Chapter 1069
In the evening, Xu Jie invited the whole crew of "Legend of Lan Xi" to eat hot pot.

This hot pot is not only a final feast, but also a breakup meal. ,

After tonight, everyone went their separate ways, and it might be difficult to get together again.

"This hot pot restaurant has been reserved by me tonight, everyone eat with open stomachs, don't be polite to me!" Xu Jie said loudly, holding his wine glass.


"Mr. Xu is great!"

The crowd cheered in unison.

After eating box lunches for more than two months in the crew, I have already vomited. It is a happy thing for everyone to have a hearty hot pot meal at this time.

Sometimes happiness is as simple as that.

Seeing the joyful smiles on everyone's faces, Xu Jie was also very happy in his heart.

Although he paid for this hot pot meal out of his own pocket, compared with the income he got from investing in "Legend of Lan Xi", this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket.


After Xu Jie sat down, he looked at the main actors at the same table, Liu Jiaman, Liu Qing, Fang Yi, Ding Mengni, Wang Zijian, as well as the director Lu Zhibin and the producer Gao Xiaobin, and said seriously: "It's been hard these days, everyone. , I just want to thank you on behalf of individuals and companies."

In order for "Legend of Lan Xi" to be broadcast this year, the crew has a very heavy daily shooting task, which also leads to a very heavy workload for the actors and staff, often shooting until late at night.

He has worked as a director, so he is very aware of the hard work involved. As the director and producer of the TV series, he should express his gratitude at this time.

"Mr. Xu, please don't say that. This is our job. Since we take over this job, we must do it well no matter how hard or tiring it is." Fang Yi immediately expressed his attitude.

In front of the boss, even if it is very bitter and tiring, you have to show the bitterness and tiredness to your stomach with a smile on your face.

If you let the big brother know that he can't endure hardships or get tired, will you still look for him when you have a role in the future?No one wants to find a pampered ancestor to serve them, right?
"Yes, these are what we should do." Wang Zijian echoed.

Liu Qing looked down at the sauce in front of her, she looked a little disappointed, she didn't say anything, as if she was out of her mind.

Ding Mengni, who is usually quiet and talkative, said from the bottom of her heart at this moment: "It's not hard work, it's my honor to be able to join this crew, I have a very happy life in this crew, Mr. Xu, thank you for choosing me."

"Taking people's money and doing things for others, you don't have to be so polite. In fact, I should thank you for giving me such a chance to make money." Liu Jiaman said with a smile.

Xu Jie smiled after hearing this.

He knew Sister Man was joking.

Is the other party a person short of money?


Compared with money, the other party cherishes his reputation more.

If the other party really loves money, they won't lower their value. Counting it, that's more than 2000 million, not a small sum.

In fact, for the other young actors present, they cherish the opportunity to participate in "The Legend of Lan Xi" more than the remuneration they get, because whether it is Liu Jiaman, Luo Wanglin, Jiang Liwen, etc. In general, this gold medal screenwriter is rarely encountered by chance.

It is also because of this that "The Legend of Lan Xi" has become popular before it was broadcast.

Maybe for the queen and actor, these are nothing, but for young actors like them, maybe this opportunity can bring them huge traffic and usher in their highlight moment.

This requires not only strength, but also luck!
Every actor's acting career has his own peak, but the height of the peak is not the same.

For some actors, this is the pinnacle of their acting career after winning the title of actor and actress; for some actors, this may be the peak of their acting career; for some actors, they have played a supporting role once, this may be their peak Acting career peak.

However, although everyone has reached different heights, as an actor, everyone has the same idea, that is... want to be popular!
The redder the better, preferably red to purple.

However, not every actor can be popular, which reflects the importance of opportunities.

And their participation in "The Legend of Lan Xi" is a very good opportunity.

Mr. Xu thanked them?
It's too late for them to thank Mr. Xu.

"Sister Man, if according to what you say, I will find you in the future when I have a chance to make money, so you can't refuse." Xu Jie said to Liu Jiaman.

Although the other party has not had a new work for several years, judging from the release of "Lovers in Time and Space" and the audience's expectations for "Legend of Lan Xi", the popularity of the other party is still very high, and it is definitely the ratings and box office. Assure.

"Okay, no problem." Liu Jiaman agreed without hesitation, and then suddenly changed the topic, "However, there is a premise."

"What premise?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

If you are playing mahjong with you, absolutely no problem.

