The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 1097 Take the initiative

Chapter 1097 Take the initiative
After the finals of "Crossover Actors", Xu Jie only rested at home for a day before devoting himself to his new job.

"Ordinary Courage" starts broadcasting in October every year, so he only has two and a half months to shoot this show. For a variety show, the time is very tight, but for him, he has already gotten used to it work intensity.

On Monday morning, Xu Jie came to the company after catching up on sleep.

Compared with usual, there are a lot fewer people in the company today.

That's because everyone in the film department has gone to make movies, and the two works selected in the support plan for new directors have already started production, and they are expected to be finished before the end of the year.

There are also people from the performance department. After being busy with the cultural festival, they went to the tourism festival again, and they still cooperated with the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and other departments.

July and August are the summer vacation for students, and it is also a very suitable season for travel. Therefore, as soon as July enters, there are many festivals in this festival.

Although these festivals will not bring much performance to the company, they can narrow the relationship between the company and various departments in the city, and they can take care of anything in the future.

Xu Jie returned to the office and was about to look through the documents on the table when there was a knock on the door.


"Come in."

The door was gently pushed open, and Wang Yang, the person in charge of the personnel department, came out from the outside.

"Morning Mr. Xu."

Wang Yang greeted him respectfully. Although he failed to become the deputy general manager in the last internal promotion, he did not dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction and complaints against Mr. Xu in front of him.

Because once it got to Mr. Xu's ears, his current position as the person in charge of the personnel department would be lost.

If it were a few years ago, he didn't care about this seat, because as long as he wanted, there were many companies outside that could provide him with the same seat.

But now, the company's development is booming, getting better every day, from a small transparency in the industry to a leader, and he has left here reluctantly.

"Mr. Xu, here are the resumes of [-] job applicants who passed the written test and interview. Please have a look." Wang Yang handed the resumes in front of Mr. Xu.


Xu Jie was startled slightly after hearing this, and picked up a resume to read it.

The company's business has increased, and the shortage of personnel has become more and more serious. With the development of the business, the company also urgently needs some professional talents in a certain field, which is also the main purpose of this recruitment.

In fact, at the beginning of this year, he planned to recruit new people, but because he was too busy with work, he never implemented the recruitment work.

It was not until the post-production of "Legend of Lan Xi" that many tasks were too strenuous for the employees of the TV drama department, and they often even learned and sold it now. Then he put the recruitment on the agenda and handed it over to the person in charge of the personnel department Wang Yang is in charge.

Counting it, it has been almost two months since he asked Wang Yang to do this matter, and he has been busy with the finals recently, if the other party does not come to him today, he may have forgotten this matter again .

"Are there many applicants?" Xu Jie asked while flipping through his resume.

I don't know what Jingshi culture looks like in the minds of job seekers.

After hearing this, Wang Yang immediately said excitedly: "Many, very many. After the recruitment announcement was sent out, thousands of resumes were received in just one week, including fresh graduates and current employees of peer companies. , After written tests and interviews, these 30 people were finally selected, and what they have in common is that they have relevant work experience and can use it immediately.”

"En." Xu Jie nodded, this is very important.

What the company needs now are veterans who can immediately put into work. As for novices, there is no time for them to learn and adapt.

"You go back first. These resumes will stay with me for the time being. I will notify you after I read them." Xu Jie said to Wang Yang, and he was going to check it himself.

"Yes." Wang Yang exited the office lightly and closed the door.

Xu Jie took the resume and looked at it one by one.

Recruiting employees is a very important thing for the company, because the positions listed in the recruitment announcement are the most urgently needed positions at Jingshi Culture.

If the recruitment is good, the company's self-reliance will be greatly improved, but if the recruitment is not good, the company can only continue to cooperate with Beijing TV Station and Forbidden Films on some projects.

Although everyone is on their own, Xu Jie doesn't want to rely on others everywhere. This will reduce the company's competitiveness and seriously affect the company's future development.

He quickly went through the [-] resumes. Although there were some professionals among them, most of them didn't have any good works.

