The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1089 set of chapters?

Chapter 1089 Routine?

Xu Jie sends Sun Hao away and welcomes Zhang Zhicheng.

Whether facing Sun Hao or Zhang Zhicheng, he has the same enthusiasm and does not treat them differently, because in his opinion, Sun Hao, Zhang Zhicheng, and Chen Liangwei can all bring him resources.

And in addition to resources, the existence of the three of them can also allow him to reach out to the three TV stations behind the three of them. In this way, his influence will become even greater.

If someone tries to block his wife again, then he will not block this person in the capital, but block this person on Five David TV.

By the way, there is also Gao Xiaoxi from Jinling Media.

The reason why he took the initiative to go to the other four David TVs and started resource exchange cooperation with these media companies was actually for this matter.

This is the inspiration he got from the incident between Zhou Yuanqing and Liu Jinghua.

I heard that after Zhou Yuanqing left the capital city, he did not leave the entertainment circle, but went to Shanghai, and he did well. And Liu Jinghua, even if he loses the exposure of Beijing TV station, the other artist can still be active on other satellite TV channels among.

He wouldn't push Zhou Yuanqing and Liu Jinghua to a dead end, but if they were doing well, he wouldn't be happy either.

It can be said that he is stingy, but this is the consequence of bullying his wife.

Therefore, when he asked Zhang Zhicheng to take care of him, he still used the same words.

"Mr. Zhang, you can rest assured here, but you also know that the finals will be broadcast live, and whether you can win the championship depends mainly on Song Xiaotong's performance. As long as she doesn't make mistakes and the script is acceptable, the championship will definitely not run away... ..."

Saying the same thing to different people is called staying the same and responding to all changes.

After all, rehearsals are held in turns, and the time has already diverged, so there is no need to worry about being known by other people.

Besides, who would spread the word about going through the back door?

Anyway, through this season of "Crossover Actor", he has established contact with the other four David TVs, and he has also established a good relationship, which can be regarded as a gain in addition to the sponsorship fee.

Friday morning is Hu Yunxi's rehearsal time.

For this program, Xu Jie is still looking forward to it very much. He really wants to see what the secret big scene prepared by Chen Liangwei will look like.

He came to the Grand Theater early in the morning to check the related facilities of the stage.

Although today is still a dress rehearsal, he has completely followed the actual combat requirements for the staff.

Artists need rehearsals, and staff also need rehearsals.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Hu Yunxi has brought a lot of people, hundreds of them, will you let them all go?"

A voice suddenly sounded in Xu Jie's earphones. It was the person standing outside the theater in charge of guarding the gate.

"How many?"

Xu Jie was a little surprised when he heard it, and wondered if he had heard it wrong.

Could it be that these hundreds of people are Hu Xurong's assistants for this show?

Although I knew that there were big scenes in Hu Xuxu's script, I really didn't expect that there would be so many people.

You must know that "Crossover Actor" has been held for three seasons, but on the stage of the finals, no artist has ever found so many assistants.

The competition in the finals is about acting skills, not more than anyone else. There are more people and more power than that.

"Let's put it in." Xu Jie said.

Huh, wait!


Since there are more than 100 supporting actors, why did Hu Yunxi only have six outfits when he submitted the costumes?Could it be that he was wrong?

"Old Cheng!" Xu Jie shouted at Cheng Yingjie who was directing the staff.

After Cheng Yingjie heard it, he immediately ran over, "Boss Xu, what's the matter?"

"Does Hu Yunxi's team only need six sets of costumes?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, there are six sets. They are ready and they are all in the locker room." Cheng Yingjie nodded and said.

Xu Jie scratched his head, what the hell is this Hu Yunxi doing?

Just when he was wondering, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"President Xu, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

It's Chen Liangwei.

Xu Jie turned his head, and saw Chen Liangwei walking in the front, and behind the other party, except for Hu Yunxi, a group of people followed closely, which also made the originally spacious backstage suddenly crowded.

Moreover, these people were all carrying a large travel bag. Those who knew it were here to participate in the rehearsal, but those who didn't know thought that the Spring Festival travel season had arrived early.

"Mr. Chen, you are..." Xu Jie had a question mark on his face.

Could it be that the other party is preparing a program related to Spring Festival travel?
But judging from the prepared props, it is obviously a costume drama.

"These people are assistants." Chen Liangwei looked at the team behind him with satisfaction, and suddenly became nervous again, and said in a low voice: "President Xu, you can't tell others, this is our secret weapon."

