The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1074 Encounter the same kind?

Chapter 1074 Encounter the same kind?


Xu Jie went to the restaurant he had made an appointment with Yu Zijian.

This is a private restaurant, the location is a bit remote, and even the door is very inconspicuous, even though he has been to Hengdian many times, but without the location sent by Yu Zijian, he really couldn't find this place.

Xu Jie got out of the car and immediately saw Yu Zijian standing outside the restaurant. He was dressed very casually, with a peaked cap on his head, the brim of the hat was pressed down very low, making him look very low-key.

The other party also saw him at this moment, and hurried over to meet him, stretching out his hands.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for coming to meet me in your busy schedule. I am so happy that you can come." Yu Zijian said excitedly, while holding hands tightly, as enthusiastic as seeing a stunning beauty .

"Director Yu, we are not outsiders, so you don't have to be so polite to me. In fact, even if you don't call me, I will call you these two days. Please help me with the script and give me your opinions. "Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Since he became the general manager of Jingshi Culture, even the people he knew before have become more flattering to him, especially friends in the entertainment industry.


As soon as Yu Zijian heard the word "script", his smiling eyes lit up immediately.

Since he made an appointment with the other party last year, he has been thinking about this matter in his heart. It has been half a year, and his wish has finally come true.

"Mr. Xu, please come inside. Let's chat while eating." Yu Zijian pointed to the restaurant behind him, and then dragged people inside.

He couldn't wait to see the content of the script.

Xu Jie followed Yu Zijian into the restaurant.

Although the restaurant looks ordinary from the outside, but after entering the door, it is found to be unique. The inside is not only very spacious, but also luxurious in a low-key way, exquisite in simplicity.

The private room is not big, and the decoration is very simple. There are a few calligraphy and paintings on the wall, and a small long table in the middle, with a total of four chairs. This kind of environment is not suitable for entertaining guests, but it is very suitable for chatting with friends.

"Mr. Xu, please sit down." Yu Zijian pointed to a chair, and then sat on the opposite side.

The long table is only less than one meter wide, so even if they sit face to face, the distance between the two will not be very far.

At the same time, the waiter also began to serve dishes, some hot and some cold, obviously Yu Zijian had already ordered them before. The dishes, large and small, came one after another, and soon filled the entire table.

"I know Mr. Xu that your time is precious, so I ordered some in advance. If it doesn't suit your taste, let's order again." Yu Zijian said cheerfully.

"It's already very rich, thank you Director Yu for your hospitality." Xu Jie said politely.

The two met tonight mainly to chat about the script, not to taste the food. There is no need to be so picky, and he is not such a hypocritical person.

"I'm too happy to invite Mr. Xu." Yu Zijian pointed to the food on the table and said, "Don't look at the location of this restaurant, but the chef here is very famous. By the way, You are an expert, how about a taste?"

"I'm not an expert, I just know how to cook a few dishes." Xu Jie said after hearing this, and then picked up chopsticks and started eating.

Well, it does taste good.

This dish looks very light in color, and it tastes the same. It uses very few seasonings to enhance the taste, but it will not cover the taste of the food itself. It is a test of the chef's understanding of food.

Just when he was about to taste the next dish, he found that Yu Zijian who was sitting across from him was staring at him intently, without chopsticks in his hand, and had no intention of eating at all.

"Director Yu, you eat too." Xu Jie looked at the other party and said.

"Ah, good, good." Yu Zijian came back to his senses, picked up the chopsticks on the table to pick up the food in front of him, and asked with concern: "President Xu, have you been busy recently? I think I watched "Crossover Actors" broadcast by your Beijing TV station, and it was very wonderful, especially the short plays in it. It's a pity that those singers are not professional actors, so they can't perform the content of the short plays..."

At the end of Yu Zijian's speech, he couldn't help shaking his head.

He never watched variety shows, but because of Xu Jie's relationship, he began to pay attention to Beijing Satellite TV's "Crossover Actors". After a look, he found that although the acting skills of those artists were mediocre, the content of the short drama was unexpected good.

