Chapter 1060
After more than half a month of careful preparation, the recording of the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" finally started.

The first program will be recorded at 01:30 in the afternoon, and Xu Jie came to the Grand Theater of Beijing TV Station early in the morning, and rehearsed and adjusted the equipment repeatedly with the work team to avoid delays due to staff mistakes during the official recording.

In fact, as a variety show that has been aired for three seasons, the whole process from preparation to production has been very smooth.

It's just that there are more newcomers used this time, and even the work and teaching will be different from the past, so it's better to do the work more carefully.

After all, these people will be the backbone of JingTV Culture's production of variety shows in the future. Whether they can shoulder the company's revenue from variety shows in the future depends on the performance of these people.

"Hey Hey hey?"

In the studio, Xu Jie tried the microphone in his hand, and then said to all the staff: "There are still two hours before the recording, and everyone will solve it at their own posts after lunch. Today is "Crossover The first issue of the fourth season of "Actor", we have been preparing for this day for a long time, I hope everyone will not relax..."

Although it was a recording, not a live broadcast, Xu Jie didn't dare to be careless.

A good start is very important to him, to the staff, to the artists, and to the entire show.

This is not a superstition, but many things are really like this. If things don’t go well at the beginning, drinking cold water may clog your teeth later on.

Isn't there such a sentence?A good beginning is half the battle.

"Mr. Xu!"

Just when Xu Jie was about to pick up the work meal, a voice came from behind him. When he followed the voice, he found that the singer Tian Rongrong had arrived, followed by a young girl with a bag. It's the other side's assistant.

In order to avoid confusion at the recording site and to avoid affecting the normal recording of the program, Xu Jie added a rule to each artist participating in "Crossover Actor".

During the recording of the show, only one staff member is allowed to accompany, it can be a manager or an assistant, it depends on how the artist chooses.

As an idol singer, today's Tian Rongrong is still dressed brilliantly. She wears a low-necked close-fitting shirt on her upper body, showing her proud side generously, and her lower body is wearing black tight leather pants. With the boots, not only did he grow ten centimeters taller, but his aura also expanded by at least 1.5 meters.

"Tian Rongrong, it's so early, you are the first one here." Xu Jie turned around, looked at the other party with a smile and said.

He still welcomes "sensible" artists.

"Today is the first episode of the program. I thought about coming early to prepare and bring an amazing appearance to the audience." Tian Rongrong replied after hearing it.

Of course, this is just one of the reasons.

In fact, she has another more important reason, which is to leave a good impression on Mr. Xu.

It is said that the three singers who were eliminated in the first round of the third season were eliminated because they were late for the meeting. She is still counting on the transformation through the program "Crossover Actor", but she dare not offend Mr. Xu.

In other words, Mr. Xu, if you were the variety show director of another TV station, not to mention being two hours early, it would be a shame if you were not two hours late.

In the entertainment industry, there are many artists who make the program crew wait for hours.

"Okay, after hearing what you said, I'm also starting to look forward to your image when you're going to appear on the stage." Xu Jie said with a face full of anticipation.

He also changed from his usual serious appearance, with a little more intimacy.

No way, who made these artists all his related households.

Tian Rongrong's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she said with joy, "Mr. Xu, after I put on my makeup, I'll show you the first one."

In her opinion, being favored by Mr. Xu is more important than being favored by the judges.

"Well, by the way, you came so early, have you eaten? I don't have anything good here, only work meals, would you like some?" Xu Jie pointed to the place where the boxed lunches were distributed.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, I have already eaten just now, you can eat, I will not delay your meal, see you later." Tian Rongrong showed a sweet smile, then waved to Xu Jie, followed the staff to Go to the dressing room.

Xu Jie took a boxed lunch, sat in the background and ate with other staff members.

"Mr. Xu, Tian Rongrong looks very confident. I think I have made a lot of preparations in the past half month." Cheng Yingjie said while eating.

This is naturally a good thing for the show.

Because the artist has confidence, he can bring wonderful performances to the audience. The higher the attention of everyone, the higher the popularity of the show.


