Chapter 1085 Helping News

Zhang Yuewen doesn't believe that the matter of Boss Wang and Boss Li has nothing to do with Mr. Xu.

Although he hasn't confirmed it from other sources, he has already decided in his heart that Mr. Xu did it.

He has known Boss Wang and Boss Li for six or seven years. The two have invested in about four or five movies, and have had dinner and dates with countless actresses and female producers, but nothing has happened to them. This time...

So besides Mr. Xu, he couldn't think of anyone else.

Of course, it may also be a business opponent, but he thinks it is unlikely, because the timing of the incident is too coincidental.

"Old Zhang, why are you silent? Did you think of something?" Liu Lianchao on the other end of the phone asked, and he knew that Old Zhang must know something.

"No, I didn't expect it, I really don't know." Zhang Yuewen said.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense about unproven things, let alone Mr. Xu, once it got to Mr. Xu's ears, wouldn't the shoulder be broken by the other party?


Liu Lianchao was taken aback, how could he not be clear about the tone of the other party's words just now?

"Old Zhang, we have known each other for 30 years, right? Why can't I hear even a word of truth from you? Are you too mean?"

Liu Lianchao was very disappointed with his old friend.

"Old Liu, I didn't lie to you. I really don't know. If I know the inside story, can I not tell you? Don't be angry. I'm doing the opening ceremony here. We'll talk about it later. Goodbye." Zhang Yuewen hurriedly hung up Cut off the phone, for fear that the old friend would continue to ask questions.

There is no way to elaborate on this matter.

He put the phone away, and when he looked at Mr. Xu again, there was a little more awe in his eyes.

Before, he was just worried about being banned by Mr. Xu, but he knew from the matter of Boss Wang and Li that banning him was actually the best result, otherwise he would not only lose money, but also go in and use the sewing machine.

"Director Zhang, why is your face so bad? Is something wrong?" An Ruiyang looked at Zhang Yuewen curiously and asked.

It was fine when we took photos together just now, why did you turn pale after answering the phone?

You must know that it is June, and the maximum temperature during the day exceeds [-] degrees. It is hot, and it is already very good not to tan your face red and tan.

"No, nothing." Zhang Yuewen forced a smile on his face.

He wanted to go, but his feet went numb, and he frowned as soon as he lifted himself up, and took a deep breath.

"Director Zhang, don't you have heatstroke?" An Ruiyang hurriedly reached out to support Zhang Yuewen. After working outside for a whole morning on such a hot day, the possibility of heatstroke is still very high. Mr. Xu said, you should rest first, and then shoot again in the afternoon or tomorrow?"

"No, no, no." Zhang Yuewen said quickly, shaking his head like a rattle, "I don't have heat stroke, I really don't have heat stroke, so there is no need to delay the time."

Mr. Xu came to attend the opening ceremony in his busy schedule, how could he postpone the shooting?Those who didn't know thought he had a problem with Mr. Xu.

An Ruiyang was so moved by Director Zhang's professionalism that he almost couldn't stand up, and even wanted to make a movie, he was like a model worker in the entertainment industry.

But dedication belongs to dedication. What if you don’t get a good rest and eventually become sick from overwork?This situation is very common in the entertainment industry.

In order to catch up with the schedule, some people endured the pain and continued to make movies. As a result, after the filming was finished, the minor illnesses turned into serious illnesses.

Sickness cannot be tolerated, let alone delay. Once the best time for treatment is missed, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Theatrical affairs, what about theatrical affairs? Do you have any anti-heat medicine, bring it to Director Zhang quickly..." An Ruiyang said loudly while looking around.

"No, Mr. An, I'm really fine."

Zhang Yuewen held An Ruiyang's hand tightly to prevent the other party from yelling. At the same time, he did not forget to peek in Mr. Xu's direction to avoid being heard by Mr. Xu.

It wasn't until he saw that Mr. Xu was chatting with someone and didn't pay attention to it, that he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Director Zhang, what's wrong with you?" An Ruiyang asked, frowning.

People are in a hurry.

The director is the brain of the entire crew, if something goes wrong with the brain, how will the crew function?

He didn't care about Zhang Yuewen, he was worried that the other party's physical problems would affect the subsequent filming. Once the filming progress was affected, it would be a trivial matter to spend more money. If he missed a good schedule, the impact on the film would be too great.

