Chapter 109
"Damn it, have you watched the evening news on Beijing Satellite TV? Someone is a scumbag!"

"Really, isn't he a reporter from the Life Channel? How did he appear on Satellite TV News? Besides, isn't he assigned to answer the hotline?"

"He didn't report the news, but was reported by the news. The city management committee decided to transform the city's old heating pipe network. The scumbag attended the seminar as a media representative."

"What, what else is going on?"

"So, the Weibo post he posted worked? Niubi, I even forwarded it."

The evening news of Beijing Satellite TV has not yet ended, the news of Xu Jie's appearance on the news began to spread on the Internet, and some people even took photos and posted them on the Internet, there are pictures and the truth.

At the same time, some netizens discovered that Xu Jie had posted a picture on Weibo, and the content of the picture was the scene of Beijing Satellite TV's evening news broadcast of the heating pipe network renovation, with four words on it: wait and see!
After seeing it, netizens left messages in the comment area of ​​this Weibo.

"The scumbag is mighty!"

"Although I still feel that you are not worthy of Su Yun, this matter is really well done!"

"Scumbag, don't be proud. If it wasn't for Goddess Su, I wouldn't repost it for you."

"If you want to thank us, then quickly return the goddess to freedom!" This comment received more than 100 likes.

"Scumbag, the winter solstice special program of "Serving the People's Livelihood" will be broadcast tonight, can you reveal the content in advance?" As soon as this comment was posted, someone actively participated in the reply.

"Yes, can you tell me what to bring us for dinner tonight?"

"Blind guessing is dumplings, and it is a custom to eat dumplings during the winter solstice."

"I remember that the last time I broadcast roast duck, all the major roast duck restaurants were sold out on weekends. If this time it is really broadcasting dumplings, I think the dumpling restaurants will be overcrowded again this weekend."

Because the winter special program broadcast last time was very exciting, so this time everyone is looking forward to the winter solstice special program that will be broadcast tonight.

Before the show started, everyone was busy. In order to avoid being greedy like last time, everyone prepared very well this time, beer, mineral water, duck skewers and crayfish, just to satisfy their hunger while watching.

With the anticipation of many viewers and fans, the winter solstice special program of "Serving the People's Livelihood" officially started.

"Hi everyone, I'm your old friend Miner." Zhou Miner appeared first.

"Hi everyone, I'm your new friend Shi Fei." A strange man appeared on the TV screen.

"Today we will bring you a special winter solstice program, a winter solstice food tour!"

Seeing a man and a woman appearing in the show, the audience who had been waiting for a long time were stunned, and question marks popped up in their heads.


"Where's the scumbag?"

Everyone waited for so long just to see the scumbag's lack of integrity, but the scumbag disappeared. What did they want to see?
Well, wait, maybe Scumbag will show up later.

After reading the dumpling article.

Wait, there is still more than half an hour.

After reading the Chaos chapter.

Possibly the finale.

After reading the glutinous rice balls.


The ending screen appeared on the TV screen, and even Xu Jie's name was not seen in the employee column.

At this time, everyone finally realized that tonight's winter solstice special program did not have Xu Jie at all. Not only did he not host, he did not even participate in it.

Liar, this is blatant deception.

This feeling is like a movie that was released a few days ago. Everyone was going to go to a certain big star, but they went to the movie theater to see it. What a paper movie.

And tonight's winter solstice special program, there is not even a piece of paper from Xu Jie.


Angry people came to the official Weibo of the "Serving the People's Livelihood" column group, and frantically left comments under the Weibo that promoted the winter solstice special program.

"Where's the scumbag? Why isn't there him?"

"I waited for a long time, and I felt lonely."

"The new male host is too rubbish, Xu Jie is pretending to be stupid, this person is really stupid."

"The content is empty and the words are tasteless. In addition, the male host's behavior is contrived, and the performance traces are too heavy. During the winter solstice, I'd better eat meat in a copper pot."


At the same time, people dialed the hotline of the "Serving the People's Livelihood" column one after another. After finding that the phone couldn't get through, they switched to the hotline of the Life Channel of Beijing TV Station.

"Hey, why did you change the cast for the winter solstice special? Is it because the ratings are too high?"

"Is the new male host a relative of the leader?"

“I have completely lost interest in dumpling wontons and glutinous rice balls!”

Sitting in front of the TV, Li Donglai watched the finished winter solstice special program, and asked his daughter, who had just been admitted to Communication University this year and stayed home on weekends: "Girl, what do you think of tonight's winter solstice special program?"

"It's not good." Li Lili said while playing the game.

"Didn't you like the special winter program last time? You asked me to accompany you to eat roast duck the next day." Li Donglai said after hearing it.

"The last time was the last time, and this time is this time. Although they are both special programs, they are obviously two programs with very different quality." Li Lili said bluntly.

"Where is the difference?" Li Donglai asked.

He also watched the show, it was very lively, but for some reason, he just felt no appetite.

"The copywriting is not good, and the male host is even worse, jumping up and down, like a monkey, far worse than the previous Xu Jie senior." Li Lili said with her mouth curled up, her face full of disgust and disgust.

"Do you know Xu Jie?" Li Donglai was slightly taken aback, thinking of the young man who repeatedly contradicted him, he felt angry.

"Of course I know. I'm a fan of Su Yun. He's Su Yun's husband. How could I not know about it? And our professor often mentions Xu Jie in class, saying that we did poorly last night, and Xu Jie's homework is fine every time." Be a model." Li Lili said.

Li Donglai frowned, then got up and went back to the study, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hi, I'm Li Donglai, what's the ratings of the winter solstice special program "Serving the People's Livelihood" just finished?"

"Director Li, "Serving the People's Livelihood" hit a new high in the ratings at the beginning, but the ratings dropped very sharply, especially in the second half. Ranked fourth in ratings."

Li Donglai's face immediately darkened.

fourth?Not as good as the usual news reports.

You must know that the average ratings of the previous winter special program was the first in the whole day, even among all the local TV programs at the same time.

Before, he thought that anyone could do without the show, so he stopped all Xu Jie's work, but the reality gave him a slap in the face. This special show can't do without that young man.


Li Donglai slammed his cell phone on the table.

"Hmph, it's hard to find three-legged toads, but there are plenty of people with two legs. I don't believe that no one can replace you!"


 Ask for collection, please vote!Ask for collection, please vote!Ask for collection, please vote!Ask for collection, please vote!Ask for collection, please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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