The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1095 Selling favors in the finals

Chapter 1095 Selling favors in the finals

After half a month of long waiting, the finals of the fourth season of "Crossover Actors" finally met with the audience.

The host, Jin Wei, appeared on the stage in a full dress. First, she invited the twelve artists who had been eliminated to the stage, and reviewed their wonderful performances and unforgettable clips in the past dozen episodes of the show, which plunged the audience into a wave of memories. among.

Then the three artists who advanced to the finals were invited to the stage to show their growth and transformation in the past three months, making the audience full of infinite expectations for the performance of the three tonight.

Memories and anticipation are always exciting, and the ratings of the program have also been rising. Before the performance started, the ratings have already broken 4, even faster than when it was first broadcast. It has once again refreshed the ratings records of many TV stations in Beijing. .

The happiest person at the scene was undoubtedly Lu Hong, the deputy editor-in-chief. As the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, no one cared more about ratings than him.

"I know that everyone can't wait to see the wonderful performances of the three contestants in the finals. Next, let us give them a little preparation time. Before the performance starts, let us interview the audience coming tonight Go to the scene to support Liu Tianze, Song Xiaotong and Hu Yunxi's support team, and see what they think about tonight's finals..."

After Jin Wei finished speaking, she pointed to the audience below the stage, and the camera turned accordingly, and a luxurious celebrity support group appeared in the screen.

This situation had never happened in the finals of the previous three seasons, so when the camera swept across the stars, the scene was boiling, and the audience sitting in front of the TV watching the show was also boiling.

"You are staring here, I'll go to the backstage to take a look." Xu Jie whispered to Cheng Yingjie beside him, then got up and left the director group while the host Jin Wei was interviewing the stars on the scene, and walked towards the backstage.

"Alright Mr. Xu." Cheng Yingjie nodded quickly.

At the same time, he secretly glanced at Deputy Chief Editor Lu and Deputy Chief Editor Jiang who were sitting next to him. The two Deputy Chief Editors were here, but Mr. Xu actually left as soon as he said it, which is really awesome.

Xu Jie came backstage and found Liu Tianze's rehearsal room.

As the first person to appear on the stage, he must be under a lot of pressure at the moment, and he has something to say to the other party.


Xu Jie reached out and knocked on the door.


The door opened, and the room was full of people.

In addition to Liu Tianze's assistant actors and makeup artists, there is also a camera team responsible for shooting.

"Hi Director Xu!"

After seeing Xu Jie, everyone greeted him respectfully.

Xu Jie nodded, and asked with an easy-going smile, "How's the preparation going?"

"Director Xu, I'll touch up the makeup and it will be ready soon." Liu Tianze replied after hearing this.

"Don't worry, take your time. You are the first one, and you have the least time to prepare. Even if it is later, the audience can understand." Xu Jie said.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu told him at the red carpet ceremony that it's okay to extend the program by [-] or [-] minutes, as long as the quality can be guaranteed.

As the most popular variety show on Beijing Satellite TV, no, as the most popular variety show in the country, this privilege is still there.

"Thank you Mr. Xu." Liu Tianze thanked.

Even so, he still has to hurry up, after all, this is a live broadcast, and most importantly, he doesn't want the audience to wait too long.

Soon, makeup is over.

Liu Tianze and his assistant formed a circle and put their hands together.

"We have prepared for two weeks and put in countless sweats. Just for this moment today, we are ready. As long as we show our usual rehearsal level, there will be no problem. Come on!"

Liu Tianze mobilized loudly.

"come on!"

The assistant yelled, his face full of firmness and confidence.

Xu Jie opened the door, and everyone lined up to go out.

When it was the cameraman's turn, Xu Jie shook his head at the cameraman, then pointed in the direction of Liu Tianze.

The cameraman immediately understood and pointed the lens at other people.

Xu Jie quickly caught up with Liu Tianze, put his arms around Liu Tianze's shoulders, and said in a low voice: "Tianze, I have watched your program, and both the content and the performance are very good. As long as it can perform normally, it is still very good. There is hope for a championship.”

When Liu Tianze heard it, his eyes lit up.

Is this implying something to him?