"The story must be written by you." Liu Jiaman said.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, this premise was tailored for him, and instead of embarrassing him, it was flattering him.

An actress of Liu Jiaman's level will cherish her reputation more and more in the future, and will not just accept a movie casually, so Sister Man's choice to act in a story written by him is definitely a recognition of him.

"no problem."

Xu Jie stretched out his palm towards Liu Jiaman.

When Liu Jiaman saw it, he raised his hand and patted it.


High five for approx.

Xu Jie is so beautiful in his heart. The great director has been signed by him, and the movie queen has made an appointment with him. In the future, it will be difficult for the films produced by JingTV Culture to owe money.

Of course, it's not enough to just make an appointment with Liu Jiaman alone, he has to lock in more artists.

"And you..." Xu Jie turned his head to look at the other young artists, and said, "Liu Qing, Fang Yi, Ding Mengni, Wang Zijian, when I look for you in the future, you can't refuse."

"Lover in Time and Space" has greatly improved the popularity of these people, and when "Legend of Lan Xi" is broadcast, the popularity will not skyrocket like a rocket?

He wanted to draw these people over before they jumped up, and when they jumped up, he was too embarrassed to refuse.

"Mr. Xu, to be honest with you, I wish I could act in every one of your works." Fang Yi said.

If it weren't for Mr. Hu and Mr. Xu being good friends, he would even have the idea of ​​switching to Sister Yun's studio after the contract expires.

All fools know that signing at Sister Yun's studio is equivalent to having Mr. Xu's resources and protection. Will it be smooth sailing in the entertainment industry in the future?
The person he admires most now is Hu Xuan.

"Me too!" Wang Zijian echoed.

For a third- and fourth-tier starlet like him to be appreciated and invited by Mr. Xu, it's like smoke rising from his ancestral grave.

Although Ding Mengni didn't speak, she nodded.

To her, President Xu is both her bole and her boss, so as long as the other party comes to her door, she will never refuse.


For Mr. Xu, the option of refusal is not in her dictionary.

"You will still look for me?" Liu Qing raised her head and asked, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Of course, although your attitude towards me is not very good, but your attitude towards acting is very serious, just for this, if there is a role that suits you in the future, I will definitely find you." Xu Jie said.

At any rate, the other party is also one of the four young actresses born in 95. He is very talented and popular. Such an artist is usually the object of competition from all parties. Why not use him?
"That was all a long time ago. I don't have a bad attitude towards you now." Liu Qing blushed, a little embarrassed to be told, but still tried her best to defend herself.

Xu Jie thought to himself: Is it because you asked me to teach you how to play mahjong?
After thinking about it, with so many people present, he still decided to save some face for the other party.

"You are gentle, kind, and soft-spoken. Is this the head office?" Xu Jie picked up the chopsticks on the table and pointed to the steaming hot pot. "Come, let's eat."

Everyone picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

At this moment, even the female stars are not losing weight.

Losing weight every day, it’s nothing to indulge once when you’re happy, it’s a big deal to climb a mountain tomorrow and consume it.

Liu Jiaman was eating, and suddenly remembered something, leaned slightly to the side, covered his mouth with his hand, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, there is something in my sister's heart that I have been wanting to ask you for a long time."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

With the current relationship between the two, do you have to hold back if you have any problems?

"Actually, I am also a loyal viewer of "Crossover Actor". Can you tell me in advance who is the overall champion of this season's "Crossover Actor"? Don't worry, my sister is tight-lipped and promises not to tell anyone else." Liu Jiaman After asking, he swore to make a guarantee.

Xu Jie was startled, and wanted to say: You should continue to hold this question in your heart.

But considering the relationship between the two, he finally swallowed it down and said, "Sister Man, the show hasn't finished yet, how would I know?"

"Aren't you the chief director? Don't you know?" Liu Jiaman didn't believe it.

"It's true that I'm the chief director, but the finals haven't started yet, and I'm not a fortune teller, how can I know in advance?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

Liu Jiaman narrowed his eyes, looked at Xu Jie suspiciously, and said in a low voice after a while: "Don't try to lie to me, I know that your variety shows have scripts, how could it be possible that such a big event as the championship wasn't decided in advance?"

"Sister Man, I don't care if other variety shows have a default champion, but "Crossover Actor" really doesn't have a default champion, I swear!" Xu Jie said.

