Chapter 1098
Qin Yan talked about the planning content of the latest season of "Ordinary Courage". Because she participated in the whole planning, she said it in great detail, even people who don't know much about the show can understand it.

The hosts are more talkative.

Xu Jie had read the plan, so after Qin Yan finished speaking, he turned his attention to the six artists who were also the protagonists of the show, and asked, "Is there anything you don't understand?"


"Understood, the host said it very clearly."

Several artists spoke one after another.

"Well, what are your thoughts and opinions on the planning content? Let's discuss it together. After all, this is not only our program, but also your program. Our goal is the same, and we all want to make this program a good one." Xu Jie continued.

The artists were very moved when they heard it. Mr. Xu was able to solicit their thoughts and opinions. He respected them and flattered them too much.

But flattery is flattery, and they can't be ignorant of flattery.

"Mr. Xu, I think this plan is very well done. It is full of creativity and can enhance the significance of the show. I have no objection." Song Xiaoru said immediately.

"Ordinary Courage" has been aired for two seasons, and both of them have achieved hot ratings. Under such circumstances, how could she dare to doubt the planning plan of the program group?
Besides, if the host can read this planning plan, it means that Mr. Xu has read it and agreed with it. Maybe there are also Mr. Xu's thoughts and opinions in it.

If you comment on this planning plan, isn't it equivalent to having an opinion on Mr. Xu?
Only a fool would do that.

You must know that Mr. Xu is currently the best variety show director in China.

"Xiaoru is right, I think so too." Du Changlin on the side hurriedly echoed.

"Mr. Xu, you are an expert and an expert in planning variety shows. We will do whatever you want." Zhou Jinlin expressed his attitude and flattered him.

"Yes, we listen to you."


Others are not far behind.

When participating in other variety shows, they dare to point fingers at the director, but they don't have the guts to participate in "Ordinary Courage".

First, Mr. Xu is not only the chief director of the show, he also has another identity, the general manager of Jingshi Culture, a serious boss in the circle, who wants to block someone is just a matter of upper lip touching lower lip, how about Who dares to offend such a boss?
And before coming to participate in this program, the boss and the agent repeatedly emphasized that they must listen to Mr. Xu. This sentence has been deeply engraved in their hearts now, how dare they not listen?
Second, the purpose of everyone participating in this program is not for that little labor fee, but to earn exposure, traffic, and topics.

All in all, it is a sentence: what is not popular is for the sake of being popular, and what is hot is for being more popular.

Sitting here now, how could they destroy this hard-won resource with their own hands?
Isn't that stupid-forced?
"Since everyone has no doubts, then we will shoot the program according to this planned content in the future." Xu Jie looked around for a week, suddenly his face changed, and he said seriously: "Ugly words are up front. If anyone complains during filming, don't listen to it." Commander, if you feel bitter, tired, and dirty, don't blame me for turning my face and refusing to recognize anyone."

The hearts of the six artists trembled. Although they were ready to be obedient, Mr. Xu's words were still like a sharp knife on their bodies, making them break out in cold sweat.

But after recovering, he felt nothing. After all, as long as he is obedient, Mr. Xu will not turn his face.

After entering the entertainment industry, what hardships have you experienced?What are you tired of?What dirty work hasn't been done?

In contrast, filming a variety show is not too easy.

"Mr. Xu, I've watched the first two seasons of "Ordinary Courage", and I'm mentally prepared. If I say a word of bitterness, I'll quit the circle directly." Hu Hui said solemnly.

Song Xiaoru and the others took the lead just now, and this time they must show it in front of Mr. Xu.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

Back off?
Is the price too high?
But after thinking about it carefully, other artists regretted not expressing their opinions immediately, and Hu Hui took the lead.

Retiring from the circle just sounds very serious, but as long as you don't do that, don't you need to quit the circle?
"Okay, then let's go to Beijing TV Station to officially start the recording of the third season of "Ordinary Courage"." Xu Jie stood up as he said.

Everyone in the conference room stood up in unison, some excited, some looking forward to it, it was finally about to start.

