The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1083 I don't want you to be wronged

Chapter 1083 I don't want you to be wronged
"Mr. Xu, Mr. Su, the contract has been signed. If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Zhang Yuewen took his bag and prepared to leave.

His mind is now full of revising the script, because he feels that Mr. Xu will never say what he said just now for no reason. He must have read the original work and the script and has opinions on his adapted script, so he reminded him. he.

Of course, he decided to revise the script not because the other party is now his beneficiary father, but because the other party's screenwriting ability is second to none in the circle. He believed in the other party's vision, so he decided to go back and revise.

The same words, if someone else said it, he would never waver.

"Director Zhang, it's almost noon, stay and have a meal together to celebrate our first cooperation." Su Yun said after hearing this.

When it comes to eating, Zhang Yuewen thinks of what happened at the dinner a few days ago.

He sneaked a glance at Mr. Xu next to him. Although the other party seemed to have forgiven him, when he arrived at the dinner table, he couldn't help but not remember what happened that day.

Seeing things and thinking about people, seeing the scene makes love.

Forget it, don't provoke each other.

Once Mr. Xu clinks glasses with him, will he drink it or not?

Drink, possibly endlessly.

He heard that Mr. Xu drank very violently, and was once so drunk that he was taken to the hospital by an ambulance.

If you don't drink, you will lose face, and it will eventually turn into a scene like Su Yun and Boss Wang and Boss Li a few days ago.

The problem is that Su Yun has a backer and is not afraid of offending Boss Wang and Boss Li, but he has no backer, and the consequences of not showing face will be very serious.

At that time, don't have a good relationship with each other, and instead destroy the cooperative relationship that has been established with great difficulty.

"President Su, you are too polite. We will have a lot of opportunities to eat in the future. As for the celebration, it will not be too late after the show is finished or the movie is released." Zhang Yuewen said.

One sentence directly pushes the celebration to half a year or even a year later.

Because he believes that as long as they cooperate happily during filming, Mr. Xu will definitely not care about the past with him.

Isn't there such a sentence?Time kills everything.

He was worried that Mr. Xu would not even be able to refuse the invitation if he asked again, so he continued: "Before the official start, there is still a lot of work to be done. I have to go back and prepare quickly. I can't live up to Mr. Xu's expectations, right?" ?”

Before Xu Jie and Su Yun could speak, they walked directly outside the meeting room.

"Director Zhang, I'll see you off." Su Yun said politely.

"No, I'll just go out by myself, everyone please stay behind..." Zhang Yuewen's steps became faster. Although the voice was still there, he had already left the meeting room.

Su Yun went out, looked at Director Zhang's back, and felt that the other party was not walking, but trotting, no, it should be running away, because it seemed very hurried.


A row of question marks appeared in Su Yun's mind, and her eyes were also full of doubts.

What is Director Zhang running?
What work are you so anxious about?
What he knew was that the other party had a positive attitude towards work, but what he didn't know, he thought her place was Pansi Cave.

She turned her head, and just about to enter the conference room, she saw her husband come out, followed by people from Jingshi Culture.

"Are you going back now?" Su Yun asked.

"No, I gave myself half a day off, and I will leave after lunch with you." Xu Jie said after hearing this, mainly because he had something to say to the other party.

Su Yun looked at her husband, and then at the employees of Jingshi Culture who were on the side. Isn't it too blatant to skip work?
Sun Ying, the vice president, realized that she shouldn't stay here as a light bulb, so she reached out and stroked the eyes on the bridge of her nose, looked at Xu Jie and said, "President Xu, you are busy, I'll go back to the company first."

Subordinates must have discernment, otherwise how will they work with their boss in the future?

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

Sun Ying greeted Su Yun again, and then left quickly.

"It's finally confirmed." Su Yun looked at her husband, and asked with a smile: "The next step is to prepare for the role. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said eight words: "Read more original works and less scripts."

"Ah? Why?" Su Yun asked suspiciously.

Although the script is adapted from the original work, how can the actors not act according to the script?

"Because Zhang Yuewen will change the script when he returns home. Didn't you notice that the script he adapted deviates from the original? Although it looks good, it doesn't make much sense compared to the original. He should be aware of this." Xu Jie Simply put.

Su Yun was startled. She had read the original book and the script, so she knew that the script was slightly different from the original.

