The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1062 Variety show brother 1!

Chapter 1062 Variety show brother!
With much anticipation, the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" ushered in its premiere day.

For old fans who have watched the first three seasons, this is undoubtedly a happy night. After a year of long waiting, this day has finally come.

As the night falls, the broadcast time is getting closer and closer. Although it hasn't started yet, many people are already ready.

Watching TV at home, watching mobile phones when not at home...

It depends on those who are off work, and it depends on those who go to work...

It depends on conditions, and it also depends on creating conditions without conditions.

In short, it is not to be missed.

Even if you can watch the full video on the video website tomorrow, you don't want to miss it tonight. How many people can resist the charm of the premiere?
For those who like the show, they can watch it twice and three times tomorrow, but tonight's premiere must be watched, and the boss can't stop it.

Even during the waiting period before the broadcast, everyone was not idle, expressing their inner joy and expectations online and sharing them with others.

"I finally waited until the fourth season of "Crossover Actor", so happy."

"I've seen so many competitive variety shows, and the best and most exciting one is "Crossover Actor". Other shows are boring, so boring."

"I just don't know if the new season will be as exciting as the third season."

"When the official Weibo announced that the chief director of the fourth season was still Lao Xu, I knew that this season must not be missed."

"This season's lineup of singers should be the strongest ever. There are both idols and talents. Just looking at the names makes people look forward to it."

"Hu Yunxi, come on, my Hu Xuxu will definitely win the championship!"

"Support Liu Tianze..."


Due to the high degree of attention, the news that "the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" will start broadcasting tonight" went directly to the hot search, and even once occupied the top spot.

However, compared with the hustle and bustle on the Internet and the enthusiasm of netizens, the staff of the show and the stars participating in the show seem relatively quiet and nervous at the moment.

Netizens watch celebrities and content, that is, excitement, but staff and celebrities watch ratings and word-of-mouth, because this will affect the direction of the entire season of variety shows.

Are there as many people looking forward to this show as in previous seasons?Can the content of the new season of the show attract viewers?Are viewers satisfied with the format of the show?Is the star's performance recognized by the audience?Did the first episode meet the audience's expectations...

Picking out any of these questions will have a great impact on the recording of the second issue.

Does the program format need to change?Does the content of the performance need to be more profound?Which star has a high degree of attention, and which star has a bad reputation...

For a variety show that is filmed and broadcast on the spot, only by constantly discovering and solving problems can the ratings and word-of-mouth of the show continue to improve and be loved and sought after by the audience.

This is also one of the important reasons why "Crossover Actor" has always been very popular.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Listen to people's advice and eat well.

Variety shows are for the audience, not for the director and stars to entertain themselves, so the audience's opinion is very important.

Beijing TV.

Xu Jie came here directly after get off work, waiting to see the premiere of the fourth season of "Crossover Actor".

Even after going through all three seasons, he can't help being a little nervous at the moment.

For him, "Crossover Actor" is not just a variety show, but also a symbol of him, a sought-after resource, a platform to expand his influence, and a platform to develop Beijing TV culture and gain a foothold in Beijing TV. weights.

Once the show's ratings are low and word-of-mouth plummets, his thriving career will inevitably be affected. There will be pressure from Beijing Satellite TV, pressure from the company, and pressure from other TV stations and entertainment companies.

The higher you climb, the more painful it will be when you fall.

The current Xu Jie allows himself to slow down, but he absolutely does not allow himself to fall.

When he fell, Su Yun would also feel pain.

Not only Xu Jie alone, everyone in the studio was nervous.

The big ones like Lu Hong and Jiang Hai, and the small ones like Cheng Yingjie and Jin Wei all looked serious and anxious at the moment. Even the director sitting in the office was overwhelmed by the atmosphere, and even his throat was itchy. He didn't dare to cough, for fear of shocking the boss next to him.

"Xiao Xu, it will start in a few minutes. How about it? Are you confident?" Lu Hong felt that the atmosphere in the room was too oppressive, so he came to Xu Jie's side, trying to ease the atmosphere.

Xu Jie naturally knew what Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu was thinking, but he felt that it was better not to ask the other party this question.


