The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1071 Talk about it?

Chapter 1071 Talk about it?

Although Liu Qing kept clamoring to stay and continue drinking, she was finally dragged out of the hot pot restaurant by Yuan Ou.

As a manager, Yuan Ou participated in tonight's "Legend of Lan Xi" wrap-up banquet to prevent Liu Qing from drinking too much and making a fool of herself.

She and Liu Qing have been together for so many years, can she not know what kind of virtue Liu Qing is?

To be honest, it's already a bit late today, otherwise, how could you ask who is more beautiful with Sister Yun?
If Liu Qing was allowed to continue drinking, he might not offend many people.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, I asked you to drink less alcohol before you came here. Why do you still drink so much? Now that you are fine, you have offended Mr. Xu and Sister Yun."

Yuan Ou helped the man into the car, and scolded him while looking for a plastic bag to prevent him from vomiting in the car.

In fact, compared with other artists, Liu Qing is already very good, but after being drunk, she is a little hard to say, she can't control herself, and she completely lets herself go.

"Hehe, Sister Yun won't blame me. Sister Yun and I are on good terms. As for that man, I didn't say his wife is ugly. Why is he angry? Besides, don't all their men like beauty contests?" Liu Qing Said with a smile.

"Even so, you can't ask in front of so many people." Yuan Ou said.

"So what? Since I dare to speak out, I'm not afraid of others listening. By the way, he hasn't answered me yet." Liu Qing looked at Yuan Ou with a displeased expression and said, "Sister Ou, it's all your fault. Interrupt me, so I didn't hear the answer."

"If you didn't hear it, you didn't hear it. So what if you heard it." Yuan Ou said while fanning the smell of alcohol with his hands.

It smells bad.

And she didn't understand, when did Xiaoqing care so much about Mr. Xu's thoughts?

I was annoyed when I saw it before.

But this is a good thing. After all, Mr. Xu has a high position and power now, and he is no longer the little reporter he was back then. Xiaoqing's ability to change his attitude can be regarded as a kind of growth, but the wine is a bit harmful.

"How can I do that? I don't know where is the difference with Sister Yun, how can I catch up in the future?" Liu Qing said after hearing it.

"Why are you chasing after Sister Yun?" Yuan Ou asked puzzled.

Sister Yun is now the hottest female star in the entire entertainment circle, how can she catch up easily?
Coupled with the resource blessing of Mr. Xu behind him, I'm afraid I won't even think about it in this life.

"Of course I want to catch up with Sister Yun. Only when I become as good as Sister Yun can I have a chance to make that man look different..."

Maybe it was because of being in the car, Liu Qing was dizzy, and her whole body was no longer as excited as before. She not only leaned on Yuan Ou's body, but also closed her eyes.

"Are you talking about Mr. Xu? Why do you want him to look at you differently? With your current popularity, many film and television companies and big directors are looking for you to work with, and they all have better roles than before." Yuan Ou said with a smile .

In fact, since the filming of "Lover in Time and Space", looking for Liu Qing to play the role is no longer limited to being silly, white and sweet. This is undoubtedly very good news for Liu Qing, and it also reflects from the other side The capital side and movie fans have recognized Liu Qing's acting skills and image after her transformation.

"I have to make him look at me differently, so that he can know how good I am and won't reject me..." Liu Qing's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally she closed her mouth and fell asleep.

Yuan Ou was slightly taken aback when he heard this, why does this sound so awkward?
won't refuse?

Could it be that Xiaoqing still wants to participate in Mr. Xu's movie?

That's right, the next movies that Jingshi Culture will shoot are all big productions in cooperation with big directors, and the scripts written by Mr. Xu himself. When the time comes, the choice of male and female protagonists will definitely become the object of competition among the stars.

If Xiaoqing can become the heroine, her popularity will definitely rise to another level.

Thinking of this, Yuan Ou's previous grievances were all gone.

The artist works so hard and strives so hard. As a manager, she should be happy. It's better than those stars who don't do their jobs all day long.

Looking at it this way, what Xiaoqing did at the dinner table tonight was all business, but she was superficial.


Hot pot restaurant.

As soon as Liu Qing left, Liu Jiaman and Ding Mengni switched seats and returned to their original seats.

