The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1063 Gathering in a Class

Chapter 1063

The return of the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" injected a shot in the arm to the sluggish variety show market. The super high ratings and popularity made people see Lao Xu's magic again.

In fact, today's variety shows are no longer what they used to be.

Back then, every weekend, the audience would worry about which variety show to choose, and there would even be a situation where they would watch this for a while and then that for a while.

Although there were not as many variety shows at that time as there are now, all of them were of high quality and the content was very novel, which easily attracted a large number of viewers.

But what about now?

There are too many variety shows, and the phenomenon of homogenization is very serious. In addition, the variety show itself lacks innovation. It has been filmed for seven or eight seasons and still has no change. The content is getting more and more boring, and the production is getting rougher and rougher. Well, the combination of many reasons has caused the current variety shows to become less and less popular, and the overall ratings are declining.

Now, only Lao Xu's variety show will not only not drop in ratings, but will set new highs repeatedly.

This is also an important reason why he was snapped up by many TV stations.

With Lao Xu, it is equivalent to having ratings.

Not to mention the ratings breaking 4, even if the ratings are breaking 3, only Lao Xu's variety show can do it.

Faced with this situation, besides the leaders of Beijing TV Station, the happiest people are definitely those artists who participated in "Crossover Actors".

Popular ratings represent high market attention, and they, as the protagonists on the stage, naturally become the object of discussion among the audience.

This will not only bring them a lot of exposure, but also bring them a super high popularity, which is much better than the effect of spending all your energy on buying hot search headlines, and it will last longer.

If the performance is good, it can even last half a year, and even movies and TV shows have to be sidelined.

With this effect, the motivation of the fifteen singers was even stronger, and they secretly vowed to perform well during the recording of the second episode, conquer the judges, conquer the audience, and most importantly, conquer Mr. Xu, so as to advance to the next round , brought more heat to himself, and smoothly transformed into the film and television industry.

Under the heated discussion of the whole people, the recording time of the second period soon came.

Xu Jie came to the Grand Theater early to prepare for today's second episode.

In fact, not only artists pay attention to the second issue, Xu Jie also attaches great importance to the second issue, because starting from the second issue, "Crossover Actor" will enter the knockout round.

In other words, someone will be eliminated today.

Although there is only one person, how to explain to the company behind the eliminated artist will be a big problem.

Xu Jie opened the door and walked into the studio. Although there was still more than half an hour before the work started, many people had already come here.

The staff began to set up the stage early, test the equipment, and prepare for the recording work that will be carried out later.

"Mr. Xu, our people are all ready and ready to start at any time." Cheng Yingjie walked quickly to Xu Jie and reported on the work of the program team.

As the successor of the chief variety show director handpicked by Mr. Xu, he dared not neglect the slightest while working, for fear of accidentally losing this opportunity.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you lose an opportunity, but if Mr. Xu puts a cross on his work ability in his heart, the problem will be very serious.

"Okay, let's start when all the artists are here." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Mr. Xu, all the artists are here." Cheng Yingjie said.


Xu Jie was slightly taken aback.

What will be recorded this morning is the clip of the artist preparing a short play behind the scenes. There is no need for the artist to come to the scene to make up in advance, so there is no need to come so early.

"It seems that everyone is very active." Xu Jie said with a smile.

It is naturally a good thing for the program group that the artists come in advance, which shows that the artists value the program and will seriously prepare for the program.

Artists like those who are often late for an hour or two must not have taken the show seriously. Since they didn't take the show seriously, how could they prepare seriously?

"Let all the camera teams get ready and shoot on time at nine o'clock." Xu Jie said to Cheng Yingjie.

"Yes!" After Cheng Yingjie heard it, he immediately notified him.

Xu Jie was about to go to the rehearsal room to see the artists when his cell phone rang suddenly. He took out his cell phone to check the caller ID and connected the call immediately.

"Mr. Sun, good morning!" Xu Jie said with a smile.

The caller was not an outsider, but Sun Hao, the general manager of Mangmang Media.

"Morning Mr. Xu, I've already come outside Beijing TV Station, what documents and procedures are needed to get in?" Sun Hao asked.