"Mr. Chen, who do you think I am? All our staff here have signed a confidentiality agreement, and I am no exception." Xu Jie said seriously after hearing this.

When Chen Liangwei saw it, he realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry Mr. Xu, I didn't mean that, don't be angry."

Suspecting the other party for leaking secrets is equivalent to doubting the other party's character. Who can not be angry?
The expression on Xu Jie's face softened, and he shook his head to express that it was okay.

"Mr. Chen, I fully understand your mood at this moment. No one wants to reveal their cards before the finals. But in terms of confidentiality, Mr. Xu, you can rest assured that as the chief director of the show, I am more worried than you that the content of the short play will be leaked in advance, because it will reduce the audience's expectations for the show." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your understanding, thank you." Chen Liangwei said embarrassedly.

Xu Jie looked at the luggage bags in the hands of the assistant actors, and asked curiously: "Mr. Chen, what are they carrying in their hands? Is it a bag of explosives? If they don't win the championship, will they die with us?"

"Mr. Chen was joking, how could it be an explosive bag?" Chen Liangwei picked up one, then unzipped it, and showed the contents to Xu Jie, "It is the costume needed for the performance."

"Clothes?" Xu Jie was taken aback, and then looked inside the bag. It was really clothes. He looked at Chen Liangwei in confusion and asked, "Mr. Chen, what kind of clothes do you need? Our program team has prepared them for you. Why don't you Do you still bring your own?"

"I know, but we have too many people, so I'm really sorry to make you spend money." Chen Liangwei explained.

Expanding the stage for Hu Yunxi before made him very sorry, so how could he have the nerve to ask the program crew to prepare a hundred sets of costumes?
How much does this cost!
Xu Jie thought to himself: It is really expensive.

However, this also reflected from the side that Chen Liangwei and Hu Xurong attached great importance to this finals.

"Mr. Chen, it's because you are too far-fetched. Hu Yunxi came to my place to participate in the show, so of course I have to prepare the costumes. Our program team can still take out the money. Mr. Chen, how much is it, I will give it to you later. " Xu Jie said grandly, wanting to reimburse the other party.

Of course, it was just talking, he knew that the other party would definitely not allow him to reimburse him, but as the chief director, he had to express his position at this time.

"Mr. Xu, no need, really no need. After the finals are over, I will bring these costumes back to the company and use them when filming later." Chen Liangwei said while waving his hands.

"Really? That's good, but in the next season, you can't do this anymore." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, I'll listen to Mr. Xu, it's getting late, I'll let them get ready." After Chen Liangwei finished speaking, he waved his hand at the crowd and walked towards the locker room at the back.

Xu Jie came to the auditorium and directed various departments to make final preparations.

It takes a long time to make up the ancient costume, so it took more than half an hour for Hu Yunxi's team to get ready.

In fact, this is considered fast. For example, Song Xiaotong, who was rehearsing here yesterday afternoon, was also performing a costume play, and arrived at the Grand Theater two hours earlier.

At that time, the previous Liu Tianze had not finished the rehearsal, so Song Xiaotong had to sit in the nanny's car to put on makeup.

"Mr. Xu!" Chen Liangwei came to Xu Jie's side and said in a low voice: "Wait a minute, please give me some guidance. You are an expert. As long as you are willing to make a move, the program will definitely have a qualitative leap."

"Farewell, Mr. Chen, I'm the chief director, how can I do this kind of thing? This is against the principle, besides, don't you have a screenwriting team and an acting teacher? I'll forget it." Xu Jie evaded.

"Mr. Xu, all of our screenwriting team combined is not as good as you, so you can guide me. I promise not to tell others. I beg you." Chen Liangwei put on a pleading expression.

"Mr. Chen, you, aren't you forcing me to make mistakes?" Xu Jie said with a bitter face.

"You are the chief director of this show. If you make a few random comments, it's not considered a mistake." Chen Liangwei found a reason for Xu Jie.

Xu Jie still had a embarrassed expression, hesitated for a long time, finally sighed deeply, and said, "Okay, I promise you."

A smile appeared on Chen Liangwei's face immediately, and he said excitedly: "Thank you, thank you Mr. Xu." After speaking, he tightly grasped the other party's hand.

"Mr. Chen, that is you, if I were someone else, I wouldn't do it anyway." Xu Jie said solemnly.

"I know, I keep it in my heart." Chen Liangwei stretched out his hand and patted his chest, his face was full of gratitude, if it wasn't for the lack of opportunity, he wished to repay the other party now.

"Mr. Xu, can we start?" Cheng Yingjie's voice came from the earphone.

