Chapter 1087
For Xu Jie, variety shows are a very important resource. Since it is a resource, it is natural to maximize its benefits and not waste any value.

Although "Crossover Actor" has reached the fourth season, its popularity has not declined, but has shown an increasing trend. Not only has it surpassed the audience ratings, it has even become the most valuable brand. A variety show.

Under such circumstances, the artists who participated in the show naturally gained a high degree of exposure and attention, especially the three artists who entered the finals. With the popularity brought to them by the show, many crews will send invitations to them , It is easy to get a chance to star in a movie and TV series.

This is very rare for any singer who is eager to transform.

How could Xu Jie not use it to extort more resources?

He walked around the auditorium and came to the back, where he saw Zhang Zhicheng, the general manager of Weilan Media.

In fact, when he saw Sun Hao from Mangmang Media, he already guessed that Zhang Zhicheng from Azure Media and Chen Liangwei from Oriental Media would definitely come.

This is going to be staged next, but the finals!

If it was just steamed buns for big cakes, he would definitely not say that. The problem is that what he took was meat buns, and the other party only took one piece of cake, isn't it inappropriate?
At least you should put a green onion in the pancake.

"Mr. Zhang, long time no see, welcome to the capital." Xu Jie said with a smile, showing the enthusiasm of being a host.

All the people who come here are guests, and he must not let anyone feel slighted, spread the word badly, and damage his reputation.

"Mr. Xu, you are here. I came here without informing you. I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you." Zhang Zhicheng said embarrassingly.

When you go to someone's site, but don't say hello in advance, you know that you are afraid of affecting the other party's work, and those who don't know think that you don't take the other party seriously.

"Mr. Zhang, you are too polite. From now on, as long as it is a program that I am in charge of, I will warmly welcome you if you come." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

People have already come, even if it is inconvenient, can you still drive them away?

But this also reflects from another side how much you value the program "Crossover Actor".

Anyway, as far as he knows, there are very few media company bosses who go to the variety show in person, at most they go to an agent.

Zhang Zhicheng held Xu Jie's hand tightly, and said gratefully: "Mr. Xu, thank you for your help, Xiaotong was able to enter the finals. When the finals are over, I will definitely ask Xiaotong to thank you."

There has always been only one way for female artists to express their gratitude in the entertainment industry.

Unfortunately, Xu Jie is not interested.

In contrast, he was more like taking advantage of the person in front of him.

"Mr. Zhang, based on our relationship, it would be too much for you to say thank you. By the way, I heard that your Zhejiang-Hangzhou Satellite TV's "Sisters Traveling Around" has started recording. I don't know how it is going? Chen Siyan expressed in it Are you okay?"

Xu Jie pretended to mention the variety show of the other TV station casually, just to get the other party to come up with some more resources.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your concern. Chen Siyan performed very well in the program group. I called the person in charge of the program group a few days ago and asked him to take care of Chen Siyan during the filming. Mr. Xu, don't worry, I will definitely I won't let Chen Siyan suffer any grievances." Zhang Zhicheng said firmly.

The artists of his own company have already advanced to the finals of "Crossover Actors". Can he not take care of the other artist?Even if the other party doesn't ask, he knows.

Xu Jie smiled when he heard that, for him, it is not enough to just take care of him, he has to bring out some good things.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that your company is currently producing a costume idol drama? The idol drama produced by Huxiang TV is well-known in the industry for making a hit. I wonder if there are any good male characters? "Xu Jie asked.

If you want resources, you have to be thick-skinned, and you can't be embarrassed to speak up.

If the other party doesn't mention it, he mentions it; if the other party doesn't say it, he says it.

"Mr. Xu's news is well-informed. That's right, my company is indeed producing an idol drama. Now that Mr. Xu has spoken, there is no problem with the role. Who do you plan to cast? Is it Hu Xuan?" Zhang Zhicheng asked curiously.

He was really embarrassed to refuse, not to mention that it wasn't a big deal to him, and there was no need for a meeting to discuss it, it was just a matter of his words.

It's just that if it's Hu Xuan, things might be a bit difficult. After all, with Hu Xuan's first-line status, only the male number one can be worthy of it, and the male number two... He was worried that Hu Xuan wouldn't be able to act.

Male one?

Don't even think about it, the male number one already has someone, and he is also an artist promoted by Mangmang Media, and he will never give up the male number one to others.

This is a matter of principle.

"It's not Hu Xuan. This person has something to do with me. In fact, he's not an outsider. He's my brother-in-law named Su Lei, who is Su Yun's younger brother." Xu Jie said embarrassingly.

