Chapter 1081 Re-cooperate
Zhang Yuewen chased out of the restaurant in a hurry. Although he ran very fast, he still couldn't catch up with Su Yun, and watched the other party's nanny car go away.

But he didn't give up, instead he quickly got into his car and urged the driver to catch up. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Su Yun's number.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The phone is connected quickly.

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Zhang Yuewen took the initiative to apologize: "Su Yun, it's me, Zhang Yuewen. I apologize to you for what happened just now. I shouldn't have brought them here today."

At this moment, he felt nothing but regret.

In fact, he knew what kind of people Wang Yang and Li Dehua were, but he didn't expect them to be so brazen, and they didn't even give him face.

It's normal for a man to be interested in sex, and he's also tempted when he sees a beautiful woman, but if he expresses his thoughts and behaves arrogantly and badly, against the wishes of the beautiful woman, then he is shameless and hooligan.

Talking about scripts belongs to talking about scripts, but he won't do things like forcing people into prostitution.

This kind of thing is all about your love and my wish.

"I'm very glad that I was able to see their faces earlier. If I see them after signing the contract, I will have to pay compensation if I want to leave." Su Yun said lightly.

After Zhang Yuewen heard it, sweat began to break out on his forehead.

Even if the other party will give it, he will not ask for it.

This is not a question of will, but a question of courage.

Su Yun is not scary, but the man behind the opponent is too scary.

Thinking about it this way, he also felt very lucky, because it happened before signing the contract.

If today's incident happened after signing the contract, that is, during the filming stage of the film, there would be a lot of people talking at the scene, and once it got out, the consequences would be disastrous.

Just thinking about it gives chills down the spine!
"Su Yun, all my mistakes are my fault. After you left, I seriously asked them to terminate the contract and ask them to withdraw their capital and leave. Can you see if our cooperation... can it continue?" Zhang Yuewen tentatively asked.

He has asked Boss Wang and Boss Li to withdraw their capital, and just now they broke up because of Su Yun's quarrel. If they can't reach a cooperation with Su Yun now, then today's meal is really a loss for his wife and soldiers.

"Oh? Really?" Su Yun was taken aback, slightly surprised.

The main reason is that she didn't expect the other party to make such a decisive decision. She thought that after she left, the other party would humbly apologize to the two benefactors.

"Really, I didn't expect them to be that kind of people. If I had known earlier, I would not have asked them to invest in my movie even if I were pointed at with a knife." Zhang Yuewen said angrily, with a resolute attitude. The previous two bosses drew a line.

For him, the multiple-choice question he is facing now is not difficult. As for why he asked Boss Wang and Boss Li in the first place, it was because he had no choice at the time.

Su Yun laughed unconsciously after listening to the other party's generous statement.

He said it as if he was not familiar with those two nouveau riche, that’s not what he said at the dinner table before, and he said “Old Zhang”, can he be called “Old Zhang” if he is not familiar?

But I guessed it, guessed it, she didn't expose the other party, after all, the other party had already let the two upstarts withdraw their capital, which can be regarded as an expression of sincerity to her, and she also said before leaving, "Wait for your side to deal with it." , let's talk again" and so on.

Now that the other party has settled the matter, she should also keep her promise.

"Does Director Zhang have time now?" Su Yun asked.

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Yuewen replied immediately, and his heart began to get excited.

There is a play!

If you can make an appointment, there will be a play.

"Let's talk in my studio." Su Yun said.

She didn't want to go outside anymore, and she didn't want to meet some dubious people again.

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away." Zhang Yuewen said quickly.

"See you later."

"See you later."

After the phone call, Zhang Yuewen shook his fist happily.

Since Su Yun agreed to meet him in the studio, it is enough to show that the other party still wants to cooperate with him.

If we can cooperate with Su Yun, not only the funding problem can be easily solved, but also the future publicity and filming will not have to worry.

Who told the other party's husband to be Mr. Xu?

My wife's movie is going to be released, as a husband, will I stand by and ignore it?

Who doesn't know that these two are model couples in the circle?

He made the right choice and made the right bet.

Next to Mr. Xu's big tree, boss Wang and boss Li stood aside.

In his opinion, the rich are the nouveau riche, while the rich and powerful are the big bosses.

