Chapter 1084
After half a month, Su Yun received the final version of the movie script from Zhang Yuewen.

She read it roughly, and sure enough, as Xu Jie expected, the content in the script had been modified in many places, and the changed places returned to the original without exception, which made her finally read the original for half a month. Rest assured, I worshiped my husband even more.

The funds were in place, the actors were in place, the script was in place, and after half a month of preparation, the opening ceremony of the movie "Crossing the Sea" officially began.

As one of the producers, although Xu Jie is very busy, he still sneaks in to go to the opening ceremony to support his wife and prevent her from being made things difficult for her.

Of course, it was also to prevent someone from hitting his wife.

No way, the entertainment industry is too chaotic.

Since the set was in the capital, Xu Jie drove there alone.

He didn't notify anyone, not even the representative of Beijing TV Culture Company sent to the crew, what he did was a surprise attack.

The car slowly stopped outside the Lima film and television base, and the security guard sitting in the house ran out immediately after seeing the license plate.

"Mr. Xu, you are here." The security guard smiled all over his face, and then pressed the remote control to raise the door lever.

Mr. Xu is a frequent visitor here, let alone a small security guard, even if the general manager comes, he has to be polite.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded to the other party and asked, "Do you know where the crew of "Crossing the Sea" is?"

""Crossing the Sea"?" The security guard thought for a while, and then asked, "Are you asking about the crew of "Crossing the Sea" that held the opening ceremony today?"

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

The security guard immediately took out the map of the film and television base from his pocket, pointed to an area above and said, "They are here."

"Okay, thanks." After Xu Jie finished watching, he waved his hand at the other party, and then drove into the film and television base.

"Goodbye Mr. Xu." Looking at the back of the car, the security guard shouted and waved.

When the car disappeared, he suddenly thought of something, quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and called the general manager.

Lima film and television base has a total area of ​​more than 300 mu, which is relatively large among the many film and television bases in Beijing.

Xu Jie has been here countless times because of his work, so he already knows every road and every scene in the base like the back of his hand.

Not long after, he drove to the venue pointed by the security guard.

Sure enough, a group of people were seen standing in the middle of the square from a distance, with offering tables and tributes placed in front, and a line of words written on a huge poster: "Crossing the Sea with Secrets" has a good start.

That's right, it's here.

Xu Jie saw several cars parked not far away, so he drove over and parked beside him.

As soon as he unbuckled his seat belt, he saw a man walking over, patted the front cover of the car with his hand, and said loudly: "We have already rented this place, we can't park, we have to park outside."

Xu Jie opened the car door, got out of the car and said, "I'll just wait for a while, so I won't hinder you."

"That's not it..." The man was half-spoken, and suddenly he was stunned. After a while, he changed his previous tone and asked in a low voice and politely: "Are you Mr. Xu Jie?"

"Well, it's me." Xu Jie said.

For him, the only advantage of becoming a star is that he can get some special treatment with this face, for example: the place where parking is not allowed can also allow him to pause for a while.

After the man got an affirmative answer, a hint of panic appeared on his face, and then he said respectfully: "Mr. Xu, this is the place our film crew rented, you can stop as you please."

Half of the film's investment was provided by Jingshi Culture. How dare he not let the boss of Jingshi Culture park here?

You know, half of his salary is paid by this person in front of him.

"Are you from the crew of "Crossing the Sea"?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, yes." The man nodded.

"It's all right." Xu Jie waved his hand, and then walked towards the opening ceremony.

The man looked at Mr. Xu's back, swallowed unconsciously, and felt more uneasy, not knowing that Mr. Xu was not angry.

Xu Jie came a little late. At this time, the opening ceremony has come to an end, and all the staff stood together to take pictures.

Su Yun, as the heroine and the hottest actress right now, deserves to be in the middle. Even several producers have to stand on both sides, let alone the leading actor and director.

"Look at the camera and tell me: one, two, three, it's good to start!" the photographer shouted while holding the camera.

Everyone smiled, followed the photographer and said: "The power is on..."

"Stop!" Zhang Yuewen suddenly shouted: "Stop, stop!"

After speaking, he walked out from the crowd taking pictures.

Everyone looked at Director Zhang in doubt, not knowing why the other party suddenly called a stop at this critical moment.

However, it didn't take long for someone to know the answer.

