Chapter 108 Prestige
On Friday, Xu Jie came to the city management committee, and with him were Zhou Miner, Zhang Huihui, and Zhang Mingliang. Interview and report on the seminar.

In addition to the leaders of the Urban Management Committee, the relevant persons in charge of the heating office and the heating unit attended the seminar today, as well as five representatives of residents from the old community.

Xu Jie sat down and glanced around the meeting room. Except for the leaders of the Urban Management Committee, everyone else was old acquaintances, such as the heating office and the heating unit. They had dealt with each other before, not to mention the resident representatives. Interviews and videos were also done for these people.

"We have already noticed the problem of substandard heating in the old community. We deliberately invited representatives of the media and residents here today to hear your opinions and suggestions and to solve various problems in heating. Please speak freely." Urban Management Committee Director Han Haifeng made a brief opening speech, and the seminar went straight to the topic.

He looked at the representatives in front of him, finally set his sights on the young man, and said with a smile, "Reporter Xu, go ahead."

For this young man, he dare not underestimate it. The heating issue in an old residential area is a national hot topic, and its influence is no one else.

Hearing Han Haifeng's words, everyone in the conference room looked over in unison. Everyone here knew very well that if it weren't for this reporter Xu, everyone would not be sitting here today.

Xu Jie straightened his body. He knew that he was not only a representative of the media, but also a representative of thousands of households in the old community, so he said seriously: "There are many old communities in our capital, and most of these old communities were built in In the 90s and [-]s, they were not only the first batch of high-rise residential buildings in Beijing, but also the first batch of residential quarters to use central heating. The heating is getting worse and worse, which has seriously affected the normal life of the residents, especially in the past few years when the lowest temperature has been repeatedly hit in winter, the heating of the residents should be guaranteed..."

Xu Jie didn’t just say that, he also took out the prepared investigation materials from his bag and sent them to everyone present, and played the on-site temperature measurement videos recorded during interviews in various old communities with a projector, so that the present Some people know how bad the heating in the old residential area is, and they are well-founded, so that those who still want to try to justify have nothing to say.

"I think heating is a livelihood project, and we can't wait for problems to arise before solving them. The heating department should take the initiative to renovate the old communities, no, all the old heating pipe networks. Carry out the renovation, if the renovation is not completed in one year, it will take a few more years to do the renovation, at least let the residents have something to look forward to, instead of endless prevarication!"

"it is good!"

The five resident representatives sitting next to them immediately raised their hands and applauded.

"Reporter Xu is right. You can't always say 'this is how old communities are' and leave. We have also paid the heating bill."

"That is, the aging of the heating pipe network is your problem, but now it seems to be our problem."

"If a person has no hope, his heart will die."


Han Haifeng looked at the agitated resident representatives, raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and comforted him: "I know what everyone thinks, so our city management committee held this meeting to solve the heating problem."

The resident representative did not calm down, and continued: "Don't just talk, you can solve it."

"That's right, how many years has it been, with responses every year, complaints every year, and no resolution every year!"

"Do you dare to say that you don't know anything about it?"

"If you don't know what you know, you are doing nothing!"

Han Haifeng looked embarrassed, especially when he saw the camera on the side, and he didn't know what to say. If you speak softly, no one can hear you, and if you speak loudly, you will be misunderstood as a show of authority.

"Everyone be quiet first." Xu Jie looked at the uncle and aunt beside him at this moment, and said, "We are here to solve the problem, and who will solve the problem for us is of course the Urban Management Committee, so let us listen first." What should Director Han say?"

Hearing Xu Jie's words, the five resident representatives immediately fell silent.

"Reporter Xu is right, we will stop arguing."

"Reporter Xu, we listen to you."

The words were full of trust in Xu Jie.

Han Haifeng gave Xu Jie a grateful look, then looked at the resident representative and said, "I can tell you responsibly that the heating pipe network in the old community will definitely be renovated. Next, we will visit households and listen to the residents' opinions We humbly accept everyone's opinions and suggestions, and formulate a feasible plan as a key work plan for next year. As for now, I have asked the heating company to purchase circulating pumps to increase the water volume, speed up the flow rate, and increase the temperature of the water inlet and outlet pipes. Let everyone have a good time this winter."

"Don't lie to us!" said an old man.

"Yes, we must do what we say." An aunt said.

"You won't be transferred, will you? If you are transferred to other departments, does this plan still count?" Another aunt asked worriedly.

Han Haifeng said seriously: "There are journalists at the scene, and the whole meeting was videotaped. What I said is not for myself, but for the city management committee, so please rest assured."

"Yes, and reporter Xu is here!"


Next is the person in charge of each department to speak, must ensure that residents heating.

The seminar ended successfully, and the resident representatives stood up and surrounded Xu Jie one after another.

"Reporter Xu, thank you."

"Yes, if it wasn't for you, the heating problem in our old community wouldn't be so important."

"When will you go to our community again, and my aunt will make you a dumpling to express my gratitude."

The other people present watched this scene silently. No one thought that reporter Xu would have such a high prestige in the hearts of the residents.

"You should be most grateful to the leaders of the Urban Management Committee. If they don't agree to the transformation, it's useless for me to say more." Xu Jie said.

Being able to get the exact answer is not in vain today, so the credit should be given to others.

"They?" A resident representative looked at Han Haifeng, "Let's wait until the temperature in our house rises."


Xu Jie and his colleagues returned to the unit and immediately edited the content that was photographed today, and submitted it for approval after the production was completed.

Wang Jingmin was in trouble after seeing the video. Such heavy news, which concerns the lives of thousands of residents, must be broadcast as soon as possible.

But tonight, the winter solstice special program has been confirmed, and the promotion has been carried out early, so we can't broadcast the news first and then broadcast the special program, right?

As for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, it is Saturday and Sunday, and there is no "Serving the People's Livelihood" broadcast, which means that it can only be broadcast until next Monday. However, the most important thing about news is its timeliness. If it is delayed for three days, it can still be called news?

There was no other way, Wang Jingmin had no choice but to find Li Donglai and explain the situation.

Of course, Li Donglai also disagreed with the delay. Once this matter got out through other channels, wouldn't the exclusive interview be for nothing?You must know that the whole matter would have such a result under his leadership.

He took the video to the editor-in-chief's office. After watching it, the editor-in-chief's office thought it was important news related to people's livelihood, and the city's citizens must know it as soon as possible. After a decision, the news was broadcast on the evening news of the satellite TV channel.

Thus, Xu Jie appeared on the evening news of Beijing Satellite TV for the first time.


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(End of this chapter)

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