Chapter 1091 Changes
Seeing Sun Hao being so active, Xu Jie immediately thought of the other two people.

Zhang Zhicheng and Chen Liangwei!
With Sun Hao as a role model, will these two people just be spectators?

Certainly not!

Especially in the critical period when the finals of "Crossover Actors" are about to be staged, who would refuse his request?Who dares to refuse his request?

Do you still want to hit the throne of the championship?
Still want to have fun?

If it was a 12-to-9 game, or a 9-to-6 game, you might hesitate to face such a request, but now you have to face the finals. Does it become a stumbling block for the artist at this time?

If it were Xu Jie himself, he wouldn't even hesitate.

So, he immediately called Zhang Zhicheng and Chen Liangwei.

The facts were exactly as he thought, the two of them did not hesitate at all, and even made a strong promise that they would send artists to support them.

After all, no one wants their artist to be alone in the finals without support.

After Xu Jie put down the phone, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. Isn't the problem of walking the red carpet easily solved?

After planning for so many years, the time has come to show his connections.

and many more!

With so many celebrities coming all of a sudden, there must not be enough seats prepared before.

Xu Jie immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called Cheng Yingjie who was preparing in the theater.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Old Cheng, the program has changed." Xu Jie said.

After Cheng Yingjie heard it, his whole body trembled with shock, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

You must know that today is the day of the finals. For this day, everyone has worked hard for two weeks, just to present a wonderful show to the audience.

But now he was told that the program had changed, and his heart was already in his throat.

"Xu, Mr. Xu, what happened?" Cheng Yingjie asked stutteringly.

It wasn't that he was timid, but that the fact was too great, and it was close to the limit of what he could bear.

"Tonight's red carpet ceremony, in addition to the [-] artists participating in the performance, there will be many stars to help out, so we need to reserve some seats for these stars in the front row of the performance." Xu Jie said.

Cheng Yingjie was stunned, and heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this. He almost peed out of fear just now.

It is a good thing to have stars come, not only can drive the atmosphere of the scene, but also attract more audiences.

"Mr. Xu, how many celebrities are there?" Cheng Yingjie asked, so he could prepare seats in the arena.

"Probably thirty or forty people." Xu Jie thought for a while and said, he was not sure how many people Sun Hao, Zhang Zhicheng, and Chen Liangwei would send.

"So many?" Cheng Yingjie was a little surprised, he thought there were only a dozen of them, "President Xu, I'll prepare right now."

"You prepare fifty seats first. If there are not enough people, then go to the TV station to recruit people to make up the number." Xu Jie said.

He suddenly heard that there was Wang Tiannan, and he didn't know how many people the other party would send.


Xu Jie put down the phone and started preparing for the red carpet ceremony.

Before, there were only fifteen artists walking the red carpet, but now there are dozens more. Naturally, the whole ceremony has to be more grand, and it can't just be a formality like before.

"Xiao Liu, come here." Xu Jie shouted to the staff who were laying the red carpet not far away.

"Mr. Xu, what's the matter?" The staff ran over quickly.

"The situation has changed. The red carpet ceremony can't just be done with a background wall and a red carpet. You have to ask someone to move the red carpet aside. I need to rearrange it here." Xu Jie said.

"Yes, Mr. Xu." The staff left immediately and rolled up the red carpet that was already half covered.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and was about to call Zhang Qize, director of the performance department, when he suddenly remembered that the other party was preparing an international seminar, so he called the deputy director Wang Youlin.

He wants to bring over people from the performance department. These people have rich experience in organizing large-scale performances. Isn't it easy to handle a red carpet ceremony?
When is there no need to wait?

"President Xu, what's your order?" Wang Youlin's voice came from the microphone.

"I'm here at Beijing TV Station. You bring a group of people here immediately. I need you to create a large-scale red carpet ceremony scene in the shortest possible time. There should be interview areas, media areas, and photo areas..."

Xu Jie spoke out the requirements one by one.

"Alright Mr. Xu, I'll take someone there right now."

Wang Youlin put down his mobile phone, and immediately began to gather people and assign work.

"Xiao Xu..."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, and Xu Jie knew who it was.

