Chapter 1064 Sacrifice
At noon, Xu Jie invited Sun Hao, Chen Liangwei, Zhang Zhicheng and Gao Xiaoxi to have dinner in the canteen of Beijing TV Station.

Perhaps because they knew that their artists might be eliminated in the recording of the second episode of the program in the afternoon, none of the four media tycoons seemed in a very high mood.

For example, Zhang Zhicheng, who weighed [-] to [-] catties, only ate half a bowl of rice, and lesbians like Sun Hao and Gao Xiaoxi were even more mentioned, and they ate a few grains of rice.

On the surface, they talk and laugh happily, but in fact they have their own ghosts.

They all want to invite Mr. Xu to dinner and talk about what happened just now, but because the bosses of other companies are here, and they are too embarrassed to bring it up, they can't just say straightforwardly: Don't eliminate artists from my company, but we should eliminate artists from other companies Bar……

Isn't this a fight on the spot?

Xu Jie saw all this in his eyes, and he was very clear about the thoughts of these people, or in other words, it was precisely because he had anticipated the thoughts of these people that he invited everyone here.

What I want is this situation where I am too embarrassed to speak.

If everyone could speak freely and say whatever they think, wouldn't he be the one who is in trouble?

Moreover, if you don't make these people nervous now, how can you make them appreciate him later?

After lunch, Xu Jie returned to the Grand Theater with the four bosses. As soon as he left the TV station building, he saw an acquaintance outside the gate.

It's Hu Zhen.

At this moment, the other party also saw him, and was about to extend his hand to say hello. He quickly winked at the other party, and then shook his head calmly.

Hu Zhen was slightly taken aback when he saw it, and immediately closed his opened mouth. He quickly glanced at the people around Mr. Xu, and was startled.

The leaders of the five media companies under David TV gathered together. Such a scene is almost rare in a hundred years.

Mr. Xu, what are you doing here?
Huashan on swords?
Xu Jie brought Sun Hao and others back to the Grand Theater, looked at the four of them and said, "Everyone, there is still an hour before the recording of the show. You can go meet the artists and cheer them on. I'll go and have a look." For the shooting content in the morning, I will come back to accompany everyone later.”

"Mr. Xu, you are busy with your own business, don't worry about us."

"Yes, Mr. Xu, the program is the most important thing."

"..." The four said one after another.

As the boss of participating artists, everyone naturally hopes that Mr. Xu can devote more energy to the show. After all, the ratings of the show are high, and their artists will get more benefits.

Xu Jie called a staff member and asked him to take the four bosses to the artist rehearsal room, while he left the studio and hurried out of the theater.

Outside the TV station.

Hu Zhen is still standing here, he knows that Mr. Xu will definitely come back to find him.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, he saw Mr. Xu walking out of the theater again, this time there was no one around him.

"Mr. Xu, what's the situation?" Hu Zhen asked curiously in a low voice after the other party approached.

"Follow me." Xu Jie shook his head, then walked towards the parking lot.

Although there were tens of thousands of question marks in Hu Zhen's heart, he still followed quickly, and his intuition told him that Mr. Xu had something important to do with him.

Xu Jie got into his car and waited for Hu Zhen to get in before he said, "Old Hu, I'm sorry, I need you to make a little sacrifice this time."

Hu Zhen was stunned when he heard it, but he quickly reacted, and said solemnly: "Mr. Xu, you are too polite, let alone a little sacrifice, even if it is going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​flames, it is no problem for me to let Hu Zhen go!" question."

Seeing Lao Hu's reaction, Xu Jie was also relieved, and the expression on his face eased a lot.

The previous busyness was not in vain.

"Mr. Xu, can I ask, what's the matter?" Hu Zhen couldn't help asking.

Even if you let him die, you have to tell him how to die, right?At least let him have a mental preparation.

"I believe you know all the people who walked with me just now?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yeah." Hu Zhen nodded.

If you work in his line of work, you don't know anyone, and you have to know the bosses of major media companies.

"You should know that most of the artists in this season's "Crossover Actors" come from these media companies, and behind them are major TV stations. If their artists are eliminated in the first round, it will inevitably be a bit awkward. What do you mean by slap in the face?"

After Xu Jie talked, he threw the question to Hu Zhen.