Of course, the embarrassment is faking it.

After Hu Xuan, Chen Siyan, and Ding Mengni finished recording the variety show, they will directly join Yu Zijian's crew to participate in the movie written by him, tentatively named "The Beast".

Although the script has not been finished yet, the characters have basically been decided, but because of the particularity of the characters, the three of them are required to experience the life of the characters before the official filming starts, so we can take advantage of the period between the end of the recording of the variety show and the start of the movie time to go.

In fact, under his arrangement, the schedule of these three people has been scheduled for next year.

And he is very clear that Mangmang Media's self-made dramas generally praise their own artists. How could he let Hu Xuan play a supporting actor for others?

That's why he decided to distribute the extra resources to his brother-in-law Su Lei.

"Su Lei? Fame sounds familiar. I have indeed heard that Su Yun has a younger brother who is also in the entertainment industry. I wonder how he is developing now?" Zhang Zhicheng asked.

The reason why he asked this question was mainly because he wanted to arrange a corresponding role for the other party according to the person's status. He couldn't give a young actor outside the [-]th line an important role of male first male second, right?

"He is developing well now. He often plays the role of the second male and the third male in some movies and TV series. You said that there is such a brother-in-law who is an actor, can I just ignore it? I can't explain it to my father-in-law and mother-in-law later, right?" Xu Jie smiled wryly. said later.

Zhang Zhicheng nodded. He also has a brother-in-law, so he can fully understand the other party's mood, but one thing is beyond his expectation. He didn't expect Mr. Xu's brother-in-law to be able to play such an important role as the second male and the third male.

But when you think about it, it's normal.

With Mr. Xu's status in this circle, there are too many people who want to curry favor with each other, and it is undoubtedly a very good way to curry favor with his brother-in-law.

However, for the TV series he is in charge of, the candidate for the second male lead has already been decided. Like the first male lead, they are all from the company. If the role of the second male lead is given to Mr. Xu's brother-in-law, what will happen to the original second male actor?
But if some small roles are given, will President Xu take them?I'm afraid that the other party will not only not accept the favor, but also feel belittled.

Seeing that Zhang Zhicheng hadn't spoken for a long time, Xu Jie couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said lightly: "If Mr. Zhang is in trouble, then forget it. In fact, my brother-in-law is not short of filming."

Then turn and walk away.

He wasn't angry, but it would definitely be impossible to get meat buns from him in the future.

"President Xu, wait!"

Xu Jie had just walked a few steps when Zhang Zhicheng chased after him.

"Is something wrong with Mr. Zhang?" Xu Jie asked.

"Mr. Xu, don't rush away, am I wondering if there is a good role for your brother-in-law?" Zhang Zhicheng explained, and then asked tentatively: "There is a lack of a male third in that idol drama. No, do you think it is suitable?"

Xu Jie listened, and a smile appeared on his face, "It's suitable, the role given by Mr. Zhang must be suitable, I will ask my brother-in-law to contact you when I go back, and you must be strict with him when filming. Don't let him play because of me." And pamper him."

Zhang Zhicheng thought to himself: How dare I!So he said: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, indulgence will definitely not work, but I will take care of him."

"I thank Mr. Zhang for my brother-in-law." Xu Jie held the other's hand tightly.

It's okay, this person can continue to work.

Mangmang Media's self-produced dramas are usually big productions, so it is quite good to get a chance to star in the third male role, not to mention it will be broadcast on Huxiang Satellite TV, such an opportunity is very rare.

After chatting with Zhang Zhicheng, Xu Jie began to look for Chen Liangwei from Oriental Media in the theater, and finally found him in the backstage under the guidance of the staff.

At this moment, Chen Liangwei was standing on the edge of the stage, staring at the stage intently, and those who didn't know thought that the performance had already started.

"Mr. Chen, what are you watching? Do you also want to be on the stage of our "Crossover Actor"?" Xu Jie came to the other party's side and joked, and soon knew what the other party was watching.

It's Hu Yunxi.

Hu Yunxi was talking to executive director Cheng Yingjie on the stage.

Wait, would Chen Liangwei treat Hu Yunxi...

In the entertainment industry, there are quite a few bisexual people. He knows that two slaps together can't count.

"Mr. Xu, you're here." Chen Liangwei was slightly startled, then pointed to the stage and said, "Xiao Hu is discussing with Director Cheng about the stage of the finals. Let me see how to arrange it better."


