Chapter 1061
The first episode of the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" officially started recording.

This is undoubtedly great news for the audience who have been waiting for a year.

Although the format of the program has not changed much, the brand-new artists, the surprises brought by crossovers, and the wonderful content of short plays have deeply attracted countless people.

In fact, for the audience, it doesn't matter if the form changes, what matters is the content, as long as it looks good, it doesn't matter whether it has changed or not.

The opening part was recorded quickly, followed by the performance part, which is also the most exciting part of the whole program.

Artists spend half an hour putting on makeup before performing.

Isn't there such a sentence?People rely on clothing, Buddha depends on gold clothing.

If you want to play any role, you must first dress up and let the beggar wear a yellow robe. Who would think that an actor is playing a beggar?
"Old Cheng, you are here to watch, I'll go to the backstage to have a look." Xu Jie instructed Cheng Yingjie, then got up and left the director team.

Although the recording entered the pause stage, he couldn't rest because there were still many important things to do.


Xu Jie knocked on the door of the dressing room.

In order to facilitate communication with the artists, this season he has prepared a separate room for each participating artist as a dressing room, dressing room, and rest room.

Originally, there were not so many free rooms in the Grand Theater, but who made "Crossover Actor" the trump variety show of Beijing TV Station?
So with a word from him, enough room was immediately vacated in the Grand Theater.

Is it important to vacate the room, or is it important to record "Crossover Actor"?
Fools know it.

But before entering the door, he took out his mobile phone and set the alarm for 5 minutes.

There were five artists in the first show, and he couldn't stay in an artist's room until the recording started.

For the next knockout round, he must now have the rain and dew evenly.


The door opened from the inside, and it was Jiang Xiaohua, Tian Rongrong's assistant, who opened the door.

"Director Xu? Please come in quickly." Jiang Xiaohua hurriedly stepped out of the way to enter the house, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of please.

Tian Rongrong, who was putting on makeup, was filled with surprise when she heard the assistant's words. Then she stood up from the front of the dressing table and said respectfully, "Mr. Xu, you are here. I'm putting on makeup. What instructions do you have?"

"There is no instruction, just take a look at it casually, you continue." Xu Jie said with a smile, with an amiable smile, just like an elderly good man.

Of course, Tian Rongrong didn't think that Mr. Xu really just came to watch casually. After all, the relationship between the other party and Shanghai TV Station, as well as the relationship with her, was not that simple.

"Mr. Xu, please sit down." Tian Rongrong pointed to a chair beside her, and then sat down, letting the assistant continue to do her makeup.

Xu Jie came to sit next to Tian Rongrong, stared at Tian Rongrong in the mirror for a moment, and suddenly asked with concern: "How is it? How do you feel about the drawn character?"

The fifteen contestants were divided into three groups. Tian Rongrong was in the first group and was drawn a comedy role.

For beautiful women, acting in comedy is still a disadvantage, because when people watch it, their attention is often focused on their appearance, not their acting skills.

Tian Rongrong originally thought that she was very unlucky to be cast in such a role that did not fit her image, but now hearing Mr. Xu's concern, the complaints in her heart immediately disappeared without a trace.

With Mr. Xu taking care of her, what is she to complain about?
"President Xu, the role is difficult, but I will try my best to play her well." Tian Rongrong said seriously.

Years of working experience told her that if she wants to be popular, it is not enough to have someone to take care of her, she must also work hard.

What is her purpose for participating in "Crossover Actor"?Isn't it just to transform into an actor?
If she doesn't perform well on stage, even if Mr. Xu lets her enter the finals, so what?The audience doesn't approve, the director doesn't like it, and they can't get the show either.

"Well, very good." Xu Jie nodded gratifiedly, and then said: "Among the five characters in this skit, it is the most difficult to count your character. It is also an opportunity, if you can play this role well, you must be the most outstanding one on the stage, and you will definitely be able to overshadow everyone else..."

Tian Rongrong was invigorated when she heard that, not only was she full of energy, but at this moment, there seemed to be a surge of prehistoric power in her body.

