Chapter 1090 Star backup?

After two days of rehearsals, "Crossover Actors" finally ushered in the day of the finals.

For the loyal viewers of the show, this is undoubtedly the happiest day, because the champion of the new season will be born tonight.

In fact, during the two weeks of artist preparation, who will become the championship has become a hot topic among the public. Whether it is in a restaurant or on the subway, people can hear people talking about it, and even employees in the company The family will also have a hot chat during the break and express their views on this matter.

In short, the popularity of the finals has always remained high.

Although the show was aired at night, "The Finals of "Crossover Actors"" has been on the hot search since the morning, and it firmly occupies the first place. What an expectation.

Xu Jie came to the Grand Theater early in the morning. Before the finals are officially broadcast, he still has a lot of preliminary work to do to ensure that the evening program is safe.

"A little to the left, a little to the left, okay, here it is..."

Standing outside the Grand Theater, Xu Jie directed the staff to hang huge promotional posters about the finals of "Crossover Actors". Some promoted the program and some promoted the three artists. can see.

On Beijing TV Station, only Xu Jie and his "Crossover Actor" can and are allowed to promote in this way.

other shows?

Not that qualified.

"President Xu, how are your preparations going?" Lu Hong walked over and asked while looking at the poster.

Since Xu Jie became the general manager of Jingshi Culture, he no longer called the other party Xiao Xu, but changed his name to Mr. Xu.

Although in terms of position, the other party is not as big as him, but the other party is now a senior member of a party and the owner of a company. If he still calls "Xiao Xu" and "Xiao Xu" like before, it will inevitably be a bit inappropriate. It sounds like It doesn't sound good either.

Especially when there are outsiders around, those who don't know it may think they are calling the secretary or the driver.

"The show is ready, and now we are preparing for the red carpet ceremony before the show." Xu Jiehui reported.

Like the previous three seasons, before the finals of "Crossover Actors" this season, there will still be a red carpet session where all [-] competing artists will appear on the stage, adding to the sense of ceremony of the finals.

"Okay, very good, it's up to you tonight." Lu Hong patted Xu Jie on the shoulder.

The heavy responsibility is on your shoulders!
The audience looks at the star, but he looks at Xu Jie, because the other party is the chief director of the show, and whether the finals can end perfectly depends on this person's on-site command.

Tonight's final is not only important to the other party, the chief director, but also to him, the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, because it concerns the influence of the entire satellite TV channel.

If the ratings are hot, it will inevitably increase the attention of the entire channel nationwide, but if the ratings are not good, the popularity of Beijing Satellite TV will not only decrease, but may even affect next year's advertising fees and sponsorship fees.

"Leader, please rest assured!" Xu Jie vowed after hearing this.

"Crossover Actor" is his program, and he can't make a name for himself. Even if Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu doesn't say anything, he will take it seriously, because these are the foundations for him to gain a foothold in Beijing TV.

"Well, to be honest, you are the only one in charge of the entire TV station, so I don't worry." Lu Hong said with a smile.

Xu Jie didn't speak. He didn't think it was a compliment. He thought it was a statement of facts.

But if he takes it seriously, he still has some pressure in his heart.

Variety shows are like this, the more seasons they run, the greater the pressure on the director, for fear that the director will not do well and throw the golden signboard into his own hands.

For example, Cheng Yingjie, who was supported by him and started directing "Crossover Actor" halfway through, his hair became much whiter to the naked eye, and even his walking steps became extraordinarily heavy. Obviously he was weighed down by this heavy burden, but in After learning that he would take over the work of the finals, not only did his walking steps become lighter, but even the smiles on his face increased.


Suddenly there was a sound, Xu Jie looked up and saw a drone flying overhead, from the gate of the Grand Theater along the red carpet route to the gate of the TV station.

"Mr. Xu!"

At this time, the staff manipulating the drone came to Xu Jie and showed the screen in front of him, "Mr. Xu, can you see it from this angle?"