Because of this, he looks forward to the script created by the other party even more. Of course, he is also worried that the other party is busy with the show and has no time to write the script.

"Thank you Director Yu for your compliment. We don't want to affect the artist's performance because of the script, so we will carefully create and screen every script in the show." Xu Jie explained to the other party.

In fact, variety shows are not difficult to do, as long as you grasp two points, you can win the hearts of the audience.

One is the star; the other is the content.

Celebrities can attract audiences, and content can attract more audiences.

But it is such a simple thing, but not everyone can do it.

Especially the second point.

Celebrities are easy to hire, and it’s a big deal to spend a little more money, but the content is not something that can be done well with money.

And he has done this well, so he can successfully break through from many variety shows.

Is the show really that exciting?
Not necessarily!
But with the background of his peers, the show is very exciting.

"Mr. Xu is really hardworking, even such a small short play script is so serious, no wonder you can write so many good film and television drama scripts." Yu Zijian stretched out his thumb with the other hand that did not hold chopsticks .

"Luck, luck." Xu Jie waved his hand modestly.

I thought: Is this flattering?

"Mr. Xu, don't be modest. One time is luck, two times is a coincidence, then three times and four times are a manifestation of strength..."

Yu Zijian was still applauding, but Xu Jie felt uncomfortable when he heard it.

Although there are many people who flatter him, and sometimes even he himself thinks he is awesome when he shoots, but being praised by a famous domestic director, and the other party is this age, really makes him a little uncomfortable.

In fact, he also knew what the other party wanted to ask, so he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and sent the other party a file on WeChat.

"Director Yu, this is the script. Although it's only half written, the previous outline is complete. You can read it over when you have time to see if the story works. If it works, I'll continue writing it. If it doesn't work, you can mention Suggestion, let's find time to study together," Xu Jie said.

Yu Zijian was shocked, immediately threw away his chopsticks and took out his cell phone, he couldn't wait to open the file and read it.

Why did he invite the other party to dinner today?Isn't it just to read the script?
It's only half, but it's better than nothing.

What's more, as I said just now, the other party is really busy these days, and it's pretty good to be able to write half of it, and as a director and screenwriter, even if it's only half, you can know the quality of the script.

"Director Yu, let's eat first, it's not too late to read the script when we go back." Xu Jie said to Yu Zijian.

"Mr. Xu, you eat first, and I'll take a look before eating." Yu Zijian replied, but he didn't take his eyes off the phone screen for a moment.

At this moment, he just wants to read the script quickly and understand the story Mr. Xu wants to write.

There is a saying in the director circle, it is called: A thousand gold is easy to get, but a good script is hard to find.

Now that a good script is in his hands, how can he even think about eating?
The meal can be eaten later, but the script must be read now.

Seeing Yu Zijian's concentration, Xu Jie didn't bother him anymore, and started eating on his own.

In other words, if the other party can read it here, it would be good to discuss it together now. When he returns to the capital, he will be busy with the post-production of "Legend of Lan Xi". It's been a month.

Compared with the script in Yu Zijian's hands, "The Legend of Lan Xi" is what he cares most about right now.

If the script is not well written, it can be rewritten, but if the later work of "Legend of Lan Xi" is delayed, there will be no way to meet the audience this year.

Time passed minute by minute, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Jie had also stopped his chopsticks, and kept checking the news with his mobile phone to see if he had made the headlines of the entertainment news.

Suddenly, Yu Zijian on the opposite side suddenly raised his head, and sat quietly with his eyes closed, without any expression on his face.

Xu Jie was frightened and froze.

I thought: What is this for?Are you mad?

Just when he was puzzled, Yu Zijian took a deep breath, then opened his eyes, and said excitedly: "Mr. Xu, I like this story!"

Xu Jie was taken aback, then heaved a sigh of relief.

It's fine if you like it, and you think the other party is not satisfied.

"The story is very interesting, the characters are very vivid, and the several reversals in it are also very exciting, and they are very logical, worthy of thinking and aftertaste..." Yu Zijian continued.

