Chapter 1096

The finals of the fourth season of "Crossover Actors" ended perfectly, and the ratings were released accordingly.

The final result of 4.763 not only made this year's finals the highest-rated episode in the entire fourth season, but also surpassed the ratings of last year's third-season finals, and once again refreshed the Beijing TV variety show created by Xu Jie himself The ratings have been recorded, and it has increased a lot, becoming the existence that countless programs look up to.

This also proves once again that "Crossover Actor" is still the most popular variety show in China, and Xu Jie is still the best variety show director in China.

Just when the Beijing Satellite TV official Weibo released the good ratings report, and the overall champion Liu Tianze was ranked first in the hot search, Xu Jie, who was behind all this, was sleeping at home.

What he made up for was not only the lack of sleep during the finals, but also the sleep he lacked in the later stages of "Legend of Lan Xi".

You must know that he has been busy for more than two months just for the post-production of "Legend of Lan Xi".

In fact, after finishing the editing work of "Legend of Lan Xi", he wanted to relax and give himself a big vacation. However, he met the finals of "Crossover Actor" again. In a job, who can bear such a workload and intensity?
That is to say, he is still young and in good health. If someone is older, he is probably already lying in the hospital on a drip.

Because he only got home in the middle of the night, Xu Jie slept until four o'clock in the afternoon the next day before waking up.

A full sixteen hours.

Fortunately, it was summer. If it was winter, it would be almost dark outside by now.

The first thing Xu Jie did after waking up was to go to the bathroom. In fact, if he hadn't been awakened by urination, he could have continued to sleep.

He turned on his mobile phone, put it on the sink beside him, and then stood in front of the toilet and started to turn on the water.

In order to get a good night's sleep, he had turned off his phone before going to bed last night.

Although today is Sunday, a rest day, he knew that after the finals of "Crossover Actors", many people would definitely call him.

"Ding ding ding..."

As soon as the phone was turned on, the notification tone kept ringing.

After washing his hands, Xu Jie picked up his mobile phone. It showed 72 missed calls, 36 text messages and 99+ WeChat messages.

As he went downstairs, he looked through the records. The one who called the most was Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, who made 6 calls in total, followed by Qin Yan, and Sun Hao from Mangmang Media, who made 5 calls, as well as Boss Jiang and Chen Liangwei. , Zhang Zhicheng, Gao Xiaoxi, Hu Zhen, Liu Tianze and so on.

Looking at the text messages and WeChat, they are also sent by those who called, and the content is basically the same, except for the good news and thank you.

Only Qin Yan was different from others, and asked her when "Ordinary Courage" would start, why she didn't answer the phone, and whether she was busy with other work elsewhere.

Xu Jie picked some key points from the call and called back these people, first of all was Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The call was connected quickly.

Before Xu Jie could speak, he heard the voice of deputy editor-in-chief Lu from the microphone.

"Xiao Xu, did you see the ratings of the finals last night? It exceeded 4.7 and set a new ratings record. You really deserve it!" Lu Hong said excitedly.

When there are no outsiders around, he is still used to calling the other party Xiao Xu, which looks kind.

As for why I didn't answer the previous 6 calls, I don't care at all.

Who made the other party the cash cow of Beijing TV Station?
"I haven't watched it yet, I just woke up." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

However, as for the ratings of the show, he already knew about it last night. Although it is not as accurate as the official release today, the difference will not be too big.

He remembered that the ratings he saw last night were 4.727.

Lu Hong was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and subconsciously looked at the time, it was 4:39 p.m., what kind of sleep was this?

But on another thought, the other party must be tired after finishing the TV series and the finals, otherwise why would he just wake up?

Others may not know it, but he knows very well in his heart that Xiao Xu is very diligent.

"Xiao Xu, did I interrupt your rest? I'm sorry, I'm so happy, I want to share this joy with you, okay, I won't tell you anymore, go back to sleep, let's talk another day." Lu Hong hurriedly said.

He knew very well that if Xiao Xu didn't get enough rest, the ratings of the entire Beijing Satellite TV would drop.