If it's the top 12, he admits it, but he doesn't dare to do such a big thing as the default championship.

The audience is not blind, can't you tell who is performing well and who is not performing well?

Even if there is a bad performance, there is a possibility of being eliminated.

If it was on the stage of the finals, he might be able to make a blind guess based on the artist's previous performance, but with so many rounds in advance, he really couldn't guess.

Liu Jiaman saw that his younger brother swore, so he stopped asking.

Since there is no default champion, future games are even more worth looking forward to.

Seeing how much Sister Man cared, Xu Jie suddenly had an idea in his heart, and asked with a smile, "Sister Man, how about you being a judge if there is a fifth season of "Crossover Actor"?"

Liu Jiaman didn't even think about it, she just shook her head, "No."

"Why?" Xu Jie asked.

It's easy, and it can make a lot of money. Many movie kings and queens are vying to be judges.

"I never participate in variety shows." Liu Jiaman said lightly.

Xu Jie was a little surprised. Although Sister Man didn't say the specific reason, he still quickly understood what the other party meant.

This is not wanting to "consume" yourself.

In the entertainment industry, some stars are keen to participate in variety shows, but there are still some stars who are very resistant to participating in variety shows.

They don't want to overexpose themselves, which will affect future works, because once the image in the variety show is deeply rooted in the hearts of the audience, then when they have film and television works come out, it will be easy for the audience to play when watching.

Many formerly famous film and television actors, even movie kings and queens, were eventually ruined by this and became the target of everyone's complaints.

"I said something wrong, I punish myself with a drink." Xu Jie said to Liu Jiaman, then picked up the beer can and took a big gulp.

Liu Jiaman smiled, and took a sip of her drink too. It was obvious that she was a soft-tempered person.

"By the way, Sister Man, I want to ask you something." Xu Jie said in a low voice.

"What's the matter?" Liu Jiaman put down the beer can and listened attentively.

"I heard that Liu Qing has a boyfriend, is it true?" Xu Jie asked.

"Ah?" Liu Jiaman was slightly taken aback, glanced at Liu Qing who was sitting opposite, then turned to Xu Jie and said, "Who did you listen to? Why didn't I know?"

As the first and second females of this show, they have a lot of roles, so they often stay here on the set. If the other party really has a boyfriend, it is impossible for her not to have heard of it.

"I also heard it from an entertainment reporter. I don't know if it's true or not, so I came to ask you. Since you don't know, then forget it." Xu Jie continued to eat hot pot.

Liu Jiaman looked at Liu Qing again. Although she is not interested in participating in variety shows, she is very interested in other people's gossip, especially the things between men and women. When playing cards on the mahjong table, she often Gossip with poker friends.

Do not know true or false?
Don't you know if you just ask?
But she also knew that Liu Qing, as a little flower, would not be easy to reveal such things as being in love, so she got up and left her seat, came behind Liu Qing, asked Ding Mengni to go to her seat, and she sat beside Liu Qing .

Liu Qing looked at Liu Jiaman suspiciously. In fact, she had been paying attention to him all the time, but she didn't understand why he suddenly sat next to her.

"Sister Man, do you need me?" Liu Qing asked in a low voice.

Liu Jiaman nodded, then put his arms around Liu Qing's shoulders behind him, leaned his head up, and asked in an inaudible voice: "Xiaoqing, I heard you have a boyfriend? Who is it?"

Liu Qing was confused.

Xu Jie asked this before, but why does Liu Jiaman ask now? Since everyone knows that she has a boyfriend, why doesn't she know it herself?
"Sister Man, who did you listen to? I don't have a boyfriend." Liu Qing explained.

"Yes, no, don't worry, Sister Man will never tell others." Liu Jiaman said.

Liu Qing was a little speechless, was the other party listening to her explanation?

"Sister Man, I really don't, really." Liu Qing said with a wry smile.

"Really not? Then I'll introduce you to one." Liu Jiaman's voice was a little louder.

At this time, Liu Qing seemed to be worried that others would hear it. She glanced around, shook her head hastily and said, "No need, Sister Man, thank you, me, I'm focusing on my career now, not looking for a boyfriend."

Liu Jiaman smiled.

Just this reaction, still say no?
It seems that the wine is not in place.

"Okay, let's have a drink for your cause!"

Liu Jiaman opened the beer can and drank it straight away.

Let's drink it first!


(End of this chapter)

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