The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1067 Someone in your heart?

"Are you OK?"

Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing suspiciously, saying that love can make a woman softer, and now it seems that it is true.

A person who is usually so lively and noisy can speak softly now, and I don't know who has such deep morality, who can subdue this woman. It's really a thing.

"Me, what's wrong with me?" Liu Qing was a little dazed when asked, first looked down at herself, adjusted her clothes, then turned around and took a look in a small mirror, to make sure that there was nothing wrong with her appearance, After there were no more leaves between her teeth, she turned back and said firmly, "I'm fine."

Xu Jie shook his head, with disbelief on his face, and the two eyes scanned each other back and forth like two sharp knives, as if they wanted to see each other.

Liu Qing was stunned by the look, she couldn't help turning her head to look at her manager Yuan Ou, and asked, "Sister Ou, what's wrong with me?"

Yuan Ou was also at a loss.

As Liu Qing's manager, would she not know what happened to Liu Qing?

In the past two months, Liu Qing has been filming on the set, but she only participated in two events in the middle, and it happened more than half a month ago. What could be the matter?

"Xu, Mr. Xu, what's wrong with Xiaoqing?" Yuan Ou asked in puzzlement.

Maybe something really happened, but she and Liu Qing didn't know about it yet. After all, the other party was from a TV station and had a close relationship with major media, so they would definitely know about something before they did.

Xu Jie stared at Liu Qing, narrowed his eyes suddenly, and asked with a half-smile, "You, do you have a boyfriend?"

Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, then immediately shook her head and said, "No, I don't have a boyfriend. If you don't believe me, ask Sister Ou."

The attitude is very firm.

"Yes, I can prove for Xiaoqing that she does not have a boyfriend." Yuan Ou said seriously.

But after finishing speaking, there was a trace of hesitation in my heart.

Although she is Liu Qing's manager, she is not by his side all the time, so she is not sure whether the other party has a boyfriend or not.

Although the relationship between the artist and the agent is close, it is not uncommon for the artist to hide his love from the agent, and it is even very common in this industry.

The agent represents the interests of the company, and when an artist falls in love, it will inevitably lead to a large number of followers, which will not only affect the popularity of the artist, but also affect the interests of the company, and the agent will inevitably stop it.

And those managers who know about the artist's love affair usually find out by themselves, and they have stopped it too late, and finally have to help the artist to hide it together.

As the old saying goes: Where there is no wind, there are no waves.

Mr. Xu must be able to ask this question because he must have heard some rumors. After all, the other party has more sources of information than her.

Yuan Ou glanced at Liu Qing, then asked Xu Jie in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, who did you listen to?"

Even comrades who have fought side by side have little secrets that they don't want to be discovered, don't they?
Xu Jie pointed to his eyes, and then slowly gave the answer.



The corner of Yuan Ou's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

Guess what?

Isn't this just making up?

She even believed it as a real thing just now, she was really dizzy!

"Xu, Mr. Xu, don't make such jokes." Yuan Ou squeezed out a wry smile. If someone else said that, she would have turned her face and sent a letter of warning from the lawyer.

Can Xiaoqing's innocence be tarnished by casual rumors?

This is related to the future of the entire company.

"That's right, I don't have any boyfriend, I've always been single." Liu Qing said seriously.

Xu Jie withdrew his gaze and thought: Could it be that he guessed wrong?
If it wasn't for having a boyfriend, what would it be because of a guilty conscience?
Forget it, whether the other party has a boyfriend or not, it's none of his business, anyway, just don't affect "The Legend of Lan Xi".

"I'm just asking casually. I don't mean anything else. By the way, you are old and young. Why don't you have a boyfriend yet? Don't talk about a vigorous relationship at the best age. Do you have to wait until you are seventy or eighty to go to the square to find an old man for evening love? ?” Xu Jie said.

Yuan Ou listened, feeling anxious.

Why did you still instigate Xiaoqing to fall in love?Isn't this ruining the company?

"Mr. Xu, Xiaoqing has her own career plan. She has always been very ambitious. If she doesn't fight at her best age, how can she have the energy and strength when she is seventy or eighty?" Yuan Ou said quickly, afraid of affecting Xiaoqing. Qing, at the end, deliberately looked at Xiaoqing and asked, "Really, Xiaoqing?"

Liu Qing was thinking deeply about the matter, and nodded reflexively when she heard Yuan Ou's question, but then she felt something was wrong, she suddenly turned her head to look at Yuan Ou and asked, "Sister Ou, what did you just say?"