What's more, the other party will be in charge of another popular variety show "Ordinary Courage". This is the key program of Beijing Satellite TV in the second half of the year, and there is no room for loss.

"Okay." Xu Jie responded and was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly remembered something and said quickly: "By the way, Editor-in-Chief Lu, starting next week, I will be preparing for the program "Ordinary Courage" , when the time comes, many things will bother you..."

When Lu Hong heard it, he immediately became unhappy, "What trouble is not troublesome, you will be offended if you say this, this is your program, and it is also my program, if there is anything that needs me to do, just tell me, I will definitely do my best when the time comes Go all the way and don't hold you back."

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu."

Xu Jie got the answer and hung up the phone.

Next, he called Boss Jiang.

What the other party wanted to say was the same as that of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, it was all about ratings, nothing special.

Just as he was about to call Qin Yan back, the phone rang suddenly. He looked at the caller ID, and it was Sun Hao calling again.

"Mr. Sun, good weekend." Xu Jie greeted the other party with a smile after answering the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Xu, I saw the good ratings report released by Beijing Satellite TV. Congratulations, you have won multiple ratings records, and if there is no accident, your program will still be the champion of variety shows this year." Sun Hao is happy Said.

Although there is a certain competitive relationship between Huxiang Satellite TV and Beijing Satellite TV, and the "Crossover Actor" directed by the other party has also overwhelmed all the variety shows of Hunan Satellite TV, but from a personal point of view, she must thank the other party, because this season "" The biggest beneficiaries of "Crossover Actor" are her artists.

Liu Tianze's victory not only brought huge personal traffic to him, but also laid a solid foundation for his transformation from a singer to an actor.

In fact, Liu Tianze received many invitations for film and television dramas before the finals started, and after winning the championship, he received countless scripts in just one day, including invitations from some famous directors, and even Advertising endorsement.

And as Liu Tianze's boss, can she not thank Xu Jie?

"Same joy, same joy, I think Liu Tianze has received a lot of contracts now?" Xu Jie asked.

"Hee hee, as expected of Mr. Xu, everything is under your control. By the way, he has already told me what you said to Liu Tianze before the performance. Thank you very much this time. Without your help, There will be no Liu Tianze today, and your business will be my business in the future, but if you hesitate for a second, I, Sun Hao, will not be human." Sun Hao said firmly.

What a favor it is to award the championship to Liu Tianze by default. In comparison, the resources she provided to the other party are nothing at all.

"Mr. Sun, you are too polite. We are not outsiders. Huxiang Satellite TV bought my TV series, and now our artists are communicating with each other. I believe we will have more opportunities to cooperate in the future. What do you think? "Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Xu is right. Let's strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the future."

Although he couldn't see it, Sun Hao was nodding his head fiercely.

At this moment, she remembered the words that Dong Xiaoli, the deputy editor-in-chief, said: Since you can't dig it out, then make good friends, not only treat Xu Jie as a partner, but also as a friend, even if you can't get the other person, you can't get him. To get the other person's heart.

"Mr. Xu, we are going to hold a party for Liu Tianze tonight, will you come?" Sun Hao asked.

"From a personal point of view, I really want to go, but from a work point of view, I can only thank Mr. Sun for his kindness. What if this matter is spread and it is infinitely magnified by some caring people? In the future, what will I do in the future? It's time to go to Huxiang, and we will meet again when the time comes." Xu Jie said.

Sun Hao was taken aback for a while, and after thinking about it carefully, it really was the case.

Liu Tianze won the championship, there must be some people who are not convinced, just like if Song Xiaotong or Hu Yunxi won the championship, she would not be convinced either.

If the chief director of the program is filmed at the championship's private party at this time, it will definitely make the unconvinced people have other ideas. Once the topic is used to make a fuss, the city will be full of ups and downs, and it will not be good for Mr. Xu or Liu Tianze. .

"Mr. Xu is still thoughtful, then I will wait for you in Huxiang." Sun Hao said.

"Well, I will definitely go."

Xu Jie chatted briefly with Sun Hao again, and then hung up the phone.

Just as he thought, Liu Tianze really told Sun Hao what he said.

