The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1093 Psychological warfare?

Chapter 1093 Psychological warfare?
Comparing is an innate instinct of human beings.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and rivers and lakes are compared.

The entertainment industry is not only a rivers and lakes, but also a large-scale comparison scene, who is more popular, has more traffic, pays more, and has a higher status. In short, comparisons are everywhere.

Sun Hao, who has been in the entertainment industry for 18 years, naturally likes to compare herself with others, but as a strong woman, she doesn't like to lose.

So after seeing Zhang Zhicheng's provocation, she immediately fought back.

"Hey, Super Spirit, it's me, are you still in the capital?" Sun Hao asked after the phone call.

She has never lost in competitions.

"I'll be at the airport in a few minutes. Mr. Sun, what can you do for me?" Liang Chaoling asked curiously, and at the same time thought to himself: Should I introduce myself another endorsement?That's great.

As a celebrity, my favorite job is endorsement, the money is quick and easy.

"Don't go to the airport, you come to Beijing TV station to participate in the red carpet ceremony of the "Crossover Actor" finals right now, by the way, change into a beautiful dress!" Sun Hao urged in an orderly tone, without discussing with the other party at all .


Sun Hao was stunned, and after a while he came back to his senses, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Sun, I'm going to Shanghai to meet the crew tonight, don't you know?"

She remembered that Mr. Sun approached her a few days ago for this matter, and she also explained the importance of reuniting with the crew this time. Mr. Sun understood very well at the time and told her to perform well after reuniting with the crew. Why did you suddenly change your mind?
"I will contact the crew. Your task tonight is to attend the red carpet ceremony. Hurry up!" Sun Hao hung up the phone without giving the other party a chance to refuse.

Sun Hao looked at the phone that was hung up, and was in a daze.

This, what's the situation?
Why did she go to the entrance red carpet ceremony of a mere variety show?Even if this show is very popular, what does it have to do with her?she is not a participant

Complaints are complaints, she still told the driver to turn around and go to Beijing TV Station.

She dared not disobey Mr. Sun's order.

At this moment, Sun Hao has already started contacting the next artist.

How is one enough?
Zhang Zhicheng has found five more artists than her, and she has to find at least six more artists, one more than the other party, so as not to lose face in front of Mr. Xu, and Liu Tianze's star approval rate will not be in the blue media Song Xiaotong was at a disadvantage.

Jiang Keer...

Bai Lisa...

Liu Chaowei...

One call after another.

All company artists in the capital, as long as they are not recording a program, must come, those who have dinner, those who are filming, even those who are about to leave the capital must come, in short, they must not be compared by others.

In her opinion, from the moment Zhang Zhicheng ran on her in front of Mr. Xu, the nature of this matter has changed.

Now it is no longer simply to support Liu Tianze in the finals, but to show the strength of the company, to show the strength of Huxiang TV, and let Zhang Zhicheng know that Huxiang TV is still the overlord of entertainment and a star-making machine.

Sun Hao confiscated one and made eight phone calls directly. In addition to the original ten artists, three more than Zhang Zhicheng's fifteen.

Hmph, let's see what that bastard has to say this time.

She quickly returned to Xu Jie's side, and said proudly: "Mr. Xu, in order to support you and your program, I recruited eight more artists. Now we have a total of eighteen artists from Mangmang Media." .”

After speaking, he deliberately glanced at Zhang Zhicheng next to him, as if to say: Aren't you awesome?Now cow?
"Thank you Mr. Sun for your support, thank you." Xu Jie said after hearing this, but he was thinking in his heart: Yes, there are eight more.

Although the more stars there are, the more lively the scene will be, but too many people come and the red carpet ceremony takes too long, won't it delay the start of the finals?

This is a mess...

During the day, I was still worrying that there might not be too many stars coming, but now I have to worry about what to do if there are too many stars coming...

Zhang Zhicheng couldn't help laughing when he saw the complacent Sun Hao, "Mr. Sun, since there are already eighteen people, why can't you make up the whole number and find twenty? Or rather, you can't find so many people." How about this, I'll make a sample for you, and I'll call five more artists."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the celebrity's mobile number directly.

The corner of Sun Hao's mouth twitched, and the smile froze on his face. It felt like he was slapped again by the other party. This hurt.

