The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1075 Conspiracy Bureau?

Chapter 1075 Conspiracy Bureau?

Because of discussing the script with Yu Zijian, Xu Jie stayed in Hengdian for five full days before returning to the capital.

During these five days, the two chatted day and night. They only ate when they were hungry and slept when they were sleepy.

Although the script is still half of what it was when it was brought in, the outline of the latter half has been better improved, paving the way for Xu Jie's next creation.

The most important thing is that in terms of the content of the story, the two people's ideas have been unified, which is very rare and very important.

Xu Jie returned to the capital.

He didn't finish writing the second half of the script right away, but directly started the post-production of "Legend of Lan Xi".

The post-production work of TV series includes many aspects, and he is mainly responsible for the editing part.

It is to splice the previously shot shots together according to his needs to form a story with a coherent plot, a complete structure, and in line with his creative ideas.

As for special effects, text, and sound, all were left to Lu Zhihong.

In order to improve efficiency, before the post-production, he specially called all the employees responsible for the post-production together and held a mobilization meeting.

"The filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" has been completed, and it's your turn to appear next. I believe everyone knows that this TV series is scheduled to be broadcast at the end of this year, so we don't have much time left. I I hope that everyone can eliminate all interference, devote all their energy to the post-production work, work on him for a hundred days, and complete your tasks..."

Xu Jie set a completion deadline for "Legend of Lan Xi", the longest is [-] days, and the latest is [-] days. It can't be longer, because after the post-production is over, it will be submitted for trial later, and it will take a long time. , so time must be saved from work.

For him, the less time spent, the better. Of course, the premise is to ensure the quality, which always comes first.

"It will be hard for everyone in the next few months, but you know me. After the work is over, there will be a big meal and a bonus!" Xu Jie said impassionedly.

Work mobilization without talking about bonuses is hooliganism!
Xu Jie also came to this position step by step from the bottom, so he is naturally very clear about the thoughts of ordinary employees.

If things like painting cakes were put into practice 30 or [-] years ago, they might have played a certain role. However, if they are done now, they will only make people feel disgusted, and may even cause resistance.

What is the purpose of the work?

Realize the value of life?
Leave the surreal to the saints.

And the reality is two words: make money.

Only money can motivate everyone to work.

Having said that, realizing dreams and life values ​​also requires money.

Not to mention these ordinary employees in front of him, even he now has a small goal of wealth, isn't he also working hard to make money?
Therefore, after Xu Jie finished speaking, all the employees in the office became excited, each and every one of them seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, wishing they had to sleep.

If someone else mentioned the bonus, they would think it was fooling around, but when Mr. Xu mentioned the bonus, everyone firmly believed that there would be one, and no one would question it.

Because since Mr. Xu came to Jingshi Culture, everyone's treatment has skyrocketed. They had only heard of bonuses before, but they had never seen them. However, Mr. Xu's appearance not only allowed them to see bonuses, but also received a lot bonus.

This is why everyone trusts Mr. Xu and is willing to work for Mr. Xu.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, we will definitely complete all the work within the deadline." A female employee said seriously.

"I take the initiative to apply for overtime work at night!"

"Me too!"

"I apply to work overtime on weekends!"

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another and opened the book directly.

"What's the overtime, Mr. Xu, I won't go home until I finish the later stage!" A single dog said loudly.


Everyone was speechless after hearing it, thinking: You are still ruthless!
"Thank you everyone. What you said just now made me see your determination, but you still have to rest when it's time to rest. It's a combination of work and rest. After all, once someone is exhausted, the workload of others will increase, and it will not only be impossible to complete. Work will drag down the progress of the entire work, do you understand what I mean?" Xu Jie looked at everyone and asked.

"Understood!" Everyone replied in unison.

"Ring bell bell!"

Suddenly a bell rang, and Xu Jie took out his mobile phone from his pocket, just as the action mobilization was over, so he said, "Okay, everyone starts working."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and walked out of the office area.

