The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1066 "Legend of Lan Xi" Finished

Probably because it was useless to know that they were here, Sun Hao and Chen Liangwei never appeared again in the recordings of several episodes of "Crossover Actor".

However, after the artist is eliminated, some explanation is definitely inevitable.

Fortunately, there is a foreshadowing before, so it is easy to explain.

"Mr. Chen, I want to apologize to you. I really don't want to eliminate Gao Jinfeng, but his performance today is really horrible. You didn't see the audience's reaction at all. There was no reaction at all. I have to go to his performance in post-production. I cut some shots of the audience applauding in the unit. Does he have something on his mind? Compared with the first round, his condition is too bad. Originally, I was planning to recommend him to the top nine. After all, he is very handsome, singing It's not bad, but after his performance today, I don't feel ashamed to speak to the judges, so you hurry up and talk to Tian Rongrong who will be on stage next time, and let her prepare carefully, so that I can speak to the judges..."

"Mr. Gao, I have some bad news for you. Chen Jiao was eliminated today. I blamed me for being too busy recently and not being able to help her analyze the script when she was preparing the short drama. As a result, she couldn't fully grasp the character of the characters. It's a pity that I couldn't integrate into the role, don't worry, no matter how busy I am in the next round, I will definitely spare time to help Su Kewei and Jiang Youmei, so that they can go further..."


There was an explanation when he was eliminated, and when he was not eliminated, Xu Jie naturally couldn't miss such an opportunity to perform.

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations. Your artists passed the program recorded today. I let them advance because of your face. Because of this, I offended many people. Turn back to my people." I went to Zhejiang-Hangzhou Satellite TV, you should take care of them a lot...

"Mr. Sun, should you be in a hurry? Put your heart back into your stomach. Your people have all advanced to the next round. You are welcome. We are not outsiders. I told you a long time ago that as long as your people perform similarly Soon, I will let them advance..."


Call the eliminated party to highlight the artist's own shortcomings; call the non-eliminated party to highlight his personal decisive role.

This kind of operation made Xu Jie seem to be able to deal with several other media bosses with ease. He not only appreciated his help, but also narrowed the relationship between them.

For a while, in the eyes of these media executives, Xu Jie was a righteous person, a fastidious person, a warm-hearted person, and a handsome and kind-hearted person.

I can't wait to make an alliance with blood and swore on the spot.

And Xu Jie naturally couldn't miss this opportunity. He arranged Hu Zhen's people, that is, the artists who were eliminated in the first round, into the variety shows of various TV stations, which can be regarded as a kind of compensation for Hu Zhen. .

For him now, "Crossover Actor" is not only a variety show, but also his own resources. Now that he is a businessman, he naturally wants to maximize the benefits that the show can bring to him.

Revenue is the company's.

Human feelings are his personal.

What is favor?Favors are resources.

What Xu Jie thinks most about at the recording site is not the content of the program, but how to get more resources from the four media companies.

After all, the later the show, the more attention the artist will receive. With the current super high ratings of "Crossover Actor", if you can't exchange some more resources, wouldn't it be a disadvantage?

He is considering whether he should ask for some film and television resources in addition to variety show resources.

Although Jingshi Culture currently has a lot of film and television resources, some of them are not suitable for Hu Xuan and others. Besides, who would dislike too many film and television resources?

If there are many, you can pick whatever you want, and you can play whatever you want; on the contrary, if there are few, you have no choice, even if it is an unsuitable role, you have to play it.

After all, there is no work for a long time, which has a great impact on young artists.

Especially today when newcomers come out in large numbers and traffic updates are iteratively fast, even if there is no work for a year, it may be forgotten when it reappears.


"Ladies and gentlemen: the plane is taxiing. For the safety of you and others, please don't stand up or open the luggage rack. After the plane comes to a safe stop, please take off your seat belt..."

Xu Jie slowly opened his eyes, and after a while, the plane had arrived in Hengdian.

Today is the day of "Legend of Lan Xi" wrapping up. For the crew, the start-up and wrapping up are very ceremonial matters, and as the director of production, there is no reason for him not to be present.

As for the preparation and recording of "Crossover Actor", Cheng Yingjie has gradually adapted to the work of the chief director after the second round of knockout rounds, and judging from the ratings, the response is not bad, so he will be the chief director He handed over the job completely to the other party, and went to Hengdian alone.