Yuan Ou's expression froze when he saw it, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

What did she just say?

Don't you just say that the other party shouldn't have a boyfriend, shouldn't talk about love affairs?
But what about the other party?
Absent-minded, absent-minded.

This clearly means that she didn't take what she said into her heart, and it also very likely means that the other party has thoughts in her heart.

"I said that you are focusing on your career now, and you can talk about love later." Yuan Ou's voice was a little louder than before, so that the other party could clearly understand what to do now.

It can be regarded as a warning.

"Yes, career is very important to me!" Liu Qing said firmly.

Yuan Ou smiled, feeling extremely relieved in his heart.

"But..." Liu Qing glanced to the side, then raised her head with a sweet smile on her face, "Love is as important as career!"

Yuan Ou's expression froze, thinking: It's over!
She has been by Liu Qing's side for so many years, and the other party has always put her career first, not to mention her boyfriend, she doesn't even talk about love. Make a show.

But today, the other party actually said the words "love is as important as career". This is not just a sentence, but also a change in thinking.

Sure enough, women do not stay.

Huh, no!

At this moment, Yuan Ou suddenly thought of a question.

If Liu Qing didn't have someone she liked, how could she say these words?
The old saying goes well: Which girl does not have a spring!
At some point, a woman will look forward to love, dreaming of meeting her Prince Charming and having a vigorous love affair.

But being able to put the illusion in such a heavy position must be because the illusion is very close to reality, so there is a strong desire in my heart.

Yuan Ou looked at Xiaoqing's yearning expression indulging in some wonderful illusion, and couldn't help thinking of Mr. Xu's previous inquiry. He admired Mr. Xu in his heart. She had been by Xiaoqing's side for so long and didn't know anything. When you come here, you can see it at a glance.

There is definitely someone in Xiaoqing's heart!
Thinking of this, her mood became extremely complicated.

From a friend's point of view, she doesn't think there is anything wrong with Liu Qing. At the age of 26, let alone dating, it is normal for her to want to get married.

But from the company's point of view, Liu Qing's desire to fall in love is not only a big problem, but also a big trouble. While affecting Liu Qing's own popularity, it will also affect the company's interests.

How to do?
To care or not to?
Everything is just her guess, as long as Liu Qing doesn't admit it, it's useless for her to say anything.

in spite of?

The other party's career is going well, especially with the blessings of "Lovers in Time and Space" and "Legend of Lan Xi", not only has his popularity risen to a higher level, but his acting career has also become wider.

Once the relationship is exposed at this time, it will definitely affect the popularity, and those investors, sponsors and advertisers will definitely think about it again.

Xu Jie originally just said that casually, but he didn't expect to have unexpected gains.

With Liu Qing's expression, even if she doesn't have a boyfriend, she must have someone in her heart.

To be spotted by this woman, I don't know who is so unlucky.

"Well said, work is only a part of life, not all, people are not machines, there are many wonderful things in this world waiting for you to experience, especially when you have this kind of thinking and enthusiasm, you should follow your In your heart, don’t regret it when you’re old.”

After some impassioned words, Xu Jie suddenly leaned in front of the other party and asked in a low voice, "Do you have a goal?"

Liu Qing's pretty face flushed, she lowered her head shyly, she didn't even dare to look at people, and after a while she whispered: "No, no."

Xu Jie saw such a situation, how could he let the other party go?Changed another way and continued to ask: "Then tell me about your ideal type. There are so many male stars in the entertainment industry, there must be one who meets your requirements?"

This is called a leading question.

It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, just say anything.

But if you don't have this person in your heart, how can you say this person's name?

Yuan Ou on the side also came up, pricked up his ears and listened carefully, for fear of missing it.

As a manager, he didn't know that his artiste had someone in his heart, which was simply dereliction of duty.

"Ideal type?" Liu Qing raised her head slightly, glanced at the man beside her, and said, "He..."

"Attention all units, the lunch break is over!"

Suddenly a voice sounded on the set, which not only interrupted Liu Qing's words, but also woke her up.

Xu Jie frowned and looked back at the assistant director, wishing he could kick him out of the studio.

Don't shout early, don't shout late, but at this time, isn't it delaying him from listening to other people's gossip?

"Why are you asking this? You care so much about me, do you have any thoughts about me?" Liu Qing looked at Xu Jie with burning eyes, changed the subject, and stopped talking about it.