"Sister Man, what can you do?" Xu Jie asked after answering the phone.

He didn't go far, just stood in the corridor, and he will go in later, he is indispensable for post-production, he is the mastermind, and all the following work will be carried out around him.

"Brother, have you returned to the capital?"

Liu Jiaman's extremely charming voice came from the microphone, and Xu Jie felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard it, thinking: I have nothing to offend the other party, is it because the other party found out that I didn't tell the truth last time?

Unless the other party asked Liu Qing again.

"I'm back, I just came back last night." Xu Jie replied.

"Oh, last night." Liu Jiaman paused for a moment, and then continued: "Brother, did you forget something?"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback.

what's up?

During this trip to Hengdian, the other party didn't seem to ask him to do anything.

"Sister Man, what are you talking about?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"Brother, you really are a noble person who forgets things so much. Of course you owe me that game of mahjong. Didn't you promise to pay me back when you return to the capital? Why did you forget so quickly?" Liu Jiaman asked.

Xu Jie was stunned. It turned out that this was the matter, but he thought it was a big deal.

"Sister Man, I remember. Originally, I wanted to call you at noon and go to your house tonight. No, your call came before I had time to call." Xu Jie explained slowly.

Of course, these words are just to deal with the other party. If the other party doesn't make this call, he will definitely not make this call to the other party.

His principle is to procrastinate as long as you can, and not to procrastinate.

"Oh? Really? It seems that I'm impatient. If that's the case, come over early after get off work. I'll wait for you at home." Liu Jiaman said.

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, why did the other party's words sound so awkward?
Those who knew it were about mahjong, but those who didn't know thought it was a date.

After finishing the call, Xu Jie immediately called his wife and reported about playing mahjong with Liu Jiaman at night.

Su Yun knew that her husband finally agreed to play mahjong with Liu Jiaman in order to invite Liu Jiaman out of the mountain, and Liu Jiaman has a lot of connections in the circle, so she didn't stop her, but told her to be careful on the road.



Xu Jie worked overtime for an extra hour and didn't leave the company until after six o'clock.

If he hadn't made an appointment with Liu Jiaman to play mahjong together, he might have gotten off work even later.

No, it's not possible, it will definitely be later.

Xu Jie hurried to Liu Jiaman's house, but fortunately it was not very far from the company, so he arrived in a short time.

"Ding dong!"

Xu Jie rang the doorbell.

In May, the days began to lengthen. Although it was almost seven o'clock, the sky outside was still bright, giving people the illusion that it was still early.


The door opened, and it was Liu Jiaman who opened the door.

"Brother, why did you come here? I thought you forgot tonight's date." Liu Jiaman said resentfully.

"I didn't forget, I came here after dinner at the company." Xu Jie made up a random reason. In fact, he didn't have dinner at all. He just picked up a takeaway from a night shift employee when he was about to leave work. Fried chicken legs.

"Brother, it's your fault. Why, come to me and you're afraid you'll starve yourself?" Liu Jiaman frowned slightly, pretending to be angry.

"I know Sister Man can't starve me, so I don't eat much. If Sister Man has it here, I can continue to eat." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

"I'm going to ask someone to bring some pizzas over. Let's eat while playing mahjong." Liu Jiaman took out his mobile phone and called his assistant as he spoke.

Xu Jie closed the door and walked into the room, but when he saw the people in the living room, he couldn't laugh immediately.

Liu Qing?

And... wife? !
What about Luo Wanglin?What about Chen Guang?What about Jiang Liwen?What about Hu Jing?Why didn't any of these entertainment mahjong hobby groups come?
Xu Jie quickly turned to look at Liu Jiaman.

If it was in the past, such a mahjong game was very normal, but now, he seriously suspects that the other party has ulterior motives and deliberately called his wife and Liu Qing to play mahjong together, otherwise why didn't he tell him on the phone?

