The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1070 Drinking Crazy?

Chapter 1070 Drinking Crazy?
"Liu Qing, although we have known each other for less than a year, through these two cooperations, I found that you still have great potential. You will definitely be able to make further progress in your career in the future. Come, I wish you success in your career!"

"Xiaoqing, do you know what I admire most about you? Frankness, the current entertainment circle is full of hypocrisy and smog, you are like the light in the dark night, I hope you can persevere, don't be polluted, for your Not the same, cheers."

"Sister, I think we hit each other too well. The entertainment industry is so big that we can sit at the same mahjong table. If you need any help in the future, just tell your sister, come, have another drink."


Liu Jiaman drank one gulp after another, never giving Liu Qing a chance to refuse.

If you want the other party to confide the true thoughts in your heart, getting the other party drunk is undoubtedly the best way.

Isn't there such a sentence?Tell the truth after drinking.

Do not say?

keep drinking!
She is also good at drinking.

Among her many hobbies, mahjong ranks first, wine ranks second, and acting ranks third.

Soon there were several empty beer cans around Liu Qing, her face also unknowingly turned red, like a ripe apple, her eyes became even more watery, trembling .

In fact, at the beginning, she didn't want to drink, but because Sister Man had the blessings of "goddess", "actress", "idol", "senior" and "mayou", she was embarrassed to refuse.

However, after drinking some, because of the joyous atmosphere at the scene and Sister Man kept saying good things, she either praised her or praised her. No matter what, no one will be rejected.

Isn't it just drinking?

What kind of?
Besides, can Sister Man cheat her?

The two are mahjong friends who have fought on the same mahjong table.

"Sister Man, I would like to toast you too. Thank you for your help these days. Your teachings have benefited me a lot. Without you, I would not be where I am today."

After Liu Qing finished speaking, she raised her head and drank without ambiguity at all.

A drop of beer flowed from the corner of her mouth, down her chin, and all the way to her chest, and she didn't seem to feel it, drinking it was a pleasure.

Absolutely genuine.

Liu Jiaman was slightly taken aback, then the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing a smile.

It seems to have been drunk.

However, if you want to pry into very sensitive privacy, you must drink enough.

What is in place?

It is only when the brain is dizzy, the eyes are dazed, the mouth is stuttering, and the person looks happy, this is called in place.

If a person falls down, he has drunk too much.

Drank two more cans.

Liu Qing's attention began to lose focus, and her reaction time was a bit slow, as if she was thinking about something else. Even her eyes were not as big as usual, and she kept squinting slightly...

Seeing this scene, Liu Jiaman felt that it was almost done, and was about to get to the point, when the other party suddenly stood up and picked up the beer can.

"President Xu, I offer you a toast!" Liu Qing said loudly.


Liu Jiaman's eyes lit up.

good very good.

You don't need to drink it, just start drinking it yourself.

This is the sign of drinking properly.

Xu Jie, who was chatting with Lu Zhihong, turned his head and looked over, only to see that the other party's eyes were burning, and he was obviously a little excited.

Is this being fed too much by Sister Man?
"Mr. Xu, thank you for your guidance in "Lover in Time and Space" and "Legend of Lan Xi", I respect you!" Liu Qing stretched out the beer can in her hand.

Xu Jie nodded, what he said, I like to listen to it.

So he picked up the beer can and touched the other party.

From disobedience to toasting, this can be regarded as a successful training.

Liu Qing smiled sweetly, without further ado, started to drink

After Xu Jie saw it, he also took a big sip.

After Liu Qing finished drinking, she saw the beer can that Xu Jie put down, and asked displeasedly: "Mr. Me, still think I'm not worthy?"

After speaking, he turned his finished beer can upside down on the table to show that he had drunk it all.

Because Liu Qing's voice was very loud, everyone in the room heard it. In addition, the tone of his speech was a bit aggressive, and everyone fell silent for a while. They looked at Liu Qing and Mr. Xu in unison, and some people were surprised. , Some people are puzzled, some people are worried.

How dare you talk to Mr. Xu like that?
Is this too much?

If it were them, even if they drank too much, they wouldn't dare to talk to Mr. Xu like that.

