Chapter 1086 No One Believes The Truth

Xu Jie stayed on the set until noon and returned to the company.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need for him to stay there any longer, so he devoted himself to the post-production of "Legend of Lan Xi" again.

Because he leads by example and takes the lead, the employees work extraordinarily hard and hard, and working overtime has even become commonplace for everyone.

When he gets off work at nine o'clock, the employees get off work at ten o'clock, and when he gets off work at ten o'clock, the employees stay in the company without going off work. In the end, he didn't dare to work overtime until it was too late, so as not to affect the rest of the employees.

Of course, it all pays off.

It was originally planned to complete the post-production in three months, and even shouted the slogan of "work hard for a hundred days", but now, half of the work is completed in one month, and the efficiency is amazing.

This also makes Xu Jie often sigh: People are indeed forced out.

If you don't push yourself, you will never know how good you are.

Time is like quicksand, inadvertently flowing away through the fingers.

In the blink of an eye, it's hot July, and the post-production of "Legend of Lan Xi" is coming to an end. Everyone in the TV drama department is full of joy, and it even feels like the Chinese New Year is approaching.

You know, the TV drama department hasn't been this busy for many years.

In the past, the TV drama department either went to help others or was in a daze in the office. Can't wait to see the final product.


In the editorial room, Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief, and his nerves, which had been tense for more than two months, relaxed at this moment.

The editing work of "Legend of Lan Xi" is finally completed, and the next step is to look at the work of other employees.

"Mr. Xu, you didn't sleep last night. Go home and have a good rest. I'll watch over you later." Lu Zhihong looked at Mr. Xu and said, in addition to caring, there was more admiration in his eyes.

Others may not know it, but he knows very well that Mr. Xu's workload is more than anyone else's.

Taking editing as an example, I have to watch many scenes every day, and I need to watch them repeatedly, from morning to night. In the past two months, Mr. Xu has been like this.

Sometimes even he, the director, feels dizzy and has to go outside to relieve the fatigue of the brain and eyes, but Mr. Xu has always stuck to the front line. at work.

This is just one of Mr. Xu's many jobs.

When other employees encounter problems in post-production, Mr. Xu will also answer them.

Plus, there are jobs in other parts of the company...

All in all, he is always convinced by Xu.

Like Mr. Yu Kuan before, including Mr. Jiang Haijiang later, none of them worked as hard as Mr. Xu.

In fact, if you think about it seriously, the reason why Jingshi Culture can have its current scale is entirely due to Mr. Xu's efforts.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

He was not tired, but very sleepy.

Recently, he has been suffering from lack of sleep, and feels that he can fall asleep just by sticking to the bed.

However, in order to be able to deal with the problems encountered in the post-production in time, he did not go home, but came to the office upstairs and lay down on the sofa to sleep.

For a person with severe sleep deficiency, he can fall asleep no matter what time, place, or condition.

Can't sleep?

It can only be said that it is not sleepy enough.

one two Three……

Xu Jie fell asleep.

He had a dream. He dreamed that "Legend of Lan Xi" was very popular after it was broadcast, and won prizes and got soft hands. Several heroines rushed over to offer kisses...

"bell bell"

A cell phone rang suddenly, interrupting Xu Jie's dream.

He reached out and picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table, opened his eyes with difficulty and glanced at the caller ID, it was Qin Yan calling.

"Hello? What's the matter?"

Xu Jie held the phone to his ear, and closed his eyes again. He wanted to see if he could connect to the dream just now, but it was a pity that he hadn't kissed him yet.

"President Xu, "Crossover Actor" is coming to an end soon, when will this season of "Ordinary Courage" start to be prepared?" Qin Yan asked.

She knew Mr. Xu was busy with "Crossover Actor", so she didn't bother him all the time. Now that "Crossover Actor" had only the finals left, she couldn't help asking.

"Immediately..." Xu Jie responded casually.

But after he finished speaking, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the sofa.

"Crossover Actor" is about to end?

He looked at the month and date on his phone, and it was true.

He was so sleepy that he woke up instantly.

He can ignore the competition before "Crossover Actor", but absolutely not in the finals.