"If it's too high, it will appear that there are few people walking the red carpet. Can it be lower and closer?" Xu Jie put forward his own suggestion.

Although the red carpet will not be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV, it will be broadcast live on the Internet. If you take a panoramic view, the number of fifteen artists will inevitably give people a shabby feeling...

and many more!

Since there are only fifteen people, why not invite more artists?
His influence in the first season and the second season was not enough. In the third season, he became a director for the first time and only focused on preparing the show. This season, with the experience of the third season and Cheng Yingjie sharing the work for him, he can definitely come Make a big move.

Speaking of which, the red carpet ceremonies of the first three seasons are all the same, it's time for something different.

"You debug the machine first, I'll make a call." Xu Jie said to the staff, then walked to an empty corner, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Soon, the call is connected.

"Hey, Lao Hu, help me." Xu Jie said.

If there is a shortage of artists, it is natural to find Hu Zhen, the general manager of Liangxing Brokerage Company.

"Mr. Xu, talk to me if you have something to do." Hu Zhen said very bluntly, with a very positive attitude, thinking: I can finally do something for Mr. Xu.

"Old Hu, tonight's "Crossover Actors" finals, there is a red carpet ceremony in front of it, I need some artists to make up the number, to make the ceremony look more grand, more grand, can you arrange some artists for me? Singing Anyone can act, but they must be famous, and at worst they have to be third-tier artists." Xu Jie said.

After hearing this, Hu Zhen couldn't help frowning.

This matter is actually not a big deal, the problem is that the red carpet ceremony will be held tonight, and many of his artists are out of town, and they all have jobs, so they can't come back at all.

In the entertainment industry, the bigger the artist, the more work and the tighter the time.

If it can be earlier, even if it is only one day earlier, he can change the artist's working date so that the artist has time to return to the capital to participate in the red carpet ceremony of the "Crossover Actor" finals.

"Mr. Xu, how many artists do you need?" Hu Zhen asked.

"The more the better." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, I will definitely support your business with all my strength, but there are many artists who are not in the capital, and those above the third line can only draw ten for you at most. Look..." Hu Zhen was a little embarrassed, and also a little guilty conscience.

Mr. Xu finally asked him for help, but he didn't manage it well. Where did the guarantee go?Isn't this slapping yourself in the face?

"It doesn't matter, ten is ten, you confirm the personnel, and then give me the list." Xu Jie said.

Ninety is not too many, ten is not too few, as long as people come to cheer.

He also knew that his request for help was a bit sudden, let alone a celebrity, even if an ordinary person was suddenly notified to attend an event at night, he might not be able to spare the time, so he completely understood the other party.

After all, he just had this idea.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, I'll do it now."

Hu Zhen hung up the phone, and immediately called an assistant to ask the other party to count the third-tier and above artists who currently have no work arrangements and are in the capital.

If there are not enough ten, then artists who have work arrangements but are in the capital can only fill in the vacancies.

Xu Jie felt that ten people were not enough, so he called Wang Tiannan, the general manager of Huasen Media.

"Mr. Xu, good morning." Wang Tiannan took the initiative to greet, but his heart was full of doubts.

If he remembered correctly, today should be the final day of "Crossover Actors", how could the other party have time to call him?

"Mr. Wang, excuse me, I'm calling you to ask for something." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, it's serious if you ask for help. If you have something to say, just talk." Wang Tiannan was very curious.

What is it that can use the word "seeking"?

"Mr. Wang, it's like this. There is a red carpet ceremony in front of the finals of "Crossover Actors". Now there is a shortage of artists to make up for it. Your company is big and you have a lot of artists. Can you send some third-tier and above artists to come over and help out?" Do I support the scene?" Xu Jie simply said the matter.

"So it's about this matter, no problem, I'll see who has the time, and I'll tell you later." Wang Tiannan readily agreed.

For him, this favor must be done.

Firstly, Mr. Xu once helped him by revising the script for the company’s project "The Game in the Game". How can there be any reason to refuse?
"Thank you, Mr. Wang." Xu Jie thanked.

