Chapter 1082 Warning
The process of negotiating the contract went very smoothly and was over in less than an hour.

The reason why it is so fast is that on the one hand, there are templates for the performance contract and the investment contract, which can be used for reference; It also made Zhang Yuewen dare not bargain at all, except for "um", or "um".

However, Zhang Yuewen didn't feel that he was at a disadvantage, especially when he learned that the investor was actually Jingshi Culture, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart, thinking that he had taken advantage of it.

Jingshi Culture, that is a subsidiary company of Jingcheng TV Station. The background is very strong. With such a company with an official background as the backer, many difficulties that were originally faced are no longer a problem now, for example: publicity, filming, etc., It relieved a lot of pressure for him as a director.

a few days later.

Zhang Yuewen came to Su Yun's studio again with the completed contract.

Today, as long as the two parties sign their names on the white paper, the film can be officially launched.

"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Su. I have an appointment with Su Yun. My name is..."

This time, before Zhang Yuewen could finish speaking, the receptionist smiled and said, "You are Director Zhang, I remember you, please come with me."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Zhang Yuewen said politely, and didn't despise the other party just because the other party was just a front desk.

The front desk is the face of a company, and being rude to the front desk is equivalent to slapping the company in the face.

He followed behind the front desk, but this time the other party did not take him to Su Yun's office, but to a conference room.

"Director Zhang, wait a moment, President Su will be here in a while." The receptionist said.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry." Zhang Yuewen said with a smile.

I thought to myself: It won’t be like last time, waiting for more than half an hour, right?
In fact, let alone more than half an hour, even two or three hours, he still has to wait here, who made the other party an investor?
In front of investors, directors like them, to put it bluntly, are just like grandsons.

Zhang Yuewen was bored, so he took out the contract from his bag and read it to check for any mistakes.


A few minutes later, there was a sudden knock on the door.

When Zhang Yuewen heard the movement, he stood up quickly on conditioned reflex.

The first one to walk in was Su Yun. Just as he was about to say hello, he saw Mr. Xu walking in following Su Yun.

Although he has never been in contact with Mr. Xu, he has been on TV and on the big screen, and his popularity and exposure are no less than that of any star, so he recognized him at a glance.

However, he knew that today he was going to sign an investment contract with Jingshi Culture, but he didn't expect Mr. Xu to come in person.

Isn't it possible to send a representative or a department manager to handle such a small matter?Do I need to come in person?

"Mr. Xu, good morning, Mr. Su." Zhang Yuewen hurriedly said after recovering, perhaps because of nervousness, his voice was a little trembling.

If it was a few days ago and the thing that made things difficult for Su Yun hadn't happened, he wouldn't be like this. It was because of that incident that he felt very uneasy and apprehensive in his heart.

Will it be a big blow?
Or, three bottles of wine?

These are common things in the circle, and there are more excessive things than these.

"Hello, Director Zhang." Xu Jie said with a faint smile as he walked over, "Although this is the first time we've met, I've heard of your name for a long time."

After speaking, reach out to the other party.

Zhang Yuewen's heart tightened. Although this sentence seemed to be polite, it felt that there was something beyond the words when it reached his ears.

He quickly took the other party's hand, and said cautiously: "Mr. Xu, I have admired you for a long time. In fact, I am just a small director and I am not very famous."

In front of young actors, he is a famous director, but in front of industry bigwigs, he is just a little brother and a young man.

"Director Zhang, you are too modest. When you became famous, I was still studying on campus." While talking, Xu Jie stretched out his other hand to pat the other person's shoulder.

Zhang Yuewen trembled all over, only feeling that the strength in the other party's hands became heavier and heavier, and the shoulders also hurt more and more. This is not a normal greeting at all.

At this moment, he understood everything.

Mr. Xu must have known what happened that day. This was to punish him and also to warn him. This is probably the reason why the other party appeared here today.

He stood still and didn't dare to move, let alone hide. He just carried it so hard, and not only didn't dare to show an expression of pain on his face, he even had to smile apologetically.

