The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1092 Stars Gathered

Chapter 1092 Stars Gathered
At [-]:[-], the red carpet ceremony began.

Because this is just a collective appearance of artists before the finals of "Crossover Actors", it is not a film festival or an awards ceremony, so there is no strict order of walking on the red carpet, as long as the artists come, they can go, whoever comes first It can be done at the end, and there is no so-called finale. The main thing is to be casual, as long as people come.

Xu Jie has no requirements for artists to walk on the red carpet, but as public figures, artists have very high requirements for themselves.

Although this was just an entrance ceremony for a variety show, none of the artists took it lightly, not only because it was a show on Beijing Satellite TV, but also because this show had unparalleled attention.

Webcast, TV reports, and countless media reporters on the scene, this kind of scene is no less than any film festival. If you dress casually, what do netizens think?What do viewers think?What do fans think?
What I know is that the organizer has no requirements on what to wear, but what I don’t know is that the artists don’t respect the "Crossover Actor" program group and Beijing Satellite TV.

Therefore, every artist who appeared on the stage tonight is well-dressed, glamorous and beautiful, showing their best state.

"The young actor Chang Shaokun came to us first. His performance in the TV series "On the Right Way" made our eyes shine, as if he had completed the final transformation just like the characters in the play. I believe many friends are watching After finishing this TV series, I always feel like this, in fact, in recent years, many of his works have been applauded..."

When Qin Yan saw the first male celebrity walking on the red carpet, she opened her mouth and began to introduce.

In the list Xu Jie gave her, the name Chang Shaokun was in it, so before the red carpet started, she had done enough homework and memorized it.

As a host who often deals with celebrities, this is simply a trivial matter for her.

While walking, Chang Shaokun waved to fans and media reporters along the road, and arrived at the interview area not long after.

"Chang Shaokun, welcome to the finals of "Crossover Actors"." Qin Yan said with a smile.

She speaks elegantly and naturally, and behaves gracefully. She is a beautiful landscape in the interview area. She has completed the transformation from a small anchor to a big host without knowing it.

"It is my honor to be able to participate in the finals of "Crossover Actors". I like this show very much and am a die-hard fan of this show..."

Chang Shaokun talked eloquently in front of the camera.

After receiving Mr. Hu's call, he began to prepare for tonight's red carpet ceremony, choosing clothes and styling, not because it was Mr. Hu's arrangement, nor because he had nothing to do, but because Mr. Xu .

He has collaborated with Mr. Xu in "Delicious History", and he has to give Mr. Xu face. What's more, Mr. Xu is the thigh in the entertainment industry. There are too many people who want to hug, and now there are so many A close opportunity, he is too happy, how could he refuse?

Moreover, he is not talking nonsense, he is indeed a fan of Mr. Xu.

"Shaokun, since you like watching "Crossover Actor" so much, I believe you must watch this season's show, right? I don't know what you think about the upcoming finals, or rather, in three Among the artists who entered the finals, who do you prefer, and who do you support?" Qin Yan asked again.

This is an interview that Xu Jie emphasized. Of course, she will not forget it. This is also a highlight of the red carpet ceremony.

"This question is a bit offensive, can you not answer it?" Chang Shaokun asked with a wry smile after hearing it.

Although the three artists who entered the finals are all singers and are not familiar with each other, they are all from the entertainment circle, so it is impossible to guarantee that they will not meet each other in the future.

In particular, the three of them entered the finals of "Crossover Actors", and they will definitely enter the film and television industry in the future, and they may cooperate in the future. How does he answer this?

"Tonight, you are an audience and a fan. Isn't it normal to cheer for your favorite artist? And you can safely and boldly say that no one who walks the red carpet behind can escape this problem." Qin Yan laughed said.

When Chang Shaokun heard this, he felt relieved.

What is this called?
This is called jumping together.

If one person is beaten, he will definitely feel comfortable in his heart, but if everyone is beaten, he will definitely feel more balanced.

"The three contestants' ability to enter the finals shows that their acting skills have been recognized by the judges and the audience. After watching so many episodes, I feel that their performances have their own merits. If you want to ask me who is better at acting, I really can't tell. But if you want to say whose acting style you like, I choose Liu Tianze, so I support Liu Tianze." Chang Shaokun said.

