The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1072 What kind of experience is it to eat melon and eat yourself?

Chapter 1072 What kind of experience is it to eat melon and eat yourself?

Xu Jie entered the room.

This is a suite, and there are many packed suitcases in the living room, and it seems that it is ready to leave here.

Liu Qing followed behind the man, and then closed the door, looking at the man's back, remembering the serious expression on his face, her heart started beating involuntarily.

What are you going to talk about?
Could it be what happened last night?
In fact, she has almost forgotten what happened after she was drunk last night. It was Yuan Ou who helped her recall some early in the morning, and then put together the scattered fragments to let her know what she did. What.

Right now, she only has two words in her heart: Regret!
Regret drinking so much alcohol, the result is not only ugly, but also said something that should not be said.

Alas, drinking is harmful!
"I already know." Xu Jie said suddenly.

Liu Qing was slightly taken aback, and looked at the man puzzled, only to see that the man had his back to her, with his hands behind his back, giving off an unfathomable feeling.

"You, what do you know?" Liu Qing asked guiltily.

"Know who the person you like is!" Xu Jie said in a mysterious way, trying to defraud the other party.

Using limited information to obtain more information is also an ability of a reporter.

Liu Qing was shocked, her eyes were full of surprise, at the same time, her heart beat faster, and a question popped up in her mind: How did the other party know?
Could it be that he accidentally slipped his tongue after drinking too much last night?
its not right!
When Sister Ou helped her recall, there was no such thing.

If she really said it, it's impossible for Sister Ou not to tell her about such a big matter.

"You, what are you talking about? I told you yesterday that I don't have anyone I like." Liu Qing tried to calm down, biting the matter to death, and firmly refused to admit it.

As long as you don't tell me about this kind of secret love, who will know?
"Why, do you still want to pretend to be confused?" Xu Jie turned around at this moment, staring at Liu Qing intently with sharp eyes.

Liu Qing dared to look at him at first, but the more she looked at her, the more guilty she became, and the more embarrassed she became, and finally she had to look elsewhere, still wondering how the other party knew.

Seeing Liu Qing's guilty look, Xu Jie immediately snorted coldly, and while frowning, he asked in a tone of hating iron but not steel: "I said you, how can you like a married woman? You , Confused."

Liu Qing opened her eyes wide in an instant, staring blankly at the man, feeling incredible in her heart.

He knows?Did he really know?
Liu Qing's mind was in chaos, and she was even extremely flustered. She never thought that the little secret in her heart would be exposed under such a situation.

In fact, it's nothing to expose it, it's a big showdown, it may still be a good thing for her, at least she doesn't have to keep it in her heart like before.

However, the attitude shown by the man now made her very worried, because the tone of the man's speech was clearly a denial of her.

how come……


Isn't it just telling her "you shouldn't like me"?

Growing up, she has always rejected others, and this is the first time someone rejected her. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Tell me about you, if you want money, you have money, you have good looks, your acting skills are not bad, and your popularity is also very high. The future in the entertainment industry can be said to be bright. Why are you so hard to think about it?" Xu Jie really couldn't understand the other party What do you think in your heart.

"I, why can't I think about it?" Liu Qing said in a low voice.

"Like such a person, doomed not to have a good ending, either it is to make someone a mistress, or it is to destroy other people's marriage, this kind of thing will be talked about by ordinary people, let alone you are still a public You are a character, do you want to be sprayed to death by black fans? Do you want to ruin your future acting career? You, tell me, are you overwhelmed?"

When Xu Jie saw the other party talking back, he couldn't get angry, and output another burst of output, analyzing the pros and cons for the other party.

He felt that even if the other party was overwhelmed by love, he wouldn't know the good or the bad.

"I...Of course I know this." Liu Qing lowered her head, biting her lips, as if she was also struggling, but after a while, she suddenly raised her head, looked at the man stubbornly and asked: "But, do you like a man?" Is anyone wrong?"

Seeing Liu Qing's stubborn appearance, Xu Jie wanted to criticize him severely, but at this moment he suddenly remembered what Sister Man said.

Good advice.

psychological counseling.