Xu Jie responded.

A few days ago, he said at the dinner table that he would take care of him. Could Tian Rongrong have no confidence?

It is estimated that the opponent has already started to dream about the final.

It's like applying for a job. The interviewer says he will take care of you. Do you have confidence?
"For our program, idol singers are more popular than talented singers. Although in terms of singing, idol singers are not as good as powerful singers, but in terms of acting, idol singers have a natural advantage. Do you miss her? Can you not be confident?"

Xu Jie explained it from another angle.

"Crossover Actor" is more about acting than singing.

Although a powerful singer has the ability to sing, no matter how good he is, he is not a powerful actor, and his singing skills are useless on this stage.

But idol singers are different.

The so-called idols are generally very good-looking. On the stage of "Crossover Actors", even if their acting skills are not very good, at least they look pleasing to the audience.

Beauty is justice!


Cheng Yingjie nodded, as if that was indeed the case.

On the stage of "Crossover Actors", when everyone has no acting skills, they can only speak by their appearance.

After all, in the profession of an actor, one can indeed rely on appearance to make a living.

Just when he wanted to gossip with Mr. Xu about who he is most optimistic about winning the championship this year, he saw another artist walk by. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, he hurriedly lowered his head to eat.

"Mr. Xu, good afternoon."

While chewing his food, Xu Jie looked over. It was Song Xiaotong from Azure Media.

"Good noon, have you eaten? Would you like a box, I invite you." Xu Jie asked enthusiastically.

Some staff members who participated in the first three seasons of "Crossover Actor" couldn't help being a little curious, because Mr. Xu didn't look like this when he faced artists before.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, I've eaten." Song Xiaotong said with a smile, feeling happy to receive Mr. Xu's invitation, even if it was just a box lunch.

In fact, the box lunch is nothing, the important thing is the attitude.

Because of Mr. Xu's attitude, he didn't go to Mr. Xu's house in vain some time ago.

Just imagine, if you take care of her when you are eating, can you not take care of her when you are competing?
The first round, sure.

"If you don't want to eat, hurry up and prepare, Tian Rongrong has already arrived." Xu Jie said.

Song Xiaotong was taken aback.

She was more than an hour early, and she thought she would be the first to arrive, but she didn't expect that there would be someone earlier than her, what a hell.

I remember that Tian Rongrong was late for more than half an hour when I participated in a music variety show. What happened this time?Is the sun coming out in the west?

"Mr. Xu, I'm going to prepare now." Song Xiaotong said hastily.

"Well, by the way, before you put on makeup, you'd better go and communicate with Tian Rongrong to see what kind of makeup she's wearing, so you two don't clash with makeup." Xu Jie reminded.

When Song Xiaotong heard it, he immediately said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Xu."

For female artists, makeup collision is a very scary thing, especially when participating in the same show, two people with the same style of makeup standing on the same stage will inevitably be compared by the audience. Becoming the bad one, doesn't the mentality just collapse?
Mr. Xu, this reminder is great!

Song Xiaotong walked to the dressing room, thinking as he walked: Hmph, what's the use of coming early, Mr. Xu stands by my side, I won't be eliminated.

Xu Jie continued to eat.

He didn't intend to help Song Xiaotong, and the reason why he reminded him was also out of consideration for the effect of the program.

Artists with different styles will bring different freshness to the audience. If male and female artists are all the same, the audience will inevitably feel aesthetic fatigue when watching.

Maybe they all want to make a shining appearance in the first episode of the show. When there is still an hour before the recording of the show, all fifteen artists have arrived.

And half of them came with makeup, and even the clothes were already put on.

Xu Jie is still very happy about this, which shows that the artist pays enough attention to the show.

What is the show director most worried about?It's just that the artists don't pay attention to the show.

If the artist is absent-minded and doesn't use his mind on the show, the filming effect will inevitably be unsatisfactory, and it will waste everyone's time.

Time is very important for a show that is filmed and broadcast on the spot.

