The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 110: Everyone Criticized

Chapter 110
On Saturday, Xu Jie had a rare sleep in. He didn't wake up until 10 o'clock, and then he lay in bed and watched short videos, and didn't get out of bed until 11 o'clock.

Since the creation of the short video app, Xu Jie feels that he has lived a life like an emperor. Every day, there are people performing songs, dancing and performing talents, and he has to review them one by one, which is very busy.

Su Yun was not at home, she went to an acting class, and there was a note on the dining table: Dear husband, you can handle lunch by yourself, and I will cook dinner for you when I come back.

After reading it, Xu Jie broke out in a cold sweat and almost peed his pants. He didn't know what tricks this woman would use to torture his stomach tonight.

Thinking of his unknown fate at night, he immediately decided to go out for a good meal at noon.

There is an old saying: it is better to be upside down than to be comfortable, and dumplings are not as good as delicious.

Go to Brother Liang's girlfriend's house to eat dumplings!

By the way, let's see if the audience's reaction to Jiade Dumpling Restaurant after the broadcast of the winter solstice special program achieves the effect of publicity.

He put on a mask, tied a scarf, put on a down jacket and went to the nearby subway station. As soon as he got on the train, he heard someone talking about last night's show behind him.

"Hey, did you watch the winter solstice special on Life Channel last night?"

"Look, what's the matter, the whole chat is awkward, I don't want to eat dumplings tomorrow."

Tomorrow is the 21st, which is the winter solstice in the 24 solar terms.

"Yeah, you said that the last episode of the special program was very good, why did you change the cast in this episode?"

"It's not just a change of people, but also a style change. I changed the channel before I even watched the part about dumplings."

"Me too."


Xu Jie stood aside and listened quietly.

He also watched the winter solstice special last night. It was very flat from the beginning to the end. There was nothing new, but it was not bad. If the quality was really too bad, the review would not pass.

He thinks that a large part of the reason why everyone thinks it is not good-looking is because the expectations are too high. The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment, especially when there is a comparison, in addition to good, only bad remains.

When Xu Jie came to Jiade Dumpling Restaurant, he was stunned as soon as he entered the door.

It's lunch time, it's weekend again, and tomorrow is the winter solstice, and last night's show blessing, it stands to reason that there should be a lot of people in the dumpling restaurant, but not only is there no line in front of you, there are even several empty tables. Most of the people who come to eat are elderly people.

"Welcome, sir, how many...Xu Jie?" He Xiaoli quickly recognized Xu Jie, and said in surprise, "Why are you here? Are you here to eat dumplings? Please sit down." Jay leads to an empty table.

Xu Jie sat down, looked around curiously, and then whispered, "Sister-in-law, there don't seem to be many people today."

He Xiaoli poured a cup of hot water for Xu Jie, and said, "Well, probably wait until tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is the winter solstice."

Xu Jie nodded, what he said made sense, and then ordered a steamed mutton dumpling and a plate of side dishes.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the steamed dumplings were served. Xu Jie was eating while watching the news. Not long after, a figure suddenly sat across from him.

"Xu Jie, I was killed by that sand sculpture Shi Fei!"

Xu Jie looked up and saw that it was Zhang Mingliang.

"What's wrong?" he asked curiously.

"It's not last night's show." Zhang Mingliang picked up the hot water on the table and took a sip, and then said, "I called the director this morning to ask about the ratings of the winter solstice special program last night. I received many complaint calls from viewers, saying that after watching last night’s show, let alone dumplings, they didn’t even want to eat rice.”

"Ah? It's not that serious, is it?" Xu Jie said suspiciously, he also read it, why don't you still eat dumplings here?

"Don't believe me? If you don't believe me, call the director. I'm a videographer, and I was trained by the director." Zhang Mingliang said angrily.


"Actually, these are nothing, the key is to make me lose face in front of Xiaoli, you know?" Zhang Mingliang glanced at his girlfriend standing at the cash register, and said in a low voice: "I think after the show is broadcast, the dumpling restaurant The threshold will definitely be stepped on by diners, so I told Xiaoli a few days ago to ask her family to prepare more noodles and fillings today, but now you can see that there are not as many people as usual. People don't hurt people?"