The script is more exciting than he expected, and it's only half. If it's all written, won't you be so excited?

He also finally realized how Xu Shenghua and Zhang Weiqiang felt when they saw Mr. Xu's script. They must be the same as him at this moment, excited, excited, and joyful. The "Middle Game" set is even more enjoyable to see the other party find the loopholes.

If it can be made into a movie, it will definitely be a very interesting black comedy movie.

"Director Yu, do you have any comments or suggestions?" Xu Jie asked.

"No." Yu Zijian shook his head, and then said: "Just now I just read it and completely forgot to think about it. Give me a few days and let me go back and read it a few more times."

People will be deeply attracted by wonderful scripts, and people will pick faults when watching only bad scripts.


Xu Jie was a little speechless.

He dared to wait for more than an hour in vain.

"By the way, Mr. Xu, can you tell me how you came up with such a story?" Yu Zijian put his arms on the table, leaning forward, his face full of interest, looking Just like a loyal fan.

If you want to understand a work more deeply, the best way is to communicate with the author, understand the author's original intention of creation, and some ideas in the creation process, so as to help the understanding of the work.

There is no need for Xu Jie to tell the other party this, but he really wants to hear the thoughts of the great director, which will also help him improve.

Playing chess with the stinky chess basket, the more you play, the more stinky you will become. Only by asking the masters for advice can you become stronger.

Therefore, he expressed his original intention of creation without any concealment.

For him, today's discussion with Yu Zijian is just the beginning, in the future... Even during filming, discussions together will be indispensable.

Just because there are no problems now does not mean that there will be no problems in the future.

In fact, many problems in the script were only discovered during shooting.

Today can be regarded as laying the foundation for the first cooperation between the two.

Yu Zijian is a creative director, and he has written many scripts before. Now that Mr. Xu said this, some questions also popped up in his mind.

Sometimes it's like this, the more you know, the more questions you have, but when you don't know anything, you don't have so many questions.

Talk and listen, ask and answer.

In this way, the two kept chatting, and before they knew it, the topic had extended from the original intention of creation to the discussion of the plot.

After an unknown amount of time, Yu Zijian finally couldn't hold back any longer. He stood up and said, "Mr. Xu, wait a moment. I'll go to the bathroom. Let's continue talking later."

"I'll go too!" Xu Jie stood up after finishing speaking.

When we were chatting just now, I drank a pot of tea unknowingly. Although the young man's kidneys are good and he can't hold it anymore, since there is such an opportunity to release water, how can there be no reason not to hurry up?
"Let's go together." Yu Zijian pointed to the door.

Xu Jie picked up the mobile phone on the table, only to find out after looking at the time that it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, that is to say, the two had been chatting for more than four hours.

Time is such a thing that people are caught off guard so fast.

"Director Yu, it's getting late, why don't we talk another day?" Xu Jie looked at Yu Zijian and asked, worried that the other party's health would be too much.

He is young, let alone continue chatting, it doesn't matter even if we chat all night, but the other party is over 60 years old, no matter how healthy he is, he will have some underlying diseases. If something happens, it will be too late to regret it.

"It's only eleven o'clock, let's chat for a while." Yu Zijian said after looking at his watch.

He is in high spirits, even if he goes back to the hotel now, he will definitely not be able to fall asleep, so why not chat here for a while.

And he knows very well that if he doesn't chat today, the other party is unlikely to have time to chat with him for a period of time in the future, so it's better to have a good chat once.

Xu Jie couldn't help showing a wry smile after hearing this, it's only eleven o'clock?How old is the other party?Is it young?
What a workaholic!

"Director Yu, I'm fine, but you can't let the restaurant stay with you all the time, can you?" Xu Jie said something about the restaurant.

"It's okay, this restaurant is open 24 hours." Yu Zijian said.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Well, the reason is not right.

"Okay, it's halftime now, let's continue talking later." Xu Jie said.

It's a big deal to chat all night, anyway, for him, working all night is also a common thing.

I met the same kind today.


(End of this chapter)

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