Chapter 112 VIPs
Seeing that Xu Jie agreed, Qin Yan couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone and send a text message to Jiang Hai, the director of the art center.

"Director, Xu Jie has agreed to join the art center, and the rest is up to you."

Soon, there was a reply to the text message.

"you sure?"

Qin Yan looked up at Xu Jie who was eating, and replied, "Sure, he is sitting opposite me now."

"OK, I'll go find Li Donglai now."

Seeing the reply, Qin Yan immediately showed a smile on her face, looked at Xu Jie while eating and said, "Let me introduce you to the Art Center. In addition to being in charge of the programs of the Art Channel, our Art Center also participates in the production of all related programs in Taiwan. Programs with literary and artistic content, such as the star talk show "Star Show" on the satellite TV channel, the music column "Sing Together", and the star crossover music reality show "Crossover Song God", which has been very popular in recent years, are all Our masterpiece..."

Qin Yan talked eloquently, her face full of pride as a literary artist, she just wanted to let Xu Jie know that in Beijing TV Station, the cultural center is more important than the life center, and there are more opportunities.

She knows very well that now is not the time to be modest and low-key, so it's time to brag and describe, and it's best to let the other party show up, just like seeing a beautiful woman, and have the idea of ​​"I really want to go to class".


On the other side, after Jiang Hai received Qin Yan's text message, he immediately looked at Li Donglai who was not far away. Coincidentally, the two happened to be eating at the same restaurant at noon today.

He walked over with the plate and sat down opposite Li Donglai, "Director Li, can you be full if you eat so little?"

Li Donglai saw that it was Jiang Hai, the director of the art center, so he explained: "The food in Taili is so good, and my waist has gained a lot of weight, so I want to lose weight recently."

In fact, losing weight is fake, but getting angry is real.

In the past two days, the channel’s hotline has been blasted, all of which are complaints about the poor winter solstice special program of "Serving the People's Livelihood". You must know that this winter solstice special program was temporarily arranged by him, so the current result is equivalent to a slap in the face of him. Face, how can you still be in the mood to eat?
"Director Li, I've been short of manpower recently, can I ask you for someone?" Jiang Hai asked while eating, looking very casual.

Li Donglai was taken aback when he heard it. The art center is one of the largest departments in Taiwan, so there is a shortage of people?

I am afraid that the lack of people is false, and the need for people is true.

"Who do you want?" Li Donglai asked.

The transfer of personnel between departments is a very normal thing, but it is a bit unusual for the art center to transfer personnel to the life center.

"Xu Jie, you know." Jiang Hai said lightly.

Li Donglai frowned, he was burned out by the boy surnamed Xu these days, and now he is still angry.

"What do you want him to do, he is a troublemaker." Li Donglai said angrily.

"Isn't he the husband of the big star Su Yun? I want him to come to our art center, and let him do the work of interviewing stars in the future. The near water and the platform come first." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

He had heard a lot from Qin Yan about the recent series of events that happened in the life program center, and it was precisely because he knew that Xu Jie had offended Li Donglai and was arranged to answer the hotline, so he agreed to Qin Yan's recruitment plan.

"No!" Li Donglai said decisively.

"Why?" Jiang Hai asked suspiciously.

"The center of our life is a carrot and a pit, and no one can leave." Li Donglai randomly found a reason. He still hasn't calmed down yet, how could he let that boy go so easily?

"Put it down, I've heard that Xu Jie was assigned by you to answer the hotline calls, and this kind of work is also responsible for this kind of work?" Jiang Hai asked.

In fact, he knew what Li Donglai was thinking, but he felt that Li Donglai was to blame for all this.

You are the director of the life program center. What you have to do is to increase the ratings and influence of the program. Especially at critical moments, you must learn to support your own people, even if you pretend to be, otherwise who will work for you?Can relying on outsiders increase ratings or increase influence?
Afraid of offending others?

The subordinates are not afraid, what are you afraid of?

As a director, once you impress your subordinates as a coward, don't let them respect you in the future!

"Then I won't let him go." Li Donglai said.

Jiang Hai frowned, it seemed that he had to think of another way.