"Are you here? Please wait a moment, I'll pick you up right away." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he hung up the phone, turned and left the studio.

After leaving the Grand Theater, Xu Jie walked towards the gate quickly. Before he arrived, he saw Sun Hao standing outside the gate from a distance. There was only one person on the other side, with long wavy hair and a khaki suit. The coat looks very stylish.

"Mr. Sun, welcome to our Beijing TV station. I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Xu Jie warmly extended his hand to the other party as he said.

In fact, he took the initiative to invite Sun Hao to come to the recording site of "Crossover Actor", and not only the other party, but also Zhang Zhicheng from Weilan Media, Chen Liangwei from Dongfang Media, Gao Xiaoxi from Jinling Media, anyway, the other four major TVs except Beijing Satellite TV All the heads of the subordinate media companies were invited by him.

For nothing else, I just want these people to see how "benevolent and righteous" Xu Jie is.

"No, no, I've just arrived. In fact, I'm too happy to receive your invitation from Mr. Xu." Sun Hao said with a smile.

"Sun Hao, we are not outsiders, let's go to the stage together, the recording will start soon." Xu Jie pointed in the direction of the Grand Theater.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, you have the final say." Sun Hao said.

The two chatted while walking, and soon came to the studio in the Grand Theater.

Xu Jie took Sun Hao directly to the director's group, and invited him to sit in front of the monitor to watch all the artists' performances in the rehearsal room.

As for stealing teachers...

He is not afraid.

The core of the program is the content, rather than simply filming the artist's performance.

Who can't make a film?

Carry the camera, aim at the stars, and shoot.

But if the content cannot be done well, no matter how many pictures the artist has, they will not be recognized by the audience.


Xu Jie's cell phone vibrated, he took it out to look, and another one came, so he talked to Sun Hao who was beside him, and then left the director group.

Outside the gate of the TV station, besides Chen Liangwei, there were two other people.

"Mr. Chen, welcome." Xu Jie was as enthusiastic as ever, and he held on to the other party's hand tightly when they met, looking like an old friend with deep affection, which is called intimacy.

Infected by Xu Jie's enthusiasm, Chen Liangwei said politely: "Mr. Xu, why did you come out to pick me up in person? You can just find someone. You are so busy, isn't this delaying your work?"

"How can I do that? When I was in Shanghai, Mr. Chen, you always accompanied me to visit the Shanghai TV station. How could I neglect you? What I know is that we have a good relationship, but those who don't know think I don't know how to be polite." Xu Jay said seriously.

"Haha, Mr. Xu is really too polite. By the way, I have brought two people. They are employees of my company. I want them to come and learn from you. Mr. Xu, you don't mind?" Chen Liangwei asked tentatively. At the same time, I felt a little guilty.

Because these two people are not employees of Dongfang Media, but employees of Shanghai Satellite TV, and both are producers of variety shows, deputy editor-in-chief Gao arranged for these two people to follow him because he wanted to come to the recording site of "Crossover Actors" Learn from.

Since it is impossible to dig people over, it can only send people to learn.

"No, no, it's my honor for you to learn from me. It's too late to welcome, please hurry up." Xu Jie said as he walked ahead to lead the way.

Inside the Grand Theater.

When Chen Liangwei saw Sun Hao, he was taken aback for a moment. He originally thought that Mr. Xu had only invited him, but he didn't expect Sun Hao to be there.

But think about it carefully, among the contestants in the fourth season of "Crossover Actor", in addition to artists from Oriental Media, there are also artists from other companies. Is he only allowed to come and others are not allowed to come?

Xu Jie's cell phone rang again, he apologized to Chen Liangwei and Sun Hao, and then left the scene again.

But this time, it wasn't alone.

Zhang Zhicheng from Weilan Media and Gao Xiaoxi from Jinling Media met at the entrance of the TV station, and were led to the scene by Mr. Xu.

So, Chen Liangwei, Sun Hao, Zhang Zhicheng, and Gao Xiaoxi looked at me and I looked at you, with big eyes and small eyes, feeling a little confused for a moment.