"I must have thoughts about you. Didn't I tell you before? Don't get any negative news before the broadcast of "The Legend of Lanxi". If it affects the broadcast of "The Legend of Lanxi", you can't afford it." Take this responsibility." Xu Jie said.

This is not to scare people!
"Legend of Lan Xi" has sold more than one billion yuan. If the TV series cannot be broadcast because of the other party, who will bear the loss?
Not to mention the impact on Beijing TV Station and Hunan TV Station, the compensation alone is enough for the other party to go bankrupt.

After Liu Qing finished listening, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, and then she cheered up and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely not affect the broadcast of "Legend of Lan Xi"."

"That's good!"

Xu Jie also knew that there was nothing more to ask, and the shooting in the afternoon was about to start, so he turned around and left.

Liu Qing looked at the back of the man, and was a little lost for a while, until the makeup artist came to touch up the makeup, and then she came back to her senses, but she was a little frustrated and depressed.

Yuan Ou stared at Xiaoqing intently, she couldn't hear the other party's answer just now, which made her feel uncomfortable all over.

It's like doing something you love very much, but suddenly you don't do it. Not only is it very unpleasant and disappointing, but you will always think about it in your heart.

But she also knew that if she asked directly, Xiaoqing would definitely not say anything, so she directly looked at Yao Yao, Xiaoqing's assistant.

She often goes back to the company to deal with other matters, while Yao Yao is always by Xiaoqing's side. If Xiaoqing has any emotional developments, Yao Yao must be the one who knows best.

"Yao Yao, come here!" Yuan Ou shook his head at Yao Yao, then walked towards the corner of the studio.

Yao Yao followed behind Yuan Ou, seeing the other party's serious expression, she didn't dare to ask more questions, after all, the other party decided whether she would stay or not.

Yuan Ou was worried about being seen by Xiaoqing and heard by other people, so he stopped after walking a long way, stared back at Yao Yao coldly, put pressure on the other party with his eyes, and prevented the other party from waiting for an answer lie to her.

Yao Yao shrunk her neck in fright, and asked in a trembling voice: "Sister Ou, what, what's wrong? Is it because I didn't do well?"

"Let me ask you, does Xiaoqing have a boyfriend?" Yuan Ou asked coldly.

"No, didn't Miss Qing just say that?" Yao Yao said.

"I'm asking you, I didn't ask what Xiaoqing said, so tell me the truth!" Yuan Ou's voice was stern, and when he thought that Xiaoqing had someone in his heart, he became angry.

Be prepared for everything, but still can't prevent it.

"No, really not, I've never seen Sister Qing dating any man, really." Yao Yao said quickly, her face turned pale with fright.

Yuan Ou stared at Yao Yao, seeing the other person's expression, he didn't seem to be lying, so he asked again: "Has she been in frequent contact with anyone recently, such as celebrities or rich second generations? Male friends are also counted. .”

"Sister Ou, you have been here recently, you should know Sister Qing better than I do." Yao Yao said with a wry smile.

"I just came here the day before yesterday, how can I call you always? When I was not here, did you see who Xiaoqing was in contact with? Tell you Yao Yao, you need to know who you are. If you let me know that you are lying, Don't blame me for turning my face and denying people, Xiaoqing won't be able to save you then!" Yuan Ou warned.

"Sister Ou, I really didn't lie to you. The actors in the film crew have the most contact with her on a daily basis. A few days ago, someone gave flowers to Sister Qing. She was a rich second generation, but she didn't even touch her. She just asked me to give flowers to her. Throw it into the trash can." Yao Yao said with an aggrieved face.

"Have you noticed, who does she usually use her mobile phone to chat with?" Yuan Ou didn't give up, even if he dug the ground three feet today, he wanted to dig that person out.

"I don't know!" Yao Yao shook her head. Even if she is an assistant, how dare she peek at the celebrity chatting on her mobile phone?If he was found out, wouldn't he be kicked out on the spot?


Yuan Ou looked at Yao Yao who knew nothing about it, and gritted his teeth angrily.

It's also a personal assistant, it's nothing!
"Tell you, pay more attention to Xiaoqing's situation in the future, especially who you contact and chat with. You must know, understand?" Yuan Ou said with a sullen face.

"Okay Sister Ou, I understand." Yao Yao nodded immediately, not daring to say something bad, the result of saying something bad would be to leave now.

"Okay, you go back!" Yuan Ou said annoyedly, then looked in the direction of the set, thinking constantly: Who could it be?

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