The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 116 Just take care of the box lunch

Chapter 116: Just Manage Box Lunches

In the evening, Xu Jie returned home listlessly.

It is said that Zhuge Liang is the best of three cobblers. Now he is one Zhuge Liang plus two cobblers, but the result is still the same.

As the old saying goes: A good woman can't cook without rice.

Even if he has a plan to defeat the enemy, but he has no soldiers or food, he can only look around and sigh.

"What's the matter, dejected, is it because the food outside is not as good as my cooking?"

Xu Jie followed the prestige and saw Su Yun wearing a white yoga suit sitting cross-legged on the yoga mat and meditating, with her hands in the shape of fingers.

"En." Xu Jie responded.

"Persist for a few more days, and I'll make it for you after I'm done with the New Year's Eve party." Su Yun said.

"You don't have to wrong yourself so much." When Xu Jie passed by the other party, he couldn't help asking: "What are you doing, does Journey to the West invite you to play Guanyin?"

I really want to put the vase on the dining table in the hands of the other party.

"This is called meditation. It can regulate emotions, reduce stress, and relax the body, so as to achieve the effect of unity of body and mind." Su Yun closed her eyes after explaining.

Xu Jie looked at the other party. He looked like he had no desires and no desires. He didn't know if he would be able to fulfill his wish if he bowed now.

Xu Jie went back to his room and changed his clothes, and then went to the living room to turn on the TV. The Beijing Art Channel was broadcasting an entertainment broadcast, introducing the highlights of the New Year's Eve party of the Beijing TV Station.

Looking at it, Xu Jie's gaze unconsciously shifted to Su Yun.

The other party was not meditating, but changed his posture. He was kneeling on the mat, his arms and thighs were perpendicular to the ground, and his body was parallel to the ground.

Then slowly raise the left leg to form a straight line with the upper body, after a while the left leg is gently put down, and then slowly lift the right leg to form a straight line with the upper body, and so on.

Xu Jie watched TV, looked at the woman, watched TV, looked at the woman again, and finally turned to the TV, keeping his eyes on the woman, without any other thoughts, just to feel happy.

He didn't know what effect this posture had, but it could show a woman's figure very well, especially the curves of her waist, buttocks and legs.

Xu Jie's throat moved, suspecting that the other party was seducing him, but there was no evidence.

At this time, the woman changed her posture again, stretching her legs straight, forming a split-horse, her upper body pressed against the ground, her arms stretched out, and twisted together like a twist.

Seeing this, Xu Jie calmly picked up the pillow behind him and hugged it on his lap, and asked curiously, "What kind of kung fu are you practicing?"

"Physical." Su Yun replied: "In a few days it will be the New Year's Eve party, and I want to show my perfect side in front of the audience."

There is a saying in the showbiz circle, called: Photogenic fat ten catties.

Because the picture ratio of the TV station is different from the display ratio of the TV, people will look wide and fat on the TV.

In order to make herself look more beautiful on TV, she has recently not only relied on physical training to maintain her figure, but also reduced her appetite to lose weight, in order to appear on TV with the most beautiful posture on the New Year's Eve party.

"You are really hardworking." Xu Jie said with emotion, but he was thinking in his heart: How can this be physical training?It is clearly unlocked by posture.

"I can't help it. The threshold for an artist is too low now, and the back waves are so fierce. If I don't work hard, I can only sit back and eat and be eliminated by the entertainment industry." Su Yun straightened her waist, took a few breaths evenly, and continued: "Although I also I know that there is no good man for thousands of days, but I want to extend this period as much as possible, not for money, nor to show how beautiful I am, I just like this stage."

Xu Jie stared blankly at the woman, the other party has been so successful and still working so hard, why should he not work hard?
People who are better than you are not scary, what is scary is that people who are better than you work harder than you!
"Do you have any troubles?" Su Yun looked back at the silent man and asked, "Even if you don't regard me as your wife, we are still roommates and comrades-in-arms, right? Tell me if you have any troubles." Listen, maybe I can help, and it's not like you don't know how smart I am."

Xu Jie hehe in his heart.


You are so smart, why haven't you improved your cooking skills after so many days?
But one thing the other party said was right. If there is any trouble, you really can't hold it in your heart. If you want to speak it out, you will feel comfortable when you are released.

But for him now, the best person to confide in is this woman in front of him.

"Didn't I transfer to the Art Center?"

Just as Xu Jie spoke, he was interrupted by Su Yun.

"What?" Su Yun sat up all of a sudden, and asked in surprise, "You have transferred from the life center to the art center? Why?"

"The art center is short of people." Xu Jie said simply: "Yesterday, the leader assigned me a task, asking me to do a gourmet show. I have already finished the copywriting, but I have no money and no one. Now I am a general. Fighting a battle without soldiers, worry."

"You can ask the leader for someone. How can anyone want to milk a cow but not feed it?" Su Yun asked suspiciously.

"I asked for it, and gave it to two people. There is still a 2000 yuan fund, and the fund will be reimbursed after the filming of the show." Xu Jie sighed.

"So little?" Su Yun was startled.

Xu Jie nodded, and said: "If it's just a simple gourmet restaurant exploration program, three people, 2000 yuan, you can do it by gnashing your teeth, but the problem is that this program is very complicated. It involves the shooting of sitcoms, not only You need a venue, you need costumes, props, and post-production."

"Isn't this difficult for others? Do you have a grudge against the leader of the art center? Otherwise, why did he deliberately transfer you from the life center to the art center to embarrass you?" Su Yun asked curiously,

Xu Jie shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Actually, if we wait another two months, we can improve both personnel and funding. I want to shoot now."

Su Yun looked at the man puzzled and asked, "Why? Are you drinking again? Do you also drink during working hours?"

"No!" Xu Jie blushed, why is he a drunkard in the other party's heart?

He told Su Yun about the production of the program in detail, and the other party showed a suddenly realized expression.

"That's why." Su Yun said: "The idea is good, but it's definitely not enough to rely on the three of you and the meager funds. If you insist on filming, you can only pay for it yourself."

Xu Jie really thought so. If there is no other way, he can only shoot a few episodes at his own expense, and then broadcast it on TV to see how the ratings are. If the audience does not respond well, the show will end here. Good, I am not afraid that Jiang Hai will not increase the funds at that time, and by the way, I will take back what I paid in before.

"Speaking of people, I can arrange a few for you." Su Yun said suddenly.

"You? You are not from our station either." Xu Jie said.

"But I'm your wife." Su Yun said: "My studio has relatively few activities recently, and many people are idle, such as makeup artists, prop artists, and videographers. It's still fine."

Xu Jie's eyes lit up, six or seven people should be enough, but...

"I can't afford to pay them."

Yes, no money, this is the most realistic problem before Xu Jie.

"No wages, I will pay the wages, you just need to take care of their lunch." Su Yun said.

"Really?" Xu Jie asked in surprise, the box lunch is still okay.

"Of course!"

"Okay, then it's settled. I'll contact the venue tomorrow, and I'll let you know when it's hired." Xu Jie said excitedly.

"Yeah." Su Yun bent down, maybe because the yoga clothes were too slippery, every time she did this movement, her body would always jump backwards.

"Come here and help me hold my waist," Su Yun asked for help.

Xu Jie was shocked all over, watching the opponent's splitting posture, swallowed unconsciously.

"Happy to serve!"


(End of this chapter)

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