Who is Mr. Xu?That's the one who controls their destiny.

"I didn't expect you to drink it up, so I'll make it up now." Xu Jie was not angry, and he didn't want to stand in the cold, so he drank all the wine in the beer can, and finally imitated Liu Qing and put it upside down on the table , asked: "How is it, is it okay now?"

After everyone saw it, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that Mr. Xu is magnanimous in their hearts.

"Okay!" After Liu Qing saw it, a satisfied smile appeared on her face, and then she sat down.

Liu Jiaman was about to ask a question, when Liu Qing asked again: "Mr. Xu, there is a question that has troubled me for a long time. I have always wanted to ask you, but I have never found a chance. I wonder if you can give me the answer today?"

"What's the question?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

Although the two haven't seen each other for a long time, with the relationship between the two, if you have any questions, you can just make a phone call, and there is no need to procrastinate.

It seems that it is not an ordinary problem to make the other party who is outspoken keep holding back.

"Why did you choose me to play the role in "Lover in Time and Space"?" Liu Qing asked.

Xu Jie was stunned, this question was beyond his expectation, not because it was so difficult to answer, but because in his opinion, this question was really too simple.

Didn't you choose the other party because you had no money?
I remember that when he was preparing to shoot "Lover in Time and Space", he had just come to Jingshi Culture as the deputy general manager. Although he was well-known in the variety show circle, he was still a newcomer in the film and television industry.

And at that time, because of the bet with the director Zheng Guoliang, many people were not optimistic about him, so not only no film and television company was willing to invest, but also no actress was willing to lower the salary to play the role.

For this reason, he aimed at the opponent, took advantage of the opponent's hobby of playing mahjong, coupled with a fool, and finally took the opponent down with difficulty.

Unlike the current him, who has money and resources, female stars rush to get on his boat.

Xu Jie was about to answer, but stopped again.

Honestly, can you really tell the truth?

I have no money, so I can only try to fool you, who would have thought it would work...

As soon as the words came out, the other party didn't just turn over the table?

He tried his best to recall how he fooled the other party at the beginning, maybe it was too long, or maybe it was just casual talk, thinking about it now, he could only remember some general ideas.

But for him, that's enough.

As long as there is a theme, he can fool around.

It was OK then, and it is OK now.

"What, did you forget? I remember I told you that." Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing and said.

This is called anti-client, to avoid being seen by the other party as talking nonsense.

"I just remember that you persuaded me to transform and drew a lot of big cakes. To be honest, if it wasn't for Sister Yun's sake, I wouldn't have agreed to you." Liu Qing recalled the events at that time, and couldn't help but A bit arrogant.

"Why do I advise you to change? That's because I think you have acting talent and potential. If you blindly play roles like Silly Baitian, your talent and potential will always be buried. I really can't bear it, so I just I strongly invite you to play this role, just like this." Xu Jie said seriously.

Compared with fooling the other party back then, he said very little today, mainly because he was worried that what he said was wrong and the fool would be exposed.

Isn't there such a sentence?Too much talk is bound to be lost.

When Liu Qing heard it, she was stunned in place, and it took a while to come back to her senses. Not only did her face turn redder, but her heart also became more beautiful.



Can this be seen by the other party?
It seems that before the other party persuaded her, he paid a lot of attention to her and did his homework on her. Otherwise, could he be so accurate?

"Apart from these? Is there any other reason?" Liu Qing asked enthusiastically.

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "Yes, but I'm too embarrassed to tell you the reason, so don't ask."

Where is there any other reason?
He just didn't think of other reasons.

The same goes for this woman, she said just now that she only remembered the transformation, but now she asked if there was any other reason, obviously she was hiding something.

"No, you have to say it, I want to hear it!" Liu Qing straightened up, her eyes flickering.

The less the other party wanted to talk, the more interested she was.

Xu Jie saw that he couldn't hide, so he thought and said: "Actually, the reason is very simple, that is, that is... you are beautiful, I want to put your promotional poster in the cinema, it will definitely attract countless people. Boys and girls, that’s the truth.”


Liu Qing was shocked, and asked happily: "What you said is true?"

"Of course, can you still get money by lying to you?" Xu Jie said seriously.

