The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 107 I don't want face?

Chapter 107 I don't want face?

Xu Jie came to the director's office slowly, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Li Donglai with a serious face, and his face was ugly, as if he had read the paternity test report.

"Director, what's the matter? I still have a hotline to answer." Xu Jie looked anxious.

Wang Jingmin rolled her eyes at her junior, and said seriously, "Don't talk nonsense, Director Li has something very important to tell you."

"Ah?" Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and said nervously: "Director Li, I haven't posted a single Weibo about heating recently, and I have been answering hotline calls in the office."

The corner of Li Donglai's mouth twitched, feeling that he had been slapped. He suppressed the anger in his heart, turned his head to look at the young man in front of him, forced a smile and said, "Xiao Xu, the city management committee called today." , invites you to attend a workshop tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. on speeding up solutions to heating problems in aging districts."

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Director Li, stop joking, are you testing me? I really don't post on Weibo anymore."

Li Donglai looked embarrassed, and continued: "I'm not joking with you. Didn't you always want to say something to the residents of the old residential area with poor heating? Now is your chance."

In fact, when he said these words, Li Donglai was very depressed.

Some time ago, he just suspended the other party's work because the other party reported too much on the heating problem. As a result, after a few days, the people from the city management committee called and invited the other party to participate in the heating renovation seminar of the old residential area. Slap him in the face?
The problem is, it was this group of people who called him to complain, and it was this group of people who asked him to tell him. As for himself, now he is Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror, and he is not a human being inside or outside.

"Xiao Xu, after you go, you must perform well and show the style of your column." Li Donglai instructed.

"I'm not going!" Xu Jie shook his head suddenly.

"Oh? Why?" Li Donglai asked puzzledly: "Haven't you been reporting this incident? Now they have responded and invited you to participate. Why don't you go?"

"Director, after these few days of introspection, I realized that I really need to pay attention to the influence, let alone become a social unrest factor, even if not for myself, I should also consider for the column team, even if not for the column team Think about it, and I also think about my wife, so from now on, I will not only keep a low profile, but also keep a low profile, and don't care about anything except the hotline." Xu Jie said solemnly.

When Li Donglai heard it, his face turned blue and purple, and he cursed in his heart: pretend, keep pretending, you have learned to use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son.

When you were not allowed to report, you went to interview and post on Weibo, and you still didn’t want to repent. Now when you are allowed to participate, you have enlightened again. How did you realize that it’s the right time?
Wang Jingmin kept blinking at her junior brother, saying that you are fat and you are still panting, it's almost over, you really don't want to, don't you?
Xu Jie saw the eyes of the senior sister, but he pretended not to understand.

I was the one to take the blame, I was wronged, I was punished, I was punished, and I was stopped from working, but now you want me to continue working hard?

Even if you are the boss, you have to be reasonable, right?

Could it be possible to squirt feces all over your mouth if you put Kaiser on your mouth?
"Xiao Xu, you have to work hard, be serious and responsible, and don't give up on yourself when you are criticized. You have always been reporting on the heating problem. How can you give up the picks halfway? In fact, any setback is a test for you." Li Donglai said earnestly.

Xu Jie sneered in his heart: Test me?are you eligibleAs a socialist successor, only the people can test me!
"Director Li is right, so I want to learn a lot of wisdom, don't eat a hundred beans and don't know bean flavor." He nodded and said.

Li Donglai's face changed like a pig's liver. The heating renovation of the old residential area is a major event. It happened in his department. If it is spread, it can be regarded as his leadership, so this trip, the other party must go.

However, if you admit your mistake to the other party, where is your face?Where is my majesty?
He looked at Wang Jingmin at the side, and suddenly thought of a way, so he said: "Wang Jingmin, I have a meeting later, so I'll go first, please persuade him, a man should be open-minded, and those who make big things don't care." Section, do you understand?" After speaking, he walked out.

Li Donglai's solution is very simple, let Wang Jingmin persuade him.

He knew that Wang Jingmin was Xu Jie's senior sister and the director of the program group, and he had always protected him in this matter. Xu Jie didn't give him face, but he definitely wouldn't give Wang Jingmin face.

Boy, you wait, after this incident is over, you will suffer!

Wang Jingmin kept sending Li Donglai out the door, and when she saw him walk out of the program group, she closed the door and said to the junior in the room: "You can go down the steps if I give you the steps, why is the show not over yet?"

As soon as Li Donglai left, the atmosphere in the office instantly relaxed.


does not exist!
"I've been scolded, I've been punished, I haven't even given an apology, I don't want to lose face?" Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Wang Jingmin reached out and grabbed his junior brother's face, "You want face, how much is your face worth? You want Director Li to apologize to you, just dream."

"Doesn't the leader need to apologize for making mistakes? Do employees have to be scolded in vain?" Xu Jie muttered, his voice full of dissatisfaction.

"You just know now?" Wang Jingmin went back to the desk and sat down, rolled her eyes at her younger brother, and said, "If you are dissatisfied, get out now and work hard to become a leader as soon as possible, otherwise, just do what you are asked to do." , don't talk so much nonsense."

"Director, this doesn't sound like what you said." Xu Jie said, in his impression, the senior sister has always been a reasonable person.

"Hmph, you just lack the beatings of the society. Now I regret that I take so much care of you. Remember, I won't spoil you as much as before." Wang Jingmin said angrily: "Tomorrow at 9:30, can you Go to the city management committee to attend a seminar?"

"Yes!" Xu Jie said immediately.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Of course, he didn't go because of Li Donglai, but for those uncles and aunts who were suffering from the cold.

It is not in his character to give up halfway.

"get out!"


Xu Jie left the director's office obediently, thinking about what the senior sister said to him just now, although the words were a little rough, but every sentence made sense.

When he returned to his work station, the hotline was still ringing. The first brother asked him to attend the seminar, which was considered to be his punishment. If there is no accident, he will be able to resume work next week. He should be answering the hotline today. last day of .

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a kind of reluctance in his heart. He couldn't chat with fans, and his heart was empty.

Well, let’s talk to fans today about what is not allowed to be broadcast on TV.


 Thanks to the book friend dudu for the 1000 starting point coins, please collect, please vote, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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