turned his attention to the three singers who participated in "Crossover Actors".

"Rongrong, Jinfeng, Yunxi, you are here too, how are your preparations going, have you learned acting recently?"

Xu Jie knew the purpose of tonight's dinner, so he chose to take the initiative instead of passively accepting it.

"I have been studying with the acting teacher recently, and I have made a little progress. I will ask Mr. Xu to guide me more in the future." Tian Rongrong smiled sweetly.

"Mr. Xu, since I knew I was going to participate in "Crossover Actor", I have been studying acting. Please Mr. Xu to watch my performance on stage!" Gao Jinfeng said confidently.

"I can't wait to be on the stage of "Crossover Actor"." Hu Yunxi also expressed his opinion.

"Well, since you are confident, I can rest assured." After Xu Jie finished speaking to the three singers, he turned to look at Chen Liangwei who was opposite him, "Mr. Chen, you can leave the matter of the three of them to me at ease." , I will definitely take good care of them."

Chen Liangwei's eyes lit up when he heard this, he didn't expect that the goal had already been achieved before the dinner started, it was really surprising.

Tian Rongrong and the others were even more happy in their hearts. They were able to get the care of the chief director of "Crossover Actors", and it would be difficult for them to be eliminated.

"Mr. Xu, I invite you here tonight. The main reason is that you left in Shanghai last time in a hurry. We didn't even have a decent meal. This time it's a remedy. We only talk about private affairs, not business affairs... "Chen Liangwei said.

The other party has already finished what he wanted to ask, so why are you still talking about business?

Gao Cheng came here tonight to help Chen Liangwei, but ended up helping a lonely person.

He looked at the fast-talking Xu Jie, and he knew it would be like this, so he wouldn't come tonight.

But this young man is worth paying for!

(End of this chapter)

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