The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1094 Red Carpet Ceremony

Chapter 1094 Red Carpet Ceremony
The red carpet ceremony of the "Crossover Actor" finals stunned everyone.

No one expected that there would be so many stars and entertainers participating in this ceremony, no matter in terms of number or status, they were no less than any other film festival.

Those who knew that these stars came to support the variety show, but those who didn't know thought that these stars were here to participate in the awards ceremony.

And those netizens who watched the ceremony through the webcast were not calm.

In fact, there were not many people who watched it at the beginning. After all, only fifteen artists appeared on stage. For the red carpet ceremony, it really seemed a bit shabby.

But after seeing it for a while, everyone was confused.

These stars, no!

Chang Shaokun, Xiao Zhenyu, Cheng Qiao... do these people have anything to do with this season's "Crossover Actors"?Did you come to the wrong place?
You know, those who can watch this red carpet ceremony are all fans of "Crossover Actors". Do you know who the contestants of this season are?
So after everyone saw the wrong person, they started asking questions.

As a result, the screen in the live broadcast room was filled with barrages of inquiries.

"Is this the red carpet entrance ceremony for the finals of "Crossover Actors"?"

"Did I watch the live broadcast wrong?"

"Why is there no star in the fourth season?"

"Did I time travel? What I saw was the stars of the next season of "Crossover Actors" walking the red carpet?"

"Damn it, Jiang Yongze actually supported Song Xiaotong. Didn't the two of them have an affair a few days ago? Could it be true?"

"Ah, Hu Yunxi's ex-girlfriend Shen Kerong also came and supported Hu Yunxi. It seems that the relationship between the two of them is not over."

"Tan Siwen and Liang Rutong walked the red carpet together? Is this an open relationship?"

"Wow, Zhang Ziwen is here too, and his appearance is so beautiful."


Because there are too many artists, many of whom are highly topical stars, the number of people in the live broadcast room is increasing, from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and soon reached millions, and the number of people online is still increasing In the midst of the increase, the bullet screens published are also diverse.

Some commented on celebrity clothing styles, some discussed celebrity scandals, and some cheered for their favorite artists. In short, it was very lively.

Among the netizens who watched the webcast, there were naturally people from the entertainment industry, such as entertainment company executives, celebrities, and TV station staff.

After seeing such a grand occasion, they were surprised in addition to being surprised.

This is just a variety show, not an awards ceremony, let alone a Spring Festival Gala. To be able to invite so many celebrities to attend the red carpet ceremony, there is only one program "Crossover Actors" in the whole country.

Too awesome!
Being able to turn a variety show into an awards ceremony, the director is awesome.

"We must cooperate more with Mr. Xu in the future." A certain executive thought to himself.

"Why didn't you invite me? Is it because I don't have enough seats?" A certain celebrity thought, his face was full of envy, jealousy, loss and regret.

"When will our station's variety show have such a red carpet ceremony?" A staff member of a TV station said with emotion.

"Hehe, don't talk about variety shows, our station didn't invite so many stars in last year's New Year's Gala and Spring Festival Gala." A staff member next to him teased with a wry smile.

""Crossover Actor" is really awesome."

"Wrong, it's not "Crossover Actor" who is awesome, but the director behind it, Old Xu."


With the passage of time, the broadcast of the finals of "Crossover Actors" is getting closer and closer, and the excitement of the red carpet ceremony also highlights the grandeur of the finals tonight.

With the speeding up of the artist's entry and the reduction of the host's questions, the speed of the red carpet is also getting faster, and finally ends half an hour before the finals.

According to statistics, a total of 92 artists arrived at the finals today, not counting the 15 performers from this season.

In addition to the 20 artists agreed upon by Mangmang Media, Weilan Media, and Dongfang Media, Hu Zhen didn't want to be compared to the original 10 artists after seeing so many artists at the scene. A dozen people were called.

For him, he must not lose his position in front of Mr. Xu, otherwise his relationship with Mr. Xu will become weaker and weaker in the future, and he will be replaced by others?
Mr. Xu, this resource, must not be lost!
"Sister Yan, thank you for your hard work."