Xu Jie asked Cheng Yingjie to take people into the car, and the six camera teams also began to work at this moment, recording the whole process of the artist going to the Beijing TV station to choose a career.

Xu Jie walked out of the conference room, stood in the corridor, and only followed after Qin Yan came out.

As the host of this show, Qin Yan should be the busiest one at the moment, even her steps are very fast, surpassing many people in a row.

"Master Qin presides over it."

Xu Jie couldn't help calling the other party to stop.

He wondered why women could walk so fast in high heels.

Qin Yan stopped, looked back at Xu Jie in doubt, and asked very positively, "Director Xu, what are your orders?"

Xu Jie came to the other party's side, pointed to the front, and said to the other party while walking: "I have an idea, I don't know if you want it or not."

"What idea?" Qin Yan opened her eyes wide, her face full of interest.

"I'm going to add more burdens to you. In the future, in addition to being the host, you also have to participate in the discussion of the show. You can't be the host for the rest of your life. It's time for you to develop in an all-round way. What do you think?" Xu said Jay asked.

Qin Yan was stunned immediately after hearing this.

She thought the other party had some new ideas about the show, but it wasn't quite about her.

Add burden?
Participate in the discussion of the program?
Of course she would.

In fact, she has been looking for a transformation, trying to grasp both the front and backstage, so as not to be eliminated after leaving Xu Jie.

And Xu Jie's words just now can be said to have reached her heart.

Now she is not satisfied with being just a host, she also hopes to become a producer and have her own show.

Watch popular shows.

"I am willing, I am very willing." Qin Yan said happily, if it wasn't for the monitoring in the corridor, and there were other people around, she would have hugged him and kissed him hard.


I really understand her very well.

"It's fine if you want."

Xu Jie smiled, and he knew that the other party would definitely agree.

Although there is more work, who doesn't want to be taken seriously?Who wouldn't want to get more involved with an important project?

Seeing that everyone around him had almost left, he simply had a showdown.

"To be honest, I just want you to help me share the program "Ordinary Courage". As you know, the focus of our JingTV culture is the film and television industry, and variety shows involve too much time and energy, so I I want to find someone who can make decisions for me when I am not around, and you are my choice." Xu Jie said seriously.

Let Qin Yan know how much he values ​​the other person.

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment, and then showed an expression of sudden realization.

It turned out to be the case.

After figuring it out, she couldn't help but be moved by the sincerity of the other party, and at the same time, she was grateful for being able to gain the trust of the other party.

In other words, isn't it an honor to be picked by the other party?

"Thank you for choosing me." Qin Yan said seriously, "Don't worry, I will never disappoint your expectations."

Seeing the other party's appearance, Xu Jie couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand and patted the other party's shoulder and said, "Don't talk about this between us, besides, I thank you if I want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I would still be here now." The life program center, okay, let's go."

"En." Qin Yan nodded.

But it’s a bit embarrassing to say that the reason why she persuaded the other party to join the art program center from the life program center was not because of the other party’s strong working ability, but because the other party had a celebrity wife who could provide a lot of support for her programs. Information and gossip about entertainment.

She also didn't expect that the other party would seem to be hooked after joining the cultural program center.

What kind of show, what kind of show is popular.

In a few years, he has changed from a literary reporter to the general manager of a media company, and the upward momentum is as fast as a rocket.

Looking at the man walking in front, she quickened her pace and followed.

At this moment, Qin Yan suddenly had an idea in her heart, she really hoped that she could follow the other party and keep walking like this.

Everyone took a bus from Jingshi Culture to Jingcheng TV Station.

The six stars were in the same bus, and the host Qin Yan was naturally in it.

In order to have more program material, she started the interview directly in the car.

"Have everyone watched this program?" Qin Yan asked.


The six stars nodded again and again.

Who dares to say that they haven't seen it?

Even if you haven't watched it before, in order to participate in this show, you have to review the first two seasons to familiarize yourself with the content of the show so as not to make a fool of yourself during filming.

"I'm a loyal fan of the show "Ordinary Courage"." Chen Min added, highlighting his sense of presence.