Why did Mr. Xu call them all here?
Although before the fourth season of "Crossover Actors", everyone heard that other media companies invited Mr. Xu to dinner, but they never expected that Mr. Xu would call them together.

What is this for?

As the old saying goes: peers are enemies.

Everyone eats at the same table, and the chopsticks will inevitably fight over time.

The simplest example is that a few days ago, an entertainer played a big role on Huxiang Satellite TV, but was banned by Huxiang Satellite TV, and ended up appearing on the Shanghai Satellite TV program.

Isn't this shameless?

In fact, there are many, many things like this, but people seldom talk about it on the bright side. They don't meet if they can't, and they pretend not to see each other if they have to.

And now, the bosses of the five media companies under David TV are all gathered together. Isn't this forcing everyone to fight each other?
For a time, the atmosphere became extremely tense.

"Everyone is standing, please sit down." Xu Jie said with a smile.

The other four sat down after hearing it, but they all looked over at the same time, waiting for the other party's explanation.

"Huh? Don't look at me, look at the screen, there is no show on my face." Xu Jie said.

Everyone thought: Is there no show yet?You invited all of us here, isn't this the show?

Although TV stations often cooperate with each other, there is very little cooperation between media companies like them. After all, the resources I have are not enough for my own artists, let alone for other companies. Regarding culture, because there is no relationship with the artist business, everyone is willing to exchange with it.

Everyone saw that Mr. Xu didn't mention other things, so they could only look at the monitor screen.

Pictures of different artists were displayed on different screens, and the general managers all set their eyes on their own artists.

Xu Jie glanced around from the corner of his eye, seeing that everyone was watching seriously, a smile gradually appeared on his face, and he followed everyone to watch.

10 minutes……

Two 10 minutes...

half an hour...

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xu Jie suddenly said: "Apart from inviting you to visit the recording site of "Crossover Actors", there is actually another purpose, which is to let you see clearly the performance of our artists, so as to let everyone Everyone has a bottom line."

Chen Liangwei, Sun Hao, Zhang Zhicheng, and Gao Xiaoxi were all taken aback.

What does it mean?
Didn't you promise to take care of me when you were eating?

Saying these words now, do you want to go back on your word?
The four people looked at each other, and they all knew that Mr. Xu had nothing to say, so they continued to listen.

"To be honest, the popularity of the show exceeded my expectations, and I didn't expect that the fourth season would still have such a high ratings. There are so many people, so many eyes staring at me, sometimes it is really difficult for me, you can’t let me make people angry? What do you think?”

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he looked at the four people in front of him.

Chen Liangwei and the others are all good people. When they heard Mr. Xu's words, they immediately understood what the other party meant.

This is to tell them that if an artist's performance on stage is obvious to all, then even the chief director can't help.

Although what he said was different from what he had promised at the dinner table, it was completely understandable.

All the TV stations have more or less run variety shows of competing performances, and they all know that if they forcefully promote an artist who has no strength, the result will be counterproductive.

At that time, not only will the artist not be popular, but the program crew will be affected, and even the TV station will be scolded.

If it's a show with average ratings, it's fine, it's a big deal, but "Crossover Actors" is currently the hottest variety show, and as the heads of the companies behind the participating artists, they naturally don't want to see this show Being criticized, I don't even want to see the show being scolded by the audience.

Is there something wrong with Mr. Xu's words?
No problem!
"Mr. Xu, don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you. Just do what you want. I firmly support your decision." Sun Hao expressed his position first.

Of course, declaring your stance is declaring your stance, because there are outsiders around you, and you should continue to communicate at night.

When the others heard this, they came to their senses, and immediately rushed to speak, not to be outdone, to express their support.

"Mr. Xu, you did this for the good of the show, and I can totally understand it."

"Mr. Xu, you don't need to worry about me. Really, I and my artists all listen to you. If anyone doesn't listen, or loses their temper with you, you tell me and I will deal with him."


The reason why Xu Jie recruited all four families today was because of this scene, because only when all the people are present, these people will not bargain with him because of face.

Since you all listen to me, then I will not be polite.


(End of this chapter)

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