Not long after, the car was parked outside a commercial office building.

After Zhang Yuewen got off the car, he quickly entered the gate and took the elevator to the floor where Su Yun's studio was located.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Yuewen. I'm here to see your Boss Su. I have an appointment with her." Zhang Yuewen came to the front desk and reported his name.

"Hi Director Zhang, please follow me." The front desk said with a smile, and then led the way.

Zhang Yuewen followed behind. This was his first visit to Su Yun's studio. The scale was larger than he had imagined, and there were more employees than other artist studios. Moreover, everyone was busy, and it seemed that there was endless work to do. work like.

This is a good thing.

Because the busyness of the employees is directly proportional to the popularity of the artists.

If the employees are busy, it means that the artist is popular and there is a lot of work. If all the employees are idle, watching online dramas and swiping their phones, it can only mean that the artist is not popular, and he doesn't even have a job.

"Miss Xiaorong, Director Zhang is here." The receptionist came outside the boss's office and said to Huang Xiaorong who was standing outside.

"Understood, you go back." Huang Xiaorong said to the front desk, and then her eyes fell on Zhang Yuewen who was at the side.

She knew that the boss and the other party had made an appointment to meet in the studio, but she was a little surprised that the other party appeared here so quickly. After all, she and the boss had just returned, and the difference was only a few minutes.

It seems that shortly after they left, the other party left immediately.

But come back soon, she is still brooding about the dinner just now.

Has Sister Yun ever been made things difficult for her like today?

"Sister Yun is on the phone, Director Zhang is waiting here for a while." Huang Xiaorong said indifferently, and then sat on the chair outside.

The call was fake, she just wanted to show off the other party deliberately, to avenge Sister Yun.

What about famous directors?
Now all the directors who are working with Sister Yun are big directors, much better than these famous directors.

Of course, the reason why she dared to do this was mainly because of Mr. Xu, the courage that Mr. Xu gave her.

"Oh, okay." Zhang Yuewen nodded politely, but his heart began to beat.

Call up?
Who to call?
Could it be to call Mr. Xu?
If Mr. Xu knows that his wife has been made things difficult...

Zhang Yuewen's back was sweating coldly, and he didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

For a man, his wife will be more angry if his wife is being bullied than he is being bullied by others.

1 minutes……

2 minutes……

10 minutes……

Soon, 10 minutes passed.

During this period of time, Zhang Yuewen was fidgeting like an ant on a hot pot, and the joy when he came was gone from his face, and he was full of worries.

The phone call took too long, didn't it?
It was longer than the meeting for lunch.

However, as a person with a wife, such a situation is not incomprehensible. After all, women are willing to talk on the phone when they are free, let alone when they are busy.

Retelling plus accusation, why can't you start in half an hour and finish in an hour?
He looked down at the time on his watch, it seemed that he had to wait for a while.

Huang Xiaorong, who had been swiping her phone, glanced at Zhang Yuewen in front of her, and sneered secretly in her heart.

Dare to make things difficult for our sister Yun?That's what happens.

In fact, if the other party hadn't stood up to speak for Sister Yun at the restaurant, she would have made the other party wait here for a day.

As for now, a small punishment will be fine.

She put away her mobile phone, got up and walked into the boss's office, and after a short notice, she came out and said to Zhang Yuewen, "Director Zhang, Sister Yun has finished calling, you can go in."

"Okay, thank you."

Zhang Yuewen squeezed out a smile, then walked in with apprehension.

The office is very large and decorated very warmly. In addition to various trophies, there are several photos in the display cabinet on the side, including a group photo with Mr. Xu.

Looking at the affectionate appearance of Su Yun and Mr. Xu in the photo, Zhang Yuewen felt even more uncertain.

"Director Zhang, please sit down." Su Yun stood up, pointed to the sofa in the reception area, and then shouted to the door: "Xiao Rong, pour tea for Director Zhang."

Huang Xiaorong walked in from the outside with a straight face, and reluctantly took a disposable paper cup to pour tea.

"No, no, no, I'm not thirsty, so don't bother." Zhang Yuewen shook his head and waved his hands again.

