The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1080 Recognize the reality!

Chapter 1080 Recognize the reality!
Hearing Mr. Li's statement, Zhang Yuewen felt as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, for fear that Su Yun would get up and leave, and would no longer act in his movie.

You know, Su Yun is currently the hottest actress. If she can be the heroine, not only will the film's exposure not be lacking, but the box office will also be greatly guaranteed.

What's more, cooperation will add a lot of funds to the crew, and sufficient funds can improve the overall quality of the film, such as photography, art, costumes and so on.

Although doing so will reduce the proportion of the original investors' share, but in the film and television industry where one earns nine losses, isn't this reducing everyone's investment risk?
Therefore, when cooperating with Su Yun, one must not be arrogant, let alone be dazzled by beauty.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Wang, since Su Yun can't drink, I'll drink for her." After Zhang Yuewen finished speaking, he picked up the wine glass and drank all the red wine in the glass in one go.

Li Dehua frowned when he heard it, thinking: Who the hell are you from?
In his opinion, if he paid for it himself, the other party should be on his side. How could he speak for others?It's not too much to take him as a benefactor too seriously.

This money is paid, not happy!
Taking his money but not doing anything for him, isn't that treating him as a fool?
Wang Yang widened his eyes and looked at the wine glass that Zhang Yuewen put down. It was a bottle of red wine worth tens of thousands of yuan. It felt like drinking tap water. It was simply reckless.


"Director Zhang, if you can drink Miss Su's wine for her, then Miss Su's master, can you also do it for her?" Wang Yang asked dissatisfied.

He prepared this bottle of wine for Su Yun, and it would not be wasted if it was drunk into the stomach of a beautiful woman. It is no different from drinking it into a dog's stomach if it is drunk into Zhang Yuewen's stomach.

"This... can't." Zhang Yuewen was embarrassed.

He didn't expect that the other party would be so disrespectful to him.

That's right, in front of these nouveau riche, his title as a famous director is not even as good as a fart.

Zhang Yuewen sighed in his heart, maybe from the moment he begged the other party to invest in the movie, he was no different from a beggar in the eyes of these two people.

"Since you can't, what are you still trying to do here?" Wang Yang rolled his eyes at the other party and said angrily.

"Eat your food honestly, and leave if you don't want to eat." Li Dehua didn't have a good face either.

Zhang Yuewen's face was ashen, his teeth were clenched, and his eyes were full of anger.

He can say whatever he wants in private, but now that Su Yun is here, with such an attitude, will Su Yun still respect him when filming in the future?

He also wants to save face.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Wang, I invited Su Yun to talk about cooperation, and she is also the best candidate for the heroine in my heart. I hope you can respect her." Zhang Yuewen summoned up his courage and said loudly.

As the old saying goes: If you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it anymore.

It's true that these two are rich, but he doesn't want to offend Su Yun.

Because offending Su Yun is tantamount to offending the other party's husband.

That's a big shot in the Beijing circle.

If the two around him are only rich, then the one in Su Yun's family is both rich and powerful, which is one of the reasons why he is willing to cooperate with the other party.


After Li Dehua heard it, his eyes were full of surprise, as if he couldn't believe that this sentence came from Zhang Yuewen's mouth, and the same was true for Wang Yang beside him. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuewen, who had always been humble in front of him, would dare to talk back .

Who gave the other party the guts?
Su Yun?

Could it be that the other party dared to talk back to an investor just because of Su Yun?
"Old Zhang, did you drink too much?" Li Dehua asked coldly, his eyes were full of threats.

He is giving the opponent a chance, a chance to bow his head and admit his mistake, and stand in line again.

"Mr. Li, although I can't drink, I won't be drunk with a glass of red wine. I haven't forgotten the purpose of coming here today, but Mr. Li seems to be drunk." Zhang Yuewen looked back at the other party and said.

The implication: Have you forgotten the purpose of coming here today?
"Good Zhang Yuewen, have you forgotten how you begged me to invest in your movie? Don't forget, I only gave you part of the money." Wang Yang threatened loudly.

"I see..." Li Dehua said to Wang Yang with a sneer, "He wants to be a flower protector."

"Are you angry at the crown and become a beauty? Unexpectedly, Director Zhang is also a temperamental person. I really didn't see it."

