Chapter 1068
Xu Jie came to the director's group and sat on the sidelines waiting for the finale. The flowers were all ready, and they were in the car that picked him up.

After seven months of filming, the day finally came.

Holding the mobile phone, Xu Jie looked up all the news about Liu Qing when he had nothing to do, to see if he could find some clues from the news and find out the person in the other party's heart.

As a reporter, if you don't dig into the bottom of the news when you encounter news, can you still be regarded as a qualified reporter?

However, he searched for a long time, but couldn't find any recent photos of Liu Qing and the man in the same frame. The most recent time was more than half a month ago, when the other party attended a certain brand's business event and stood with the brand's president.

But if you think about it with your toes, you can tell that Liu Qing's ideal type is definitely not this 70-[-]-year-old man. This is no longer a father-daughter relationship, it is simply a grandfather-grandson relationship.

"Mr. Xu, do you want to come and see the last two scenes?" Lu Zhihong looked at Mr. Xu behind him before turning on the machine.

The other party is both the general manager of the company and the director of the TV series. Sitting behind him, this made him feel a little shivering, worried that the director would not be good.

"No, I can still see it sitting here." Xu Jie shook his head.

He came here today to participate in the finale activities, not to direct and supervise the work.

However, he also guessed that the other party must have a burden in his heart, so he said with a smile: "You guide yourself, don't worry about me, you now know far more about the crew and actors than I do."

After he finished speaking, he took the initiative to step back a few meters with the stool to show his attitude.

"President Xu, you don't have to stay so far away, really." Lu Zhihong said quickly, for fear that the other party might misunderstand.

"It's too crowded over there, but it's still spacious here." After Xu Jie sat down, he crossed his legs, as if he was on vacation.

"Mr. Xu..."

What else did Lu Zhihong want to say, but when Xu Jie saw it, he interrupted the other party directly, waved at the assistant director Yang Guowei, and shouted: "Old Yang, come here, I'll ask you something."

Yang Guowei walked over immediately, bent over and asked, "Mr. Xu, what's the matter?"

Xu Jie hooked his fingers at Yang Guowei, and when the other party got closer, he asked in a voice that only two people could hear: "Which actor or staff member in our crew did Liu Qing walk with more recently?" close?"

There is an idiom called: long time makes love!
When two people stay together for a long time, feelings will naturally develop.

In the film and television industry, many celebrity couples and celebrity couples are in love because of drama.

Just think about it, working together in one place for a year or so, not only being able to see each other every day, but also often acting in some rival scenes, cuddling and hugging, lines and love words, it is normal to get together.

What's more, before the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi", there were still a few months of filming for "Lovers in Time and Space", which added up to a long time.

So after much deliberation, he still felt that the cast members or staff members were more likely.

Although there are more male actors and staff in the crew, it is not difficult to find the target based on daily contact.


Yang Guowei was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand Mr. Xu's meaning, he still replied seriously: "Liu Qing walked very close to Fang Yi and Wang Zijian, and they would play against each other almost every day, and Minister Lu, Liu Qing I often discuss dramas with Minister Lu..."

While listening, Xu Jie thought about the people mentioned by the other party.

Fang Yi is only a few years older than Liu Qing. In terms of external conditions, he must be the most likely one among all people. Although he is not as famous as Liu Qing, couples with strong women and weak men can be found everywhere in the entertainment industry. Surprised.

Wang Zijian is slightly older than Fang Yi, in his 30s, and his external conditions and reputation are not as good as Fang Yi, but he is very good at business, can speak well, and has a high emotional intelligence. Isn't there a saying?It's better to move your mouth than to run broken legs, women all eat this trick.

As for Yang Guowei, in his 40s, although he is unattractive, the combination of an actress and a male director has always been a topic that everyone talks about. Among those male directors who married female stars, who is more handsome?
Xu Jie cast his eyes on these few people, perhaps because they were all working, so he didn't see anything unusual.

Also, if you can tell with just a few glances, why is he still asking here?Isn't it enough for everyone to look twice?

"Hey, do you know who Liu Qing has a better relationship with in the crew?" Xu Jie asked again.

"Liu Jiaman, Sister Man!" Yang Guowei replied immediately.

"I'm asking about a man." Xu Jie said.

"I'm not sure about this." Yang Guowei shook his head, mainly because he didn't understand what Mr. Xu wanted to ask.

In his opinion, don't a good relationship and getting close mean the same thing?