Although he didn't ask the assistant to pour water, but the assistant poured water because of him. Originally, this assistant was very dissatisfied with him because of what happened in the restaurant, but now he still pours water for him. Isn't this adding fuel to anger? ?
If the other party speaks ill of him to Su Yun or Mr. Xu after he leaves, won't he run into obstacles everywhere in the future?

After pouring the tea, Huang Xiaorong walked up to Zhang Yuewen, put the teacup on the table with a "dang", then turned her head and left.

Zhang Yuewen was embarrassed, but he couldn't say anything, he could only pretend he didn't see it.


The door is closed.

"Director Zhang, Xiao Rong is young and ignorant, don't mind." Su Yun said at this time, but she didn't mean to blame Huang Xiaorong.

"I don't mind, really." Zhang Yuewen shook his head, forced a smile and said: "Actually, I can understand her very well, after all, at the dinner table just now... Oh, let's not talk about it!"

He swallowed all the rest of the words into his stomach, it's not a glorious thing, there is no need to keep repeating it, doing so will only deepen Su Yun's bad impression of him.

"The matter is over, let's not talk about it anymore. Since we decided to cooperate, we must look forward to everything. What do you think, Director Zhang?" Su Yun smiled faintly, also giving the other party a step down.

She didn't want to get too stiff with the other party, after all, she would have to work together in the crew in the future.

As the main character, if you are having trouble with the director, how can you make this scene?
"Yes, you are so right." Zhang Yuewen kept nodding, his face full of gratitude.

"Let's talk about cooperation." Su Yun didn't plan to talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic, "Are you sure that President Wang and President Li will withdraw their capital?"

"Sure." Zhang Yuewen replied affirmatively.

Although the two bosses have not given him a final answer, he believes that the two bosses will eventually withdraw their capital.

Businessmen reap profits.

If you still invest money knowing that your investment will lose money, you are no longer a businessman, but a philanthropist.

Boss Wang and Boss Li are obviously not that kind of people, which can be seen from the fact that they want the heroine to accompany them to drink with some money.

They invest for another purpose. If they fail to achieve their purpose, they lose the meaning of investment.

He knows this kind of people very well.

"As soon as they leave, there will be a gap in the movie. I wonder how big the gap is?" Su Yun asked, thinking at the same time: My husband still has the foresight.

If Xu Jie hadn't mentioned bringing capital into the group first, as an actress, how could she fire the investors?Maybe it's time to start picking the next script.

"Boss Wang and Boss Li paid 2000 million yuan each, and the total is 4000 million yuan. The total investment of this movie is 2000 million yuan, which is also the minimum standard. If it is less, the actors and quality cannot be guaranteed." Zhang Yuewen said seriously Said.

2000 million, seems like a lot, but half of the actor's salary is accounted for. Of course, there is no way to do it. Who will let the current movies have no stars and no audience?
"4000 million..." Su Yun thought for a while, and then said, "Well, I'll vote 6000 million."


Zhang Yuewen looked surprised.

More than Boss Wang and Boss Li combined?

As expected of Mr. Xu's wife, she is magnificent!

"You, are you sure?" Zhang Yuewen asked tremblingly, worried that the other party was trying to amuse him.

In fact, the most important thing is that I still don't understand why the other party invested so much money.

You must know that when he took the script to attract investment, because of the dismal box office of the last movie, not many people were optimistic about the script, and he was often looked down upon.


Su Yun nodded firmly.

6000 million is not too much for her, and she was even mentioned as her husband's company.

Zhang Yuewen swallowed unconsciously. Unexpectedly, after driving away Boss Wang and Boss Li, not only the funding gap was filled, but there was also an extra 2000 million.

If he had known this, he wouldn't have been in a hurry to solicit investment back then, and it was like begging for food. Now, wouldn't the money come to him on his own initiative?

It still seems to have knowledge.

"Thank you President Su for your support." Zhang Yuewen said happily.

When I was happy, I even changed my name.

It's absolutely fine for someone to open a studio and be their own boss, called Mr. Su. What's more, the other party has now become an investor in his movie.

"It's nothing, I just like this script and this character, that's why I want to invest in this movie. Let's talk about the details of the cooperation, and by the way, talk about the performance agreement, and try to start work as soon as possible." Su Yun said.

"it is good."

Zhang Yuewen's head is like a chicken eating rice.

He was even more anxious than the other party about starting work.


(End of this chapter)

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