Boss Jiang.

Now it should be the deputy editor-in-chief Jiang.

"Editor Jiang, are you here to inspect the work?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

Although there is a temporary extra large project, he is in a particularly good mood, because the appearance of many stars will increase the popularity and attention of the entire program, making the final of "Crossover Actors" beyond the category of variety shows, It became popular in the variety show circle and pushed the show to a new level.

"What inspection work, you are doing business, can I worry about it?" Jiang Hai walked over, pointed back to the red carpet on the side, and said, "When I was passing by just now, I saw the staff put the red carpet that had been laid It’s rolled up again, what’s going on? The red carpet ceremony isn’t going on anymore?”

Although he has been transferred from Beijing Television Culture to Beijing TV Station, he still cares about Xu Jie's programs as always, because he is the deputy editor-in-chief in charge of the art channel. If Beijing Satellite TV's art programs do not do well, his responsibility is indispensable .

"Fuck it, it's just that it needs to be bigger." Xu Jie replied after hearing it.

"Bigger?" Jiang Hai was puzzled.

There are only [-] artists walking the red carpet, why make such a big show?The following finals are the highlight.

"In order to have a more ceremonial sense, I invited some celebrities to walk the red carpet, so I plan to redecorate the place and make it more formal. After all, it will be broadcast live online, so it can't look too shabby." Xu Jie explained.

"Oh." Jiang Hai nodded understandingly, and then said with a smile: "Okay Xiao Xu, you did a good job. I will definitely send more people to shoot at that time, and let the Art Channel broadcast more live footage."

"Don't, don't do that. Actually, I don't know how many people can come. Once there are few people, wouldn't it be embarrassing?" Xu Jie said hastily.

"How about this, I'll let people keep an eye on it, if there are too many people, let's live broadcast, how about it?" Jiang Hai asked.

He absolutely must support Xiao Xu's work.

"Okay." Xu Jie nodded.

In fact, what he hopes most is to be able to broadcast live on the satellite TV channel, but he also knows that this is impossible, because the time when the red carpet is going on is exactly the time when the TV series is broadcast.

and many more!

Xu Jie suddenly remembered something again.

If there are more celebrities, the time to walk the red carpet will be longer. In addition, there is another interview area. If the red carpet ceremony is still held according to the original time, the finals will have already begun before the celebrities have finished walking the red carpet.

It seems that the red carpet ceremony will be brought forward.

He immediately called the deputy director Chen Huaijing and asked the other party to inform the artists and major media that the red carpet ceremony before the finals of "Crossover Actors" was held an hour earlier.

After receiving the news, the fifteen artists didn't have much thought. After all, they had already vacated the whole day in order to participate in tonight's finals.

On the contrary, some media are full of puzzlement and resentment about the suddenly revised opening time of the ceremony.

a website.

"What? Start an hour earlier? Why?" A male reporter said dissatisfied.

Because the show is live, the start time is fixed. Now the red carpet ceremony is an hour earlier. What about after the walk?Make everyone wait another hour?

"Maybe I want to reserve some more time." Another female reporter said.

"Should the red carpet ceremony be held an hour earlier, or should we reporters arrive an hour earlier? If it's the former, it's acceptable. If it's the latter, it's a bit of a bully." Another age A slightly older senior entertainment reporter said.

"It seems that the red carpet ceremony will be held an hour earlier." The reporter who answered the phone thought for a while and said.

It's okay not to ask, but after asking, he was a little uncertain.

"No matter what, I don't want to go early anyway. I don't want to stand outside on such a hot day. At worst, I don't want to shoot the red carpet and go straight in to watch the finals."

"Yes, what's so good about the red carpet, isn't it just the fifteen people? It's a big deal to watch the live broadcast and write reports."


A similar situation plays out in the offices of many websites and newspapers.

If the notice was given a few days in advance, everyone would still accept it. However, if the notice was given on the same day, many people would not be able to make time. In addition, there would be a live webcast on site, so they did not want to disrupt the original work plan.

Most importantly, the time for the red carpet ceremony was originally after everyone got off work, but now it was brought forward an hour, so that everyone didn't even have time for dinner. Who could be happy?