If you make a mistake, you must admit it, and you must stand firm when you are beaten.

Although he wasn't the one who made things difficult for Su Yun, he had an unshirkable responsibility. If he blamed Su Yun at this time, instead of appeasing the other party's anger, it would inflame the other party.

"False name, false name." Zhang Yuewen said timidly, keeping his posture very low, he didn't dare to show the prestige of a famous director in front of the other party.

"Director Zhang, if you say that, how dare I invest in your movie?" Xu Jie said with a smile, but his eyes were full of coldness.

In fact, his wife did not tell him about the meeting with Zhang Yuewen that day.

It was he who wanted to ask about bringing funds into the group, so he called his wife, but at the time his wife was participating in an event and the phone was in Huang Xiaorong's hands, so he asked Huang Xiaorong.

In other words, Huang Xiaorong told him what happened that day.

Why did he climb up so hard all these years?Isn't it just to be able to help Su Yun, so that Su Yun will not be bullied by others?

But now there are still people who dare to make things difficult for Su Yun, can he not be angry?

Famous director?

In his opinion, wanting to destroy someone is as easy as trampling an ant to death.

The old saying goes well: how can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river?

People in the entertainment industry, who has no black material?
As long as the opponent's black material is exposed, the opponent's reputation will definitely be ruined, and he will disappear from the entertainment circle.

The reason why he didn't do that was mainly because of the other party's attitude.

According to Huang Xiaorong's narration, although the two investors were brought by the person in front of him, the other party spoke on behalf of his wife at the dinner table, and also pissed off the two investors, and also removed the two investors from the investment after the meal. The persuasion in the list, the timely drawing of the line, all kinds of behaviors show that the other party does not want to make things difficult for his wife subjectively, so these few pats on the shoulder are considered punishment.

As for the culprit, he will never forgive him lightly.

So what if he wasn't from the entertainment industry?Don't you have black material on your body?

The business district is not much cleaner than the entertainment circle, and businessmen have as much scandal as any celebrity, but celebrities are public figures, and there will be more reporters staring at celebrities. If reporters are allowed to stare at a businessman, the same Found black material.

Seeing Mr. Xu's sharp eyes, Zhang Yuewen panicked even more. If the other party doesn't invest, he doesn't know when the movie will be put on hold before it can be released.

"Mr. Xu, for me, every movie is a new beginning. Only by abandoning the praise of the past can we start again and surpass ourselves." Zhang Yuewen said seriously, and rounded up the words again.


Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect the other party to react so quickly and give an explanation so quickly.

Although these words sounded a bit pretentious, they were really good, so he withdrew his hand, nodded and said, "I look forward to your performance, and I hope you won't let me down."

Hearing this, Zhang Yuewen breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a lot more relaxed.

He knew that what happened at the dinner that day was over, without that incident, all that was left was cooperation.

Thankfully, the bet was right that day.

"Mr. Xu, please rest assured, I will not let you down." Zhang Yuewen said vowedly.

"I hope so." Xu Jie sat down, pointed to the chair next to him, and said, "Come on, let's sign the investment contract as soon as possible." After speaking, he looked at Vice President Sun Ying.

Rather, he wants to see the other party's actual actions.

Boasting, who wouldn't?
But doing things well is not something everyone can do.

Sun Ying immediately took out the contract in duplicate and placed it in front of Mr. Xu and Zhang Yuewen respectively.

Zhang Yuewen had seen this document, so he didn't read it again, and directly signed it with a pen.

"Director Zhang, don't you want to read it again? Be careful of being betrayed." Xu Jie joked.

"It would be my honor if I could sell it to Mr. Xu." Zhang Yuewen said solemnly.

Xu Jie smiled, signed his name on the contract, and finally each party had a copy.

Zhang Yuewen carefully kept the contract. In his opinion, this is not only a movie investment contract, but also a link with Mr. Xu.

With it, it is equivalent to boarding Mr. Xu's boat, even if he is not qualified to ride the wind and waves together, at least it can shelter him from the wind and rain.