When the people around heard it, they thought that this Chang Shaokun was too cunning. He never mentioned the level of acting skills, but only talked about the acting style, which not only showed his position, but also did not offend others.


However, while everyone was feeling emotional, doubts arose in their hearts.

Isn't tonight the red carpet ceremony for the finals of "Crossover Actors"?Shouldn't the red carpet be the fifteen contestants for this season's "Crossover"?Why are there other artists here?

Especially the media reporters at the scene thought it was just an ordinary red carpet ceremony before they came, but now it seems that it is not ordinary.

Just when everyone was wondering, the voice of the beautiful host Qin Yan rang out again.

"Xiao Zhenyu is walking on the red carpet now..."

After everyone heard it, they turned their eyes and cameras away from Chang Shaokun's body, turned their heads to look at the entrance of the red carpet, and their eyes were full of surprises.

Another star who is not a contender has arrived!
Although Chang Shaokun is famous, he is only a second-tier artist, while Xiao Zhenyu is a first-tier artist, a popular niche.

The moment Xiao Zhenyu walked onto the red carpet, there were screams immediately.

In fact, the people gathered outside the TV station were all fans of the fifteen contestants, among which the three artists Liu Tianze, Song Xiaotong, and Hu Yunxi who entered the finals had the most fans.

However, as soon as Xiao Zhenyu showed up, these people immediately changed their identities and became Xiao Zhenyu's fans.

Due to the live webcast, the live images of the red carpet ceremony quickly spread throughout the Internet, especially in today's advanced mobile communication, the webcast is no longer limited to computers, and there are more convenient mobile phones, not only want to watch it , and can be viewed anytime, anywhere.

It's just that when some people watch it, their hearts are full of excitement and anticipation, while some people's hearts are full of surprise and regret when they watch it.

A website office.

Everyone gathered together, watching the live broadcast on the computer screen, with different expressions.

"What, what's the situation? Why did other stars appear on the red carpet ceremony of "Crossover Actors"?" The male reporter opened his eyes wide, his face full of surprise.

If the fifteen artists who participated in "Crossover Actor" have nothing to shoot, then these artists who suddenly appeared have too many things to shoot.

There are leading actors and actresses of hit TV series, male and female stars who are full of gossip, and actors and actresses with big box office hits. Those who don’t know will think that there will be an award ceremony.

"Look, there are Peng Kun and Zhou Fangfang."

"In the aerial scene just now, there seems to be Shen Yifeng."

"That's right, I also saw Zhang Yingxue."

"Look at that person waiting in line behind to enter, isn't it Liu Ying?"

"That's right, it's Liu Ying, and standing beside her is Huang Qian."

"This, this lineup is too luxurious, it's almost like a red carpet ceremony at a film festival."


A female reporter suddenly stood up and ran out with her bag, yelling as she ran, "I'm going to the scene."

When everyone heard it, they reacted.

The red carpet ceremony has just started, and there must be many artists behind. If you go at this time, you may be able to catch some photos.

"Wait for me, I'll go too!" The surprised male reporter ran after him quickly.

"Old Zhang, didn't you say you can't go during the day? You also said that you can write reports just like watching live broadcasts." Another reporter colleague said.

"When the program team changed the time, they didn't say that other stars would appear." The male reporter said depressedly. He only now knew that the red carpet ceremony was moved forward an hour because other stars would come to the ceremony.

The same situation is still happening in many media companies.

A group of reporters rushed to Beijing TV station, even if they didn't get the beginning, they could only shoot the end, they must go, they must not miss this star-studded scene tonight.

Since it was Saturday and a large number of fans had gathered, all the roads leading to Beijing TV Station were congested.

Everyone could only sit in the car and look at the program posters hanging above the Grand Theater of Beijing TV Station, moving forward very slowly, only a few minutes can only drive more than ten meters.

As time went by, the traffic jam situation did not improve significantly. While watching the live broadcast on their mobile phones, the reporters in the car stamped their feet anxiously, wishing they could fly to the capital TV station in a big jump.