However, she thinks this is very normal, because those movies that are changed from novels are more or less different from the original. After all, the director is not the original author, and the director likes to add some something you like.

She had heard from Zhang Yuewen that the script had been written for more than a year, and it took so long to prepare, how could she easily change it?

"How can you be sure that he will change the script? Just because it deviated from the original? I believe he should have known this when he wrote the script..."

When Su Yun said this, she suddenly thought of the conversation between her husband and Zhang Yuewen, and seemed to understand something for a moment, but soon became confused again.

Just because of her husband's words, Zhang Yuewen is going to change the script?
Why is Zhang Yuewen so obedient?

Is it because of the identity of the investor?
Seeing his wife's puzzled look, Xu Jie couldn't help laughing, put his arms around her shoulders, and said as he walked, "You, if you encounter any troubles or grievances in the future, you must tell me, you know?"

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, at first she didn't understand what her husband meant, but she quickly came to her senses and asked in a low voice, "Husband, you, do you know?"

"Know what?" Xu Jie asked in turn.


Su Yun didn't know how to answer for a while.

Having said that, I am worried that it will be different from what the other party said, and if I don't say it, I won't be able to complete the question just now.

Well, what a cunning man!

She thought about it and thought it was better to tell the truth.

Firstly, there is nothing to hide about this matter; secondly, the other party obviously already knows, and there is no way to hide it, so why bother to lie?
"A few days ago, Zhang Yuewen and I met outside. He brought two investors, and those two people forced me to drink, but I didn't drink, so they said some nasty things... How did you know?" Su Yun asked.

She didn't think it was a big deal, so she didn't tell the other party.

"It's not a secret, why can't I know? Besides, you don't even look at who your husband and I are, and you dare not tell it in other places. As long as it happens in the Beijing area, there will be nothing that fails to reach my ears. "

Xu Jie talked a lot, but still didn't say how he knew it, let alone who told him.

He is a man of principle and will not betray Huang Xiaorong.

If Huang Xiaorong betrayed Huang Xiaorong this time, would Huang Xiaorong tell him what happened to his wife in the future?Certainly not.

Moreover, Huang Xiaorong is his wife's assistant, not a spy. What would she think if she found out that she was betrayed by someone around her?
Su Yunxiu frowned slightly, still thinking about who is most likely to spread the matter.

There were five people present that day, including herself, Huang Xiaorong, Zhang Yuewen, and the two investors brought by Zhang Yuewen.

She didn't say, this is certain, as for the others...

Xu Jie saw that his wife was wondering who the leaker was, so he said, "Let me tell you, it was the two investors who spread the word. They went to the bar to drink, and after drinking too much, they spoke freely and not only told what happened that day. , and even yelled at you, you know places like bars, where good and bad people are mixed together, so it spread quickly."

Su Yun showed a suddenly realized expression after listening.

With the virtues of those two investors, it is not surprising that they did such a thing.

"Husband, actually I didn't mean to hide it from you. I don't think it's a big deal. If we can reach an agreement, we will cooperate. If we can't, we won't cooperate. As for them trying to force me to drink, I didn't let them succeed. Look at it this way." Come on, I still won, because I made them lose face." Su Yun explained, for fear that her husband would be angry.

Xu Jie opened his arms, exposed his wife in his arms, and said softly: "My wife, you should know that I didn't blame you for hiding it, I just don't want you to be wronged, understand?"

There must be a price to be paid for bullying his wife.

This matter will not end so easily.

"Well, I understand." Su Yun hugged the man's waist, and pressed her face tightly against the man's chest. This place is not only firm, but also full of sense of security.

Several employees of the company were about to pass by here. When they saw the boss and Mr. Xu hugging each other, they immediately turned around and left, pretending not to see them, for fear of ruining the good things between the boss and Mr. Xu.

There were even some people who consciously stood in the corridor, standing guard for the boss and Mr. Xu, to prevent anyone from recklessly disturbing them.

"Sister Yun and Mr. Xu are so affectionate." A female employee said enviously.

There are a lot of loving couples in the entertainment industry, but most of them are based on their personality, and real ones like Sister Yun and Mr. Xu are very few in the industry.

All the dog food was spread to the company.

"Yes, it's so enviable." Another female employee couldn't help feeling emotional while agreeing.