"Sister Man, did you find out after drinking so much?" Xu Jie asked Liu Jiaman beside him in a low voice.

Seeing the other party and Liu Qing drink so much wine just now, it should be rewarding.

After hearing this, Liu Jiaman uncharacteristically didn't say anything, just picked up the chopsticks and ate the meat.

Seeing the situation, Xu Jie was more sure that the other party must know something, so he asked curiously: "Sister Man, you are telling me, don't forget, I told you this gossip, don't worry, I will definitely not Tell someone else."

Liu Jiaman looked at Xu Jie, who was full of thirst for knowledge, with a complicated expression on his face. He hesitated for a while before saying, "Actually, Liu Qing and I haven't reached the point yet, but through some clues, I roughly guessed something."

"What's the situation?" Xu Jie asked, his eyes lit up, thinking: The answer will finally be revealed.

"My guess is that there is indeed someone in Liu Qing's heart, but it's only on her own side, and the man doesn't know it at all." Liu Jiaman stared at Xu Jie and said.

"Oh? You mean Liu Qing's unrequited love?" Xu Jie was a little surprised.

Because Liu Qing ranks first among the younger generation of actors in terms of popularity and appearance, and this woman is usually extremely confident, even a little proud, why is she still playing with secret love?Where did all the courage and arrogance go when she ran against him before?

Could it be that the object of Liu Qing's crush is a top actor in the industry?
If this is the case, it is easy to understand Liu Qing's behavior.

Top-tier male stars generally only date or not, because once they fall in love, their popularity will be affected. There was once such an example where a top-ranking male star announced his love affair, which led to a large loss of popularity. The magnitude is reduced.

If you like someone, you have to think about the other person.

From this point of view, Liu Qing is very noble.

"Well, it's not only unrequited love, but she should also like a married man." Liu Jiaman said seriously.


Xu Jie opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth wide, completely stunned.

Liu Qing has a crush on a married man?

Isn't this the brain kicked by a donkey?

With Liu Qing's current development momentum, her future in the entertainment industry is limitless, and it is possible to get a movie queen or something, but once the other party becomes someone else's mistress, or destroys someone else's marriage, her career will inevitably Will plummet, be spurned by countless people, and become a black spot in life.

Look at those female stars who destroy other people's marriages, either they quit the circle, or they hid behind the scenes. Liu Qing is still so young, it would be a pity to go down this road.

"Sister Man, are you sure?"

Because the matter was so important, Xu Jie had to ask again.

Of course, he hoped that the matter was false, but if it was true, he really had to talk to Liu Qing, and he couldn't let go of a bright future.

It is not easy for a female artist to be able to go to the front line.

If you want to return to the front line after your reputation is rotten, this kind of thing is simply as difficult as reaching the sky.

"I'm not sure, but I'm [-]% sure." Liu Jiaman said.

Ninety percent?

high enough.

Besides, women are extremely sensitive to gossip, so you will never be wrong about who Sister Man is.

"Sister Man, it's best not to tell anyone about this matter. I'll talk to her tomorrow. Isn't this sick?" Xu Jie shook his head while talking.

In fact, this kind of thing is very common in the entertainment industry, and he knows a lot.

Don't talk about others, let's take him as an example. After he and Su Yun got married, didn't many female celebrities take the initiative to show their favor to him, willing to spend a good night together with their bodies?

But Liu Qing's situation is different from these female artists.

Those female artists are in exchange for resources, and they treat everything as a deal, and they don't know how to play it for real. This is also a tacit understanding between the two parties.

But Liu Qing's true feelings, once serious, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Ah?" Liu Jiaman was stunned for a moment, then said seriously after regaining consciousness: "You'd better not talk to her."

"Why?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

We are all Ma friends, if you see someone going astray, even if you don't help them, you have to remind them, right?

Besides, if the other party expresses his love excitedly, and the behavior of the third party is exposed before "Legend of Lan Xi" airs, will the TV series still be aired?What about the money he invested?And Jingshi Culture's revenue this year...

In short, both public and private, he felt that he should talk to the other party.

"Because, because..."

Liu Jiaman looked at Xu Jie, because of it for a long time, but didn't say anything about it.

She really didn't know what to say, should she tell the other party: You might be the person Liu Qing likes?