Simply put, these people can do these jobs, but there is still some distance from doing them well.

He divided his resume into two parts and asked Wang Yang to come and pick them up.


"Come in!"

Xu Jie looked at Wang Yang, picked up a stack of resumes and handed them to the other party, "I think these are all right, let them come as soon as possible." Then he picked up another stack of resumes and handed them to the other party, "There is no need for these, we What is needed now are industry elites, you know what I mean?"


Wang Yang held two stacks of resumes, one was less and the other was more, few passed and many failed.

He checked with his eyes, and there were about ten people who passed, and the rest were eliminated.

Wang Yang thought that his review was already very strict, but he didn't expect Mr. Xu's review to be even stricter than his.

In this way, thousands of people only passed ten in the end, and the acceptance rate of less than [-]% is extremely low among the peers.

"Mr. Xu, are these people enough? Should we continue to post recruitment announcements?" Wang Yang asked.

After a lot of effort, only ten people were recruited in the end, and they will be distributed to various departments. Each department can only get two or three people at most. This is simply a drop in the bucket for each department, and it will not change much.

"Recruit, continue to recruit." Xu Jie said.

However, from this recruitment, he also saw some problems.

Talent can be recruited, but not many.

And looking for talents through recruitment is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Compared to passively waiting for talents to come to you, he believes that taking the initiative should be more effective.

"Old Wang, there are several very important technical positions here. We must find suitable candidates as soon as possible. If you can't find them, you can try to poach them from your peers. Our Jingshi Culture still has many advantages." Xu Jie Said.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, but in terms of conditions..."

Poaching is different from recruitment. Recruitment provides general salary and benefits, while poaching must come up with better conditions, so that the poached talents will be tempted.

But the problem is, as the person in charge of the personnel department, he has very limited promises. What if he talks too much?Who will bear the extra salary and benefits?

Should it be deducted from his salary?
"As long as you have the ability, your salary can refer to his current level, with a maximum increase of 30.00%. Also, let's talk more about bonuses. Our company's main income now is not wages, but bonuses, understand?" Xu Jie reminded.

This is the latest award system announced by Beijing TV Station this year. Each subsidiary company can get 30.00% of the project profit as a bonus, so as to encourage the performance of each company and increase everyone's enthusiasm for work.

If he can produce a popular film and television drama, it is absolutely no problem to earn him a small goal.

30.00% of a small goal is 3000 million. If it is allocated to individuals, there will be hundreds of thousands if not millions. This is not a small amount.

Even among peers, it is very high.

Just ask, who can not be tempted?
No one has trouble with money.


Although Wang Yang felt that the task was arduous, after all, his ability to fool was not as strong as Mr. Xu, he still nodded heavily and took over the task.

"Old Wang, you should be more careful about this matter. Don't worry, you won't be made to do it for nothing. If you dig one, you will be rewarded with 100 yuan, and if you dig up [-], you will be rewarded with [-] million yuan." Xu Jie said harsh words directly.

Compared with painting cakes and cooking chicken soup, he personally prefers to use money to motivate his subordinates.

The old saying goes well: money can make ghosts turn mills.

As long as the money is in place, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, some people will go.

And in his view, talent is the foundation of a company, compared to 100 million or 200 million, it is nothing at all.

If a project is done well, the company will get more than this amount.

After Wang Yang heard it, his eyes lit up immediately.

Just a moment ago, I felt a heavy burden on my shoulders, but now I am full of energy.

Nothing makes a worker happier than money.

A reward of [-] for digging one?

This is a windfall.

Even if Mr. Xu doesn't reward him, as the person in charge of the personnel department, doesn't he have to do it?
Mr. Xu is still grand!
"Mr. Xu, don't worry, I will definitely recruit the people you need to our company." Wang Yang puffed up his chest, raised his head, lowered his abdomen, raised his hips, and vowed to make a promise.

For the bonus, even if it is kidnapping, he still has to kidnap people.

"Ring bell bell!"

The phone on the desk rang suddenly, Xu Jie checked the incoming call, it was Cheng Yingjie calling.