"Brother, I'm not talking about you. Even if you don't want to release him, you shouldn't let him answer the hotline. Are you asking him to reflect, or are you arranging benefits for him?" Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Li Donglai asked puzzled.

"Answering hotline calls, what a leisurely job, you don't have to go out to be blown by the cold wind in winter, and you don't have to go out to be exposed to the sun in summer, you can watch short videos when you have nothing to do, call and chat with people, this job of fishing, you and I are no more than that .”


Li Donglai was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.

What do journalists fear most?It's not that there's no news, but it's that I go out to the wind and sun, especially in summer and winter. In summer, I shiver from the sun, and in winter, I shiver from the cold.

Thinking of this, Li Donglai wished to give himself a big mouth.

"But he's a troublemaker, if I let him out, I'm worried that something will happen again." Li Donglai said worriedly.

"So, give him to me." Jiang Hai said: "I'll let him take turns squatting to shoot celebrities during the day and night. If he doesn't freeze his old cold legs for a month, I will lose."

Li Donglai thought of Xu Jie's appearance in the wind and sun, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"Okay, then I'll leave him to you." Li Donglai specifically instructed: "Xu Jie is a person with exceptional ability, you must make good use of him."

Subtext: Squeeze him to death!
"I understand!" Jiang Hai's eyes were full of smiles.


After Xu Jie finished his meal, he returned to the program team, and not long after he saw Wang Jingmin coming in aggressively, the senior sister fixed her eyes on him, and said angrily, "Xu Jie, come to my office! "

Colleagues who returned to the column group looked at Xu Jie one after another, with doubts and worries in their eyes.

Xu Jie had already guessed the reason, so he walked towards the director's office with a normal expression.


Xu Jie closed the door gently, then looked at the senior sister and asked, "Director, what's the matter?"

Wang Jingmin stared at Xu Jie intently, and asked in a deep voice after a while: "Director Jiang of the Art Center asked Director Li for someone, and wants to transfer you to the Art Center, do you know?"

"I know." Xu Jie said.

"How do you know?" Wang Jingmin frowned.

"During lunch, the people at the Art Center told me about it." Xu Jie answered truthfully.

"So, you agree?" Wang Jingmin asked.

"En!" Xu Jie nodded.


Wang Jingmin stood up from the chair in a "babble", walked around the desk and came to Xu Jie, and said in a stern voice: "Why did you agree to go to the art center? Didn't you say that you should reflect on yourself?"

"I have reflected on it." Xu Jie said.

"and then?"

"The tree moves to death, and the person moves to live!" Xu Jie said calmly, since the decision has been made, there is no need to entangle.

Wang Jingmin became anxious, "Didn't I tell you that I will go to Director Li in a few days, so you can't wait a few more days?"

"Director, it's not a matter of waiting a few more days. The old saying is good: a raging soldier, a raging nest. I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about Director Li, and you also know that Su Yun is from the entertainment industry." In order to marry me, her career has been greatly affected, if I go to the art center, I can help her in all aspects." Xu Jie said frankly.

Wang Jingmin wanted to say something after hearing the first half, but couldn't think of what to say after listening to the second half.

If it's simply because of the suppression at work, she can come forward to solve it, but if it's for her family, she won't be able to interfere.

Isn't work just for family?
"Have you already thought about it?" Wang Jingmin asked.

"Well, think it over!" Xu Jie said seriously.

Wang Jingmin sighed deeply after hearing this, "Since you have already made up your mind, I won't say anything more. I hope you will have smooth sailing in the Art Center in the future. If you encounter any problems, you can come back to me, even if we are not up and down. Class, also senior sister and younger brother."

Xu Jie nodded, and said with gratitude in his eyes: "Senior sister, I have caused you a lot of trouble in the past two years. Thank you for taking care of me in the past two years. I will always remember it." After finishing speaking, he bowed deeply bow.

Wang Jingmin saw that she was turning her back, and said angrily: "Bow ass, I'm not dead, so get out of here, I'm annoyed when I see you."

"Yes, Senior Sister!"


(End of this chapter)

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