Xu Jie walked out of the airport with his suitcase, and saw a familiar figure as soon as he went out.

It is Zhao Peng, a member of the TV drama department.

"Hello Mr. Xu, you have worked hard!" Zhao Peng saluted and said hello, then took the suitcase, walked quickly to a car parked by the side of the road, and opened the rear door.

Xu Jie got into the car, closed the door, and then took off the sunglasses.

No way, who made him a star now?
Don't dare to go out without wearing a pair of sunglasses.

Zhao Peng put the suitcase into the trunk, then sat in the driver's seat, started the car and left the airport.

"How is it? Is the filming going well?" Xu Jie looked at Zhao Peng who was driving and asked.

He has been too busy in the past two months, and his contact with Lu Zhihong has also begun to decrease. From the past, he made videos almost every day to now almost once a week. In addition to the shooting progress of "Legend of Lan Xi", other things such as the usual shooting conditions, and I really don't understand very well.

Of course, he is still very assured of Lu Zhihong's work ability, but he is worried that the other party will not be able to overwhelm the stars in the crew. After all, the leading actors of "Legend of Lan Xi" are all big names. In comparison, Lu Zhihong is basically unknown in this circle .

"Smooth, very smooth, everyone is looking forward to the final film of "Legend of Lan Xi", so they worked very hard." Zhao Peng said excitedly after hearing this.

He is also one of the expected ones.

Although he is a staff member of the crew, what he saw on the scene and what was presented in the final film are completely different pictures and stories, so he is also full of expectations for the TV series "Legend of Lanxi".

"How is the performance of the actors? For example, is there anyone who arrives late or leaves early, or often disappears suddenly?" Xu Jie continued to ask, this is what he cares most about.

"No, not only will everyone not be late and leave early, but they will come to the set in advance to prepare, and they will take the initiative to ask for reshoots if they are not satisfied with the shooting. Although some actors will leave because of participation in activities, they will also ask for leave in advance with the director. , They are the most dedicated actors I have ever seen." Zhao Peng said seriously.

"Really? You won't conspire to lie to me, will you?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"Without Mr. Xu, how dare I lie to you, I'm telling the truth, if there is a lie, let me..."

Zhao Peng was about to swear, but was interrupted halfway through.

"All right, all right, I believe it." Xu Jie said.

He was worried that if the other party got agitated and made an oath like "just let me drive you to death", wouldn't he be in bad luck with him?

But having said that, with his current status, if he dares to play a big role in the project he is in charge of, it is basically tantamount to asking for a dead end.

Xu Jie didn't go back to the hotel, but came directly to the set.

It was lunch break time, and everyone seemed very relaxed, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

"Hello, Mr. Xu!"

"President Xu, you are here!"

When everyone saw Xu Jie, they greeted him respectfully.

Xu Jie smiled back, and said loudly: "Everyone has worked hard these days. After today's filming, I will treat everyone to hot pot tonight."


"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

The crowd cheered after hearing it.

Xu Jie didn't communicate with Lu Zhihong immediately, but walked straight in the direction of Liu Jiaman.

The other party was eating under a sun umbrella, holding a few mahjong tiles in his hand.

This move stunned Xu Jie. Others were playing walnuts, but the other party was playing mahjong tiles. The queen of the movie is the queen of the movie, which is different.

"Sister Man, you've worked hard!" Xu Jie said, and sat down in front of the other party.

Probably for the sake of keeping fit, the other party's lunch is very simple, broccoli, carrots, rapeseed, not a single staple food.

"It's just filming. Compared with other industries, my workload is nothing at all." Liu Jiaman put down his chopsticks, looked at Xu Jie with a smile and said, "By the way, I haven't congratulated you on being promoted to general manager yet." Well, I don’t know if it’s too late to congratulate, Mr. Xu?”

From deputy general manager to general manager, although only one adverb is missing, the status and power are very different.

The general manager is the person in charge of the company, and there is only one, but there can be many deputy general managers.

"Of course it's too late, but calling Mr. Xu from you, Sister Man, sounds awkward to me. You can just call me by my name, or call me brother like before." Xu Jie said.

Although his identity has changed, his person has not changed.

The other party not only came back to help when he needed it, but also paid back his own worth. This kind of friendship is not ordinary.