If he was really confident, he wouldn't be standing here tonight.

Besides, before the show was broadcast, who would dare to say confidently?
It's like a movie, no matter how famous a director is, he can't guarantee that his movie will be a hit after it's released.

Are there still few examples of big directors failing badly at the box office?
In this circle, there are many people whose faces are swollen from beatings.

However, if he says he has no confidence at this time, it will definitely affect the emotions of other people present, and maybe he will be taught a lesson.

After all, the TV station has always been responsive to his requests, asking for money for money, asking for people to give, asking for venues for venues, and asking for publicity for publicity.

With such support, if he still says he has no confidence, who will fully support him in the future?
So for the sake of the company, and for himself, he had to slap his face and pretend to be fat at this time.

"Confidence." Xu Jie said with a confident look: "After all, I have done three seasons, so I still have some confidence."

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and even the atmosphere in the room eased.

They don't believe what others say, but they believe what Xu Jie says.

Believe in Xu Jie, you have to watch!
Where the results are, they can't help but believe it.

Has anyone else had such brilliant results?

"Very well, I appreciate your confident attitude towards your work." Lu Hong said with a smile.

"Old Lu, if you ask Xiao Xu like that, do you have no confidence in him?" Jiang Hai asked at this time.

Others believed Xiao Xu's words, but he didn't. Others didn't understand Xiao Xu, so didn't he understand?If you really had confidence, you wouldn't be here.

"No, Lao Jiang, don't talk nonsense, I have always trusted Xiao Xu very much." Lu Hong said quickly, for fear of being misunderstood by Xiao Xu.

Beijing Satellite TV's new variety show can all be counted on Xiao Xu.

Jiang Hai didn't speak when he heard it, but just kept staring at his watch, hoping that it was almost time for the show to air, whether it was life or death, to have a good time, and not let everyone stand here and suffer.


At this time, the director suddenly made a suspicious voice.

"What's wrong?" Lu Hong immediately asked, his nerves tensed up again.

But then I felt that it was too early to be nervous, because it was not yet the time to broadcast "Crossover Actor", and what was being broadcast now was an advertisement.

"Editor Lu, the ratings have started to rise." The director replied while pointing to the third-party ratings table.

Lu Hong was taken aback for a moment, and immediately walked over.

And other people in the room also approached one after another to see what happened.

The ratings view showed that the highest ratings of the previous TV series were 1.725, and after the TV series ended, the ratings immediately dropped below 1.

After a few minutes of downward curve, just now, the ratings curve started to rise again, and the rise was very large, directly exceeding 1.5.

As the ratings curve jumped again, this time it directly broke through 2.

What is the concept of ratings breaking 2?
The ratings of most variety shows can't break 2.

The problem is, Beijing Satellite TV is currently broadcasting commercials...

Does the ad look good?

Obviously not!

Then there is only one reason, the audience is looking forward to the program broadcast after the advertisement.

"Crossover Actor"!
"This, this breaks 2?"

The host, Jin Wei, couldn't believe her eyes, and deliberately rubbed her hands several times. After confirming that she didn't have a blind eye, the whole person also changed from surprise to surprise at the beginning.

If even the ratings of the commercials before the program was broadcast were above 2, then the ratings of the program must be higher than 2 and not lower than 2.

Since the broadcast broke 2, this kind of ratings is quite explosive when looking at the entire variety show industry.

And the ratings are still growing.

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to the broadcast of "Crossover Actor"." Jiang Hai said happily, and he was relieved for Xiao Xu.

But this tone is not relieved to the end, the high start does not mean anything, the high level throughout the whole process can prove that the program is good.

"Xiao Xu will never disappoint, and Xiao Xu's program will never disappoint." Lu Hong said with a smile, and at the same time reached out and patted Xu Jie's shoulder heavily to show his trust and respect.

However, the expression on Xu Jie's face didn't change much. The show was watching the average ratings. No matter how high the ratings were at the beginning, if they continued to decline later, the final result would be disastrous.

Isn't the previous second season the best example?
"It's still rising, breaking 2.5!" The director couldn't help exclaiming loudly.