"These directors are not only temperamental, but also like to chat with actresses about scripts, hehe."

"Yes, I especially like chatting in the middle of the night."


Wang Yang and Li Dehua sang together, not only were they laughing obscenely, but the words in their mouths became more and more ugly.

Zhang Yuewen blushed when he heard this. He already knew that these two bosses were not good people. If it wasn't because there was too much gap in filming, he would not have found these two people.

It's just that I didn't expect to be so open-mouthed during the dinner. You must know that today is the first time I meet the heroine, and the actor's performance contract has not been signed yet.

"Director Zhang." Su Yun said lightly at this time: "I still have something to do, let's take a step first and wait for your side to deal with it. Let's talk again. Goodbye."

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Stop!" Li Dehua raised his legs, looked at Su Yun and said, "If you walk out of this door today, you won't be able to make this movie in the future."

"That's right!" Wang Yang echoed.

When Su Yun heard this, she burst out laughing, looked back at the two of them and said, "You two seem to have missed one thing. It was Director Zhang who invited me to play the heroine of this movie."

"That's right, Sister Yun promised you to play the heroine of this movie. This is your blessing. If you don't entertain me well, you still want to play hooligans? Do you think that if you don't make your movie, Sister Yun will have no movies to make? Let me tell you, there are too many people who invite our sister Yun to make a movie, hum!" Huang Xiaorong said bluntly.

She has put up with these two upstarts for a long time.

What do you think of sister Yun?

It was uncomfortable for Wang Yang and Li Dehua to be bullied.

Lies are not terrible, reality hurts the most.

Regardless of whether Huang Xiaorong was telling the truth, it was these truths that made the two speechless.

In fact, they also know Su Yun's current popularity, and because of this, they were so active when they heard Zhang Yuewen talk about meeting Su Yun.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party would be so shameless that he wouldn't even take a sip of wine.

What is the most important thing to do out?


Isn't there such a sentence?A person has a face, a tree has a skin.

They are investors and sponsors. If you don't give them face, you still want to use their money to act in the movie they invested in?How could such absurd things be allowed to happen.

"Okay, you're popular, but you can't be popular forever." Li Dehua said viciously.

"I'll tell the directors I know that if anyone dares to hire you in the future, I won't invest in his films, hum!" Wang Yang also said harshly.

Su Yun sneered after hearing this, the level of cruelty was not as good as tickling in her opinion.


The door slammed shut, and the man walked away.

Wang Yang and Li Dehua looked in the direction of the door and couldn't help but sat in their original positions in a daze.

gone?Really gone?

Although the two are not in the entertainment industry, they have invested in five or six movies, but they have never met such a "horrific" actress.

People are popular, can they be so arrogant?
Didn't there be popular female stars in the dinners I attended before?
"Old Zhang, her, what's going on with her?" Wang Yang looked at Zhang Yuewen puzzled and asked.

He originally wanted to scare the woman, but now he was shocked by the attitude of the woman.

In this circle, there are still people who are not afraid of the patron's father?

Seeing Su Yun leaving, Zhang Yuewen was so frightened that if Mr. Xu knew what happened today, he wouldn't have to hang around in this circle in the future.

Hearing Wang Yang's question now, he felt both angry and helpless, and said depressedly: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Li, you two have caused me misfortune."

After speaking, he stood up and left.

"Old Zhang, where are you going?" Li Dehua asked loudly.

"Go and explain to Su Yun." Zhang Yuewen replied, and at the same time added a sentence in his heart: By the way, let's clear up the relationship.

He doesn't seem to let Su Yun misunderstand.

When Wang Yang heard this, he was so angry that he was ignored by the actress, but now even Zhang Yuewen is ignoring him?
Explain to the actress, doesn't it mean they are wrong?


Wang Yang reached out and slapped the table hard, "Stop, don't you want our investment?"

"Old Zhang, you have to be clear, whose money are you using to make a movie now." Li Dehua said with a sullen face, feeling as if he had been betrayed.

"Mr. Li, of course I know whose money I am using. If I don't have your money, I will find someone else to vote for this movie. But if I offend Su Yun, not only will I not be able to make this movie, but I will never even think about it in the future." We're making a movie," Zhang Yuewen said.