If someone else said that, he would think it was a compliment, but Mr. Xu must have a deep meaning when he said that.

Normal performance has the hope of winning the championship?

Has the champion already appointed him?

Thinking of this, Liu Tianze's heart was filled with joy, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said gratefully: "Thank you Mr. Xu, I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Xu Jie nodded with satisfaction, then reached out and patted the other party's shoulder, "Go, come on."


Liu Tianze felt full of strength all over his body, as if he had received a halo of blessing, and various attributes of his body had doubled.

The chief director's words are so effective.

Xu Jie returned to the director team just in time for Liu Tianze's show. Since he had watched it before, he didn't focus on the show, but thought about how to perfectly present the artist's performance on stage to the audience .

The finals are broadcast live, not recorded. The recorded broadcast can be edited segment by segment after the filming is finished, but the live broadcast cannot. The images from multiple angles at the same time must be selected in the shortest possible time.

The 10-minute performance ended quickly.

At the moment when the actors called their curtain call, there was thunderous applause at the scene.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie also had a satisfied smile on his face.

Applause is undoubtedly the best affirmation of the show.

The performance of the artist is good, and the effect of the program will be good.

Liu Tianze's performance on stage exceeded his expectations, and I don't know if what he said before played a certain role. The other party has improved a lot compared to the day before yesterday's rehearsal.

Coupled with the fairly good script, he really felt that the opponent had a very high chance of winning the championship, surpassing Song Xiaotong and Hu Yunxi who will appear next.

Of course, as the chief director of the show, what he hopes to see is a contest that is evenly matched.

This will not only add a lot of topicality to the program, but also improve the reputation of the program and make more and more people fall in love with the program.

What's the point of a show if you can tell it's bad at a glance?
So, after talking to Cheng Yingjie, he left the director team again.

At this time, Song Xiaotong and his assistant had left the rehearsal room, ready to go backstage and wait for the stage.

Xu Jie happened to meet him, so he stepped forward and asked with concern: "Xiaotong, it's your group's turn next, how are your preparations going?"

"Director Xu, I'm ready." Song Xiaotong said confidently, and showed a very high desire to win.

There is no way, there are cameras watching from the side, even if you show a little bit of lack of confidence, you may receive negative comments from the audience.

"Well, not bad." Xu Jie flirted with the videographer at the side, and after the other party left, he whispered to Song Xiaotong: "Xiaotong, I have watched your show, both in content and performance, it is very good. Well, as long as you can perform at a normal level, you are still very hopeful to win the championship..."

Xu Jie repeated to Song Xiaotong what he had just said to Liu Tianze.

This is called justice!
Of course, the most important thing is to sell favors.

Just imagine, based on what he said, who won the championship should thank him?Whoever wins the championship can't you think that he decided it in advance?

Even the people behind these artists have to thank him.

Tonight, he was the last to sell favors in front of this group of people, and of course he had to sell a big one.

After Song Xiaotong heard it, a surprise expression appeared on his face.

Hope to win the championship?

At this moment, it feels like tonight's champion is at your fingertips.

"Mr. Xu, I will definitely perform hard and live up to your expectations." Song Xiaotong said seriously.

Xu Jie waved his hand, "Alright, let's go, come on."

Song Xiaotong nodded heavily, if it wasn't for the fact that she was in public, she would have liked to agree with her body immediately.

I don't know if I will have this opportunity in the future.

Xu Jie left the backstage and returned to the director's group again. He saw Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Boss Jiang, who had been sullen before, getting together. They didn't know what they were talking about, but there was excitement on their faces. It felt like winning the lottery.

"Xiao Xu."

As soon as Xu Jie walked in, he was stopped by Jiang Hai.

"I've got good news for you, the show's ratings have broken 5."

Jiang Hai smiled, his whole fat face bloomed, it felt like the chrysanthemum had turned into a sunflower.


Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, but soon regained his composure, returned to the chief director's seat and sat down.

"Huh? Xiao Xu, why are you upset?" Lu Hong asked strangely.

"I'm not unhappy." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"But why don't you smile?" Lu Hong continued to ask.

"Isn't this a normal thing? Last year's highest ratings in the general competition also exceeded 5." Xu Jie said calmly.

