The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 115 Jumping from one pit to another

Chapter 115 Jumping from one pit to another
Xu Jie completed the copywriting of the program overnight, and handed it over to Jiang Hai, the director of the art center, at work the next day.

Jiang Hai was very surprised after receiving the copywriting. He didn't expect Xu Jie to be so fast. The task he just took yesterday could be completed the next day. This is a program, not a work plan.

Isn't it dealing with people?

He watched it from the beginning with such doubts, and became more and more fascinated by it, and finally couldn't help but be overwhelmed.

"Okay, very good!" Jiang Hai's eyes were full of surprises, and he praised in his mouth: "The content is novel, the form is unique, and it is close to life. It is a good idea."

At first, he thought that the other party was perfunctory, but after reading the whole copy, he immediately changed his mind. This is a f*cking talent. Li Donglai is really a good guy, and he found a treasure by himself.

"Director, if you agree, I will start preparations now." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

The excitement of writing the copywriting last night has not dissipated. He wants to shoot an episode right away to see how the effect is. After all, no matter how good the copywriting is, it is all on paper. The most important thing is the actual film effect.

"Agreed, of course I agree." Jiang Hai nodded again and again, but in addition to being happy, his face showed a trace of embarrassment, "It's just that everyone is busy with the New Year's Eve party and the Spring Festival party, plus the programs of the Art Channel and For variety shows on satellite TV channels, the manpower that can be provided to you is really limited now, and this situation will not improve until at least the next year."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, after the next year?

There is still more than a month before the Chinese New Year, plus the Chinese New Year holiday, is it necessary for him to spend a month and a half doing nothing in the art center?
He secretly calculated that he is the director, and at least two leading actors are needed. Naturally, the more group actors, the better, plus the cameraman, costume artist, makeup artist, prop artist, and post-production... at least seven eight people.

"Director, how many people can you give me?" Xu Jie asked, he didn't want to wait until the next year, he didn't want to wait that long.

Jiang Hai thought for a while, then slowly stretched out two fingers: "Two!"


Xu Jie was stunned, and even wondered if the other party was joking with him.

Two people?
This is too different from what he thought.

Including him, there are only three people in total.

How did you shoot this?By idea?

If this is an ordinary gourmet show, it’s fine to bite the bullet. Weren’t there only three people when we filmed the winter special in “Serving the People’s Livelihood”?
But the problem is that the format of the program filmed this time is very different from the winter special program, especially the historical sitcoms, which require more people to participate. We can't replace the group performances with paper people, right?
"Director, can't we give a few more people?" Xu Jie wanted to fight for the show.

"Xu Jie, there is really no one in the art center now. I squeezed these two out for you from other columns." Jiang Hai said with a wry smile: "How about we wait until next year? Then you It doesn’t matter how many people you want, and it doesn’t matter if you want me to go.”

Xu Jie fell silent. It is not impossible to wait for the next year, but he is worried that once his excitement is over, the taste of the things he shoots will change.

"Director..." Xu Jie thought about it seriously, then looked at Jiang Hai and asked, "Then how much money can you give me?"

As the old saying goes: not enough people, but enough money.

With the funds, are you still worried about not being able to hire people?The big deal is to go outside the film studio and spend money to find someone to shoot.

Jiang Hai thought for a while, then stretched out two more fingers.

"Twenty thousand?" Xu Jie's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself: As expected of a leader with a big variety show in his hand, the funds are enough.

"Two thousand!" Jiang Hai said.

"Two thousand a day?" Xu Jie asked.

"Two thousand for one episode!"


Xu Jie fell into deep memories.

He remembered the fried liver that he ate this morning, and at this moment, he really wanted to pour that steaming bowl of fried liver on Director Jiang's face, to let him know what offal is!
The budget of 2000 yuan, to be honest, is not even half of the budget for the winter special program.

He thought that the lack of manpower could make up for it in terms of funds, but he didn't expect that there were no people, no money, and the art center was so poor!
Think about it, if the ratings are not good, the advertising fee will be low, and even if there is no sponsorship, the production cost of the program will naturally drop accordingly. What's more, the program has not been filmed yet, so no one can say how well it will be. After all, he thinks it is good. It's useless, and it's useless if the director thinks it's good. It's really good only if the audience agrees.

Xu Jie sighed in his heart, thousands of words merged into one sentence: I came at the wrong time.

If you come two months earlier or two months later, at least you don't have to worry about manpower.

Is it really going to be postponed until the next year?

Doing a show is like fighting a war, one effort at a time, another decline, three exhaustions, and once this idea is used by others, there is nowhere to buy regret medicine!
Xu Jie thought about it, and finally made an important decision. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, two thousand is two thousand, two people are two, give it to me."

As for the new program, he wants to be on it now if he has difficulties, and even if he has no difficulties to create difficulties.

The arrow must be sent on the string!

Jiang Hai was stunned when he heard it, and asked after a while: "You, do you really want to do it?"

Xu Jie nodded heavily: "Fuck!"

Jiang Hai swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the whole Taiwan didn't know about his courage, but he definitely couldn't find a second one in the art center.

However, he likes this kind of three young people who employ less people, spend less money, and do less work!
"Okay, I'll call you right away. You pay the two thousand dollars first, and then I will sign and reimburse you. In addition, you can use the equipment as you like, and I will provide you with an interview vehicle." Jiang Hai said generously at this time.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside the office, and then two people, one fat and one thin, walked in from outside.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. He knew the fat one. He was the little fat guy who often watched him eat bento with love in the cafeteria. After introducing him yesterday, he knew the name of the other party. Liu Jinbao was a photographer, and the other thin one was Tian Haobo. , is a trainee reporter.

"Director, are you looking for us?" Liu Jinbao looked at Jiang Hai and asked.

Jiang Hai looked at the two seriously and said: "Xu Jie has a new program to do, so from today onwards, you two don't have to do anything else, just follow his orders.

Although he can't show people or money, he can show attitude.

Liu Jinbao and Tian Haobo looked at Xu Jie, and said, "Yes, Director."

The three left the director's office, Liu Jinbao was already very familiar with Xu Jie, he put his arms around Xu Jie's shoulders, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Xu, what do you want me to do, I promise that it will be all right. "

"No, you should just call me by my name." Xu Jie said after hearing that.

"How can I do that? You are my love mentor, and it is not an exaggeration to call you a teacher." Liu Jinbao said with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, what's the name of our show?" Tian Haobo asked curiously, his eyes full of excitement.

He is an intern this year. He usually does the work of sweeping the floor and copying documents in the art center. Today, he was suddenly arranged to participate in the production of the program. He was very excited.

"I haven't decided on a specific name yet, but it's a food-related program." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Food? I like it!" Liu Jinbao's eyes sparkled, "Tell me, where should I go to shop? I just didn't have dinner this morning."

"I haven't decided yet, let me think about it!" Xu Jie said.

One program, two thousand funds, three members, he really doesn't know where to start now.

Once, he thought that he could be relieved when he came to the art center and stayed away from Li Donglai, but he didn't expect that he just jumped from one pit to another.

Xu Jie comforted himself optimistically: It's okay, the final destination of a person is nothing more than a pit.


(End of this chapter)

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