Xu Jie responded, and at the same time put away his gossip mentality, originally he was thinking too much.

"Mr. Xu, you are so big, why are you still in charge of the set in person? Put your heart in your stomach, as long as Hu Yunxi can say it, our program team will do our best to do it." Xu Jie said seriously, for Wait for resources to pave the way.

"Mr. Xu, I believe in you, but the stage Xiao Hu needs this time is a bit big, and your place is a bit small..." Chen Liangwei suddenly realized that his words were a bit abrupt, so he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xu. , This is our problem, the script design is too huge."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it. When he first arrived here, he saw Hu Yunxi talking about the stage with Cheng Yingjie. He didn't expect that such a long time had passed, and he was still talking about it.

no, sorry!

If the problem is not solved, how can he ask the other party for resources?
His skin is very thin.

"President Chen, what exactly is Hu Yunxi going to do? Three stages are not enough?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

As far as the scale of the stage is concerned, this place is already very large.

At the beginning, in order to give the artists more space to play, and to make the performance better, he spent a lot of money to redecorate the place.

Especially the stage, originally there were only two stages, one main and one auxiliary, but after his design, an additional stage was added for the scene.

And if that wasn't enough, it was time to go outdoors and set up the stage.

"Xiao Hu is preparing a palace fight scene." Chen Liangwei looked around vigilantly, and then whispered: "There are a few scenes that require a large number of soldiers, so..."

Xu Jie understood.

This is a big scene.

Whether it is a movie or a TV series, big scenes will bring shock to people, and the same is true on the stage.

"Mr. Chen, how big a stage do you need?" Xu Jie asked.

Since the contestants needed it, as the chief director, he had to satisfy the contestants. Otherwise, if the contestants lost, wouldn't they blame the program crew later?

"At least one more." Chen Liangwei said.

Xu Jie looked at the stage, lost in thought.

The rear of the stage and the left and right sides are the backstage of the performance, but the rear is a wall.

But if it is expanded to both sides, the stage will occupy the places where the actors prepare and rest, and the whole stage will appear very narrow and long, and the shooting effect will be poor.

That being the case, the stage can only extend forward.

But the problem is that the auditorium is in front of the stage. Once it is enlarged, it will inevitably affect the audience...

Huh, wait!

Xu Jie suddenly thought of a question.

Who is the show filmed for?

It's for the audience sitting in front of the TV, not the live audience.

The meaning of the presence of the audience is just to heighten the atmosphere of the scene.

If the number of viewers decreases, it will not have much impact on the filming.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie pulled Chen Liangwei onto the stage, and said, "Mr. Chen, come with me."

Chen Liangwei looked puzzled, not knowing what Mr. Xu was going to do.

Xu Jie came to Hu Yunxi's side, looked at him and said, "Mr. Chen said, the stage here is too small for the script you prepared? Do you need to add another piece?"

"Yes, Mr. Xu." Hu Yunxi said respectfully.

"Xiao Hu, I also want to help you, but there is really no extra space here." Cheng Yingjie said at this time.

Although the words were addressed to Hu Yunxi, his eyes kept secretly looking at Mr. Xu, as if to say: It's not that I'm incompetent, it's that space is limited.

"Yes!" Xu Jie said at this time, then pointed to the space under the stage, and said to Cheng Yingjie: "Old Cheng, send someone to come and spread all of this place on the stage."

With a big wave of his hand, he directly drew in the front rows of auditorium.

Cheng Yingjie was stunned, and after a while he said, "Mr. Xu, the auditorium is in front of you!"

Chen Liangwei and Hu Yunxi were also stunned. They just wanted to expand the stage, but they never thought of occupying the auditorium.

"The audience who come to the scene is also a part of the show. They need to cooperate with the program group. Now that the show needs to expand the stage, they have to make sacrifices. Besides, they only occupy two or three rows, not all of them. That's fine, that's all. It's settled." Xu Jie looked at Chen Liangwei and Hu Yunxi and asked, "You two, do you think it's okay?"

"Xu, Mr. Xu, there's no need to go through so much trouble, let me revise the script." Hu Yunxi thought for a while and said.

Research is research, but he doesn't want to cause Mr. Xu any trouble.

"Don't change it. If the contestants modify the script because our work is not in place, it will be a shame to our entire program group. The stage will be set up immediately. Then you can perform on the stage to your heart's content." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, thank you so much." Hu Yunxi said gratefully.

Chen Liangwei is also very grateful.

This courage, convinced.


(End of this chapter)

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