Sister Man, sister Man, what do you want to do?
"Honey, why are you here? When I called you, you didn't mention it." Xu Jie walked towards Su Yun with both surprise and doubt in his eyes.

"Sister Man called me in the afternoon and said she would give you a surprise." Su Yun said with a smile.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, he was surprised, but not happy, but this also made him more sure that the mahjong game tonight was actually a conspiracy by Sister Man.

It's really not a big deal to watch a play!
"Brother-in-law, we meet again so soon." Liu Qing said with a smile, a hint of wisdom flashed in her eyes, and there was a bit of complacency on her face.

It seems to be saying: Can't you run?Are you running?

"Hmm." Xu Jie replied indifferently, but he still had the nerve to call him brother-in-law?It can't be said that it is shameless, it is simply shameless.

"Brother-in-law, look at the news. After we left Hengdian, you met with director Yu Zijian? What did you guys talk about? Did you talk about the new movie? Has the heroine been chosen? Sister Yun? I'm making a bet with Sister Yun." Liu Qing asked many questions in succession, without any shyness.

Xu Jie glanced at the other party, knowing that this woman was arrogant, but he didn't expect to be so courageous and thick-skinned.

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with you." Xu Jie said indifferently, and walked towards his wife.

But before he could hold his wife's hand, Liu Qing hugged his wife and said coquettishly, "Sister Yun, look at his attitude."

"Husband, just tell her. In fact, I also want to know. If you use me, I will reject other scripts. If you don't use me, I will start preparing for the next movie." Su Yun grasped Holding Liu Qing's hand to show comfort, he said to his husband.

There was another smug flash in Liu Qing's eyes, and she even cast a flying eye, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

Xu Jie sighed secretly, now he really has nothing to do with the other party.

Let's talk straight, he is worried that his wife won't believe it, so let's not talk about it, how can his attitude improve with Liu Qing's current state?
The key is that there is still a sister Man waiting around.

There is no one to play mahjong tonight!
"This time I'm going to give the opportunity to the three artists who signed the studio." Xu Jie only said one sentence, but the meaning was already expressed very clearly.

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded.

She agrees with her husband's decision.

Now that Ding Mengni, Hu Xuan, and Chen Siyan have signed contracts with her studio, it is natural to arrange work for them. Although some variety show resources have been given, for actors, the best resources are film and television resources. The director's cooperation is undoubtedly the top resource.

If the three actors can make further progress in their careers because of this movie, it will be a good thing for the studio and for her as the proprietress, so she can fully understand her husband's good intentions, and she doesn't feel lost because of not using her even angry.

"What about me? Is there a suitable role for me?" Liu Jiaman came over after finishing the phone call. She heard all the conversation just now.

"You've had enough plays, do you still need to ask me for it?" Xu Jie made a pun, insinuating that the opponent's team had ulterior motives for tonight's round.

"There are indeed many people looking for me, but didn't I say that when I was in Hengdian? From now on, I only want the plays written by you, and don't talk about anything else." Liu Jiaman said resolutely.

She is very embarrassing at this age. It is reasonable to say that she has won several actresses, and her acting skills have reached the peak. However, most of the people who invite her to act want her to play the second female lead, supporting some young actors.

If the script is good, she doesn't care about it. As a queen, helping young artists can be regarded as a contribution to the film industry.

But the problem is that the script is too bad, even if it is made, it will be a bad movie. Instead of ruining my reputation with my own hands, it is better to stop filming temporarily and pick up when there are good works. Anyway, after so many years of making movies, I have already achieved wealth and freedom.

And Xu Jie is one of the few screenwriters she recognizes.

She wasn't joking.

"Well, for your words, Sister Man, I have to arrange a role for you without your role. You can't refuse then." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Just because of the opponent's performance these two times, he must assign a role for the opponent in the new script, so as to disgust the opponent.

After being beautiful for a lifetime, I will arrange a buffoon for you this time, and it's up to you to act or not!

(End of this chapter)

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