The relationship is not good, can we get closer?

"Have you seen or heard of someone Liu Qing is dating?" Xu Jie didn't turn the corner this time.

"No." Yang Guowei shook his head again.

Xu Jie frowned. As the assistant director of the crew, he didn't know anything about the actor's situation?Is the job done too badly?

"Okay, it's all right!" Xu Jie said.

Well, it's useless to ask.

"Oh." Yang Guowei responded, and then left in a daze.

I thought: Why does Mr. Xu ask these questions about Liu Qing?Could it be that Mr. Xu has thoughts about Liu Qing?
Thinking of this, Yang Guowei himself was startled.

Although extramarital affairs are very common in the circle, Mr. Xu and Su Yun have always been a loving and model couple, and they have never heard of Mr. Xu having a style problem before.

Yes, I must have thought too much.

He turned his head and glanced at Mr. Xu secretly, and decided to bury what he just heard in his heart.


Lu Zhihong suddenly stopped, and said loudly to the middle of the field: "Liu Qing, your mood is wrong, it's too much, restrain yourself, understand?"

"Yes, director, I understand." Liu Qing looked in the direction of the director team and nodded apologetically.

"Okay, let's do it again." Lu Zhihong sat down and started again.

There are not many scenes in this scene, but the scenes are very important and require a strong ability to control emotions, so the requirements for actors are very high.

However, after playing this role for so long, it should not be a difficult task for the actor.

After all, as the filming progresses, the actor's understanding of the role will also deepen, so the further the filming goes, the more the actor should be able to control the role.

"Stop, stop!"

Lu Zhihong straightened up, looked at Liu Qing and shouted: "Liu Qing, it's still not right, too much force."

"I know the director, let's do it again." Liu Qingqiao blushed, a little embarrassed, then adjusted her emotions on the spot, and returned to her previous position.

Lu Zhihong waited for a while, and gave Liu Qing some more time. After seeing the other party nodding at him, he shouted: "Every department is ready, start!"


"Crack, very good!"

By the fourth time, it finally met the requirements.

In fact, it is not too many to shoot a scene four times, not to mention a few dozen times, even dozens of times.

Four times is already very few.

Liu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

She also knew that the scene just now was difficult, so she went straight to the director and watched the replay of the scene just now.

"Xu, Mr. Xu, what do you think of this shot?" Liu Qing suddenly looked back at Xu Jie who was not far away, asking for his opinion.

Although Xu Jie didn't look at the monitor, he always paid attention when the other party was performing.

Don't look at how far he is sitting, but no one dares to block his view.

So he could clearly see Liu Qing's expression in the scene just now.

"Not bad." Xu Jie said.

People have different cognitive standards for one thing. He has high requirements for actors, so he thinks Liu Qing's performance is not bad.

People with high expectations are not easily satisfied, while those with low expectations are easily satisfied.

After Liu Qing heard it, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes. She turned her head and looked at the scene just now, and suddenly shook her head and said, "Director, I think the scene just now was not good enough. Let's take another shot."

Lu Zhihong felt that the shot just now was pretty good, but since the actor was not satisfied and asked to retake it, he couldn't say no to it. Anyway, there are only two scenes left, so there is plenty of time.

In fact, for him, it is a good thing that an actor has high self-demand. As an unknown director, he neither dares to blame actors nor teach them a lesson when filming. Acting, so the actor has high requirements for the play, but it helped him.

"Okay, let's do it again."

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie nodded involuntarily. Liu Qing's current attitude is much stronger than when he was filming "Lover in Time and Space".

If the other party can also treat filming with this serious and rigorous attitude in the future, it is only a matter of time before they get a movie queen or something.

It seems that they haven't seen each other for many days, and the other party has grown up.

Soon, another shot was over.

Maybe it was because of trying to show it, but this time I used too much force, and I didn't even pass Lu Zhihong's test, so I had to reshoot again.

Once, twice, three times...

Didn't get it right until the fourth time.

Liu Qing quickly came to the monitor, watched her performance just now, and after feeling much better than before, she turned to Xu Jie again and asked, "Mr. Xu, how is this time?"

Xu Jie didn't say anything, and directly extended his thumbs to the other party.

This thumb is not only an affirmation of the other party's acting skills, but also an affirmation of the other party's attitude.

After Liu Qing saw it, a smile appeared on her face, she was very happy.

"Director, let's take another shot."

After speaking, I returned to the shooting scene.