After getting an affirmative answer, Liu Qing was finally satisfied and stopped asking.

With talent and potential, plus she is pretty, doesn't that mean she is both talented and beautiful?

There are not many women who don't like to hear praises of beauty alone. Now that their talents and looks are being praised, which woman can stand up to it?


Liu Qing opened another can of beer and said, "President Xu, I respect you again, thank you for your appreciation."

"It's nothing." Xu Jie smiled lightly, thinking: as long as you don't ask any more questions.

"Gu dong gu dong!"

Liu Qing drank heavily.

What I drank just now was only half a can, but this time, it meant to drink up the whole can.

The people around were all dumbfounded, no one thought that the petite Liu Qing would be so bold when drinking at the dinner table.

Xu Jie thought to himself: What's wrong with this woman today?Do you still want to pour him down?If he doesn't drink, won't he be laughed at by others?

Thinking of this, Xu Jie also started to drink, staring at the other party while drinking to see how much the other party had drunk.


In just ten seconds, Liu Qing put the beer can upside down on the table.

The alcohol made her face radiate a charming brilliance, and her eyes were full of sultry glances. Her every move was charming, and she stunned all the men around her.

I know Liu Qingmei, but what everyone usually sees is delicate and charming beauty, but now, the other party exudes a charming beauty, just like a fairy, it is simply captivating.

"Xiaoqing, drink less." Yuan Ou, who was sitting at the next table, couldn't help but walked over and whispered.

If you drink any more, you must be drunk.

Some were drunk and made a scene, some were drunk and slept on the table, and Liu Qing was the former, otherwise she wouldn't have come to persuade and disturb everyone's interest.

Although everyone present today is from the crew of "Legend of Lan Xi", no matter what, Liu Qing is also a star, if she makes a fool of herself, won't she be laughed at?

"I know, I didn't drink too much, and this little wine is nothing to me." Liu Qing said while reaching out to push Yuan Ou back, then looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Since you said I'm beautiful?" , then tell me, sister Yun or I, who is more beautiful?"

"Xiaoqing!" Yuan Ou's expression changed.

From this question, it can be seen that Xiaoqing is not about to drink too much, but has already drunk too much. Otherwise, why would he start talking nonsense?
After giving Xiaoqing a hand, she quickly explained to Xu Jie: "President Xu, she drank too much, don't mind."

"I didn't drink too much, you just drank too much. I'm fine if I drink white, but a few cans of beer can do me no good? Tell me, sister Yun, who is the prettiest?" Liu Qing raised her pretty face and asked again, It seems that the answer must be known.

"Of course it's my wife." Xu Jie said.

If the other party can ask this question, it can't be said that it is shameless, it is simply overestimated.

The title of "National Goddess" is actually a vain name?

The praise just now was because I couldn't find any other reason, so I was just being polite, but I actually took it seriously?
"Well, I also think Sister Yun is beautiful!" Liu Qing nodded after listening, but there was a trace of disappointment in her expression, but then she raised her head and asked: "Then tell me, how much worse am I than Sister Yun? Throw it, or a big chunk?"

Xu Jie raised his eyebrows. Is this woman so annoying after drinking too much?
He wanted to say a lot, but he felt that it hurt his self-esteem. After all, he is a kind person, and there are so many people present today, but if he said a little bit, he felt like a big lie, so he thought about it Said: "It's more than a little bit, but less than a big piece."

Liu Qing was startled, and suddenly stretched out her finger, "You, you didn't tell the truth, you're lying, I..."

"Xiaoqing!" Yuan Ou came over again, holding the other's arm, and said: "Mr. Xu, Xiaoqing drank too much. I'll take her back to the hotel to rest. I'm really sorry today."

"I didn't drink too much, I just want to know the distance between me and Sister Yun... woo woo!"

Liu Qing wanted to say more, but Yuan Ou covered her mouth with her hands.

Compared with Sister Yun, let's not talk about whether he will offend Mr. Xu, if this word reaches Sister Yun's ears today, how will the relationship be handled in the future?
Liu Jiaman at the side looked at Liu Qing who was going to stay for a drink, and then at Xu Jie. For a moment, he seemed to understand something.

That's it!


(End of this chapter)

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