The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 113 Joining the Art Center

Chapter 113 Joining the Arts Center
On Tuesday, Xu Jie came to the TV station as usual, and as soon as he walked through the staff passage, he saw Qin Yan waving to him in front.

"Xu Jie, here!"

Xu Jie walked over and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Qin Yan said enthusiastically: "Of course I will take you to our art center, you are now a member of our art center, let's go." After speaking, she took the lead and walked in front with her long legs.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the other party. He really wanted to say that I knew where the art center was, but he was too embarrassed to refuse the other party's offer, so he followed the other party.

This salary is a bit high!
The procedures for his transfer from the life program center to the art center were completed yesterday afternoon, that is to say, today is his first day in the art center, and from today onwards, he is a reporter at the art center of Beijing TV Station.

Facing the new job, he was excited to face the challenge, but also a little apprehensive, not knowing that he could do a good job in this new job.

Xu Jie followed Qin Yan into the gate of the art center, and the office area immediately burst into applause, led by Jiang Hai, the director of the art center.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Xu Jie froze in place, flattered.

Unlike Li Donglai, who often has a donkey face like someone owes him money, Jiang Hai has a round face, always smiles, and is very easy-going.

"Xu Jie, welcome to join our Art Center!" Jiang Hai said while clapping his hands, then came to Xu Jie, held Xu Jie's hand with one hand, patted Xu Jie's shoulder with the other, and said: "From today onwards, you are There are people in our literature and art center, whoever dares to bully others in the future will be the enemy of our entire literature and art center, right?"

"Yes!" The people in the office area shouted.

Xu Jie looked at this scene in surprise. Is this the art center?How do you feel like you've entered a bandit's den?
"Come on, let me introduce you to the work of the art center." Jiang Hai said as he walked, "Our work in the art center is mainly divided into two parts, one is the art channel, and the other is the art programs of the satellite TV channel."

"The work content of the art channel is relatively simple. The five regular columns are played in a loop throughout the day, and new programs will be released from time to time, and the programs with long-term low ratings will be downshifted; while the work focus of our art center is It's a satellite TV channel's cultural program, especially a weekend prime-time variety show, and it bears the heavy responsibility of competing head-on with other satellite TV channels, which is related to our bonus..."

Xu Jie listened carefully word by word, and he found that compared with the previous work in "Serving the People's Livelihood", the next work is more challenging.

If the work of "Serving the People's Livelihood" is mainly based on interviews, then the work here in the Art Center is more about production, just like a chef who needs to prepare a sumptuous meal for the audience in front of the TV, similar to The winter special he previously co-produced.

After Jiang Hai introduced the basic situation of the art center, he looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Xu Jie, what kind of work are you more interested in? For example, doing interviews, or doing content?"

Xu Jie thought about it carefully. The interview work at the Art Center must be to interview celebrities, just like he interviews grandpa and aunt. This kind of work is very familiar to him, and he can get started quickly and seamlessly.

But the problem is that during the interview process, he will inevitably come into contact with celebrities, and his understanding of the entertainment industry is still in the novice stage. Once he offends someone when he asks a question, he will invisibly make an enemy for Su Yun in the circle , This will make Su Yun's already declining career worse.

After thinking about it, he decided to start with the content. First, he could challenge himself. Second, after the content is completed, he will have a greater right to speak, which will also help Su Yun's career.

"I want to do some content-related work." Xu Jie replied.

"Haha, it's just what I want." Jiang Hai said with a smile, "Do you know why I poached you from the life center?"

"Why?" Xu Jie asked.

"I want to inject some fresh blood into our art center!" Jiang Hai sighed deeply at this point, and then said: "In the past year, our art channel has tried several new programs, but none of them met expectations. As a result, except for the entertainment broadcast hosted by Qin Yan, the ratings of other programs are very poor. However, when I was troubled by this, I happened to see the winter special program hosted by you. It's fun, if you can invite this kid to be a gourmet show, it should be very good."

"Food show?" Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and asked hesitantly: "Shouldn't the food show be closer to life? If it is going to be broadcast, it will be broadcast on the life channel, right?"

"Wrong!" Jiang Hai said solemnly: "Food is a kind of culture, and the process of creating food is an art, so it is most suitable to put it in our art center."

Xu Jie was startled, but after what the other party said, there seemed to be nothing wrong with him.

Jiang Hai strikes while the iron is hot and said: "Xu Jie, I will give you a task to plan a gourmet show, the duration is not limited, if you have any needs, just ask, as long as you can make it, it doesn't matter if it is a noon or prime time, it doesn't matter. "

Xu Jie was stunned!

He never dreamed that on the first day he joined the art center, he would be entrusted with important tasks and have his own program.

However, he has never planned a program alone. Even if he has done a special program of "Serving the People's Livelihood" before, he mostly planned it in cooperation with other people.


He shook his head secretly. It was obviously not a wise decision to reject the director's job arrangement when he first arrived at the art center.

And in the entire TV station, there are countless people who are eager to have their own program. If he refuses such an opportunity today, he may never have it again in the future, not to mention that they just hired him for the new program.

"Okay, I'll take over this task!" Xu Jie gritted his teeth and said.

If a person does not push himself, he will never know how good he is.

Moreover, this opportunity is really rare for him. Although it is difficult and challenging, as long as he grasps it, he will be able to gain a firm foothold in the art center in the future.

Just now Jiang Hai has made it very clear that the focus of the art center's work is the art programs of the satellite TV channel. If the performance is good this time, maybe there will be an opportunity to participate in the production of satellite TV programs in the future, so this time the program is not just a Opportunity is a springboard for him to appear on a higher stage.

"Okay, young people are aggressive and responsible, I saw you right!" Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder excitedly, and said with a smile: "I also know that this matter is very difficult, so I will give you enough The time, half a month or a month is fine, as long as you can come up with the script of the program."

Xu Jie nodded, but he had higher demands on himself in his heart.

One week, one week at the latest, must come up with copywriting.

He's not here to fool around!

(End of this chapter)

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