The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1065 Thanks for elimination!

Chapter 1065 Thanks for elimination!

While waiting anxiously, the second episode of the fourth season of "Crossover Actor" finally met with the audience, which also marks that the show has officially entered the highly anticipated and exciting elimination stage.

What everyone pays attention to is not only the wonderful short plays in the show, but also the different cross-border performances of each artist on the stage.

Because the artist's performance will determine the brilliance of the short play, and also determine their future stay, it will affect the hearts of countless audiences.

Especially fans of entertainers.

After all, no fan wants the artist he admires to be eliminated early.

With the broadcast of the second episode, the ratings were also released the next day. The ratings of 4.861 not only surpassed the ratings of the first broadcast, but also exceeded the ratings of the second episode of the previous three seasons, becoming the undisputed champion of the night .

As we all know, the ratings of the first episode and the last episode of a variety show are usually the highest in the whole season, even more than double that of the middle ten episodes.

And like "Crossover Actor", the ratings of the second episode of the show are even higher than the first episode, even in the entire circle of variety shows, it is very rare.

This also reflects the audience's concern for the knockout round. They not only want to see the performance of the artists, but also want to know who will be eliminated.

In fact, since the third season, everyone has been very keen to guess who will be eliminated in the current episode before the start of each knockout match, and some people even initiate voting on the Internet, which not only attracts countless fans of artists, but also sparks debates among fans of artists , Invisibly also added interest and popularity to the program.

The audience rating of the third episode was 4.763...

The audience rating of the fourth episode was 4.714...

Although the ratings of the next few episodes dropped slightly, the super high ratings are still unmatched by other variety shows, just like airplanes and cars, no matter how slow the speed of an airplane is, it is faster than a car.

Some colleagues said that April belongs to "Crossover Actor", because no program has higher ratings than "Crossover Actor", and no program has a higher popularity than "Crossover Actor".

The most puzzling thing for the peers is that the later the show, the more popular it may be, because the later the show, the more difficult it will be to perform, and the more intense the competition will be.

In a blink of an eye, the day of recording the fifth episode of the program came.

At the same time, it is also the first competition of 12 into 9.

With the hands-on teaching from 15 to 12 in the first stage, Xu Jie decided to push Cheng Yingjie to the position of chief director and let him be in charge of all the following work.

This is also what he decided when he formed the working team for the fourth season of "Crossover Actor".

Some things should be let go when it is time to let go. If you keep holding them in your hands, not only will the people below not be able to get exercise, but even he himself will be trapped in this matter and cannot get out to do other things.

Of course, let it go, he didn't become a complete hands-off shopkeeper.

"Crossover Actor" is currently the hottest variety show. Cheng Yingjie is suddenly entrusted with important tasks. He will inevitably feel nervous while being excited. Therefore, when recording the show, he will still appear on the scene. On the one hand, he can serve Cheng Yingjie Supporting the field, on the other hand, can also check for Cheng Yingjie.

He said it was a check, but in fact, as long as Cheng Yingjie didn't take the initiative to come to him, he wouldn't "meddle in his own business".

Let's put it this way, he has now regarded himself as a mascot. Although he doesn't do anything, as long as he stays here, everyone will work around him.

This is probably the charm!

Xu Jie was hiding next to the director team writing the script when the phone in his pocket vibrated.

He didn't answer the phone in a hurry, but finished writing the paragraph he thought of before taking out his phone.

"Mr. Sun, good afternoon, have you eaten yet?" Xu Jie asked with a smile after answering the phone. The person opposite was Sun Hao, the general manager of Mangmang Media who had been recording the scene for the previous episodes.

Although the other party hadn't said anything yet, but Kaka called at this time before the fifth episode of the program was recorded, and he knew what it was for without thinking about it.

It must be related to who is eliminated.

It's just that now that the competition has reached the second round, he won't make promises to anyone.

"Mr. Xu, good noon. I just finished eating. No, I'm interrupting you again from the capital TV station. Can you tell the guard?" Sun Hao asked.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it.

If he had invited the other party to come before, then this time it was the other party who came uninvited.

Could it be that the other party wants to participate in the recording of all the shows?

He invited the other party to let the other party know that he really has an artist who takes care of the other party, but the other party came uninvited. Isn't this putting pressure on him?

This woman... is too confident, right?
Does the other party think that being there in person can make him change his mind?
The first round is okay, just to save face, but the second round, hehe, even if Dong Xiaoli comes, it's useless.

"Mr. Sun, just wait, I'll go out to pick you up." Xu Jie said, and then hung up the phone.

He left the theater and went outside the gate, only to find that besides Sun Hao, there was Chen Liangwei.

Is this to form a group to put pressure on him?

"Mr. Sun, Mr. Chen, you... came together?" Xu Jie looked back and forth between the two.