With this championship, he will basically be on the Huxiang Satellite TV side in the future.

what is right?

That is, what resources he wants, the other party will arrange for him. Otherwise, how can he be worthy of this championship?

At the end of the phone call, Xu Jie thought of Chen Liangwei and Zhang Zhicheng, who also called him and sent a WeChat message to congratulate him, but he didn't know if the congratulations were sincere or not.

Well, it is necessary to make a phone call to test it out.

Some people will be grateful if they get second and third, but some people will suspect shady things and hold grudges if they don't get first.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Soon, the call to Chen Liangwei was connected.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I just woke up after a day of sleep. I just saw your WeChat message, thank you." Xu Jie said.

"The ratings of the finals are so high, of course I have to congratulate Mr. Xu." Chen Liangwei said with a smile.

Hearing Chen Liangwei's voice, Xu Jie didn't seem to be angry, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"The ratings are really high, but it's a pity that Hu Yunxi failed to win the championship. In fact, I am very optimistic about Hu Yunxi. Before he came on stage, I deliberately talked to him. Later, I found out about the judges and some audience members. Their answers were very consistent. Everyone I want to watch Hu Yunxi's performance, and I don't want to watch those fancy things, but this also reflects everyone's love and expectation for Hu Yunxi..."

Xu Jie talked on and on, and the main meaning he wanted to express was: I helped, and the problem was your own fault. You may not win the championship, but you must accept my favor.

"Mr. Xu, I called you because I wanted to talk about this matter. Hu Yunxi has already told me, thank you for your love for him. I am to blame for this. It is because I did not check the script well and failed your expectations. .”

Chen Liangwei let out a sigh of relief when he said this.

The reason why such a script was created at the beginning was to use a trick to avoid Hu Yunxi's mistakes on the stage of the finals. As a result, stealing chickens did not make a big loss. Not only did it fail, but it became the fatal injury of the whole show.

Now that I think about it, I have already come to the stage of the finals, so what if I make a mistake?If you don't give it a go, how can you win the championship?

It's that he thinks too much.

"Mr. Chen, don't blame yourself too much. In fact, Hu Yunxi's show is still very good. It's just that I have different ideas. But don't be too depressed. Although I failed to win the championship this time, there is still another season. You Say?"

Xu Jie drew a cake for the other party, as long as the other party accepts it, then from now to next year, what will he say in front of the other party if he doesn't say anything?
Who can resist the temptation of the championship?

The closer the person is to the championship, the more eager they are for the championship.

"Mr. Xu is right. We will compete in "Crossover Actor" next year. We will study hard and make persistent efforts to win the championship. We will live up to Mr. Xu's hard work." Chen Liangwei said seriously, his heart full of happy.

Although he doesn't know if he can win the championship next year, he already has the resource of "Crossover Actor" next year in his hands.

Judging from the popularity and ratings of this season's "Crossover Actor", the next season's "Crossover Actor" will definitely be more sought-after.

Mr. Xu not only gave him next year's quota in advance, but also seems to intend to award the championship to his person to make up for this year's regret. Can he be unhappy?

"Haha, after Mr. Chen said so, I am now looking forward to next year's "Crossover Actor"." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Me too!"

The two chatted for a while before ending the call.

Xu Jie then called Zhang Zhicheng again.

As for the content of the call, it was the same as Chen Liangwei.

The artistes of the two companies failed to win the championship, and they were only one step away from the championship. They must be full of regrets.

Xu Jie used his perfect tongue to repeat what he said to Chen Liangwei, and Zhang Zhicheng was deeply moved when he heard it.

Zhang Zhicheng and Chen Liangwei felt a little different.

Because Song Xiaotong got one vote, but Hu Yunxi didn't get one vote, so there was no dissatisfaction or imbalance in my heart, and more of a pity.

If Liu Shiman had voted for Song Xiaotong in the end, wouldn't the championship be theirs?
Now hearing Mr. Xu's hint, Zhang Zhicheng was very excited, as if next year's championship was already in his pocket, and at the same time he sighed in his heart:
Mr. Xu, pay attention!


(End of this chapter)

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