The finals are the end of every season of "Crossover Actors", and it's the climax. The attention is even higher than the first episode. Most importantly, the finals are broadcast live. As the chief director, how can he not be there?

Just now he thought that Qin Yan's phone call had disturbed his sweet dreams, but now he really has to thank the other party for his reminder.

"Immediately? When is Immediately?" Qin Yan asked.

For the other party, "Crossover Actor" may be just one of many jobs, but for her, this program is an important capital to maintain her status in Beijing TV Station, and it is also an important achievement for becoming a first-line female host.

Without this show, her popularity and status will plummet.

When there is no popularity, the mentality will be very calm, just thinking about working hard, but after the popularity, there will be a lot of worries and concerns, for example: What if the show is not good, what if the show is stopped...

And the feeling of loss after the explosion is really uncomfortable.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so anxious and nervous.


Xu Jie thought for a while. He has a lot of work on his hands now, such as variety shows, TV dramas, and movie scripts. Fortunately, only the finals of "Crossover Actor" are left, and the post-production of "Legend of Lan Xi" is coming to an end. Of these two, only the screenplay and "Ordinary Courage" remain.

In this way, there is still plenty of time.

"After "Crossover Actor" is over, I will start preparing."

He counted the days, "Ordinary Courage" will start broadcasting in October, but now it's July, and it's only two and a half months away, so it's no wonder Qin Yan is anxious, it's really time to prepare quickly.

"Really? Are you sure?" Qin Yan's eyes lit up with excitement.

For her, nothing can make her realize her self-worth more than filming "Ordinary Courage".

"Of course I'm sure. As the chief director, can what I said be true? And the list of actors for this season has been finalized. I have also arranged for people to do the specific program planning and script, so you can rest assured. Go to the stomach, by the way, do you have time recently?"

Xu Jie suddenly thought of something, something he had pondered for a long time.

"If you have time, what's the matter?" Qin Yan asked.

As long as it is about Xu Jie, she has time, anyway, the other party will not cheat her.

"You brought the staff of the "Ordinary Courage" program group from the Beijing TV station to our Beijing Television Culture to participate in the planning of this program." Xu Jie explained.

He has too much work, in order not to delay the project, but also to reduce the burden on himself, in the future, he will send out the work as much as possible and hand it over to other trusted people.

And he is responsible for grasping the general direction, just like "Crossover Actor".

"Okay!" Qin Yan said happily.

She is very willing to participate in the planning of the show, and has long since wanted to be a host, because a really good host is usually grasped by both the front and backstage.

"Come here in a few days."

"it is good!"

After talking on the phone, Xu Jie put the phone on the coffee table. He was going to sleep again because he only slept for three hours just now, but when he lay down, he couldn't fall asleep. He kept thinking about "Crossover Actor" About the finals.

After more than ten minutes, he simply didn't sleep, got up, put on his mobile phone, left the company, and drove to Beijing TV Station.

There is only one week left before the finals of "Crossover Actors", and the program crew and artists are making intensive preparations for the final exam.

When Xu Jie came to the Grand Theater of Beijing TV Station, the program team was communicating with the three contestants about the sets and props needed for the performance.

"Director Cheng, the stage is too small, can it be bigger?" a contestant asked.

"What? Three stages are too small? What do you want to do?" Cheng Yingjie asked in surprise.

"There are big scenes in my script, so only when the stage is big can it have a shocking effect."

"This one……"

Cheng Yingjie was a little embarrassed.

As far as variety shows are concerned, the stage of "Crossover Actor" is already very large. If it is bigger, the backstage can only be reduced, because the front is the auditorium.

Xu Jie was about to check the situation when suddenly a surprised voice came from behind.

"President Xu? Are you there?"

Xu Jie turned his head, it was Sun Hao, the general manager of Mangmang Media.

"I've been here all the time, but Mr. Sun, why are you here? Don't you feel worried about our show?" Xu Jie asked back.

"Don't worry, I'm so relieved. I'm [-]% assured of Mr. Xu's program. No, isn't Liu Tianze in the finals? I'll come over to cheer him on and see what I can do." Sun Hao said with a smile, The mood looks very good.