They can also be regarded as witnesses of this love, because they were here when the boss and Mr. Xu received the certificate.

From being pessimistic at the beginning to being envied by everyone now, although several years have passed, the relationship between the boss and Mr. Xu has become more and more profound.

No matter they are in adversity or adversity, the two have never been separated, and they have joined hands hand in hand, and will never leave. Who would not want to have such a relationship?


Zhang Yuewen hurried out of the office building, looking back as he walked, as if he was worried about being chased by someone, until he got into the car and left the parking lot, he breathed a sigh of relief.

That feeling is a bit like entering a forest zoo by mistake, wandering around in a park full of lions and tigers, and finally running out successfully.

If you could find four words to describe it, it would be: narrow escape.

Fortunately, Mr. Xu doesn't know martial arts, otherwise he would have been shot internally by the opponent just now.

He opened the briefcase, took out two contracts from it, looked at the signatures on it, smiled again on his face, and even kissed him to express the joy in his heart.

In his opinion, with Su Yun as the heroine, the movie is half successful, and with the investment from Jingshi Culture, the movie is half successful, and the rest is whether the movie can stand the test of the market.

Just as he was looking at the contract happily, his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Ring bell bell!"

Zhang Yuewen was startled, his hands trembled, and the contract almost fell to the ground.

He took out his phone stiffly, and he didn't recover until he saw the caller ID on the screen.

Fortunately, it's not Mr. Xu!
"Hello, Mr. Guan, what's your order?"

Zhang Yuewen connected to the phone.

The caller was Guan Wenkai, the general manager of Huokai Entertainment Company, who was also one of the investors in his movie.

In addition to Jingshi Culture, there are three other companies that invested in this film, namely Huokai Entertainment, Yijia Film and Television, and Pentium Film and Television.

"Director Zhang, how did I hear that Wang Yang and Li Dehua withdrew from the investment? Is there something wrong with your movie?" Guan Wenkai asked anxiously, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

Some people withdraw funds, which means that there is a funding gap for the film project. As a result, the project cannot continue, and the film cannot be started normally. Isn't this a waste of everyone's time?

"There is no problem with the movie. Mr. Guan, you are too worried. In fact, it is Wang Yang and Li Dehua who have the problem. But they have already withdrawn their capital from the project, so there is no problem." Zhang Yuewen said with a smile.

"What? Wang Yang and Li Dehua quit, but the problem no longer exists? What's wrong with them?" Guan Wenkai asked puzzled.

At the same time, he also noticed that Zhang Yuewen actually called Wang Yang and Li Dehua by their first names when talking about them. You must know that they were all called Mr. Wang and Mr. Li or Mr. Wang and Mr. Li before.

"Didn't I invite Su Yun to play the heroine of the movie? Wang Yang and Li Dehua actually forced Su Yun to drink. Do you think they have a problem?" Zhang Yuewen said with a sneer.

"What?" Guan Wenkai was shocked, and asked in a stuttering voice, "Are they, are they crazy?"

"Guan Zong, I believe you also know who Su Yun's husband is. You said that this kind of thing happened, do I still dare to ask for their investment? So let them withdraw the capital from the project." Zhang Yuewen said simply.

Guan Wenkai swallowed unconsciously, he knew more about who Su Yun's husband was than many people.

Because Su Yun didn't renew her contract with the prosperous brokerage company in the early years, a capital tycoon threatened to block the other party, but instead of Su Yun being blocked, the capital tycoon was kicked out of the capital by Su Yun's husband.

Why would he know about this?
Because his entertainment company was one of the many entertainment companies that the capital tycoon invested in, he was also affected by it and almost closed down.

If he remembers correctly, that capital tycoon seems to have forced Su Yun to drink.

"Wang Yang and Li Dehua left, what about the shortage of funds?" Guan Wenkai asked.

He originally wanted to blame Zhang Yuewen, but now he lost his temper, and even thanked Zhang Yuewen for being able to draw a clear line with Wang Yang and Li Dehua in time, otherwise he would be implicated again.

"JingTV Culture made up and promised to invest 6000 million." Zhang Yuewen said.

Guan Wenkai was startled at first, then laughed from ear to ear.

Does Jingshi Culture want to invest in this movie?
It seems that the box office has stabilized.

"never mind."

Guan Wenkai hung up the phone, thinking about the box office hit.


(End of this chapter)

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