When Wang Yang saw Mr. Xu was busy, he immediately said: "Mr. Xu, I'm going back first, you just wait to hear my good news." After speaking, he walked out of the office quickly.

He couldn't wait to tie him up, no, he was going to poach someone.

After waiting for Wang Yang to leave, Xu Jie picked up the phone on the desk.

"what's up?"

"Boss Xu, everyone is here," Cheng Yingjie said.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Xu Jie hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

The people Cheng Yingjie mentioned were the staff of the "Ordinary Courage" program group and the artists who participated in this program this season.

He said that he started recording "Ordinary Courage" after the finals of "Crossover Actors", and the recording started right after the finals.

Although today is the first meeting of the program team, in fact, as early as more than two months ago, he had already started to prepare the planning and script of the variety show "Ordinary Courage".

Otherwise, the show would not have been dragged until now.

When Xu Jie came to the conference room, the conference room was already full of people, hundreds of people, which made the originally empty conference room look very crowded.

But when everyone saw Mr. Xu walking in from the outside, everyone immediately stood up in unison, even the celebrities and managers present were no exception.

In the just-concluded "Crossover Actor" finals, Yu Wen has not completely subsided, and there are still many people talking about this show, so whether it is from the staff of Beijing TV Station or the stars from the entertainment industry, whoever meets Mr. Xu is Be respectful.

Because everyone knows very well that whether "Ordinary Courage" can continue the popularity of the previous two seasons depends entirely on Mr. Xu's operation.

other people?
In vain.

Xu Jie stood at the front by himself, turned his head and looked around, his eyes swept over everyone's faces, finally nodded and said with a smile: "Everyone sit down."

After everyone listened, no one actually sat down. They didn't sit down until they saw Mr. Xu sitting on the seat.

"Today is the first meeting of our program, and starting from today, the third season of "Crossover Actor" will be officially launched. I hope everyone can unite and work together to make this show well and strive to surpass "Crossover Actor" ratings."

Xu Jie's opening remarks are very simple.

"Crossover Actor" has just ended, and Beijing Satellite TV also released a good ratings report. Everyone present either followed him to eat, or waited for him to enjoy the meal. They should all know the ratings.

Under such circumstances, he felt that he didn't need to say much at all, and he didn't need to explain any big reasons, because it turned out that as long as he worked hard with him, the ratings and traffic would be there.

If there is anyone who does not cooperate at this time, it is because the brain is squeezed by the door.

"Mr. Xu, we will do whatever you say. We are all up to you." Huasen Media's Artist Management Director Chang Ziyang looked flattering, then looked at the people around him, and asked loudly: "What do you think?" ?”



"Mr. Xu, feel free to use us boldly."

Artists echoed loudly, with high morale.

They finally got the chance to participate in this show, so how could they not cooperate?
Not to mention cooperating in front of the camera, they are willing to cooperate even in front of the bed.

In contrast, the staff present seemed calmer, probably because most of them had just finished "Crossover Actor".

Because the main force of the "Ordinary Courage" program group is the group of "Crossover Actors".

"Well, very good, I like your attitude." Xu Jie nodded in satisfaction.

The staff are all his people and will definitely listen to him, the only uncertain factor is these stars.

However, it turned out that Xu Jie was thinking too much.

"Ordinary Courage" itself is a very popular variety show, and "Crossover Actor" has just finished broadcasting, and it has set a record in ratings. Who would dare not listen to Mr. Xu?

Not to mention that the recording of the show hasn't started yet, even if it is recorded, people can be replaced.

Doesn't it rarely happen in the entertainment industry that they are replaced halfway?

What's more, this time they are going to face Mr. Xu, the big boss in the industry, who can make them disappear from the entertainment industry with a single sentence.

"Qin Yan, tell everyone about the plan for this season." Xu Jie said to Qin Yan who was sitting in the front row.

The reason why he asked the other party to talk was not only because the other party was the host, but also because he wanted to make the other party the center of the show.

In the future, let the other party take charge of the program "Ordinary Courage" more, so that he can relax a bit.


(End of this chapter)

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