Guan Wenkai from Huokai Entertainment, An Ruiyang from Pentium Films, and Yang Xiaotong from Yijia Films also walked out from the crowd and followed closely behind Director Zhang.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

The director is gone, why is the producer also gone?

"Sister-in-law, Mr. Xu is here." Wen Biting from the film department came to Su Yun's side and whispered.

As a representative of Beijing Television Culture, she will not only participate in today's opening ceremony, but will also stay with the crew in the days to come.

Su Yun nodded slightly, she had already seen it.

After the people around heard it, Qi Qi looked in the direction of the director, and sure enough, he saw a man walking towards him from a distance, it was Xu Jie.

No, it's Mr. Xu.

"Mr. Xu, why are you here? If I knew you would come, I would have postponed the opening ceremony and waited for you to come." Zhang Yuewen stretched out his hands, his face full of enthusiasm.

"I happened to pass by here on business, so I came in to have a look." Xu Jie found a random reason.

Postpone the opening ceremony?
The opening ceremony is usually set on a good day, a few minutes or even a few seconds. It is a lucky start, how can the time be delayed because of him alone?

To put it bluntly, if the movie fails at the box office after it is released in the future, why not put all the responsibility on him?
He doesn't take the blame.

"Hi, Mr. Xu, welcome to the set!" Guan Wenkai said respectfully, and then began to introduce himself, "I'm Guan Wenkai, the general manager of Huokai Entertainment."

"Hello Mr. Xu, I'm An Ruiyang from Pentium Film and Television, we're so glad you can come."

"That's right, Mr. Xu, I'm Yang Xiaotong from Yijia Film and Television..."

Xu Jie looked at the three producers in front of him and felt that the names sounded familiar, whether it was the name of the company or the names of these people, but he was very sure that he had never seen these people before.

Huokai... Pentium... Yijia...

Where have you heard it?

Xu Jie kept searching in his memory, and suddenly thought of a name, Zhou Yuanqing.

At this time, he finally knew why it sounded familiar.

Zhou Yuanqing's Orange Heart Capital is a shareholder of three entertainment companies, Huokai, Yijia, and Pentium. At the beginning, his main method to deal with Zhou Yuanqing was to block the companies that the other party had invested in, so that the other party's investment shrank rapidly, forcing the other party to withdraw their capital and leave these companies. Entertainment company, thus withdrawing from the entertainment industry.

"I remembered." Xu Jie looked at the three of them and said with a smile, "We are destined to be together. I didn't expect to meet you in this way, and this time we are partners."

Guan Wenkai, An Ruiyang, and Yang Xiaotong immediately showed embarrassing expressions. They also knew that the only time they met Mr. Xu was Zhou Yuanqing, so they knew exactly what Mr. Xu meant by fate.

"Mr. Xu, about Zhou Yuanqing..."

An Ruiyang opened his mouth to explain, but just in the middle of speaking, he saw Mr. Xu waving his hand at him, and he immediately put the second half of the sentence in his mouth, waiting for Mr. Xu to speak seriously.

"Let's let the past go, aren't we fine now?" Xu Jie said.

"Yes, Mr. Xu is right!" An Ruiyang nodded repeatedly.

"It is my honor to cooperate with Mr. Xu." Guan Wenkai said happily.

"Mr. Xu, you don't know. When I learned from Director Zhang that you will become an investor, I was so happy that I didn't fall asleep all night." Yang Xiaotong said excitedly.

These words are not flattery, but what happened in real life. In the end, I even went to the bar to celebrate in the middle of the night and drank all night.

For her, being able to cooperate with Beijing Television Culture is equivalent to getting on the express train to get rich. Who is not happy?

"I hope we can cooperate happily this time." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Happy, will definitely cooperate happily!"

"Mr. Xu, we all listen to you. Whatever you say is what you say."

"Yes, you are an expert, and we are all laymen." Several people said one after another.

With Mr. Xu around, how dare they pretend to be the boss?

Besides, Jingshi Culture is the one with the most investment, and should lead the pack.

Xu Jie smiled when he heard that, as long as these producers are dealt with, others such as producers, actors, etc., give those people courage and dare not do anything to his wife.

"The opening ceremony is not over yet, right? Go on, I'll take a look at my wife, and I'll be leaving in a while." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, there is only one photo left, do you want to come and take a photo together?" Zhang Yuewen asked.

When the others heard this, they immediately nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Xu, let's shoot together."

"You are the producer of the movie, not an outsider..."