Sister Man's words are indeed correct, Liu Qing's current behavior is like a spring, the greater the pressure, the greater the rebound will be.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then said: "There is nothing wrong with liking someone, but you have to distinguish what kind of person you should like and what kind of person you shouldn't like. You shouldn't like someone, you have to persuade yourself to get out in time, otherwise you will only sink deeper and deeper, and eventually lead to a big mistake."

"I know, I know all of this, but I can't persuade myself, and I can't control myself, what can I do?" The more Liu Qing spoke, the more excited she became, her face flushed.

"You know you shouldn't do it, but you still do it. Aren't you making things difficult for yourself? Why, you have to hit the south wall, and your head will bleed before you know how to turn around?" Xu Jie asked with a frown.

It is said that women are emotional animals, and this time I have finally seen it.

"I, I want to try." Liu Qing said in a low voice.


Xu Jie was speechless.

Dare to feel that what I just said was all in vain.

"You, why are you so stubborn? It's hard to find three-legged toads, but there are plenty of two-legged men. There are big forests everywhere outside. Why do you have to hang yourself on a tree?" Xu Jie couldn't calm down. up.

"I'm so determined. I've been in this industry for so many years and I've met all kinds of men. Because of this, I feel that it's not easy for me to fall in love with a man. If you tell me to give up, I will give up. How is it possible? Me, it doesn't matter if I'm a mistress, anyway, this kind of thing is normal in the circle."

Liu Qing simply put on a look that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.


Xu Jie was directly shocked by the opponent's three views.

That's right, mistresses are very common in the entertainment industry and even in the whole society, but he didn't expect such a proud person from the other party to have such thoughts.

It seems that the environment can really change a person.

"Well, forget about my talk, you can do whatever you like." Xu Jie didn't care, feeling tired, feeling that the other party was completely hopeless.

In fact, this is the case. When a person destroys other people's families and tries to rise to power, he will definitely be condemned by the public.

But if this person voluntarily acts as a law-abiding mistress, keeps no noise and keeps secrets, not only will no one condemn her, but her career will not be affected.

Because no one knows.

How can this persuade him?
"What? What did you say?" Liu Qing, who was originally disappointed, suddenly raised her head in surprise, and couldn't even believe her ears.

How about love?
Does this mean that from now on, the other party will accept all her actions?
"I said I don't care, I can hit you if I want to, anyway, the one who hurts is you." Xu Jie said angrily.

People who want to commit suicide cannot be stopped, even if they are stopped once, they will think of other ways to commit suicide in the future, can't they just watch by their side for the rest of their lives?
Since the other party is willing to degenerate and voluntarily becomes a mistress, what else can he say?
Xu Jie ignored the other party and walked directly towards the door.

Just as he was about to open the door, suddenly a force came from behind, his body was hit and staggered, and then he felt someone hugging him from behind.

Xu Jie turned his head and saw that it was Liu Qing, so he said dissatisfiedly: "You hit the south wall, not me."

Retaliation, definitely revenge!

Fortunately, he held the door with his hands just in time, otherwise he would have bumped into it.

"It's what you said, I can do whatever I like, I'll hug you now, what's the matter?" Liu Qing hugged the man tightly with both hands, and pressed her face tightly on the man's back.

Before she made it clear, she didn't dare to think about these things, but now that she has made it clear, there is no need for her to hide it.

Let go, let go of everything that is pent up in your heart.


Xu Jie originally wanted to say: I let you do whatever you like, but I didn't let you hug me.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately realized something.

In an instant, the hairs all over stood on end, and a terrible idea popped up in his mind: that married man, couldn't it be him?
After all, although the relationship between him and the other party has improved somewhat through filming, it is not good enough to say goodbye with a hug.

Besides, how can there be a hug from behind to say goodbye?
This is not called farewell, this is called sneak attack!

"Liu, Liu Qing, can you let go of your hands first?" Xu Jie swallowed unconsciously, eating melons, and finally ate himself.

At this time, he suddenly thought of Sister Man's surprised expression when she said she wanted to talk to Liu Qing last night and tried her best to stop her.

Thinking about it now, Sister Man must know, but she's not ashamed to say it in person.

"No, you already know anyway." Liu Qing said without hesitation.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched involuntarily, thinking: Sister Man, Sister Man, I've been tricked by you.