Kao, what happened to Zhang Zhicheng today?Why keep running on her?Is there any advantage in going against her?

It seems that the flames of war in the finals have spread from the stage of "Crossover Actor" to the outside.

Can't lose!
Liu Tianze can't lose, and neither can she!

"What is twenty? I'm looking for 25!" Sun Hao said unconvinced, determined not to be compared by the other party.

This is an aura, an aura that can affect the performance of participating artists.

Just imagine, if your own artist knows that many stars have come to support him, what kind of feeling will he feel in his heart?If you let your artist know that there are more stars supporting your competitors than yourself, how would you feel in your heart?
Will it be lost?Will you be cranky?
If you perform on stage with these emotions, can you concentrate?

At that time, instead of being able to perform at a normal level, there may be mistakes and miss the great opportunity to win the championship.

Zhang Zhicheng's move is poisonous.

Therefore, she had to fight back.

The competition of acting skills has now evolved into a psychological battle. Whoever has good psychological quality and who can not be disturbed by off-court factors will have a chance to win the championship.

Zhang Zhicheng raised his brows slightly, the woman from Huxiangtai was obviously fighting him.

OK, let's see who shakes the most people.

"I'm looking for thirty!" Zhang Zhicheng said loudly.

"Then I'll find 35!" Sun Hao said through gritted teeth.

The company doesn't have so many artists in the capital, so it can only find some better-connected artists to make up the number.

"I'm looking for forty!"


Xu Jie on the side was already dumbfounded.

What are these two doing?

What is being held now seems to be a red carpet ceremony, not more people than who brings.

Besides, the two are comparing each other, did you ask him for his opinion?
The red carpet ceremony will end before the finals of "Crossover Actors". If the two are allowed to compete, the red carpet ceremony in front of me may not end even until midnight.

"Two, two stop!" Xu Jie said loudly, and at the same time came between Sun Hao and Zhang Zhicheng, separating them.

It is said that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless one male and one female, but the current situation is obviously different from what everyone said.

These two people stretched their necks and stared at each other. They looked like fighting cocks. The atmosphere was tense and fierce. It was obvious that they were already on top. If he didn't stop them, the fifty seats added just now might not be enough.

Sun Hao and Zhang Zhicheng stopped, and the shaker had reached sixty, but no matter who they were, they couldn't get so many people, they were just forced to this point, if they didn't continue to shout If not, not only will the momentum be at a disadvantage, but it will also be very embarrassing.

What they hoped most at this time was someone who could give them a step down, and Xu Jie in front of them was obviously this person.

'Great, Mr. Xu finally stood up. Sun Hao thought, and at the same time secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

'It almost didn't end there. ' Zhang Zhicheng thought.

"Mr. Sun, Mr. Zhang, thank you for your kindness. I know that you are all for me and for the show, but there are really enough stars here today. Let me ask Chen Liangwei to see how many people he recruited. The same amount." Xu Jie looked at the two people beside him and said.

Sun Hao and Zhang Zhicheng nodded at the same time, this step is good, but when they see each other, they just roll their eyes.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and called Chen Liangwei. Soon, the call was connected.

"Mr. Chen, have you arranged for the artists participating in the red carpet ceremony?" Xu Jie asked directly.

"It's been arranged, someone has already walked on the red carpet." Chen Liangwei said on the phone.

"How many people have you arranged? Mr. Sun and Mr. Zhang are by my side. It is best for everyone to arrange the same number as the star support team." Xu Jie explained.

"I have arranged twenty artists, how many less?" Chen Liangwei asked.

"It's a lot, a lot. It's settled. Each contestant has [-] celebrity support groups, and there can be no more." Xu Jie not only said to Chen Liangwei, but also to Sun Hao and Zhang Zhicheng on the side.

"Okay, I know."

Chen Liangwei had no objection, and was very happy in his heart. Mr. Xu did not ask Sun Hao and Zhang Zhicheng for advice, but deliberately asked him for advice, and took the number of people he arranged as the standard. What does this mean?
It shows that he has a high position in Mr. Xu's heart, and Mr. Xu respects him very much.

Focusing on this point, I will have a good time with Mr. Xu in the future.