We must know that Mr. Xu is not only the chief director of "Crossover Actor", but also the chief screenwriter of this show. Can the other party's words be false?

The other party said that this role is outstanding, and this role will definitely be outstanding. If the performance is not outstanding, then she can only find the reason in herself.

"There are no outsiders here, so I won't hide it. In fact, I wrote this short play. If you have anything you don't understand about this character, feel free to bring it up now. I hope that when you come on stage, you will be able to understand it." You can help." Xu Jie said very directly.

Tian Rongrong's eyes lit up.

Zhengchou couldn't grasp the center of gravity of the role, and finally Mr. Xu came to help her. This, this is simply a timely rain.

"Mr. Xu, thank you very much. In fact, I really have some inaccuracies about this role, such as..." Tian Rongrong was not polite, after all, time was tight, so she immediately explained what she didn't understand.

What Xu Jie said before was definitely not just words. He patiently answered every question Tian Rongrong asked, what he said was serious and what he said was detailed.

This situation has never happened in the first three seasons.

The reason why he did this was firstly to help Tian Rongrong and give an explanation to the company behind him; secondly, it was for the effect of the show, after all, the more thoroughly the actors know the characters, the better the performance will be.

"Ring bell bell!"

A burst of music suddenly sounded, interrupting Xu Jie's words. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, glanced at it, and then turned off the ringtone.

"I'll go out and make a call. You slowly digest what I just said." Xu Jie said to Tian Rongrong, then stood up and walked towards the door.

"Okay." Tian Rongrong also stood up quickly, and said gratefully: "Mr. Xu, thank you, I will definitely perform seriously and live up to your expectations."

"Well, I like you." Xu Jie smiled, opened the door and walked out.


As soon as the door was closed, Xu Jie stayed in the corridor for a while, set an alarm clock, and then went to the next room.



The door opens.

Xu Jie couldn't help but walk out, and closed the door behind him.

"President Xu?" Seeing Xu Jie coming in from the outside, Zhou Yapeng immediately stood up from his chair in surprise, and asked in confusion, "President Xu, what are your orders? Is it because I didn't perform well on stage just now?" Satisfy you?"

"Satisfied, so many singers, I am most satisfied with yours." Xu Jie said with a smile.

After hearing this, Zhou Yapeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he is satisfied.

Xu Jie sat down with his arms around Zhou Yapeng's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, you are doing very well, I just came here to take a look and see how you are preparing, don't put pressure on yourself, I am not here Is it? You can ask me if you don’t understand anything about the characters and the script..."

Zhou Yapeng was very moved for a moment.

Mr. Xu would actually come to care about him during the recording of the program and give him a small meal. This kind of kindness is simply irrepayable.

"Mr. Xu, thank you very much. I am worried about not being able to grasp the character of the character. Your appearance is just a timely help for me." Zhou Yapeng said gratefully.

Today's recording is the first episode of the show. Although it is just a performance, it is very important to every actor, because it is related to the audience's first impression of them.

It's like a blind date. If the first impression is good, you will have the opportunity to continue to get along with each other in the future. If the first impression is not good, you will not even have the chance to meet again in the future. very difficult.

And he naturally wants to conquer the judges and win the love of the audience in his first appearance.

Zhou Yapeng asked the questions one by one.

Why did you ask Mr. Xu before the program was recorded?
Don't you just hope Mr. Xu can help you at the critical moment?

Is it possible that he still expects the other party to find him as the leading actor when making a movie?
"Mr. Xu, you don't think I'm stupid, do you? I can't even grasp a single character well." Zhou Yapeng asked a little embarrassedly after finishing the question.

"That's not the case." Xu Jie shook his head and said, "I wrote this script, so I have the most say for each character in it. Your role can be said to be the most difficult to perform in the whole script, although There are not many lines, but the requirements for emotions are very high. If you can express well, after the show is broadcast, you will definitely attract countless fans..."

Zhou Yapeng's eyes only lighted up when he listened.

Mr. Xu's words, can it be false?

Besides, with such a close relationship between the two, there is no need for Mr. Xu to lie to him.