If he knew that the married man Liu Qing liked was him, he would not try to persuade him today, and now he has become a trap of himself.

Xu Jie was still a little dazed, he never dreamed that Liu Qing would fall in love with him, this, isn't this just a joke?
Although he has fooled the other party and reprimanded the other party, he has never cheated the other party, and what the other party is doing now is not to cheat him?

If things got out, wouldn't his reputation and his family be ruined?

"Well, if you're doing it for resources, we can discuss it, you can let go of your hand first." Xu Jie said while pushing away the other party's hand.

"What do you mean by that?" Liu Qing's complexion changed, and she frowned and asked, "Do you think I'm a woman who is going around for resources?"

When Xu Jie heard it, what he said was really hurtful.

He was about to explain, but seeing the other party's angry look, he felt that this was a good opportunity, so he sneered and asked, "Why, isn't it?"

Liu Qing bit her lips tightly angrily, and the circles of her eyes soon turned red, with both anger and grievance in her eyes.

After Xu Jie saw it, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It was really true: if you want to plant flowers, the flowers will not bloom, but if you don't, you willow willows will make shade.

After trying hard to persuade him for a long time, the other party didn't hear a single word, but the unintentional sentence just now made the other party almost cry.

This time, you should give up, right?
Just when Xu Jie was about to put on a heartless look and turn to leave, he saw the other party take a deep breath, and then stroked back the long hair on his forehead with his hands, while showing a smile, and said in his mouth: "You You're making me angry on purpose, aren't you? I won't fall for your tricks."

After speaking, she raised her smiling face, as if she was using facts to prove that she was not angry.

Xu Jie frowned, and he swore to God that he really didn't mean to anger the other party just now.

I have to say that the opponent's self-regulation ability is really strong.

"Okay, it's almost over, I shouldn't ask you if you have a boyfriend, I know you are using the topic to play, and you have taken a fancy to the cooperation between our Jingshi Culture and several big directors, how about that, Liu Yulin's movie, You come to play the leading role, so the head office is okay? You have to know how to stop everything, if you overplay it, the matter will reach my wife's ears, be careful that the bamboo basket will be empty!" Xu Jie said lightly.

He wanted to treat everything as a farce, in this way, the other party had a step down, and this matter could end here.

At the same time, he moved out of Su Yun to remind the other party not to forget the sisterhood between the two.

If the other party is sensible, they should just laugh it off, and get the resources without damaging the relationship with Su Yun. Everyone can pretend that nothing happened.

But if the other party doesn't know each other...

"I know I'm sorry for Sister Yun by doing this, so I never intend to destroy the relationship between you and Sister Yun, which is why I keep it in my heart. I also know the gap between Sister Yun and me, so I will Continue to work hard, work hard to become an excellent woman like Sister Yun, as for Director Liu's female number one, I don't want it, I will use my own efforts to prove myself to you in the future." Liu Qing said seriously.

Seeing the other party's firm attitude, Xu Jie was at a loss for a moment.

In fact, he just used his wife to scare the other party just now. Compared with the other party, he was more afraid that his wife would know about this matter.

Don't give the steps, it's troublesome.

"Liu Qing, to be honest, what do you like about me? I'll change it and try to make you hate me earlier, which is good for both of us." Xu Jie said calmly.

Now is not the time to be angry, let alone he is not angry either.

If a woman likes it, it means that he is attractive. As a man, he should be happy in his heart, even if things are troublesome.

"I don't know either." Liu Qing shook her head and replied.

"What? Are you kidding me?" Xu Jie frowned directly.

If you say you like him, but you don't know what you like, isn't that just playing him?
"No, I didn't play tricks on you." Liu Qing shook his head to prove it, and explained in his mouth: "Like is just a feeling. In fact, I hated you at first, but later, I will be happy when I see you. I didn't see you." I will miss you when it’s time for you, and I can’t tell.”

Liu Qing lowered her head, grabbed the hem of her clothes with her hands, and her pretty face became more and more red.

This was the first time she expressed her feelings to a man. Although she bravely embraced him just now, she was still a little shy at the moment.


(End of this chapter)

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