"Brother, I said I'm only [-]% sure. If I guess wrong, you can talk to Liu Qing, and you won't be scolded by her?" Liu Jiaman persuaded.

Xu Jie thought about it, yes.

If it were someone else, they might not dare to scold him, but that woman is really not sure.

"Hey, Sister Man, you are also a woman, what do you think should be done at this time?" Xu Jie looked to Liu Jiaman for help.

"I don't know what to do, I've never done this kind of thing before." Liu Jiaman rolled his eyes at Xu Jie, feeling offended.

Xu Jie was startled, and then realized that he really shouldn't ask, so he explained apologetically, "Sister Man, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, I was mainly worried about affecting the broadcast of "Legend of Lan Xi". Wouldn't our hard work be in vain?"

"My hard work was not in vain. I got paid for the film, and I also learned the poker skills. As long as it is not because of me, whether "Legend of Lan Xi" can be broadcast or not has nothing to do with me." Liu Jiaman said.

"Look at what you said, how could it have nothing to do with you? Do you know how many of your fans are looking forward to the broadcast of "Legend of Lan Xi"? How many fans are looking forward to your wonderful performance in the play? I am One of them, you said does this have anything to do with you? Are you trying to disappoint your fans?"

Xu Jie made a wave of output, which made Liu Jiaman feel depressed.

Isn't this moral kidnapping?

She filmed a TV series, how could she have anything to do with fans?
Liu Jiaman looked at Xu Jie, sighed deeply, and said: "The advice I can give is to persuade her with kind words, and don't elevate the matter to a moral level, let alone condemn her. Doing so will not only It won't work, and it may be counterproductive. I guess she must be very tangled in her heart now, so she still needs to focus on psychological counseling."

"Well, it makes sense." Xu Jie nodded.

I thought to myself: Women still understand women.

The wrap-up banquet lasted until late at night.

In the end, everyone recalled the days of filming together, some sang together to express their inner emotions, and some hugged each other and cried together.

Liu Jiaman directly canceled tonight's mahjong game because of drinking a lot of wine. The most important thing is that the people who can play cards with her have already drunk too much, and there is really not enough people.

Three missing one can barely play, but one missing three, can't play.

As for Xu Jie, there were too many people toasting to him, even if they only drank a small sip each time, they drank a lot in the end, and then went back to the hotel and fell asleep, forgetting about playing cards with Liu's family.

the next day.

Xu Jie slept until after nine o'clock.

Of course there is alcohol in it, but the main reason is that he has been lacking in rest recently. He is either busy with variety shows or movie scripts. Even if he came to Hengdian this time, he came with a lot of tasks. It's just one of them, and there are still some things he needs to do.

Xu Jie took a shower to wake up his whole brain, then changed his clothes and walked out of the room.

He was going to eat, and after the meal, he would talk to Lu Zhihong about the next work. Although the filming part had been completed, there was still post-production waiting for him.

This part needs to be checked by him personally, and he is worried about others.

For filming, you can find someone to replace him, but for post-editing, not everyone can do it.

Editing this kind of work needs to look at the thoughts of the person in charge. Different people have different ideas, and the cuts may be quite different.

Xu Jie was waiting for the elevator when suddenly there was a movement in a room, and then Liu Qing, Yuan Ou, and Yao Yao came out.

The moment Xu Jie saw Liu Qing, he immediately thought of what Sister Man said to him last night, so he walked towards him quickly and said to him: "Liu Qing, don't go, there is something I want to talk to you alone."

Liu Qing was taken aback when he heard it, his face was full of bewilderment.

Even Yuan Ou who was at the side was puzzled, why should we avoid her?

She is Liu Qing's manager.

But if you have an idea, you have an idea, who told the other party to be Mr. Xu?Once the other party gets angry, let alone her, even the entertainment company behind her will be finished.

"Mr. Xu, Xiaoqing, you talk, I'll wait for you outside." Yuan Ou forced a laugh, then turned around directly, with his back to the door.

Yao Yao followed suit, even Sister Ou didn't have a temper, and her little assistant didn't dare to have a temper.

Xu Jie shook his head at Liu Qing, then walked into the room where the door was still closed.


(End of this chapter)

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