"That's right, Mr. Xu, you've come here, don't be afraid of what a pity, Su Yun is also here..."

Several people took turns persuading them, and they all wanted to take pictures with Mr. Xu.

Xu Jie looked at his wife who was not far away, and seeing her smiling and affectionate, he nodded and said, "Okay, then add me."

"President Xu, please!"

Guan Wenkai pointed to the place where the photo was taken, An Ruiyang and Yang Xiaotong followed from left to right, and Zhang Yuewen waved at the people in the first row from a distance, signaling them to move to the two sides to make room for Mr. Xu.

For the actors and crew present, Xu Jie was not only a star, but also a bigwig in the industry, so they rushed to both sides.

Only one person did not move, and that was Su Yun.

Xu Jie came to his wife's side, smiled gently at her, and held her hand tightly without avoiding suspicion.

Su Yun knew that her husband must be worried about her, otherwise he would not have come here in person even though he sent a representative.

Although she didn't say anything, she leaned her body towards her husband's side and tilted her head towards his shoulder, everything was kept silent.

Guan Wenkai, An Ruiyang, and Yang Xiaorong rushed to grab positions, wanting to stand beside Mr. Xu, but there was only one place, and in the end it was taken by the fast-footed Guan Wenkai. An Ruiyang wanted to stand on the other side, but considering that he was alone It seemed inappropriate for a man to stand next to Su Yun, so in the end he could only stand next to Guan Wenkai, leaving the place next to Su Yun to Yang Xiaorong.

The photographer saw that everyone stood up, so he said again: "Everyone, look at the camera, I said one, two, three, you said the start is good, one, two, three..."

"Good luck starting up!"


The screen freezes at this moment.

Xu Jie and Su Yun smiled brightly, and everyone else surrounded them. It didn't look like a group photo at the start of a movie, but rather a group photo for a wedding.

After the photo was taken, everyone turned their gazes to the middle of the first row, as if waiting for the man to say something.

"Director Zhang." Xu Jie looked at Zhang Yuewen and asked, "I'll take a look from the side, won't you disturb me?"

"No, of course not." Zhang Yuewen shook his head and said, "If there is anything we don't do well, please give me your advice, Mr. Xu."

"Director Zhang, you are a professional in filming. If you shoot your film, I promise not to disturb you." Xu Jie said.

If it's about the script, he might give advice, but when it comes to filming, the other party is also a well-known director in China, so how can it be his turn to be a newcomer to guide?
"Mr. Xu, please don't say that..." Zhang Yuewen said politely, but he was very happy in his heart. .

Think about it, there is such a person behind him who directs movies with hundreds of millions of box office, can he not feel Alexander?
If the other party points out his problems in public, will he still have prestige in the crew in the future?

So when he heard that the other party would not disturb him, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the other party did not open his mouth, he didn't care about the others even if they were Mr. Guan, Mr. An, and Mr. Yang. Who told them that these three had never been directors before? ?
"Everyone is starting to prepare, and the filming will officially start in an hour." Zhang Yuewen said loudly.

Everyone dispersed immediately and started their work.

Zhang Yuewen was about to say hello to Mr. Xu, and also went to get ready, when the phone rang suddenly, he took out his phone and looked at the caller ID, and immediately walked aside to answer the call.

"Old Liu, what's the matter?"

The caller was his old friend Liu Lianchao in the industry, also a director, and the two were once classmates.

"Old Zhang, you can do it, even I can hide such a big matter?"

"What's the big deal? What did I hide from you?" Zhang Yuewen asked inexplicably. He was confused by what he said.

"Pretend, keep pretending, I asked you a while ago why you allowed Wang Yang and Li Dehua to divest, but you didn't tell me, did you know it then?" Liu Lianchao asked.

"what do you know?"

"Don't pretend, Wang Yang and Li Dehua were interviewed by the police, they said they were tax evasion, and the sum of the recovery and punishment would cost hundreds of millions..."

"What?" Zhang Yuewen was stunned when he heard it, "You, what you said is true?"

"Why, you don't know?" Liu Lianchao asked suspiciously.

Not long after Wang Yang and Li Dehua withdrew their capital, something happened to the company. Isn't this too coincidental?

"I don't know." Zhang Yuewen said truthfully.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something, and turned to look at Mr. Xu who was not far away.

At this moment, he seemed to know everything.


(End of this chapter)

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