"Me too, I watch it all the time." Song Xinru said.

"Who isn't?" Justin Sun said with a smile.

"Since all of you have watched this program, I don't know what career you want to choose later? I think you must have already thought about it in your mind?" Qin Yan asked.

The six celebrities looked at each other, thinking: Isn't this nonsense?
The moment they decide to participate in this program, they have already started to choose a career, choose some they are competent for, and also carry out a certain understanding and even training, in order to let the audience know how good they are.

For example: delivering express delivery, knowing the street routes in various areas, as well as real estate agencies, learning some professional knowledge, etc.

Of course, these must not be said.

Saying it is cheating.

"I'm from the capital city, and I know the streets in various districts fairly well. I shouldn't have any problems with jobs like delivering couriers and food." Zhou Jinlin said first.

Someone started to talk, and others stopped pretending to be dumb and began to speak freely.

"I think I can do the job in sales, especially about cosmetics. I know a lot about it."

"I have some little cleanliness, I am good at cleaning and hygiene."

"I think the job of a florist is also good. I don't know why there is no candidate."


Xu Jie, who was sitting at the front, couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth and showing a smile after hearing this.

If I can make you wish, I will lose!

You just wait to be beaten by the society.

Not long after, the bus drove into the capital TV station.

After getting off the car, the host Qin Yan led the six artists to the Grand Theater.

On the way here, the venue for choosing a career has already been set up, as before, on the stage of the Grand Theater.

The finals of "Crossover Actors" have just ended, and many sets have not had time to be dismantled, but this will not delay the recording of the new program.

When you watch the show "Ordinary Courage", what you see is that artists are beaten up. Who cares about the scenery?
The artists stood on the stage, facing twenty whiteboards with various occupations written on them, all of which were covered with red cloth at the moment, if you want to know what occupation is written on each whiteboard, you have to lift the red cloth.

This was something that had never happened in the previous two seasons of the show, so the six artists were very puzzled, as this change was not mentioned in the previous planning.

There is indeed no such thing in the plan, this is an idea that Xu Jie thought of temporarily.

Otherwise, how could Qin Yan have question marks on her face like an artist?
"Director Xu, this is..."

Qin Yan came to Xu Jie's side and asked in a low voice.

"It's already the third season of the show, so there must be some tricks?"

Xu Jie whispered a few more words in Qin Yan's ear, and Qin Yan gradually showed a smirk.

"How is it?" Xu Jie asked.

"You still have a lot of tricks."

Qin Yan stretched out her hand and patted the other party's arm, and stepped in front of the six artists.

"On the way here, the six of you once said that you have watched the program "Ordinary Courage", and you must be very familiar with the process of choosing a career, so the program team is going to temporarily increase the difficulty for you..." Qin Yan said with a smile .

After hearing this, the artists shouted in their hearts: Damn.

Been tricked.

"Now, the twenty occupations are all covered with red cloth. If you want to know what occupation is written on each whiteboard, you can only open it to see it yourself, and you must cover it after reading it. Occupation, of course, if you find your favorite occupation, you can just stand still in front of the whiteboard, and the selection time is 2 minutes...

Qin Yan talked about the rules.

The six artists nodded while listening. It seemed that there was no difficulty for them. It was just a piece of cloth added to the whiteboard. If you move quickly, 2 minutes is enough to go through them all.

"The last point, everyone needs to stand on the opposite side of the stage before flipping through the pages, then bend down, bow their heads, and turn around twenty times on the spot..."

When Qin Yan said this, she couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, two staff members pulled up a red line and stood in front of the artist, signaling the artist to step back, all the way to the left side of the stage, while the whiteboards were distributed on the right side of the stage, with a difference of about ten meters between them.

If you walk normally, this distance is nothing, even if it is farther, it will be fine, but if you walk after twenty laps, it will be different.

The six artists also realized this at this moment, and they were all confused.

This, doesn't this make them look ugly?
Turn twenty laps, it is a person, and after the turn, I am confused.

Xu Jie, standing behind the camera, smiled.

All I want is for you to make a fool of yourself.


(End of this chapter)

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