Hu Zhen nodded again, indeed.

Xu Jie looked at Hu Zhen, but didn't speak this time.

Hu Zhen was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized what Mr. Xu meant.

If the artists of the media giants can't be eliminated in the first round, then only his artists can be eliminated.

After thinking about it, Hu Zhen felt a little uncomfortable, but he was powerless to undo this kind of thing.

First of all, Mr. Xu has helped him so many times, so if he is asked to help this time, can he refuse?cannot.

Secondly, those media companies are not only powerful, but also have a strong background, how can he compare them?

The most important thing is that the second phase of the knockout round will be recorded soon. If Mr. Xu didn't think about it, he wouldn't tell him about it.

To put it bluntly, this is asking for his opinion; to put it bluntly, this is to inform him.

Does he have a choice?


Even if he had a choice, he was too embarrassed to refuse.

Thinking of this, Hu Zhen put aside the disappointment in his heart, and said with a firm expression: "President Xu, I can't make things difficult for you. How about this, you will eliminate my people in the first round, and I will tell them later."

He thought very clearly that compared with the resources in Mr. Xu's hands, the future of several artists is really nothing.

Not to mention being eliminated in the first round, even if he hides people in the future, he will do it.

"Old Hu, thank you for your understanding, but you tell them not to worry, I will arrange for them to go to other TV stations to participate in variety shows there, and the number of episodes they will participate in will definitely not be short." Xu Jie said seriously.

He used this season's "Crossover Actor" in exchange for the variety show resources of four satellite TV channels, but his wife's studio has only signed three artists so far, and he can't participate at all. At this time, use those resources to compensate the victims It couldn't be more appropriate.

Hu Zhen was stunned for a moment, and his lost mood immediately improved.

Although the variety shows of other TV stations are not as good as "Crossover Actor", if the number of episodes can be guaranteed, this wave is actually not a loss.

After all, "Crossover Actors" adopts an elimination system, and participating artists may be eliminated at any time, maybe one, maybe two, and the opportunities for performance are very limited.

"Mr. Xu, I'll listen to you. I'll do whatever you arrange." Hu Zhen said with a smile.

"Thank you, Lao Hu." Xu Jie patted the other person on the shoulder, then got out of the car and walked towards the Grand Theater.

Hu Zhen didn't follow. He came to a place where no one was around, took out his mobile phone, and called the artist who was going to be on stage today.

As the general manager of the company, the artist's personal gains and losses are nothing compared to the overall interests of the company.

Xu Jie returned to the Grand Theater and went directly to the judges' lounge.

Hu Zhen has already finished explaining, and then he should explain to the judges. After all, the judges are the ones who comment on the artists' acting skills, and the ones who are responsible for eliminating the artists are also the judges.

Once the judges finally eliminated the people from the media company, wouldn't it be a gangster?All the previous foreshadowing was done in vain.

"Mr. Xu!"

Seeing Xu Jie, the three judges who were resting and chatting immediately stood up.

Although they have been famous for a long time, they are all big directors and stars in the circle, but compared with the media tycoons and capital tycoons, their influence is really insignificant.

"The three judges have worked hard." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Mr. Xu is too polite. We only shoot one day a week, but Mr. Xu has to think about the show every day. Mr. Xu is really hardworking." The great director Jiang Dongsheng said.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, you have worked hard." Actress Liu Shiman echoed.

"President Xu, you must pay more attention to rest." Zhou Zhenyang said with concern.

"Thank you to the three judges for your concern. I will definitely pay attention to it. Please sit down. You are welcome." Xu Jie was polite first, then found a chair and sat down.

The three judges saw Mr. Xu sitting down, so they followed suit.

"Three judges, before the program is recorded, I need to inform you about something. There will be five artists performing on stage today, and one of them will be eliminated. Originally, this matter was up to you to decide, but now There was a special situation, something happened to Yang Liu's family, and I needed to go back and deal with it. She couldn't come back to participate in the show in a short time, so for the sake of the show, she found me, hoping to be eliminated in the first round. In this way, You can go home and deal with things without affecting the show, what do the judges and teachers think?"

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he looked at the three judges.

If he gave orders to the three of them directly, it would inevitably make them unable to step down, so he made up such a reason temporarily.

In fact, the reason is not important, what is important.

