Chapter 117

In the morning, when Xu Jie came to the art center, the first thing he did was to find the director Jiang Hai.

"Xiao Xu, what's the matter?" Jiang Hai smiled as always, and he was very satisfied with this active newcomer.

"Director, can you give me a few more people? Not many, just six." Xu Jie said.

After Jiang Hai heard it, the smile on his face froze instantly, and after a while he said: "Xiao Xu, didn't I tell you yesterday that our art center really doesn't have any extra people for you now, are you a liar? my brother!"

"Since we don't give it to people, let's add more funds." Xu Jie said and put a program production budget on Director Jiang's desk. It’s too low, at least [-] to get the effect.”

Jiang Hai glanced at the budget statement, his expression immediately changed, and he said in embarrassment: "Xiao Xu, you know the situation of the art center, the ratings of several programs on the art channel are very poor, and the corresponding production fees allocated by the station are also low. Very few, to be honest, if it weren’t for the variety shows and a few evening parties on the satellite TV channel, everyone would lose even the year-end bonus.”

After speaking, he looked embarrassed and felt ashamed.

The dignified director of the literary and art center of Beijing TV Station, even the famous celebrities are vying to please him, but now he has to cry poorly in front of his subordinates, and no one will believe him when he tells it.

But this is the truth!

Xu Jie couldn't help frowning, "People can't give it, and the funds can't be given, so please do me a favor."

"No problem!" Jiang Hai regained his energy immediately, and said loudly, "Except for people and funds, you can ask for anything else!"

In fact, he also wants to help the other party. Firstly, the copywriting is really good, and secondly, he always refuses to dispel the enthusiasm of the newcomers. He, as the director, is also embarrassed.

"Hmm..." Xu Jie pretended to think for a while, and then said, "Help me find a shooting location."


"Yes, there are sitcoms that restore the origin of food in the show, so a venue is needed for filming. You are the director of the art center, and you should know a lot of people from the film and television base, right? Can you help me contact one and lower the rent by the way? .” Xu Jie said.

"No problem, I'll contact the venue for you now." Jiang Hai readily agreed, then took out his mobile phone and started making calls in front of Xu Jie.

He has no staff and no funds now, but he has face. Looking at the entire capital, anyone who has anything to do with literature and art, whether it goes to film and television companies or goes to theaters, will give him face. Something that can be resolved with one phone call.

"Hi, Mr. Zhang, I'm Jiang Hai, I'd like to trouble you..."

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang silently. In fact, the purpose of his coming to find the other party today was for the venue. Just now he asked for people and money, but he was just paving the way for the venue.

If he talks about the venue from the very beginning, the other party may not be able to agree, but if he talks about people and money first, and then the venue, the other party will definitely agree. This is called reconciliation, and most people are like this.

Lu Xun once said: "Chinese people always like harmony and compromise. For example, if you say that this house is too dark, you must open a window here, and everyone will not allow it. But if you advocate demolition of the house roof, they will come to mediate and are willing to open the windows."

To put it simply, when you want someone to promise you something, say something too much first, so that the other party will think that what you say later is more reasonable.

After a minute or two, Jiang Hai put down his phone.

"It's done!" Jiang Hai said relaxedly: "I'll give you Mr. Zhang's mobile phone number. You can contact him when you are shooting. He is the general manager of a film and television studio in Changping. It is winter and the off-season for shooting. There is no one there. If you go to the venue, you can choose whatever you want, and the rent is [-] a day, which is just the cost of cleaning up. Normally, you can’t afford to stay here.”

"Thank you, Director!" As soon as Xu Jie's eyes lit up, he knew that Jiang Hai must be the one to look for.

"It's a trivial matter." Jiang Hai said with a smile, finally able to straighten his back in front of his subordinates.

Hey, why do you feel like you've been tricked?
Xu Jie walked out of the office, drove the interview car and left the TV station.

We have people, we have a venue, and the next item is to find a cook.

The process of making food is definitely indispensable in food programs, so a good cook is very important, so that it will look more professional when it is filmed.

This time he chose a total of five traditional delicacies from the old capital, so he had to invite five cooks to cooperate.

First, he came to a very famous fried liver restaurant in Beijing.

"Hello, I'm a reporter from the Art Center of Beijing TV Station. I want to discuss something with your boss." Xu Jie said to the cashier, showing his press card at the same time.

When the cashier saw a reporter coming, he immediately called the boss.

"Hello, what's the matter?" The boss is a middle-aged man in his 40s. He is not tall, with dark skin and bright eyes. He looks like a shrewd person.

"It's like this. Our TV station is going to have a gourmet program about fried liver, and I want to invite your chef to make fried liver on the spot. Do you think it's okay?" Xu Jie asked politely.

The boss rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, of course, but can you also include our restaurant name when you introduce our chef on this program?"

"Sorry, we didn't introduce the chef." Xu Jie said truthfully.Not only is there no link to introduce the chef, but the chef may also be required to wear ancient costumes and play the role of the inventor of food.

In fact, before coming here, he also considered inserting advertisements in the program, but he quickly rejected it because he wanted to make the program more pure and less commercial, and many inventors and restaurants of food are no longer present. , Adding a store name is likely to mislead the audience.

"How much labor fee can you give?" The boss asked again.

"Five hundred a day." Xu Jie said, he knew that this amount of labor fee was not much, but compared to the two thousand for a program, five hundred is already a lot.

"That's it..." The boss showed a hesitant expression on his face.

Xu Jie's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, and he wanted to finish it.

The boss thought for a while, and then said: "There are many fried liver restaurants in Beijing, and the taste of each fried liver is different. This is because each restaurant has its own recipe, and each restaurant has its own secret recipe. If the chef really announces the whole production process on TV, once other people learn it, then my shop will..."

"I understand, excuse me." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the Fried Liver shop.

In fact, being rejected is also expected. Businessmen are not profitable, they don’t do publicity, and the labor fee is not much. Who would want to go instead?

Xu Jie got into the car and went to find the next one.


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the book friend Wake Up Breeze!
(End of this chapter)

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