How many movies have affected the box office because they failed to catch up with a good schedule?
Zhang Yuewen looked at Mr. An who kept asking questions. He was really afraid that the other party might be anxious, and more people might be attracted by then, so he turned around, turned his back to Mr. Xu, and said, "Mr. An, it's like this." , I just heard a piece of news about Boss Wang and Boss Li...that is Wang Yang and Li Dehua."

"What news?" An Ruiyang asked curiously.

"They were interviewed and said that they were tax evasion, and they would be fined hundreds of millions." Zhang Yuewen said in a low voice.


An Ruiyang opened his eyes wide, shock written all over his face.

A few days ago, everyone sat together for dinner because they jointly invested in the movie "Crossing the Sea". Although they withdrew their funds from the project later, it had no effect on the two of them. After all, they are not insiders and do not rely on investing in movies to make money. Was interviewed?

and many more!

He suddenly thought of one thing, and turned his head to look in Mr. Xu's direction. If he hadn't offended Mr. Xu, the two of them would not have been kicked out of the project.

Is it...

He swallowed involuntarily, then approached Zhang Yuewen, and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Did Mr. Xu do it?"

"I don't know, I didn't say that." Zhang Yuewen shook his head in denial.

An Ruiyang thought: You didn't say that, but I'm not that stupid.

His eyes are not blind, and from Zhang Yuewen's frequent glances at Mr. Xu, he knows that Mr. Xu is most likely behind this incident.

Speaking of which, Boss Wang and Boss Li were only forced to withdraw from the project after embarrassing Su Yun, and they did not suffer any losses. If that was the case, Boss Wang and Li didn't seem to have received any punishment.

Can President Xu let Boss Wang and Boss Li off so easily?
Obviously not!
I remember that when Zhou Yuanqing forced Su Yun to drink and threatened to block Su Yun, Mr. Xu blocked all the companies related to Orange Heart Capital. As a party involved, he had personally experienced Mr. Xu's revenge. How could it be possible for Boss Wang and Boss Li to leave intact?
Mr. Xu is a man who must take revenge!

He turned his gaze to Mr. Xu again, only to see that the other party was talking to others calmly, showing no sign of any major incident at all.

Well, this is the real boss.

On the surface, the situation is calm, but in fact, the matter is settled between talking and laughing, and no one can see it yet.

A trace of envy flashed in An Ruiyang's eyes, and he thought: When will I be able to call the wind and rain like the other party, and can decide the fate of others with a single gesture.

"Mr. An, talk to everyone slowly, and I'll go get ready." Zhang Yuewen felt that his feet were no longer numb, so he hurried away, fearing that someone would come to ask again.

An Ruiyang nodded reflexively, and suddenly remembered something after a while, but when he turned his head to look for Zhang Yuewen, he found that the other party had disappeared.

This old boy runs fast enough!

An Ruiyang thought to himself.

However, he can completely understand the other party's mood. After all, the other party brought Wang Yang and Li Dehua to see Su Yun at the beginning. After that incident happened, Wang Yang and Li Dehua have already been punished. The other party will definitely be extra careful now. cautious.

Don't spread rumors, don't spread rumors, concentrate on your work, and make a good movie. Only in this way can you atone for Mr. Xu.

Thinking of this, he hurried to the dressing room and found the artist Liu Baiyu of his own company. As the leading male lead in the movie "Crossing the Sea", he had something very important to tell him.

"You go out first." An Ruiyang said to the makeup artist inside the room.

The makeup artist knew that the person in front of her was the investor of the movie, that is, the producer, and she immediately put down the makeup brush in her hand, walked out of the dressing room, and at the same time closed the door behind her.

"Mr. An, what's the matter?" Liu Baiyu asked while arranging his clothes in front of the mirror.

"Bai Yu, this filming is different from the previous ones. Accept all your faults, don't be late and leave early to let other people wait for you, and don't change the lines and scenes randomly, understand?" An Ruiyang expressed Seriously.

"Mr. An, what's wrong with you? Didn't you tell me that a star should look like a star and learn to show off? Besides, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm a perfect idol." Liu Baiyu said with a smile.

"Be serious, I'm not joking with you." An Ruiyang said with a stern face, "Don't think I don't know your flamboyant intestines, I just don't want to care about you, if you don't restrain me this time, don't blame me You're welcome."

"Okay Mr. An, I understand." Liu Baiyu said slowly, seemingly not paying attention.