After the red carpet ceremony, Xu Jie handed Qin Yan a bottle of water.

Today's entrance ceremony is unusual.

Especially for the host, it is a huge test.

Usually, the artists we see in film festivals and award ceremonies walk the red carpet, and the order of admission is fixed. The host will also prepare the information of all the artists in advance, and read them according to the teleprompter or manuscript when the artists enter the arena. That's it.

However, in tonight's red carpet ceremony, the entry order of artists is random, not fixed, and no one knows which artist will come.

This requires the host not only to have good adaptability, but also to complete the introduction of the artist under the prompts of the staff, and to be able to interact with the artist in subsequent interviews.

It was such a difficult task, Qin Yan not only did it, but also did it very well, Xu Jie was very satisfied.

"Huh, I'm so nervous."

Qin Yan breathed a sigh of relief, took the water with one hand, and patted her chest lightly with the other.

Although she has hosted many shows and interviewed many artists, this is the first time she has encountered a situation like today, and she wants to say something and whether she will say something wrong, all the nerves in her body are tense , not daring to relax at all, for fear of making a mistake during the live broadcast and becoming a joke on the red carpet.

"Sister Yan, you are worthy of being the head of the TV station in Beijing, and you performed really well today, right?" Xu Jie praised, and flattered her by the way.

"Stop, don't talk nonsense, I'm not a famous star." Qin Yan corrected after hearing this, but she was very happy in her heart.

"Soon, soon." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Qin Yan rolled her eyes, then opened the bottle cap and gulped down the water.

Since she didn't know how long the red carpet ceremony would last, she didn't dare to drink water since the afternoon, for fear that going to the bathroom during the presiding process would affect the normal progress of the ceremony.

Later, because of the hot weather and nervousness, she sweated a lot, and she had been talking all the time, and she had already run out of drinks, so she drank a bottle in one go, completely ignoring her image as a beautiful host.

"It's really timely water." Qin Yan said after drinking it, feeling that the whole person was saved.

"Another bottle?" Xu Jie asked.

"No need, I'll drink it later." Qin Yan was about to throw the water bottle into the trash can, when she suddenly thought of something, she hurriedly looked at Xu Jie and said, "The finals are about to start, don't you hurry to the scene, wait What are you doing here?"

"No rush, it's not the first time." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Originally he was under pressure, didn't he say that?Weaving baskets and baskets is all at the end, and the quality of the finals will directly affect the reputation of the whole season.

However, when the show is about to start, the pressure suddenly disappears.

Everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared, and during this preparation process, he has also tried his best. Even if he does not receive good reviews after the end, he will not regret it, because this is his ability.

A person can only do his best to do things well, and for those things that are beyond the scope of his ability, no matter how hard he tries, he can't do it.

Qin Yan stared at the man in front of her in a daze, is her heart so big?
Don't you care about it the first time?

Isn't it okay to leave it alone for the first time?
"Hurry up and prepare. If the live broadcast overturns, be careful not to be scolded by the leader." Qin Yan said while reaching out to push in the direction of the Grand Theater.

Speaking of which, the other party is also his noble person, without the other party, there would be no her now, so of course she didn't want the other party to have an accident.

"Okay, okay, I see, you can go back to the office and rest, after tonight, some of you will be busy." Xu Jie said as he walked.

Qin Yan knew that the other party was referring to "Ordinary Courage", because the other party had made an agreement with her that the day when the finals of "Crossover Actors" ended would be the recording time of "Ordinary Courage".

"I'm fine, but you, pay attention to rest after the show." Qin Yan said with concern.

She just presided over a red carpet ceremony, and the other party has been busy with the finals recently. Compared with this, her work is really nothing.

"Oh, I see."

Xu Jie waved his hand at Qin Yan, and then walked quickly towards the Grand Theater.

Qin Yan looked at the man's back until the man entered the theater, then she came back to her senses and turned to walk into the TV station.

Inside the Grand Theater.

All the artists present had already sat down, and they were divided into three groups to support Liu Tianze, Song Xiaotong and Hu Yunxi respectively.

The happiest person at the moment is undoubtedly the audience sitting in the back row.

