The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 114 Xu Jason Statham?

Chapter 114 Xu Jason Statham?
Because of the approach of New Year's Day and the Spring Festival, the art center is busier than usual. The difference between the New Year's Eve party and the Spring Festival party is only one month. This is definitely a year-end test for the art center in charge of the two evening parties.

On the first day Xu Jie came, although he had the task of planning the show, he felt a little uncomfortable seeing that others were busy, but he couldn't do anything.

At noon, Xu Jie came to the cafeteria to eat. Looking at all kinds of food, he couldn't get his appetite.

Although he took over the task of producing a gourmet show, he thought about it all morning and didn't have any clues. This made him somewhat irritable, and even the food in the cafeteria didn't taste good.

In fact, food programs are not difficult to make, but it is very difficult to do well and attract people, especially after the appearance of the tip of the tongue, people's requirements for food programs are getting higher and higher. If there is no audience, there will be scolding, just like the winter solstice special program broadcast last Friday night.

Now that he has chosen to take on this task, he will naturally not be perfunctory. This is the first time he has produced a program independently, and it is also his first shot after joining the Art Center. It must be started!

Xu Jie ate his rice absent-mindedly, moving his chopsticks back and forth in the rice, as if counting the grains of rice.

"What's the matter, listless?" Qin Yan came to the opposite of Xu Jie, and from a distance, he saw the other party using chopsticks to compete with the rice.

"It's nothing." Xu Jie said absently.

Seeing the man's perfunctory look, Qin Yan asked with concern: "Is there anything dissatisfied with the Art Center?
Xu Jie recovered and shook his head at the woman, "No, you misunderstood, the art center is pretty good, I was just thinking about the show."

"Is it the food program that the boss entrusted to you to plan?"


Qin Yan said while eating: "You just came to the art center, the boss asked you to plan a new program, it's really embarrassing for you, but don't blame him, firstly, it shows that he values ​​you very much, secondly, it's us The program ratings of the Art Channel are indeed too poor, and new programs are urgently needed to save the poor ratings status."

On the current art channel, apart from her entertainment broadcasts, the ratings of other programs can be described as dismal. In addition to broadcasting TV dramas, some programs are repeatedly rebroadcasted every day.

They also want to do a good job in the show, but after trying many times, everyone has lost confidence, and in addition to being in charge of the variety show on the satellite TV channel, they really have more than enough energy.

"Don't look at the boss smiling all day long. In fact, he is more stressed than anyone else. His hair is falling out and the back of his head is almost bald." Qin Yan continued: "In addition to the programs on the art channel, we are also on the satellite channel. Variety shows have also encountered creative bottlenecks, compared with other satellite TV ratings, they can't even get into the top five, if this continues, I will not be far from bald."

Qin Yan sighed deeply.

Xu Jie didn't expect that the pressure of the art center would be so great. He thought that these people would be very happy to be in contact with celebrities all day long.

If you think about it, a column like "Serving the People's Livelihood" is only broadcast locally, with a fixed audience, and there is no pressure. However, satellite TV variety shows need to compete with other satellite TV variety shows across the country, and the pressure can be imagined.

Xu Jie nodded to express his understanding, and then said sincerely: "Actually, I am very grateful to Director Jiang for giving me this opportunity, so I don't want to let him down."

Qin Yan also comforted after hearing this: "Don't worry, the idea is to think slowly. No one can eat a fat man. Last time we wanted to make a new show, but it turned out that there was no result after a month of discussion. In the end, we directly Discuss the New Year's Eve party."

"..." Xu Jie felt even more stressed when he heard this.

I can't be bald before I'm thirty, can I?

He stroked his hair, and suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

Returning to the office after dinner, he continued to search for inspiration on the Internet. As a result, hemorrhoids almost came out, and he still didn't know what to shoot. When he scratched his head, he found a hair caught in his nails, and he became nervous.

Fuck, what should come is still here.

I don't want to be bald, I don't want to be Jason Statham!

After get off work in the evening, Xu Jie was walking home. The cold wind blew through and lit up the lights of thousands of houses, but it also made his heart feel cool.

Today is the first day of joining the art center. It can definitely be described as "failure". Not only did I not do anything, but I also exhausted myself physically and mentally.

He also thought about filming in the way of the winter special program, but the problem is that this time the program is not one episode, and the choice of theme is also a problem.


Xu Jie touched his deflated stomach. He had eaten too little at noon, and his stomach had already begun to protest.

He looked up and looked around, and there was a noodle shop in front of him, so he walked in without thinking.

The noodle shop is not big, but there are many people, and the clerk here also has a very distinctive dress, just like the waiter in the costume drama.

He looked at the menu hanging on the wall, ordered a bowl of the recommended boutique braised noodles, and then found an empty seat to sit down.

The main business of this noodle restaurant is the braised noodle, and the table cards on each table have a concise introduction to the history of the braised noodle, allowing people to eat both delicious food and culture.

It seems that dry catering is very popular now. For example, some old shops like to write their own history on the wall. There is also the dumpling restaurant of Brother Liang’s girlfriend’s house. Doesn’t the origin of dumplings also be written on the wall?

Xu Jie was stunned when he thought of this, food and culture?
Isn't this exactly what he was looking for?
Connect food and culture together, and understand the culture behind the food while eating food.

Of course, a simple introduction is definitely not enough, because many gourmet shows have done this before, and the audience has already experienced aesthetic fatigue. However, if a certain plot is added to the filming process, it will be different.

For example, when explaining the origin of this stewed noodle, you can film its history into an interesting joke, and show it to the audience in this way, just like...

It's like a melodrama!
Integrating sitcoms into food programs, making them delicious, good-looking, and fun, can impress the audience deeply.

At this moment, a steady stream of inspiration merged into Xu Jie's mind, and it was out of control.

What is the most important thing to create?
It's inspiration!

He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and recorded his thoughts, for fear of forgetting later.

Of course, this is just a preliminary idea, but it pointed out to him a different route for food program production, and he can explore and supplement along this route, and he is no longer as confused as before.


 Thanks to the book friend RibbonLi for the 200 starting coins, thank you for collecting, and thank you for voting!
(End of this chapter)

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