Zhang Mingliang gritted his teeth at the end.

"Don't worry, maybe tomorrow will be fine, tomorrow is the winter solstice." Xu Jie didn't know what to say, so he could only comfort him like this.

"I hope so. If there are no people tomorrow, I can only go to the gate of the Beijing Film Studio to find actors and line up." Zhang Mingliang sighed deeply, with depression written all over his face.


on Monday.

When Xu Jie came to the unit, he found that the atmosphere was not right as soon as he entered the column group.

Usually everyone chatted and laughed, talking about where they went on weekends, and even if they didn’t go anywhere, they would talk about which TV series they watched at home, but today, the column group was completely silent, even if the leader inspected it, it was never so quiet .

"Sister Huihui, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked in a low voice to Zhang Huihui who was on the opposite side of the desk.

Zhang Huihui looked around, and then quietly said: "It's not that the winter solstice special program was filmed too badly, it is said that the hotline of the Life Channel was blown up, and even the trainee editor who was responsible for answering the phone was scolded and cried. "

Xu Jie was stunned. At this moment, Wang Jingmin walked in from the outside, glanced around the group with sharp eyes, and then said coldly: "Zhou Miner, Shi Fei, Zhang Mingliang, come to my office!"

The three people whose names were called stood up immediately and followed the director into the office.

"It's over, I must go in and be criticized!" Zhang Huihui said in a low voice.

After a while, the door of the director's office was pushed open again.

The first to come out was Zhou Min'er, her eyes were red, as if she had been crying, followed by Zhang Mingliang, with a livid face, very ugly, and finally Shi Fei, depressed, worried, and somewhat dissatisfied, the faces of the three The pages are full of stories, which also makes the already quiet column group even more depressing.

Morning meeting.

After Wang Jingmin finished talking about this week's work plan, she looked at everyone and said seriously: "Recently, I found some very bad phenomena in our column team. I am dawdling in my life; the second is poor execution, I cannot actively complete the assigned work, always emphasize objective reasons, and do not look for reasons from myself.”

There was no sound in the conference room except for the voice of the director. At this time, no one dared to speak, and even dared not look at the director. They all lowered their heads, wishing they could bury their heads in their necks.

"So from today onwards, each of you has to be nervous for me, work hard for me if you can, and get out if you can't. My column team doesn't need to eat, drink and wait for death. Do you hear me clearly?" Wang Jingmin shouted sharply.

"Listen clearly."

"The meeting is over!" Wang Jingmin turned and walked out of the conference room.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the senior sister. It has been two years since he came to this column group, and it was the first time he saw the senior sister get angry in public. In the past, even if the senior sister scolded a few words and pinched her hands twice, it gave him the feeling of being a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. , but this time is different, this is really angry.

Xu Jie originally wanted to ask his senior sister if his interview work could resume this week, but seeing the situation, he decided to let his senior sister calm down first.

Probably because they didn't want to be scolded, everyone left the column team one after another after the morning meeting, and soon Xu Jie was left alone.

Not long after, Wang Jingmin came out of the office, saw the empty column group, frowned, looked at Xu Jie, the only living person, and asked, "Where did everyone go?"

"They all went out to visit." Xu Jie replied cautiously.

Wang Jingmin didn't say anything after hearing it, and walked out with a cold face.

"Director!" Xu Jie yelled suddenly, and he was so startled that he couldn't help cursing in his heart: Xu Jie, Xu Jie, why are you in such a hurry to go out for an interview, and you will die if you answer the hotline for another day?

"What's the matter?" Wang Jingmin asked in a deep voice.

Xu Jie swallowed a mouthful of saliva when he saw the cold eyes of his senior sister, and asked through gritted teeth: "Director, look, the heating problem has also been solved, when can I resume my work?"

Wang Jingmin looked at Xu Jie, hesitated for a moment, and then said with a somewhat complicated expression: "Director Li thinks that you have done a good job answering the hotline, so let you do it for a while."

"What?" Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and his body also froze.


 Ask for collections, ask for tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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