"Mr. Sun, what Liu Tianze needs, tell the program team directly, and we will solve it for him. How can you help? We are not outsiders, aren't you here to see me?" Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"I'm always bothering Mr. Xu. I'm a little embarrassed." Sun Hao took two steps forward, moved closer, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Xu, thank you for allowing Liu Tianze to enter the final."

"Mr. Sun, don't thank me. These are the results of Liu Tianze's own hard work." Xu Jie told the truth that he only intervened in the first round. As for the next few rounds, he didn't even participate in a few rounds, let alone Intervened. .

"Yes, he worked hard, but he couldn't do without Mr. Xu's care." Sun Hao's words were full of gratitude.

Xu Jie thought to himself: These days, how can no one even believe the truth?

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, I've told the directors of the variety shows on Huxiang Satellite TV, no matter whether it's filming in the early stage or editing in the later stage, they must give your people more shots..." Sun Hao said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Sun." Xu Jie also smiled.

"Okay, then you are busy, I will go to the backstage to have a look." Sun Hao said, and then left.

Xu Jie watched Sun Hao leave until the other party disappeared from sight, and then he pulled a staff member over.

"Who are the artists who entered the final?" Xu Jie asked with concern.

Some people made it to the final, and some didn't. Sun Hao thanked him for having an artist who made it to the final. Naturally, he had to explain to those who didn't make it to the final.

"President Xu, it's Liu Tianze, Song Xiaotong and Hu Yunxi." The staff member said.

Xu Jie nodded.

If he remembers correctly, Liu Tianze is from Sun Hao just now, Song Xiaotong is from Azure Media Zhang Zhicheng, and Hu Yunxi is from Oriental Media Chen Liangwei, that is to say, there is no Jinling Media member among the top three.

He came to a corner, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and called Gao Xiaoxi, the general manager of Jinling Media.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Soon, the call is connected.

"Is it President Gao of Jinling Media? I'm Xu Jie."

"Mr. Xu, what can you do?" A woman's voice came from the microphone, sounding a bit sour.

"Mr. Gao, I sincerely apologize to you. In fact, I really want to push your people to enter the finals, especially Su Kewei. Not only did I have a deep impression on her, but I also admired her acting skills very much. I don’t know what’s wrong with her, she’s not performing well, I really can’t force her to advance, if the audience doesn’t approve, not only won’t be able to help her, it may even be counterproductive...”

Xu Jie started the reasoning mode again.

Gao Xiaoxi nodded, and the expression on her face eased a lot. It's really not easy to push things like competitions, otherwise, even if she advances, people will suspect that there is a shady scene, and then it will really become a steal. Put the rice up.

"I assure you, next year's "Crossover Actors", even if I have my face, I will push your people to enter the finals, how about it?" Xu Jie immediately threw out the benefits.

He knew that there was nothing else to say at this time, after all, he and these people came together because of interests.

When Gao Xiaoxi heard this, she immediately stopped being angry.

Yes, in the future, I will always cooperate with Xu for a long time, not a short-term cooperation. Why should I care about temporary gains and losses?

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. In fact, this matter has nothing to do with you. It is my people who performed poorly on stage. I will now select the singers who will participate in the next season of "Crossover Actors" and let them start from today. Learn acting skills." Gao Xiaoxi said.

The other party apologized, and the compensation was also given, how can we not forgive the other party?

To be honest, even if the other party doesn't compensate for anything, we still have to cooperate when it's time to cooperate in the future. Who made the other party's program popular?
"Okay, let's work hard this time to cultivate a championship." Xu Jie said loudly.

Gao Xiaoxi was even happier after hearing this.

If you can win the championship of "Crossover Actor", wouldn't the transformation be stable?
"Mr. Xu, thank you!"

"You're welcome, whoever we are with, well, I won't bother Mr. Gao with your work, goodbye."


Xu Jie put away his mobile phone with a smile on his face.

Now that the eliminated people have been appeased, all that remains is to go to the other two bosses for resources.


(End of this chapter)

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