He has worked in Beijing Satellite TV for more than ten years, but in his impression, there seems to be no program that has such a high rating before it starts broadcasting, even Beijing TV's Spring Festival Gala is counted.

How much are the audience looking forward to the launch of "Crossover Actor"!

Seeing the rising curves on the ratings list, the others flushed with excitement, and their eyes shone brightly.

Although the program has not yet started, in everyone's hearts, it seems to have achieved success.

At this time, a countdown also appeared in the upper right corner of the TV.

60 seconds left...

30 second……

10 second……

With the sound of familiar music, the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" finally begins.

It came out after a long wait, and the ratings also directly broke 3 at this moment, once again creating a new record for Beijing Satellite TV, and the ratings broke the record of 3 when it started broadcasting.

Even so, Xu Jie remained calm. When everyone was watching the show, he was the only one who kept his eyes on the ratings list.

This is his life!

Like a heartbeat graph.

Doctors and nurses don't keep watch, but he does.


Time moves at its usual pace.

For those who are waiting, this process is so long, but for those who enjoy it, this process is so short.

While waiting for a few minutes before the show started, everyone felt tormented, but the 10 minutes of the show seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.

"Thank you to all the contestants for their wonderful performances today. Let us look forward to the next knockout round, their performance, their growth, and their transformation..."

On the TV, the subtitles came up.

This concludes the first episode of the fourth season of "Crossover Actor".

Until this moment, Xu Jie finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

Fortunately, I was not slapped in the face.

"How is it, how many ratings?" Lu Hong asked the guide impatiently.

To see the ratings of a program is good or bad, it is not to watch a certain period of time, but to look at the average ratings.

"Editor Lu, it's 4.531!" the director said loudly.

When everyone heard it, they immediately cheered happily.


"It's great, the audience hasn't forgotten us!" Jin Wei said excitedly, her eyes also turned red at this moment.

"Exceeded the opening ratings of the third season, Xiao Xu, you really deserve it." Jiang Hai hugged Xu Jie directly.

A variety show can still have such a high ratings even after the fourth season is filmed. I have to say that the director has a skill. You must know that when the fourth season of many variety shows reaches the fourth season, the ratings will drop a lot compared to before.

And in this way, the pressure on his head will be less. After all, he is now the deputy editor-in-chief in charge of the art channel. If the variety show of Beijing Satellite TV is not good, he is also responsible.

Seeing Lao Jiang and Xiao Xu's affectionate appearance, Lu Hong immediately walked over, not to be outdone, and also hugged Xiao Xu.

"Xiao Xu, congratulations, you have won the first battle!" Lu Hong congratulated.

He said so in his mouth, but in his heart he was happier than anyone else.

Who is the biggest beneficiary of the new high ratings of "Crossover Actor"?

Naturally, he is the person in charge of the broadcast platform.

Although the naming fee for the program belongs to Beijing Television Culture, the related benefits brought by the program belong to Beijing Satellite TV. This is why he dared to donate the program to Beijing Television Culture.

"Same joy, same joy!" Xu Jie said with a smile.

Don't look at him talking and laughing now, in fact, the back of the innermost dress is already soaked.

Compared with other people's worries about ratings, as the chief director, he is undoubtedly the one with the greatest pressure.

If the ratings are not good, the audience will not scold the host, nor will they scold the TV station leaders, but will only scold the director for being stupid and idiot.

In fact, the chief directors of many variety shows are frequently changed, either directing two seasons, or directing three seasons, and very few directing four seasons, five seasons and six seasons, because they cannot withstand the pressure from both inside and outside, so they simply choose to let go.

After three seasons, he is still able to stand here, which is not easy in itself.

Xu Jie couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up.

Of course, Xu Jie was not the only one who praised him, but also the audience who watched the first episode.

Although the format of the show has not changed in any way, the performance of the actors and the content of the short play have brought enough surprises to everyone.

And all of this, isn't it the chief director's credit?
It took a year to wait, but it was definitely worth it.

For a while, the Internet was full of praise for the fourth season of "Crossover Actor", which also pushed Xu Jie, the chief director and chief screenwriter, to a new height.

Huaxia Variety Show No. [-] brother!
it's him!

(End of this chapter)

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