Time waits for no one, and celebrities naturally do not wait for anyone.

A reporter looked at the car queue in front of him, and finally couldn't help it anymore. He opened the door, got out of the car, and ran towards the Beijing TV station one kilometer away with his camera.

If you don't go, the red carpet ceremony will be over.

A reporter kept tapping the horn on the steering wheel, urging the car in front to go faster, but as if against her, the more she pressed, the more the car stopped moving.

At this time, she looked out of the window and found a man running along the side of the road with a black bag in his hand. This... She glanced at the bag in the arms of her colleague behind her, and it was exactly the same.

Camera bag?


At first, she thought there was a car accident ahead, and the reporter was there to film the accident, but when she saw the direction the other person was running, she quickly understood what was going on.

"Xiao Zhou, come and drive. Brother Liu and I will go to the Beijing TV station first." The female reporter said to the co-pilot colleague, then opened the car door, and shouted to the colleague in the back who was holding the camera: "Brother Liu, come with me, Let's run to Beijing TV Station!"


"Don't be dazed, hurry up!"


The two ran forward quickly along the side of the road. Facts have proved that it is indeed faster than a car, but it is a bit tiring.

As some people set an example, more and more journalists were inspired and joined the running team.

So, on the way to the Beijing TV station, the people sitting in the car saw this scene: many people were running along the side of the road, and one by one was faster and one by one more anxious, as if they were in a race.

But the problem is, these people don't have number plates on them!

Wait, there won't be any unexpected events, such as meeting the Terminator, or Godzilla or something?
Curiosity prompted some to get out of their cars and look back, but there was nothing to see but the endless line of cars.

"Handsome, what are you running for? What happened behind?" Someone stopped a runner.

"Interview!" The runner continued to run without stopping.


This answer directly stunned the person who asked the question.

Could it be that these people are journalists?
What happened to send these reporters running to interview?Is it possible that there is a Terminator or Godzilla ahead?

He couldn't help but turned his head to look forward. Apart from tall buildings and car queues, he could only see the promotional poster for the "Crossover Actor" finals.

At the same time, Xu Jie who was behind the interview area was also a little confused.

Of course, it wasn't because few artists came, but because there were too many artists, which exceeded his expectations.

Although only a dozen or so people have been interviewed so far, according to the staff at the gate, there are still more than [-] stars lined up to enter the venue, and [-] competitors have not been added yet.

You know, he only asked Cheng Yingjie to prepare fifty seats at the scene, and even wanted to recruit some people from the TV station to make up the number, but now, there is no need to find people to make up the number, because fifty seats are not enough.

He had to ask Cheng Yingjie to reserve another [-] seats in case of emergency.

"Mr. Xu!"

Just when Xu Jie was thinking about whether to speed up the interview, a voice suddenly came, it was Sun Hao from Mangmang Media.

I really want Cao Cao Cao Cao to arrive.

"President Sun, you are here." Xu Jie walked towards the other party.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for your hard work. I have found ten artists to participate in the red carpet ceremony tonight." Sun Hao said after greeting.

"Thank you Mr. Sun for your support." Xu Jie thanked after hearing this.

"It's nothing, this is what I should do." Sun Hao said with a smile.

"Only ten?" At this time, another voice came, and I saw Zhang Zhicheng from Weilan Media walking towards this side, and said in his mouth: "Mr. Sun, your Huxiang TV has always been known as the entertainment overlord and star-making machine. Why did you find ten artists to help out?" Zhang Zhicheng said here, looked at Xu Jie, and said braggingly: "Mr. Xu, I found fifteen."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, now he finally understands why there are so many artists here, these bosses are really one for you.

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Zhang." Xu Jie said.

Sun Hao's face changed when he heard Zhang Zhicheng's words. The other party found fifteen artists to help out, but she only found ten artists to help out. Isn't this holding Liu Tianze back?

Although the finals haven't started yet, Liu Tianze has already lost his popularity among the stars.

No, although this has nothing to do with the finals, but it is determined not to lose.

Sun Hao immediately stepped aside and took out his mobile phone from his bag.

Call, shake people!


(End of this chapter)

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