With the admission of all the audience, the program recording officially entered the countdown.

Fifteen singers have all gathered in the background, eight women and seven men, everyone is dressed in splendid attire, some are dignified, some are playful, some are delicate, some are charming, giving people a feeling that it is difficult to choose, even if They are male singers, and they all wear different styles, some are dignified, some are yuppie. It doesn't feel like they are here to participate in a variety show, but rather like they are here to participate in a fashion show.

"There are so many handsome men and beautiful women. It seems that the ratings of the fourth season of "Crossover Actors" will reach a new high." Xu Jie said, looking at all the artists present.

All the singers laughed when they heard it.

When it comes to viewing ratings, they have the same idea as the program group, because the higher the ratings, the more popular the program will be, and as the protagonists of this variety show, their attention will naturally increase.

"Today is the first episode of the show. Those who have watched the first three seasons should know that. I have told you before that it is a few impromptu short plays. I hope everyone will not be nervous and show your best side. Show it, so that after the first episode of the program is broadcast, the audience will have expectations for you..." Xu Jie said, it can be regarded as a kind of mobilization.

Everyone nodded their heads and clenched their fists. They seemed to be ready.

They have waited a long time for this day.

On the surface, they started preparing after the announcement of the list more than half a month ago. In fact, they already knew it when Mr. Xu "learned" and "learned" from one TV station to another.

After all, it has been more than a month.

In addition, in order to seek transformation, I usually invite acting teachers to study, and the shortest time is half a year.

Such a long time of preparation is just for the arrival of this day.

"However, whether it's an exhibition match or a knockout match, I hope that everyone can calm down and don't care too much. I don't know if you have ever had such an experience, that is, the more you care about one thing, the worse it will be. Because I care about it, it affects my performance. To put it bluntly, there is only one champion. Most of you will be eliminated. "

In order to avoid the resentment of those who will be eliminated in the future, thinking that he is a liar, Xu Jie starts to reason now.

What he wanted to express was very simple: if anyone is eliminated, it is because you did not perform well, and it has nothing to do with me.

Some things cannot be said directly, but can be infiltrated bit by bit through euphemistic words.

The crowd nodded frequently.

It's not that they haven't participated in competitions, and some of them even made their debut as singers through singing competitions or audition competitions, so they naturally understand this truth.

When it comes to singing, they definitely won’t accept anyone else. After all, this is their profession, which is the capital of the entertainment industry, but when it comes to acting, everyone is a layman. Even if they are eliminated, they can’t accept it, right?

Even with Mr. Xu's help, he still has to behave in a similar way. If it's bad, Mr. Xu will be helpful. Who would have the nerve to continue to stay on this stage?
Haven't been drowned by the audience's spit?

Mr. Xu said this truth during the meal before.

Xu Jie felt that the truth was almost covered, so he said: "The recording will start soon, I wish you all a good result."

"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

"Mr. Xu has worked hard for you!"

The singers responded positively.

Xu Jie looked around and stayed on everyone's face for a moment, making these people feel that they were valued. Later, he felt that the effect of eyes alone was not enough, so he reached out his hand and shook hands one by one.

Holding hands with Tian Rongrong...

Tian Rongrong was very excited, and felt that Mr. Xu was the first to shake hands with her, and she must be the one who received the most attention.

Shaking with Zhou Yapeng...

Zhou Yapeng was secretly delighted, because he felt that Mr. Xu had great power, which was clearly a hint.

Shaking with Kang Yumi...

Jiang Yumei's heart beat faster, and she felt that Mr. Xu shook hands with her for a long time, which must be a hint.

Shaking with Chen Jiao...

Chen Jiao looked at Qiubo, she felt her hand was tightly held by Mr. Xu, the hint couldn't be more obvious.

Hold hands with Xu Hui...


After Xu Jie shook hands with the last person, he left the stage and walked towards the director team.

He has already finished shaking everyone's hands, and they are all very strong. As for how to understand it, it depends on the brains of these people. Anyway, he has nothing to guarantee.


(End of this chapter)

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