You must know that at that time, his influence was not as great as the other party, and he even needed to use the other party's fame as a selling point for movies and TV shows to promote.

After Liu Jiaman heard it, the smile on his face grew stronger.

"How about calling you Mr. Xu in public and your younger brother in private?" Liu Jiaman asked.

"Listen to Sister Man." Xu Jie said.

It's really inappropriate to call him brother in public, and it's easy to be misunderstood.

"Okay, I'm not mistaken." Liu Jiaman said as he stretched out his hand, showing seven mahjong tiles, white in the south, east, west, and north, "Today "Legend of Lan Xi" is about to wrap up, how about it? I play two laps?"

Xu Jie smiled. Before coming, he had guessed that the other party would have such a request, and it was as expected.

In fact, this kind of thing is not a requirement. What an honor it is for a movie queen to invite someone to play mahjong. You must know that not everyone can sit at the same mahjong table with each other.

"No problem, just let me take a look at the results of your practice over the past few months, Sister Man." Xu Jie agreed without hesitation.

"Hee hee, I will definitely surprise you." When it comes to poker skills, Liu Jiaman immediately showed a complacent expression.

Although it is not up to Xu Jie's level, compared with before, the improvement is still quite large. At least when playing with Luo Wanglin, Jiang Liwen and others, I feel that I am performing dimensionality reduction strikes, and I have played seven or eight consecutive rounds Not a problem at all.

Now she finally feels what it means to be "overwhelmed by the cold".

The master is lonely!

Xu Jie chatted briefly with Liu Jiaman before finding Lu Zhihong.

Although it was about to be finished soon, the other party was still concentrating on watching the film.

"Old Lu, are you still busy?" Xu Jie stretched out his hand and patted on the shoulder of the other party. After two months of not seeing each other, the other party had obviously become thinner, weighing more than ten catties to say the least.

"Mr. Xu, there are two more scenes that will be finished in the afternoon. I will see if there is any bad filming before, and hurry up to reshoot while everyone is still there." Lu Zhihong said.

Although the filming part was finally about to be completed, he didn't look relaxed, and even had some concerns, such as: What should I do if the filming of a certain scene doesn't work well?
Once the crew dispersed and everyone went their separate ways, it would be difficult to reunite.

The staff is okay, even if they don’t have time, they can be replaced by other people, but the time of an artist is very precious. With so many artists, it is not easy to find a time when everyone is free.

In fact, recently, he has been repeatedly watching the previously filmed content, fearing that when editing later, which part will not satisfy Mr. Xu.

"Well, the work is rigorous, not bad." Xu Jie nodded, very satisfied with Lu Zhihong's work attitude.

When it comes to filming, you are not afraid of being serious. The more serious you are, the better you will be able to make good things. What you are most afraid of is making do with it.

In fact, not only filming, but daily life and work, you should maintain this serious attitude, otherwise life can only make do.

"Go ahead, I'll go elsewhere."

Xu Jie stood up, patted his ass and left without disturbing Lu Zhihong.

He walked around the set and chatted with each actor.

Probably because everyone knows that he has become the general manager, everyone treats him more respectfully than before, as if he is the boss.

But in the entertainment industry these days, whoever has the resources is the master.

When it was Liu Qing's turn, he saw the other party staring at the phone, pointing at the screen with both hands, not knowing that he was sending a message.

"Send what?" Xu Jie leaned over and asked.

Liu Qing was shaken all over, and her face turned red immediately, she quickly put away her phone and hugged it in her arms, and said hesitantly, "No, I didn't send anything."

Seeing the situation, Xu Jie felt that there was something wrong, especially when he saw that the other party was shy and nervous. Could it be that they were talking about friends?

Well, I must be sending a nasty text message to my lover, and I am worried that he will see it, so that's why.

"I understand, you continue." Xu Jie was about to leave after finishing speaking, but stopped after only two steps, looked back at Liu Qing and reminded: "Hey, let's talk, let's talk, " "Legend of Lan Xi" is coming to an end soon, so don't give me any negative news."

Normally, this woman would definitely roll his eyes at him, and then add something like "don't talk nonsense" and "a dog can't spit ivory out of its mouth".

But today, the other party nodded and said "I know".

Seeing the woman's honest appearance, Xu Jie's heart skipped a beat.

This woman, there must be something wrong, right?

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