"Also, you must be careful when filming with actresses, don't move too much, especially Su Yun, if you offend her, I can't save you." An Ruiyang reminded solemnly.

When actors are filming rival scenes, it is inevitable that there will be some physical contact, and some male actors will deliberately jam when filming, in order to satisfy the dirty thoughts in their hearts.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in the film and television industry. In the end, you only need to say "sorry" and "not intentionally" to get over it, and actresses usually don't pursue it. After all, people make mistakes and horses make mistakes. I also don't want to make a big fuss because of the actor's "unintentional action", delay the shooting progress, and make the whole crew unhappy.

He had heard something about Liu Baiyu pursuing a female artist on the set, and deliberately taking advantage of her when filming, but the latter was his company's key training target, so in the end he turned a blind eye.

But this time is different.

The person acting opposite to Liu Baiyu is Su Yun. He must remind the other party to prevent the other party from being overwhelmed and habitually sloppy when filming.

Once the matter reaches Mr. Xu's ears, not only Liu Baiyu will be unlucky, but he and the company will also be affected.

"Mr. An, don't worry. I'm not a person who doesn't know how to measure. Sister Yun is Mr. Xu's wife. How dare I mess around? Even if you give me some courage, I won't do it." An Ruiyang said after hearing this .

Oil jam also depends on the target.

A young actor with no background will touch it if he touches it. No one will say anything, even the actress herself will not blame her, but if she is a woman of a big boss, let alone touch it. Don't dare to look at anything more, who knows if it will reach the ears of the boss?
I remember a filming the year before last, because I said something off-screen to the actress after the filming was over, and I was beaten up after returning to the hotel. At that time, my nose was bruised and my face was swollen. It took several days of rest before I recovered, and later when I was filming, I never dared to talk nonsense with that actress again.

It was also from then on that he learned to watch people order dishes.

Actresses with a background, try to stay away as much as possible, try not to contact them in private, actresses without a background, hehe.

Seeing that Liu Baiyu was so knowledgeable, An Ruiyang had a gratified smile on his face.

People have self-knowledge.

Now that the other party knows, they can improve in the future.

An Ruiyang patted Liu Baiyu on the shoulder, and then walked out of the dressing room, but before leaving, he winked at the assistant at the side, the assistant immediately understood, and walked out quickly when the makeup artist came in .

"Mr. An..." The assistant walked to the general manager and stopped, his eyes full of doubts.

"When filming, keep a close eye on Xiaoyu, and usually supervise and urge him more. Even if he pretends to be a model actor, I will visit the crew from time to time. If I find that he is not doing well, he will Don't blame me for punishing you together." An Ruiyang said seriously.

"Yes, Mr. An." The assistant said seriously.

How dare she neglect the boss's order as an employee?

"Okay, let's go back." An Ruiyang waved at the assistant, and then walked towards another actor.

When a small company invests in movies, it is natural to make good use of this resource and put as many actors as possible into the movie. First, the artist has a job, and second, it can increase the artist's exposure. Maybe a certain role will become popular.

"Mr. An!" Yang Xiaorong walked over at this moment, "Everyone is chatting with Mr. Xu, why did you leave? By the way, I just saw you and Director Zhang together mysteriously, what are you talking about?"

"Hush!" An Ruiyang looked around, making sure no one had noticed, and then said in a low voice, "Do you know Wang Yang and Li Dehua?"

"I know, didn't we still have dinner together a while ago?" Yang Xiaorong said.

"I was interviewed because of tax evasion, and it is said that I will be fined several hundred million."


After Yang Xiaorong heard it, her expression was the same as An Ruiyang's before, with an unbelievable face, but she reacted faster than An Ruiyang, and blurted out a word.

"It's Xu..."


An Ruiyang quickly stopped it.

Only then did Yang Xiaorong realize that she should not speak nonsense, and quickly took back the second half of the sentence.

"I just told Liu Baiyu to be more honest, and you also told the actors in your company to work hard and film well, so as not to make Su Yun unhappy." An Ruiyang reminded kindly.

After all, if there is a problem with the artist of the other party, it will also affect the filming progress of the movie.

"Understood." Yang Xiaorong said seriously.

Just now she wondered why the other party suddenly left when everyone was chatting with Mr. Xu, seeking a chance to get closer. It turned out that it was because of this matter.

It's life-saving news, it's so important!


(End of this chapter)

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