Xu Jie put down his phone and looked back at Sun Hao and Zhang Zhicheng, "Mr. Sun, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Chen have arranged [-] artists. If you can arrange so many, then arrange so many. If you can't arrange so many, how many people are missing?" How much will I make up for you?"

The artists arranged by Hu Zhen and those arranged by Wang Tiannan are neutral, and there are quite a few people who come, which can completely fill some vacancies.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, I have no shortage, we have people from Mangmang Media." Sun Hao immediately expressed his opinion after hearing it.

If 60 people can't shake it, can't 20 people still shake it?If Zhang Zhicheng heard this, wouldn't he be laughed at?

"Mr. Xu, I'm fine." Zhang Zhicheng said.

"Thank you, thank you both." Xu Jie shook hands with the two of them respectively, and then said: "I have other things to do, so I won't accompany you two. You can treat this place as your own home as you like."

He didn't want to be involved in the dispute between these two people.

"Mr. Xu, you are busy with your work, don't worry about me." Sun Hao said quickly, you must know that the other party is the chief director of the "Crossover Actor" finals tonight, and he is the busiest person, she dare not delay The other side works.

Once the other party's work is not done well, her people will also be unlucky.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, go get busy. If you need any help, just let me know. I'm always ready." Zhang Zhicheng said seriously.

Sun Hao heard the same thing as Zhang Zhicheng, let the other party say all the good things, hum!

Xu Jie thanked politely, didn't say anything, and left this place of right and wrong quickly.

However, he did not go far, but came to the entrance of the red carpet, and while looking at the list of artists present, he calculated the duration of each artist's red carpet.

Because the artists present tonight have seriously exceeded his expectations, it is necessary to recalculate the time of the entire red carpet ceremony, and strive for a perfect connection with the subsequent finals, so as to avoid the occurrence of the live broadcast time, but there are still artists who have not finished their red carpet Blanket embarrassing situations happen.

In fact, he doesn't need to take care of this kind of thing at all, just arrange someone casually, but who let him find these stars?
"Mr. Xu!"

A staff member who maintained order at the scene greeted Xu Jie respectfully.

Xu Jie nodded to the other party. He knew the other party. This man was called Jiang Xiaotong. He was transferred from Beijing TV's cultural performance department to be in charge of the entire red carpet ceremony.

He is now beginning to feel thankful for his decision to call the performance department to be in charge of the red carpet ceremony earlier. Fortunately, these people are here tonight. If the staff of the program team were to be in charge here, he doesn't know what kind of chaos it will be.

"How is it here? Do you need to send more people?" Xu Jie asked with concern.

Because I didn't expect so many artists to come, and the time of coming was very concentrated, so in the end, everyone was crowded at the entrance, which seemed a bit chaotic.

"President Xu, no need, we are enough." Jiang Xiaotong replied.

Regardless of the crowds, all the celebrities are more conscious. Although it is a bit chaotic, it is actually orderly in chaos.

Of course, celebrities must have complaints and the like, but they have to be kept in their stomachs, who dares to complain here?

I don't even look where it is here.

Beijing TV station!
Is it a place where artists like them run wild?
What's more, there are many media reporters around. If they are photographed or recorded, once they are announced, the boss will not be able to save them.

"If you have any difficulties, just tell me, I will handle it for you, don't hide it, you know?" Xu Jie said.

He is not afraid of problems, if there are problems, he can solve them. What he is most worried about is to conceal the problems, let the small problems develop into big problems, and finally explode completely, out of control.

"I know, please rest assured Mr. Xu." Jiang Xiaotong said seriously.

Xu Jie stood at the entrance for a while. Seeing that the sky was getting darker and the time was getting later, if he continued to walk at the current speed, he would definitely not be able to finish walking the red carpet.

So he put on his earphones and said into the microphone: "Attention all units, there are many more stars than expected tonight. In order for the show to be on time, from now on, at the entrance, don't wait for the interviews to be completed before letting stars enter. At the same time as the interview, let the star enter the venue, Qin Yan, to reduce some questions..."

Xu Jie's voice spread through the earphones to every staff member in the outfield.

After receiving the order, all links immediately accelerated the process of the red carpet ceremony.

Everyone knows that no matter how lively the red carpet ceremony is, it is just an appetizer, and the real feast will come later.

Side dishes can be skipped, but big meals must not be missed.


(End of this chapter)

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