"No, we just met here. I wanted to call Mr. Xu, but Mr. Sun said you would be here soon, so I didn't call." Chen Liangwei explained.

"Really? It seems that Mr. Chen and Mr. Sun are very destined." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Sun Hao and Chen Liangwei laughed apologetically, but they were very embarrassed in their hearts.

I wanted to stand for my own artists, but I didn't expect to bump into my opponent at the entrance of the TV station.

"I don't know what the two of you are looking for me this time? If it's for dinner, forget it. I just finished eating, and the fifth episode of the show will be recorded soon, so I don't have time." Xu Jie said.

The reason why he said this was mainly to let the two people know that he didn't invite anyone, and they came uninvited, so as to avoid misunderstanding.

Chen Liangwei was stunned. When he saw Sun Hao just now, he thought Mr. Xu had invited Sun Hao alone. It turned out that Sun Hao, like him, had not received any invitations. He is relieved.

"I actually have nothing to do. I came to the capital for business. I happened to pass by here. I thought that today is the day to record "Crossover Actor", so I came to see it." When Sun Hao said this, he was worried about being misunderstood, so he added One sentence, "Just look at it casually."

"Coincidentally, me too." Chen Liangwei said.


Sun Hao turned her head and looked at Chen Liangwei. She thought that her skin was thick enough, but she didn't expect that the other party was even thicker than her, and she didn't even bother to make up a reason. It was simply shameless.

"Oh? Really?" Xu Jie squinted his eyes and stared at the two of them on purpose, and when Sun Hao and Chen Liangwei were both a little embarrassed, he said, "It's better to come early than coincidentally. The fifth episode of the program will be recorded soon. Come on, let's see together."

After speaking, lead the way.

Sun Hao and Chen Liangwei followed behind. They originally wanted to say a lot to Mr. Xu, but because of each other's existence, they were too embarrassed to say it.

How to say?
Could it be that Mr. Xu should eliminate the other party's artists?

They are here to stand for the artist, not to fight for the artist.

Although they are competitors, they still have to live up to their face. This is the way this circle is. It is not good for anyone to tear their face.

Entering the Grand Theater, Xu Jie brought Sun Hao and Chen Liangwei to the director group.

Cheng Yingjie, who was the chief director for the first time, was stunned after seeing Sun Hao and Chen Liangwei. After a while, he looked at Mr. Xu suspiciously. Didn't he say that he didn't invite the bosses of other media companies?Why do Mr. Sun and Mr. Chen still appear here?

Xu Jie saw Cheng Yingjie's strangeness, so he reached out and patted Cheng Yingjie's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Old Cheng, today is the first time you are in charge, don't feel pressured, just like before, let's get started."

Cheng Yingjie heard Mr. Xu's meaning, which was to let him ignore Sun Hao and Chen Liangwei, and everything went according to the original plan.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!"

Cheng Yingjie nodded seriously, then put on the earphones and started today's recording.

Sun Hao looked at the screen on the monitor, and since the first show was not her artist, her gaze soon began to look elsewhere.

Do you want to say it or not?
Is it too late to say now?

It's all the fault of that man named Chen, who is not staying in Shanghai, what is he doing in Beijing?
If you come to the capital, you come to the capital. Why do you come to the capital TV station?
So annoying!

At this moment, Chen Liangwei also had the same thought.

I can't talk about going through the back door for an artist. I just hope that Mr. Xu can see that he came to the capital from a long distance, give him face, and help his artist.

One program ended, another program ended, and the third program ended, and in a blink of an eye we came to the last program of the day.

Whether it was Sun Hao or Chen Liangwei, they couldn't sit still at the moment.

There was only one thought in their minds: Why is Mr. Xu still not moving?

Since they came here, Mr. Xu has been staying here, and during the recording of the program, he didn't even say a word. He looked like an outsider than the two of them. This attitude clearly did not want to interfere with today's knockout round. Otherwise, he would have already hinted at the judges.

This is how to do?
Is today in vain?
After all, Sun Hao couldn't hold back, looked at Xu Jie and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, who will be eliminated today?"

In fact, as an "irrelevant person", she shouldn't have asked this question, but seeing the last show, she couldn't help but ask.

For her question, besides wanting to know the outcome of the script, she also wanted to use this method to make Mr. Xu change his mind. Since everyone is here, can another artist be eliminated and give her some face.

"The recording is coming to an end soon, Mr. Sun will know when he sees the end." Xu Jie put it off with a smile, and then said nothing.

Sun Hao was stunned.

Do not say?

The recording is almost over, and you still keep it a secret from her?
This, isn't this blocking her pleading mouth?
When the recording is over and the result is known, once she is an artist, even if she wants to help, it will be too late.

and many more!