"I should be the one to thank you. Thank you for providing an opportunity for our company's artists to be exposed. In the future, you must think of me when such good things happen." Wang Tiannan said jokingly.

"Haha, don't worry, Mr. Wang, I will remember." Xu Jie also smiled.

Just for the other party's words, when an artist is needed to appear on the show in the future, we must leave the opportunity to the other party's artist.

After making these two calls, Xu Jie put the phone in his pocket.

Although Wang Tiannan didn't say how many people he would send to the red carpet ceremony, it definitely wouldn't be one or two. After all, he made it very clear that it was the lack of some artists to make up the number, not the lack of one or two artists.

Coupled with the ten people provided by Hu Zhen, it should be able to make the red carpet lively.

"Mr. Xu!"

Suddenly a voice came from behind, Xu Jie turned his head to look, it was Sun Hao from Mangmang Media.

"Mr. Sun, why did you come so early?" Xu Jie was a little surprised, because the red carpet ceremony will not start until 07:30, even if the contestants have to come to the Grand Theater in advance to prepare, they don't have to come in the morning, right?
He looked behind Sun Hao, but he didn't see Liu Tianze, Bai Yutong and Zhou Yapeng.

"Liu Tianze is still rehearsing. I have nothing to do. Come and have a look." Sun Hao said with a smile, then looked around for a while, then leaned forward and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Call me when it's over? I waited for you all afternoon yesterday."

"Oh!" Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and then said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I was busy with the show yesterday, so I forgot about it."

In fact, I didn't forget it at all, I just didn't want to fight.

He didn't tell Chen Liangwei, how could he tell Sun Hao?

"As soon as I guessed it, I knew that you must have been too busy to forget. Tell me about the situation of Song Xiaotong and Hu Yunxi. How does their program compare with Liu Tianze's?" Sun Hao asked expectantly, feeling a little nervous in his heart , for fear of hearing something like "Song Xiaotong and Hu Yunxi's program is better than yours".

"I can't disclose the specific content to you. I can only say that each has its own characteristics. From the content to the performance to the role, there is no overlap. It is purely individual performance. Now you can rest assured?" Xu Jie said.


Sun Hao blinked, feeling that the other party had revealed something, but it seemed that he hadn't revealed anything.

Xu Jie looked at Sun Hao who was in a daze, and didn't want the other party to continue asking, so he changed the subject, "By the way, Mr. Sun, I need your help with something."

"What's the matter? Tell me." Sun Hao asked after recovering.

"Among the artists of Mangmang Media, are there any artists who are currently in the capital?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes." Sun Hao said.

Beijing is the center of Chinese culture and the center of the entertainment industry. Whether it is looking for a job or filming, the capital is a place that artists cannot avoid.

"How many?" Xu Jie continued to ask.

"Four or five." Sun Hao thought for a while and said.

"Mr. Sun, can I trouble these guys to come over in the evening, walk the red carpet, and be a live audience of the finals?" Xu Jie asked.


Sun Hao was taken aback.

This job took her by surprise.

Let the stars come to the scene as the audience?
Is today the final of "Crossover Actors" or the Spring Festival Gala?

Which variety show invites stars to be audiences?
Seeing that the other party was silent, Xu Jie could only say: "Mr. Sun, it's like this. There is an extra part in this year's finals, which is to ask the celebrity guests who will support tonight when walking on the red carpet. I invited more than 20 I am worried that there will be too few celebrities supporting Liu Tianze, which will make Liu Tianze lose face, so I want you to send out a few celebrities, so that your own people will support your own people, so as to avoid the embarrassment of no one supporting you."

Sun Hao suddenly realized that this was the case.

Let the stars become the backup team of the contestants?
This idea is really good, ingenious, and it can attract more attention to the show.

But in this way, how can four people be enough?At least seven or eight are needed.

"Mr. Xu, there is no problem with this matter. I will contact you now and try to find more." Sun Hao said.

I thought: I must find a few more, absolutely not less than the other two.


(End of this chapter)

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