They just came to participate in the finals of "Crossover Actors". Who would have thought that there would be unexpected rewards. So many stars are dazzling and dizzying. It feels like falling into the crowd of stars. Tonight is really the right time .

In the backstage of the scene, fifteen participants gathered here, waiting for the full appearance after the finals began.

However, compared with these participants, the surrounding staff looked very nervous.

The previous dozen or so episodes were all recorded and broadcast. Even if mistakes were made, they could be re-recorded, or removed in post-editing, but tonight is a live broadcast. Once a mistake is made, it will be a performance accident and must be held accountable.

In addition, there is another point that makes everyone feel bewildered.

Mr. Xu is gone!
For them, Mr. Xu is their master, and when Mr. Xu is not around, they panic.

"Clap clap clap!"

There was a burst of clapping suddenly, and everyone followed the prestige, and it was Xu Jie.

"Mr. Xu!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they immediately felt that the pressure on their bodies was reduced by half, and their whole bodies became lighter.

Xu Jie came in front of the fifteen artists and said with a smile on his face: "The show is about to start. I am very happy to meet you again on the stage of the finals. I hope that after the finals, we will still be able There is an opportunity for cooperation."

When the artists heard this, their eyes immediately shone with joy.

Who is Mr. Xu?
The general manager of JingTV Culture is also a well-known variety show director, director, producer, and producer of film and television dramas. In addition, he is backed by the mountain of Beijing TV Station. Who would not want to board the big boat of Mr. Xu?
So what if he was eliminated early in this season's "Crossover Actor"?

As long as you catch Mr. Xu, you can not only participate in other programs directed by Mr. Xu, such as "Ordinary Courage", but also play some guest roles in film and television dramas, and even participate in the New Year's Gala and Spring Festival Gala of Beijing TV Station, as well as China TV New Year's party and Spring Festival party.

These are all very high-quality resources!
"Liu Tianze, Song Xiaotong, Hu Yunxi..." Xu Jie looked at the three protagonists today, "How do you feel now? Are you nervous?"

"Nervous." Liu Tianze admitted directly, his facial expression was even a little stiff.

"A little bit." Song Xiaotong covered his chest with his hands and took a few deep breaths, trying to relax himself.

"I'm okay." Hu Yunxi said stiffly, mainly because he wanted to show his strong psychological endurance in front of Mr. Xu, and didn't want to show timidity in front of competitors Liu Tianze and Song Xiaotong.

After all, only those who have no self-confidence and no confidence in their hearts will be nervous, and those who are truly confident in themselves will not be nervous.

"It's just a live broadcast. It's not like you haven't experienced it before. Take it easy." Xu Jie suddenly changed the subject when he said this, "Why don't you switch with other people? Let the other twelve replace you on stage ? I think they'd love to."

Although everyone knew that Xu was always joking, they still responded one after another.

"I am willing!" Yang Shu said first.

"I am willing too!" Gao Jinfeng also said.

"You guys, stop dreaming." Song Xiaotong looked at the others and said.

She has paid so much to enter the final finals, let her give up?How can it be?

We must know that the stage of the finals of "Crossover Actor" is the ultimate goal of every contestant. Now that she has successfully boarded this stage, how can she easily give up this opportunity to others?

Isn't she an idiot?
She also wants to use tonight's finals to successfully complete the transformation from a singer to an actor.

"Whoever wants to change it, I won't change it anyway." Liu Tianze also said at this time.

In the past half a month, he only had very little time to rest every day, and spent most of his time rehearsing, reciting lines in his sleep, just for tonight's finals, how could he run away?

How is this different from a deserter?
"It's useless for you defeated generals to go up, so don't dream here." Hu Yunxi said arrogantly.

When the other 12 people heard it, they immediately rolled their eyes at Hu Yunxi, even people from the same company.

And the atmosphere at the scene also became more relaxed with the Bora hatred.

"There are still 3 minutes." Xu Jie looked at the time, then looked at the fifteen artists in front of him and said, "Today is the last episode of this season of "Crossover Actors", I hope everyone can enjoy it and have a good time night!"

"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

Soon, it's time for the live broadcast.


(End of this chapter)

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