Lu Zhihong nodded. The actor was so conscious, and Mr. Xu was behind him to check him. At this moment, he felt a lot more relaxed.

"Start the next shot!"

Shooting continues.

But this time, just pass one by one.

"Very good, next shot!" Lu Zhihong said loudly.

"Wait, let me take a look." Liu Qing came to the monitor with the costume in both hands, looked at it and said: "I think I can perform better, director, let's do it again."

Lu Zhihong was startled.

Asking for reshoots once is a high demand on himself, but if he asks for reshoots every time, it will question his ability as a director.

Moreover, Liu Qing was not like this in the morning, no, it wasn't like this these days, what's going on now?
Could it be that he wanted to give him eye drops in front of Mr. Xu?

He has never offended the other party.

Or, do you want to show off in front of Mr. Xu, and strive to get more and better film and television resources from Mr. Xu?

Well, that's quite possible.

Thinking of this, he nodded at Liu Qing and agreed to do it again.


no need.

In doing so, it is possible to offend the actor, and it seems that he has low requirements for filming.

You know, Mr. Xu is sitting not far behind him.

This time, it took three more shots to satisfy Liu Qing.

That's right, everyone is satisfied with Liu Qing's performance now, only Liu Qing herself is not satisfied with her performance.

No matter what purpose Liu Qing did, it was for the betterment of the film anyway, and it wasn't some rude and excessive request, so he was happy to relax.

It's just that due to the high requirements, the finishing time was delayed a bit. The shot that was originally expected to be shot in two hours ended up being shot in three hours.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There was applause on the set, and all the actors and crew were applauding.

It's done!

Finally finished shooting!
Xu Jie walked up to several leading actors with a few bouquets of flowers bought on the way, and gave them the flowers.

"Sister Man, you've worked hard!" Xu Jie said to Liu Jiaman, with gratitude in his voice.

He was really grateful to the other party for agreeing to participate in "The Legend of Lan Xi", and it was because the other party appeared in the starring list that this TV series was able to sell for such a high price.

Otherwise, based on the fame of Liu Qing and Fang Yi, it would be very popular if they could sell three or four hundred million yuan.

"It's not an outsider, so you don't need to be so polite." Liu Jiaman took the flowers, and the smile on her face was as beautiful as the flowers.

Xu Jie handed the flowers to Liu Qing again, "Thanks for your hard work, you performed well today, and you can see the improvement with the naked eye. If you make persistent efforts in the future, you will not be far away from winning the prize."

"Thank you." Liu Qingqiao blushed, a little excited and a little shy, then put the tip of her nose in front of the bouquet, and after smelling it, she smiled even more beautifully and sweetly.

Xu Jie passed Liu Qing and came to Fang Yi. Before he could speak, Fang Yi spoke first.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, thank you for giving me this opportunity, if you need it in the future, just tell me, the salary is not important." Fang Yi said seriously.

With so many movie kings and queens around, and Xiao Hua acting opposite him, after "Legend of Lan Xi" airs, he will not be popular as the male lead.

Thinking of lowering his salary to join "Lover in Time and Space" and being selected as the leading actor in "Legend of Lan Xi" because of "Lovers in Time and Space", he has completely realized now.

Compared with salary, opportunity is the most important.

As long as you can seize the opportunity, isn't it easy to make money?
"Haha, okay, I'm serious. When I find you in the future, don't deny it." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"No, no." Fang Yi quickly shook his head.

Being able to board Mr. Xu's big boat, he was too happy, so how could he go back on his word?
Xu Jie finished dividing the flowers in his hand, and was about to help watch the props, when Lu Zhihong came over and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, do you want to say a few words to everyone?"

Xu Jie thought for a moment that he should say a few words after finishing the project. If he didn't say anything else, he might not have a chance to say it in the future, so he nodded.

The people around had already stood up, waiting for Mr. Xu to speak.

What chief director, big star, Mr. Xu is the boss.

"From "Lover in Time and Space" to "Legend of Lan Xi", everyone has worked hard along the way. Although the crew will be disbanded after today, I sincerely hope that we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future..." Xu Jie stood Said in the middle of the field.

Hearing this, everyone was moved. Thinking of the cooperation for more than a year, they felt a little reluctant at this moment. Some actresses even had red eyes and shed tears.

But as Mr. Xu said, the parting is for the next reunion, and everyone began to look forward to this day.


(End of this chapter)

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