"Let's start." Xu Jie said.

A few seconds later, the curtain slowly opened, and the originally empty stage was now full of people.

Xu Jie saw the clothes the assistants were wearing, and only then did he realize that what these people had prepared was armor.

It seems that it is not only a costume drama, but also a war movie.

The facts are just as Xu Jie guessed, what Hu Yunxi is preparing is indeed an ancient costume war drama, in which the general leads troops to defend against foreign enemies, and the armies of both sides fight each other.

Xu Jie watched with relish.

As a man, who doesn't like to watch dramas like fighting?
And from an onlooker's perspective, the show is indeed hilarious.

However, it is precisely this excitement that attracts the audience's attention too easily, thereby reducing the presence of the protagonist, but in this way, the pressure on the protagonist's performance will also be reduced.

After 10 minutes, the program ends.

Hundreds of people lined up to stand on the stage, and each of them was wearing armor. Although they were not real soldiers, their aura was very bluffing.

Xu Jie looked from left to right, and then from right to left. He was not intimidated, but felt like he was reviewing the team.

"President Xu, what do you think? What needs to be improved?" Chen Liangwei asked quietly.

Xu Jie looked at Chen Liangwei who was beside him. The script that the other party came up with was indeed impressive enough, but there was definitely an idea of ​​trickery.

Doesn't the other party know that if there are too many people on the stage, the protagonist will be robbed of the scene?
I know for sure.

The other party clearly wanted to take advantage of this to fish in troubled waters, and it could also be seen as a sign of lack of confidence in Hu Yunxi's acting skills.

For those who are confident in their acting skills, they usually don't arrange many assistants, because these assistants will delay their performance.

"The program is very exciting. As for the would be better if the fighting could be more exciting." Xu Jie said.

In fact, he wanted to increase the role of the protagonist and highlight the performance of the protagonist, but he changed his words because he knew that Hu Yunxi's team designed such a script for Hu Yunxi because he didn't want Hu Yunxi to attract too much attention and be used by others with a magnifying glass look.

"Really?" Chen Liangwei asked happily.

"Of course it's true. Is it necessary for me to lie to you? My blood boiled just now, didn't you feel it?" Xu Jie looked at Chen Liangwei and asked, and even touched his forehead with his hand, pretending to wipe his sweat.

Chen Liangwei thought to himself: How do I know if your blood is boiling?

Of course, this was not said.

Because letting the other party guide is only one of his purposes, he has another purpose.

"I can feel it. Mr. Xu watched it very seriously just now, so how do you compare it with the other two programs?" Chen Liangwei asked pretendingly casually.

"The other two programs? Of course..." Xu Jie suddenly stopped at this point, staring at Chen Liangwei and asked: "Mr. Chen, are you trying to trick me?"

"No, no, I'm just asking casually." Chen Liangwei hurriedly waved his hands, but the dodging eyes had already betrayed him.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, aren't you cheating me? If I let the other two contestants know, how can I have the face to meet them? Forget it, you guys rehearse, I won't watch it." Xu Jie turned around and said Walk.

In fact, he did it on purpose.

How could such level of cliche fool him?
He just doesn't want to comment on this show, because these people have chosen a path from the beginning that they don't want artists to play.

If he asked the other party to go another way at this time, wouldn't that mean denying Hu Yunxi's entire team?Maybe this is Chen Liangwei's strategy.

Suggestions can be given, just like how they treated Liu Tianze and Song Xiaotong yesterday, but he will not do face-slapping, even if others ask him to.

And tomorrow is the live broadcast of the "Crossover Actor" finals. Even if it is changed now, it is already too late. Why does he have to make people unhappy here?

"Don't go, Mr. Xu, don't go, can't I be wrong? I really didn't mean it." Chen Liangwei quickly chased after him.

"Mr. Chen, Jiang is old and hot. I was really worried that I would fall into your trap and accidentally say something. Besides, with our relationship, I didn't say anything after you asked me, and I was very upset." Sorry, so I left before you asked a few questions, so please forgive me." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

"Mr. Xu, I won't ask any more questions. Is it okay if I don't ask? I'll go to the backstage, and you can stand here and help us with the rehearsal, right?"

Chen Liangwei was also afraid, afraid that the other party would really leave.

"Really?" Xu Jie asked.

"Really, I'm going backstage now." Chen Liangwei said while walking backstage.

After Xu Jie saw it, he stopped, turned around and walked back.

I thought: If I knew this earlier, why bother!

Ask for help, yes.


(End of this chapter)

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