For him, if the average ratings can break 5, maybe it is worth being happy.

The highest break 5?

Isn't this normal operation?


On the other hand, Lu Hong and Jiang Hai were speechless.

It was as if the two of them had never seen the world.

But then again, the two of them have worked in Beijing TV Station for so many years, and they have never seen any other program with a rating of 5.

Lu Hong and Jiang Hai looked at each other, and couldn't help feeling in their hearts: The waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead!

The program Song Xiaotong prepared was not much different from Liu Tianze who appeared earlier, only the type was different.

However, each genre has its audience, not to mention that this is a show that competes in acting skills, so after Song Xiaotong's show ended, the scene also burst into warm applause.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yingjie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

There is no problem with Liu Tianze's program, and there is no problem with Song Xiaotong's program. Now there is only one Hu Yunxi's program left, and I hope there will be no problems.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and looked at Mr. Xu beside him, should he go again?
"You stare here, I will go back as soon as I go."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he got up and left again.


Cheng Yingjie was used to it.

Xu Jie found Hu Yunxi this time, and the team of assistant actors is mighty and mighty. The appearance of ancient costumes, coupled with the armor of each person, gives people a feeling of time travel.

Although Hu Yunxi also wore armor, but because the armor style was different from others, Xu Jie quickly found him.

"Yunxi, don't worry, I've watched your show, both in content and performance, you've done very well..." Xu Jie said seriously.

Still the original recipe, still the original taste.

And Hu Yunxi's reaction was the same as Liu Tianze's and Song Xiaotong's, happy and grateful. If he didn't know that Mr. Xu likes women, he would have wished to agree with him.

After Xu Jie waited for Hu Yunxi to come on stage, he returned to the director group. The three reassurances have been sent out, and now we have to see the final result of the judges.

The big scene Hu Yunxi prepared really bluffed many people. When a hundred soldiers in armor appeared on the stage, there were constant exclamations on the scene. Many people's mouths grew wide and their eyes opened wide round.

Perhaps because of the reaction of the audience, Liu Tianze and Song Xiaotong, who were standing in the background watching the live broadcast, looked nervous at the moment, and they were no longer as confident as before.

But such a scene can only bluff the layman, and the three judges obviously don't like this.

When Hu Yunxi's performance was over and it was time for the judges to comment, the director Jiang Dongsheng pointed straight to the point, saying "The scene is very lively, and the protagonist lacks performance" instantly froze the smile on Hu Yunxi's face.

And then Liu Shiman's sentence "The assistant actor stole the limelight from the lead actor" made Hu Yunxi feel embarrassed, and his heart felt cool.

The three contestants completed their performances in the finals, and finally came to the most exciting moment, the selection of the championship.

At this time, Xu Jie did not look forward to the results like everyone else, but stared intently at the ratings data displayed on the screen.

For him, it doesn't matter who the championship is, and good ratings are king.




The ratings curve continued to climb upwards. At the moment when the three judges were about to announce the final results, the ratings of the live broadcast broke 6, reaching an unprecedented height.

Jiang Dongsheng revealed the answer: Liu Tianze.

Zhou Zhenyang revealed the answer: Song Xiaotong.

At this moment, all eyes were on the female judge Liu Shiman.

Is the overall champion Liu Tianze or Song Xiaotong?Or, a tie with Hu Yunxi?

Liu Shiman's answer is very important.

And Liu Shiman seemed to know this too, the whole process was in slow motion, and it took a long time before he revealed his answer: Liu Tianze.

Music, flowers, applause, camera...

For a moment, everything focused on Liu Tianze.

And Liu Tianze hugged the assistant behind him excitedly, and then thanked everyone for their support, his eyes turned red at this moment.

His eyes looked around the scene, and finally turned to the direction of the director team. His eyes were full of gratitude, and he bowed deeply.

He knew that without Mr. Xu's support, he would not be where he is today.

Mr. Xu is his benefactor.

Next came the award presentation, and the overall champion gave an acceptance speech.

In the end, the remaining twelve contestants came to the stage. Amidst the chorus of everyone, the fourth season of "Crossover Actors" ended perfectly.

And Xu Jie created a series of ratings records.


(End of this chapter)

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