Could it be another situation?
Because the eliminated artist is not her artist, so the other party is in the mood to play tricks on her?Otherwise, can words be so easy?
Yes, it must be so.

Thinking of this, Sun Hao's mood improved again.

Xu Jie stared at the monitor intently. In fact, he didn't know who would be eliminated today.

This is the truth!

In the first round, he did explicitly tell the judges who to eliminate, but in today's second round, he didn't do that.

I just repeatedly emphasized to the judges that when selecting the eliminated, we must increase the strength of the evaluation, as harsh as possible, and we must not be soft-spoken.

Therefore, he is in the same mood as Sun Hao and Chen Liangwei, wanting to know the final result.

Not long after, the fourth program ended, and finally came the most tense and exciting moment.

"Now, I invite the three judges to make their own choices." The host said on the stage, while pointing to the three judges on the judge's seat.

Jiang Dongsheng, Liu Shiman, and Zhou Zhenyang picked up pens and started writing on the whiteboard.

Although there are many camera positions on the scene, none of them are aligned with the words on the whiteboard. Therefore, whether it is the audience or the director team, they can only see the three judges writing, but they don't know what they are writing.

Chen Liangwei's legs trembled anxiously, and Sun Hao clenched his fists tightly.

"Let's see Teacher Zhou's choice first!" said the host.

Zhou Zhenyang slowly picked up the whiteboard, and saw Zhou Yapeng written on it with black pen, then looked at Zhou Yapeng standing on the stage and said: "Zhou Yapeng, I am very disappointed with your performance today, you have not integrated into the role at all, the whole Everyone is out of the story, they seem out of place with the other actors, and the difference from the previous one is too big. I had great expectations for you before I saw your performance, but..."

Zhou Zhenyang's criticism was completely according to Xu Jie's intention, as harsh as it could be, and he couldn't stop at all.

He doesn't think he will offend anyone by doing this. After all, he is recording. He has said so much, but it may not be broadcast so much. Most of what he said is to have more material for later editing. He believes that Mr. Xu is the same this means.

Next it was Liu Shiman's turn.

The person she wrote was Hu Yunxi.

"Hu Yunxi, in fact, your qualifications are good in all aspects, but you are really not suitable for acting in comedy. I remember that you were drawn last time for a drama, and your performance was amazing. I even think you have hope of entering the finals, but look I really can't laugh out of your comedy..."

Standing on the stage, Hu Yunxi blushed when he heard it. In fact, he didn't want to act in comedy either. Instead of trying to make others laugh, he preferred to make others scream by being handsome.

Finally it was the turn of the last great director Jiang Dongsheng.

Jiang Dongsheng directly revealed his choice: Zhou Yapeng.

At this moment, Sun Hao's face became extremely ugly. As for what Jiang Dongsheng said, she couldn't listen to it at all, but what was certain was that it was all criticism.

She came, but eliminated her people, this, this is too disrespectful to her, right?
Chen Liangwei breathed a sigh of relief at this time, it would have been better if it hadn't been Hu Yunxi.

At the end of the recording program, Chen Liangwei looked at the gloomy Sun Hao, said hello to Mr. Xu, and left with a smile.


Xu Jie came to Sun Hao's side, sighed, and said: "Mr. Sun, I know you must be in a bad mood now, but in fact, my mood is the same as yours. You have seen it in the previous issues. I'm an artist who really wants to help you, and I deliberately asked the three judges, but Zhou Yunpeng doesn't know whether he is proud or confident today. I really didn't expect his performance to be so poor. I believe you saw it just now. There are so many eyes staring at the scene, I can't help it, so I hope Mr. Sun can understand."

The words "proud" and "have nothing to fear" directly put the responsibility for the elimination on Zhou Yunpeng, and he picked himself completely.

After hearing this, Sun Hao frowned slightly.

If he was angry with Mr. Xu before, then he is angry with Zhou Yunpeng now.

It must be that Zhou Yunpeng knew that she had found Mr. Xu, so he was proud and confident, which led to his poor performance on stage.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.

"Mr. Xu, I understand you. It is indeed Zhou Yunpeng's problem. I will criticize him well later!" Sun Hao said.

"Mr. Sun, Zhou Yunpeng has already been eliminated. Don't talk about him. You should talk about Liu Tianze and Bai Yutong. Let them prepare carefully and don't follow in Zhou Yunpeng's footsteps. Don't worry, I will definitely follow in the next issue." The judges have explained well that as long as Liu Tianze and Bai Yutong perform well, they will be promoted." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, I will trouble you next." Sun Hao immediately held the other party's hand tightly, thanking him for not wanting it.

Cheng Yingjie watched this scene from the side, eliminated the other party's people, and asked the other party to thank him, Mr. Xu is amazing!
Learned another trick!

(End of this chapter)

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