It’s good to enjoy the shade under the big tree!

"Director Zhang, wish us a happy cooperation." Xu Jie extended his hand to Zhang Yuewen again.

If it was to give the other party a warning before, then this time it is sincerely hoping that the cooperation will have a good result.

Once the contract is signed, the two parties are in the same boat. If there is an awkwardness and a fight, it will be of no benefit to anyone.

Don't think he invested in this movie because of his wife, in fact, he also invested in the company.

The future development focus of Jingshi Culture is the film and television industry. In addition to self-directed selfies, investment is also a very important part, because it can not only bring considerable profits to the company, but also expand contacts and increase the company's influence. The future development of the company has great benefits.

Seeing that the other party was about to shake hands again, Zhang Yuewen felt a "thump" in his heart, thinking: Why are you still here?

Now he thought of the handshake just now, and his shoulders were still aching.

But he also knows that even if there are 1 reluctances in his heart, this hand must be held. If he does not hold it, he will not give face, and if he does not hold it, he will not want to cooperate happily.

"Mr. Xu, you are a master in this industry. I will ask for your help, support, and guidance in the future." Zhang Yuewen nodded and bowed, stretching out his hands, hoping that the other party would be merciful.

But the help, support and guidance mentioned in the words are true. Who makes the other party a bigwig in the industry?There are so many things that can be done, and things that can help him.

"That's natural." Xu Jie said with a smile.

In fact, even if the other party doesn't say anything, he will help. Who made the heroine his wife?
Zhang Yuewen gritted his teeth tightly, waiting for Mr. Xu's Tathagata palm, but after preparing for a long time, the imaginary palm did not appear.

It wasn't until President Xu let go that he realized that the other party didn't intend to shoot him this time, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that Mr. Xu had a lot of forgiveness for him.


When he was happy, he flattered directly.

"Mr. Xu, I have long heard that you are an expert among screenwriters. If you have any comments or thoughts on the script I adapted, just tell me, so I can correct it."

He can't say admiration such as the surging river, so he can only shoot more reservedly. Of course, flattering is only one aspect. The most important thing is to show sincerity and let the other party know that he is willing to be a pawn.

"Why did you adapt this novel into a script?" Xu Jie asked while looking at the other party.

"Because some content in the original book deeply attracted me, I think it will be very popular after it is filmed." Zhang Yuewen thought for a while and said.

"So you just need to respect the original work and don't mix too many personal thoughts. If there is anything you don't understand, just ask the author, don't ask me." Xu Jie said.

Why do some film and television dramas that are also adapted from novels receive rave reviews, while others are criticized?Is it because the director mixed too much private goods into it?

The director can add his own understanding of the work to the film, but he should not interpret it too much, and leave more thinking to the audience, because everyone has a different understanding of the work, even if it is one of the characters.

There is a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand spectators.

Directors can't force their own ideas on others, doing so will only make people feel disgusted. Of course, if it is a script written by oneself, it is fine to do so, but it is best to keep the original flavor of the adapted script.

Zhang Yuewen froze for a moment after hearing this, and then fell into deep thought.

Although the other party's answer was very simple, it hit the vital point directly, like a killer, killing him with one blow.

He remembered that when discussing the script with his partner, he really talked too much about his personal understanding, and even quarreled many times because of different opinions.

It now appears that both he and his partner were wrong.

They all forgot their original intention.

What was the original intention?
He liked the novel so much that he wanted to make it into a movie.

But if he adapted the novel into what he had in mind, would it still be the original work?
Looking at those film and television dramas that were changed from novels, how many of them were scolded by fans of the original works and rejected by new audiences because of superfluous superfluous?

Mr. Xu, this is... a word that awakened the dreamer!

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your advice." Zhang Yuewen said from the bottom of his heart, feeling that he had been taught a lesson.

Originally thought that the actors and funds were in place, and the crew would start work soon, but now, it won't be possible for a while, because he has to go back and revise the script to return to the original.

A boss is a boss, you can't accept it!


(End of this chapter)

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