The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 118 What is this filming?

Chapter 118 What is the film?

Xu Jie ran to six restaurants in the morning. He was very happy when he heard the invitation to be on the show at first, but when he learned that there were no introductions or advertisements, all of them immediately changed their faces. Either the secret recipe was kept secret, or the chef was too busy There was no time, and some people even suspected that his press card was fake, bluntly saying that he had never seen such a picky column group.

Xu Jie was in a good mood at first, but after a lap, he fell into a trough again.

Who are they?
When the roast duck was sold out when shooting the roast duck, no roast duck restaurant paid him advertising fees.

Could it be that if the show became popular and more people ate it, wouldn't it count as an advertisement?

If you don't go up, I will go up!
That's right, Xu Jie decided to fight in person!
No one wants to come, so I will.

No one wants to go, I will go!

The director, planner, and protagonist are all done, so is there still a cook?

Isn't it just cooking?

Who wouldn't?
These days, even Su Yun dares to call herself a craftsman.

What's more, based on his working experience in restaurants, even if he can't cook something particularly delicious, he will definitely not make it particularly bad. Anyway, it's a show, not a food competition, what matters is the effect of the shooting.

Well, this method is good, and even labor costs are saved.

However, the food I chose before may need to be changed.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then drove back to work. At the same time, he sent a message in the three-person WeChat group of him, Liu Jinbao, and Tian Haobo.

"Get your shooting equipment ready and wait for me in the office!"

Liu Jinbao: "Smiley face."

Tian Haobo: "Yes."

Half an hour later, Xu Jie appeared in the art center.

"Old Xu, where and what are you going to shoot?" Liu Jinbao asked curiously.

Xu Jie put the packed things on the desk, Tian Haobo glanced into the plastic bag curiously, it was noodles with fried sauce and donkey rolling.

"Teacher Xu, just shoot these two?" Tian Haobo asked suspiciously.

"No, there's nothing to shoot here." Liu Jinbao said with a smile: "Old Xu, is this your lunch? Eat it, we'll wait for you."

"I'm afraid of them, these are props." Xu Jie said.

"What?" Liu Jinbao was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at Zhajiang Noodles and Donkey Rolling, and asked in disbelief, "You really plan to take pictures of these two? What, what's the point of this? I remember before Didn’t you shoot braised pork and roast duck on the life channel? The difference is too big, right? I’m ready to go out with you to eat delicious and spicy food.”

Xu Jie looked at the beer belly of the other party, "What are you thinking, we are shooting a show, not going out to eat and drink, I want to eat by myself after get off work."

"Don't you have to spend money to eat by yourself?" Liu Jinbao said in a low voice.

Xu Jie gave Fatty a blank look, then handed a piece of paper, to be precise, a small script to Liu Jinbao and Tian Haobo, and said, "Brother Fatty, you will be in charge of filming later, and Xiaotian will be in charge of acting with me."

"A, play?" Tian Haobo opened his eyes wide, and even stuttered when he spoke, "Do you want to act? But I can't, I have never even left the country."

"It's nothing, you just need to pay attention to the position of the camera and don't block the lens." Xu Jie encouraged: "You are a reporter, and leaving the country is a matter of time, so you can rest assured that the first time will be handed over to Fat Brother. With experience, it will be lighter."


Tian Haobo was startled, why does this sound so awkward?
He turned his head and looked at Liu Jinbao who was at the side. Liu Jinbao immediately showed a wretched smile and comforted him, "Don't be nervous, you'll be fine in a while."


Tian Haobo was speechless.

Xu Jie returned to his workstation, looked at Tian Haobo who was holding the manuscript tightly in his hand, and asked, "Have you written it down?"

Tian Haobo nodded, there were only a few sentences in the manuscript, and it was not difficult to memorize, but when he thought about going on camera, he felt very nervous and his palms were sweaty.

Xu Jie turned on the computer, adjusted the time on the phone, and after getting everything ready, he looked at the other two and said, "Come on."

"Oh." Tian Haobo put down the manuscript, picked up the box of donkeys next to him and rolled around.

Liu Jinbao carried the camera, looked at Xu Jie, then at Tian Haobo, and said, "Get ready, 3, 2, 1, start!"

In the shot:
Xu Jie sat at his workstation, staring at the monitor seriously, typing with his ten fingers on the keyboard. After a while, he stretched himself, picked up his phone and checked the time, 15:06...

"Teacher Xu, here!" Tian Haobo came over, holding a box in his hand.

"What?" Xu Jie asked.

"The donkey is rolling." Tian Haobo said.

"Donkey rolling?" Xu Jie opened the lid and picked up a piece, looked at it carefully, then put it in his mouth, chewed it slowly, and gradually showed a smile on his face.


Liu Jinbao shouted at this time.

Tian Haobo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it, "It seems quite simple."

Liu Jinbao thought to himself: It's not just simple, anyone without a brain can act well.

He looked at Xu Jie and asked worriedly: "Old Xu, is this the end? Is it too simple? How long is our show?"

The shooting just now took less than 1 minute before and after, and it was not as long as the weather forecast. The key is that the content is too simple. Can it be called a gourmet show after eating a donkey?

Tian Haobo only realized it at this time, yes, the content of this program is too simple, right?And he didn't see what the other party wanted to express at all.

Xu Jie watched the replay, and then said, "Let's go to the cafeteria."


Liu Jinbao and Tian Haobo looked at each other, becoming even more confused.

This one ends east and the other end, what exactly are you going to shoot?


Xu Jie found the manager.

"Manager Zhou, we are going to shoot a food show, can we cooperate?" Xu Jie asked, looking at the middle-aged man in front of him.

"No problem." Manager Zhou looked back at the food in the cafeteria after agreeing, and asked a little guilty: "Reporter Xu, what can we shoot here?"

In his impression, food is shot in restaurants or food streets outside, and he can go to any store for shooting, such as roast duck, go to a well-known roast duck restaurant, and steamed buns, go to a famous steamed stuffed bun shop.

Come to the canteen to shoot a food show?It doesn't sound pretty.

Although there are many types of food in the cafeteria, all of which taste good, and the dishes are often changed, but there seems to be nothing that can be sold.

"I just borrowed the environment here, and I brought the props for the shoot myself." Xu Jie said.

"Oh." Manager Zhou nodded.

Xu Jie asked for several bowls and plates, and poured the packaged noodles with fried sauce into them. The noodles were noodles, the sauce was sauce, and the dishes were divided neatly, and then placed together with other dishes in the cafeteria.

Next, Xu Jie began to explain the key points of shooting to Liu Jinbao. Liu Jinbao is also an old cameraman, and he quickly understood what Xu Jie meant. After all, Xu Jie's requirements are not many and not difficult, and can even be described as simple.

"Prepare, 3, 2, 1, start!"


After get off work, Liu Jinbao and Tian Haobo followed Xu Jie to leave the unit and filmed two more segments outside.

One section is where Xu Jie goes to eat braised and boiled fire, and the other end is Xu Jie goes to goat's eye buns.

"Tomorrow morning at 7:30, gather at the main gate of Chaoyang Park, and then shoot another episode of eating fried liver."


Liu Jinbao immediately collapsed when he heard it. What kind of thing was he filming? Can such a joke be called a gourmet show?
Tian Haobo also had a bitter face, thinking: It's over, the ratings of his debut show will definitely hit the street!


(End of this chapter)

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