Time passed by second by second, and it was evening in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the capital TV station, with red flags waving and posters fluttering,

The road outside the gate was already clogged, and fans of many celebrities had gathered here since the afternoon, holding pictorials and light signs in their hands, to cheer for their idols.

And inside the gate, many reporters gathered here, holding long guns and short cannons, waiting for the arrival of the stars.

"Sister Yan, the red carpet is up to you." Behind the interview area, Xu Jie told Qin Yan.

For tonight's red carpet ceremony, he specially invited Qin Yan. The other party had interviewed celebrities, and now she is also the celebrity hostess of Beijing TV Station. She was the only one who could complete the tasks of interviewing and controlling the scene.

"Don't worry." Qin Yan said with a smile.

As the hostess of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", what she is best at now is interviewing celebrities. Whether it is work or emotional matters, she can gossip.

And being invited to be the hostess of the red carpet ceremony in the finals of "Crossover Actors", she was too happy to be in time, it was a good thing to show her face.

"I have a list of celebrities who will participate in the red carpet ceremony tonight, but this is only a part of it. There are also some artists who are not on the list. If you know them, please take the initiative to introduce them. If you don't, just touch them with your hands. Hair, I will let someone tell you in the earphone." Xu Jie said.

So far, he has only received the list of red carpet artists provided by Hu Zhen and Wang Tiannan. As for Sun Hao, Zhang Zhicheng and Chen Liangwei, he has not received the list yet.

He had also contacted these three people earlier, and the answers from these three people were also very unified. Someone must be there, but they couldn't say for the time being who it was.

"Well, I see." Qin Yan nodded, and then walked out from the back of the interview area, but when she saw the scene here, she couldn't help frowning, "President Xu, didn't you invite a reporter? Why are you so few?"

There are always "only" [-] or so people in the media area, and most of them are from the Beijing TV station, including the satellite TV channel and the art channel.

As for the media other than Beijing TV Station, only four or five came.

Therefore, despite the large number of people, there are not many media represented.

As a variety show that is popular all over the country, only so few media came to the finals, which seemed a bit shabby.

Xu Jie frowned after seeing it.

As early as a week ago, he sent invitation letters to dozens of media, and all of them got replies, but the red carpet ceremony was about to start, why did so few come?
Do you all feel that the red carpet ceremony is not interesting?
Even if not, you can't withdraw the ladder temporarily, isn't this cheating him?
"Don't worry about those media. We have live broadcasts on the Internet and art channels. There are not many of them, and there are not many of them." Xu Jie said coldly. At the same time, he kept all the media in his heart. Remember, of course it didn't come.

Now is not the time to settle accounts. When tonight's finals are over, he will come to ask one by one whether he looks down on Beijing TV or Xu Jie.

"Don't be angry, it might be a traffic jam on the road." Qin Yan comforted, not wanting the other party to get angry because of such a trivial matter.

You must know that the other party is the chief director of "Crossover Actor", the real protagonist behind tonight's finals, if the other party is in a bad mood, once it affects the show, small things will turn into big troubles.

"That's right." Xu Jie suddenly remembered something, looked at Qin Yan and said, "When interviewing artists, you must ask them who they support tonight, understand?"

No topic on the red carpet?
Who are the stars supporting? Isn't this a topic?

He planned to divide these stars into three teams, as Liu Tianze, Song Xiaotong and Hu Yunxi's star support group.

With the joining of these stars, fans of these stars will also be driven to join in. Will the popularity of the show not drop by then?
"Mr. Xu, Mr. Chang Shaokun is here, Cheng Qiao is here, and Xiao Zhenyu..."

At this time, the voice of the staff suddenly sounded in the headset.

Xu Jie's brows immediately relaxed. These people are all stars under Hu Zhen's hands, and they have cooperated with him before, but he didn't expect that even the first-line Xiao Zhenyu would arrive, which really surprised him.

Well, Lao Hu is still reliable!

"The celebrity is here, and the red carpet ceremony has officially begun." Xu Jie said to Qin Yan beside him.


Qin Yan nodded, adjusted the dress on her body, and then walked to the front of the interview area.

(End of this chapter)

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