"What?" Li Dehua was stunned, feeling that Zhang Yuewen was fooling himself.

"Just an actress, didn't she act in a few good movies? What's the big deal? Didn't you also make a few hit movies before?" Wang Yang said indifferently,
"You don't know that Su Yun's husband is the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and Jingshi Culture is the property of Jingcheng TV Station. He has a strong background." Just as Zhang Yuewen was about to open the door, he stopped suddenly and looked back at the people in the private room. The two said: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Li, I think we should forget about our cooperation this time."

Before Li Dehua recovered from the first message, he was shocked by the second thing the other party said.

Forget about cooperation?

You must know that the other party begged him to invest in this movie at the beginning, but now they have asked them to withdraw their investment?This, isn't this playing tricks on them?
"Old Zhang, do you see someone investing in your script, so you want to leave Lao Wang and me behind? Don't forget that we signed a contract, and we have to pay for breach of contract." Li Dehua said.

Wang Yang nodded.

However, this is the first time I have seen the director who does not want to invest.

"Mr. Li, it's not that I want to leave you guys behind. I'm doing this for your own good. If you leave now, I will return the part of the money you sent me earlier, and you won't have any problems." Loss, but if you wait for the movie to start and you spend all your money, even if you want to withdraw your capital, I won't have any money for you." Zhang Yuewen spread his hands and said.

"We won't withdraw the capital. Su Yun's favorite script will definitely not be bad." Li Dehua didn't believe Zhang Yuewen's words. He felt that the other party was trying to fool him in order to cooperate with Su Yun.

"If you don't withdraw your investment, you have to be prepared to risk all your investment in vain, because this movie may not be released, and even if it is released, you may not be able to get a schedule." Zhang Yuewen said seriously.

"Why?" Wang Yang asked puzzled.

Zhang Yuewen looked at the other party and thought: Why?Of course it's because of Su Yun's husband, as I just said.

Li Dehua thought for a while, and soon he couldn't understand the meaning, and began to think seriously about what the other party said.


Although it was a bit embarrassing, the money was saved.

If you continue to vote, as Lao Zhang said, once the movie cannot be released normally, tens of millions will be completely lost.

Then the problem is coming.

Is face important or money important?

When there are many people, face must be important, but now there is only Zhang Yuewen alone, money must be more important.

"Old Zhang, is Su Yun's husband really that powerful?" Li Dehua asked.

He didn't know much about things in the entertainment industry, so he was still somewhat skeptical.

Zhang Yuewen thought for a while, and then said: "I dare not say it in other places. Anyway, in the circle of the capital, the other party's words are definitely easy to speak."


Li Dehua was speechless after hearing this.

The circle in Beijing?

Isn't the capital the center of Chinese culture?
If it works well in the capital, it will certainly not be bad in all parts of the country.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Li Dehua asked dissatisfied, feeling cheated.

"Mr. Li, the conscience of heaven and earth, I have been wanting to tell you just now, but you never gave me a chance to speak." Zhang Yuewen said with a wry smile.

Li Dehua thought for a while, as if he really wanted to shut up the other party, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Wang Yang at the side, and asked, "Old Wang, why don't we... let's withdraw?"

Wang Yang blinked, still a little confused in his mind.

I just wanted to have a drink with the female star, why was I kicked out of the crew before drinking?
Did you say that the rich is the uncle?
Although he is not in the entertainment industry, it sounds very rare to kick an investor out.

Zhang Yuewen saw that Boss Wang didn't speak, so he said: "Whether to withdraw or not, you two decide for yourself, I'm going to explain to Su Yun, you..."

In the end, he didn't know what to say, so he opened the door and walked out of the room.

Wang Yang and Li Dehua looked at each other.

The two came here with excitement and joy. Who would have thought that they would become what they are now without eating or drinking.

"It's no wonder that people speak hard, but their backs are hard."

Wang Yang was a little disappointed, not because he withdrew the funding from the film, but because he couldn't have a drink with Su Yun.

"Get out!"

Li Dehua sighed, and then drank the wine in the glass in front of him in one gulp. Between face and money, he chose to recognize the reality.


(End of this chapter)

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