The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 111: Trees move to death, people move to life

Chapter 111 Trees move to death, people move to live

In the column group, answering hotline calls is a very simple job, which can be done with hands, so in general, newcomers are in charge, or other people are in charge, and it is rare for a dedicated person to be in charge.

Xu Jie was in charge of answering the hotline before because he did not obey the leader's arrangement, but now that the matter has passed, and the facts have proved that Li Donglai was wrong, so if he is still in charge of answering the hotline at this time, it is inevitable that people will not go to other places think.

Xu Jie thought of contradicting Li Donglai many times before, not all leaders are like senior sisters, and the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach.

"Director Li, did you tell me how long you want me to answer?" Xu Jie gritted his teeth tightly, feeling an indescribable anger in his heart.

"Hmph, now you know you're in a hurry? It's too late." Wang Jingmin rolled her eyes, frowned and said to Xu Jie, "How many times have I told you that no matter what Director Li says, even if it's a fart, you have to be quiet." Listen, but you, not only don’t listen, but also say that his fart smells bad, have you ever seen someone whose arm can twist his thigh?”

"But he let it go at me!" Xu Jie said aggrievedly.

"What's wrong with him playing it on you? Why didn't he release it on others? Don't you have any idea?" Wang Jingmin said angrily.

"Is it wrong to work hard?" Xu Jie asked unconvinced.

"Look, you still talk back, Xu Jie, Xu Jie, you really don't know the bean flavor after eating a hundred beans." Wang Jingmin looked very much hating that iron is not steel.

Just finished the lesson, it's useless, who can not be angry?

Xu Jie didn't speak this time, but his heart had changed from anger to disappointment.

Wang Jingmin felt a little unbearable when she saw the silence of her junior brother. She sighed secretly, and then said, "I will tell Director Li and try to resume your work as soon as possible."

Xu Jie shook his head when he heard it, "Forget it senior sister, don't beg, just answer the hotline, just answer the hotline, I just want to reflect on myself."

Wang Jingmin was slightly taken aback, how rare is it that the junior brother knows how to reflect on himself?It seems that the words just now were not in vain.

"That's about the same." Wang Jingmin walked out of the column team.

Ring Ring Ring!
The hotline on the table rang, Xu Jie looked at it, and reached out to grab the phone.

"Hello, this is the column team of "Serving the People's Livelihood"..."

"Is it Xu Jie? Why wasn't you included in the winter solstice special last Friday night? Do you know that our whole family is waiting to see you?"

"You want to see me so much, you can go to my Weibo, there are my photos on it."

"I want to see you on TV."

"You can print out my picture and stick it on the TV."

"I mean, I want to watch the food show hosted by you!"

"I'm just a hotline answerer, don't have any hallucinations about me."


"Xu Jie, is that you? Why are you still answering the hotline? Have you stopped doing news interviews in the future?"

"Why, don't you want to chat with me?"

"Mainly my mother wants to thank you."

"Oh? Do I have any mother fans?"

"My mother lives in Yong'an Community. She said that people from the Urban Management Committee visited her community on weekends and decided to include her community in the low-temperature community renovation list. My mother would like to thank you very much and would like to know when you can do it. follow-up interview."

"To be honest, I really don't want to go. I hope the Urban Management Committee won't give me this chance."


At noon, Xu Jie came to the canteen of his unit. As soon as he entered the door, he felt countless pairs of eyes looking at him. He raised his hands very consciously, and those eyes also showed disappointment. move away.

Xu Jie bought a few things casually, then took a plate and found an empty seat and sat down. He had just eaten a few bites when suddenly a person sat down across from him.

"Why is there no you in the winter solstice special program? Didn't the special program last time do a good job?" Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie curiously and asked.

Under normal circumstances, programs with high ratings will maintain the original lineup in the next episode. First, the quality can be guaranteed, and second, there is a certain audience base.

However, a special program like "Serving the People's Livelihood" did well in the previous episode, but this episode has a sudden replacement, which is very rare in the TV circle.

Facts have also proved that the quality of this issue is indeed not very good.

"I even stopped the interview work, do you think the hosting work will continue?" Xu Jie said.

"Ah?" Qin Yan was taken aback when she heard it, "I would rather sacrifice the ratings than let you continue to work. It seems that you have offended your director a lot."

Xu Jie sighed and lowered his head to eat.

Seeing the dejected look on the man's face, Qin Yan couldn't help asking, "I heard that the heating issue has been resolved. Has your work resumed yet?"

Xu Jie was shocked, and then continued to eat.

It really is a pot that can't be opened without mentioning it!
Qin Yan knew that she had guessed right, so she said: "Your leaders are too small-minded, right? Why don't you have a heart at all? Aren't you doing it for work? Speaking of it, it was because of your report that the heating problem in the old community caused problems. The attention of relevant departments, now that the heating renovation has been confirmed, how can you say that you are also a hero, instead of being rewarded, you continue to be ignored, working with such a leader, aren't you angry? Don't you feel aggrieved?"

Of course Xu Jie was aggrieved, otherwise he wouldn't have ordered such a small meal.

"What can I do, talk to him?" Xu Jie said while eating.

"What's the reason? If he can do this kind of thing, he is not a reasonable person." Qin Yanyi said angrily, "Also, even if he will resume your job in the future, if this kind of thing happens again, isn't it? Being arranged to answer the hotline? This kind of thing is just like a man cheating, either zero times, or countless times, not once or twice. "

Xu Jie looked astonished, this woman really understood thoroughly.

"Xu Jie, I have read your news report, and the manuscript is outstanding. I also noticed that you wrote the copywriting for the last winter special program, right? You are a very capable person, but under such leadership I really feel unworthy for you because I really can't bring out your talents while working under my subordinates." Qin Yan shook her head and sighed, both sympathizing and regretful.

Xu Jie stopped his chopsticks and looked at the woman intently. Although the other person's words were very pleasant, no matter how he heard them, he felt that they were fanning the flames.

Qin Yan was in a very sad mood at first, but after being stared at for a long time, her whole body was itchy as if covered with fleas.

"What are you looking at?" Qin Yan asked uncomfortably.

"They're all old Chinese doctors, so don't play folk remedies." Xu Jie said lightly: "Just say what you want to say, don't beat around the bush in front of me?"

Qin Yan blushed and was embarrassed by the words, but she still said: "What can I do? Of course I still invite you to our art center. After I invited you last time, I went back and told our boss that he I also very much hope that you can go, and said that as long as you nod, he will immediately find Li Donglai to ask for someone."

"Really?" Xu Jie asked hesitantly.

"Of course!" Qin Yan said seriously, she could see that the other party seemed to be tempted, so she went on to say: "We are old acquaintances, I have taken care of you twice, give me face, don't let me visit the thatched cottage three times Is it done?"

Xu Jie looked at the other party, bowed his head and said, "I'll think about it again."

"Oh, what are you thinking!" Qin Yan was in a hurry, "This kind of thing should be cut quickly. When you return to the column team, you will start to hesitate again when you look at the colleagues you get along with day and night. If you are a man, you should be straightforward. Don't be like procrastinating like a bitch."

Xu Jie looked at the woman in surprise, he was really a ruthless person, so ruthless that he even scolded him.

"What are you looking at?" Qin Yan touched her face with her hand, "She's still a girl."

Xu Jie wanted to vomit, but he was embarrassed.

He thought about his current situation, and as the old saying goes, a tree moves to die, and a person moves to live, so he slapped the table and said loudly, "Okay, I'll go!"


 Thanks to the book friend 110827192939738 for the reward of 100 starting coins, please collect and vote!
(End of this chapter)

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