"Mr. Xu's words made me suddenly enlightened. Not only did I have a deeper understanding of the role, but I was also full of confidence in the next performance. Thank you, Mr. Xu." Zhou Yapeng directly bowed and thanked.

"It's nothing, we are not outsiders, we will meet outsiders after saying thank you." Xu Jie waved his hand.

"Ring bell bell!"

The cell phone rang again.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone, stood up and said: "You can understand here slowly, I will go out to answer the phone, let's see you on the stage later."

"President Xu, I'll see you off," Zhou Yapeng said.

"No, no, you are the guest, and I am the host. How can there be a guest to see off the host? If you are so polite, I will not come here in the future." Xu Jie blocked Zhou Yapeng, pretending to be angry.

When Zhou Yapeng saw it, he stopped and watched Mr. Xu leave. He didn't sit down until the door was closed.

"Brother Zhou, Mr. Xu is so interesting." The assistant said while continuing to put on makeup.

"Well, it's good that you know about this matter, don't go out and talk nonsense, once other artists hear it, how can we feel sorry for Mr. Xu?" Zhou Yapeng said with a serious expression.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry, I will never go out and talk nonsense, don't you know me? I am not that kind of person at all." The assistant stopped talking after assuring.

Xu Jie stayed in the corridor for a while, and after setting the alarm, he knocked on the door and entered the room of the next artist.


One, two, three, four, five...

In this way, Xu Jie went all over the room of the singer who was going to perform in the first show, cared all over, and finally returned to the director team before the recording started.

"All departments are preparing, the actors are in place, and the first performance begins..."

Following Xu Jie's order, the fun began.

The audience also quieted down, looking at the stage with full expectation, waiting for the actors to appear.


I don’t know if Xu Jie’s answer played a role, or Xu Jie’s appearance reassured everyone. The five singers who appeared on the stage not only performed very devotedly, but also performed really well. The audience understands what the short play is about.

It's not like some short dramas, you can't understand when you watch it, and you can't understand it after watching it.

As an actor, if you can't understand the content of the short play, what kind of actor should you be?Just go home and bake sweet potatoes.

An hour passed quickly.

Although some people forgot their words during the period, generally speaking, both the performances of the artists and the plot of the story are very exciting.

Therefore, after the end of the first round, the scene burst into warm applause.


Whoa whoa whoa!

As far as variety shows are concerned, those who can be invited to the scene as audiences are usually their own people, so no matter whether the show is good or not, the audience will give polite applause.

In order to get a few more shots, some audience members will show extra devotion when applauding, laughing in comedies and crying in tragedies, better than the artists on stage.

However, everyone's applause today is dedicated to the actors from the bottom of their hearts.

Although there were many pauses during the entire recording process, this did not affect everyone's perception. On the contrary, they also saw many things that could not be seen on TV.

For example, the suspension of the program destroyed the artist's emotions, and the continued recording made the artist have to re-brew the emotions.

This is very demanding for an artist, not to mention that all the singers on the stage are singers.

Watching the program "Crossover Actors", you should not only look at the shortcomings of the artists, but also discover the strengths of the artists, because these artists on stage are not professional actors, they are cross-border, and you must treat them with a tolerant attitude artist.

The short plays followed one after another, until after [-]:[-] pm, the recording of the first episode was finally over.

Xu Jie sent someone to do an audience survey, while he himself went backstage to visit fifteen artists.

"Thank you for your cooperation today, everyone has worked hard." Xu Jie bowed deeply after speaking.

When all the artists saw it, they all bowed and bowed.

"Mr. Xu, we have nothing to do, you are the hardest person!"

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite, this is what we should do!"

"Mr. Xu..."

Everyone is not being polite, but expressing their thoughts in a realistic manner.

They only need to perform on the stage, and Mr. Xu not only has to direct the audience, but also guide them and give them a little treat. Who is willing to accept Mr. Xu's bow?
They are grateful from the bottom of their hearts to Mr. Xu!

Mr. Xu, that's great!

(End of this chapter)

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