Jiang Dongsheng, Liu Shiman, and Zhou Zhenyang looked at each other, and immediately understood what Mr. Xu meant.

What can they see?
Although they are judges, they are all invited by the program group.

The so-called: take people's money and do things for others.

No matter how the money is given, they can do whatever they want.

Does the reason matter?

They are all people in this circle, who doesn't understand the Tao of variety shows?
Aren't variety shows also filmed according to scripts?

Therefore, neither Jiang Dongsheng, Liu Shiman, nor Zhou Zhenyang were surprised by Mr. Xu's words, and they accepted it without even thinking about it.

"Since Yang Liu proposed it on her own initiative, let's help her." Yang Dongsheng was the oldest and most experienced, so he was the first to express his opinion.

"Yes, otherwise it will not only delay the show, but also delay her family affairs, which will be bad for her and the show." Liu Shiman said.

"Yangliu has a special situation, and we can't force others to make things difficult. Long live the understanding, don't worry, Mr. Xu, we know what to do." Zhou Zhenyang said with a smile.

Anyway, this is not the first time I have done this kind of thing, I am very familiar with it.

"Okay, on behalf of Yangliu, I would like to thank the three judges, but when commenting on the contestants, I still hope that the three judges will have a little disagreement, so that the program will be better." Xu Jie reminded tactfully.


Jiang Dongsheng, Liu Shiman, and Zhou Zhenyang nodded.

The differences between the judges are also one of the highlights of the show.

They have seen the previous three seasons of the show, so they are very clear about this.

In fact, even if Mr. Xu doesn't say anything, they will still create differences, because only in this way can the audience's attention be shifted from the actors to them, and they can add drama to themselves in the short comment time.

Serving as a judge, isn't it a way to increase popularity and traffic?

"Okay, then I won't disturb the rest of the three judges. I'll see you during the recording."

Xu Jie stood up, since his goal had been achieved, there was no need for him to stay here any longer.

"President Xu, go slowly!"

The three judges got up and saw each other off.

The lunch break passed in a blink of an eye, and with all the audience entering the venue, the recording of the second episode of the fourth season of "Crossover Actors" officially started.

On the stage, the artists performed hard.

In the audience, the judges made sharp comments.

As long as the audience wants to watch, everything is available on the spot, and the effect of the program is directly full, with laughter and applause constantly echoing in the studio.

Unknowingly, the program entered the final climax stage...


At this moment, everyone's eyes were on the three judges.

But what was most nervous was not the audience in the audience, nor the five artists who stood apart on the stage, but Sun Hao, Chen Liangwei, Zhang Zhicheng and Gao Xiaoxi who were sitting in the director's group watching.

Because they don't want their artists to be eliminated.

You know, this is the first round, and it is also the first round of the knockout round. It would be a bit ugly to be eliminated just like that.

Even if he was eliminated in the second game.

Judge Jiang Dongsheng first showed the writing board in his hand, with two words written on it: Chen Jiao.

Gao Xiaoxi's heart suddenly rose to her throat, because Chen Jiao is a signed artist of Jinling Media.

The next person who showed the writing board was Liu Shiman, and there were two words written on it: Yangliu.

At this moment, all eyes fell on the last judge.

Zhou Zhenyang slowly raised the writing board in his hand, and there were still two words on it: Yangliu.

Gao Xiaoxi breathed a sigh of relief, her back was wet, and so was Chen Jiao who was standing on the stage, her face was full of joy, her eyes were even red, and she felt like she was alive after a catastrophe.

And Sun Hao, Chen Liangwei and Zhang Zhicheng also became extremely relaxed at this moment.

You know, they are already prepared for their artists to be eliminated.

This mood is like a roller coaster.

So exciting.

Speaking of variety shows, their artists often participate, but today's show is the only one that can make them nervous.

"Are you all satisfied with today's results?" Xu Jie turned around and asked the four bosses around him.

Sun Hao and the others were startled, but they immediately reacted.

"Satisfied, very satisfied!"

"Mr. Xu, thank you, thank you very much!"


It turned out that all of this was the result of Mr. Xu's operation.

Although Mr. Xu told them very clearly before, he finally took the risk and chose to help them.

Mr. Xu, you are too kind.


(End of this chapter)

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