Chapter 1099 So Ruthless!
The six artists present looked at each other, and they all seemed a little caught off guard at the moment.

No one thought that the program would be changed in the process of choosing a career. No one notified them in advance, nor heard about it in the previous planning content.

Although such a change does sound like it can add a certain amount of fun to the show, it makes it more difficult for artists to choose a career.

Especially those [-] laps, after the turn, there will inevitably be embarrassment.

Once it affects the final career choice, it is small to suffer and suffer in the whole season of the show, and it is troublesome to leave a bad impression on the audience.

Everyone looked at the hostess Qin Yan in unison. Although there was a camera on the side, they still couldn't help asking some questions.

"What if I don't choose a career within the specified time?" Justin Sun asked curiously.

"Yes, is there a second chance?" Song Xinru asked immediately.

In fact, what she meant was, if you didn't choose well once, can you do it again, that is, re-shoot it again, after all, it is recording a program now, not live broadcasting.

She had watched the previous two seasons of "Ordinary Courage". There were not only many highly professional occupations, but also many dirty and tiring occupations, and even some weird occupations, which were really beyond the capabilities of laymen like them.

If there are two chances, three chances, or even more chances, everyone will relax mentally and won't be so nervous and worried as they are now.

"Everyone has only one chance. If you don't choose a job within the specified time, the last job you see will prevail." Qin Yan replied with a smile.


After hearing this, the six stars all stayed on the spot with stiff expressions.

Because in this way, they don't have many opportunities to choose. They can only make a choice as soon as possible after seeing the occupation, whether to choose or not to choose.

If you choose, there may be simpler and easier occupations in the future.

If you don't choose, you will take the risk to see the next one, and you may end up picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelon.

"Is there a script? Do we need to choose a career according to the arrangement of the program group?" Du Changlin asked.

He has participated in variety shows of other TV stations, and there are scripts in them, such as who does what, what kind of character set for whom, and so on.

But he has not seen the script of this program so far, he only knows the content of the plan, and it does not tell them how to do it.

"There is no script, and there is no arrangement. Our "Ordinary Courage" program focuses on giving you full freedom. You can play as you like and let yourself go." Qin Yan said.


The corner of Du Changlin's mouth twitched after hearing this, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Freedom is precious, but sometimes the more freedom the better.

For example: participating in a variety show.

Without a script, artists can really play freely and do whatever they want, but what should they do if they are embarrassing?Once you destroy the image you have maintained for many years, what should you do?
Although there is no restraint and no restrictions of rules and regulations, it also makes them wonder what to do next.

As an actor, he knows one thing very well.

A play with a script is not difficult to act.

Because the lines, actions, and expressions are all written very clearly, as long as you act according to the content written in the script.

What is difficult to act is those plays that have no script and require actors to play freely.

You need to make up your own lines, think about your actions, control your expressions, and pay attention to what content and thoughts you want to express in this scene...

Thinking of these, Du Changlin began to have a headache.

If he had known it would be like this, he should have consulted the artists who had participated in this show before coming here, instead of just watching the first two seasons of the show.

The other artists present were also a little at a loss after listening to the host's words. Instead of feeling happy, each of them became more restrained.

Let yourself go?

In front of the camera, who dares to really let go of himself?
If they were participating in other variety shows, they would definitely ask the program crew to delete bad scenes, but they dare not participate in this show.

Who made the chief director of this show Mr. Xu?

"Everyone, do you have any other questions?" Qin Yan asked the six artists.

The entertainers looked at each other again, and then they all aimed in Mr. Xu's direction in unison, and finally shook their heads and waved their hands.

"No problem." Du Changlin said.

"It's time to start." Justin Sun also said.

"I can't wait to know what occupations are on the whiteboard." Song Xinru pretended to be excited and looking forward to it.

The cameras are on the sidelines, and the show has already begun.

"Since everyone has no problem, let's start. Please stand still." While speaking, Qin Yan stood on the side of the stage to avoid blocking the artist's way forward.

The six artists stood in line, with a distance of more than one meter between each other, so as to avoid bumping into each other when turning around.

At this moment, the six people have already made up their minds. Since they choose to participate in this program, even if they have a career to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, they have to bite the bullet.

Speaking of which, in the first two seasons of the show, which season did not have a disgraced entertainer who was tortured?

"Get ready..." Qin Yan said loudly.

The six artists bent down, in order not to get confused when they were circling, some squinted their eyes, some stared straight at one place, and some silently prepared to count in their hearts, and controlled the speed of circling by recording the time. allocation time.

The camera scanned the artist's face one by one, recording all the artist's expressions.

Qin Yan started to order after receiving the signal from the camera team.


As the sound fell, the six artists immediately began to circle in circles.

Some rotate very fast, hoping to gain more time to choose, while others rotate very slowly, as if they want to avoid the current sequelae of dizziness and embarrassment in this way.

But [-] laps is too much, no matter how slow the turn is, people will get confused.

Soon, the first confused person appeared.

When Sun Yuchen turned to the sixth lap, his feet left the original place, and his body began to uncontrollably hit Du Changlin next to him.


It was like two spinning tops collided and bounced off each other.

However, Song Xinru on the other side was not so good. She was knocked down by Zhou Jinlin, who was the fastest, and fell to the ground. With a sound of "Ah!", both of them sat on the ground.

Hu Hui didn't bump into anyone. Standing on the farthest side, she spun around and turned into the curtain on the side, turning the person away.

To say that the most normal one is Chen Min. With long hair, she turned into a broomstick at the moment. As her body swayed around, her hair also swept around the ground.

The staff standing around couldn't stop laughing.

Usually everyone sees the glamorous side of the artist, and it is rare to see the embarrassing side of the artist, but today is considered a blessing, and there are still six artists.

In fact, although I was very tired while filming the program, I was also very happy, which is not an easy thing for work.

After more than 50 seconds, the first artist who completed the transfer was born.

He is Justin Sun.

It's just that when Sun Yuchen straightened his waist and walked forward, not only did the route he walked bend, but his body also slanted.

Although his eyes were fixed on the whiteboard in front of him, his body rushed towards the edge of the stage.

The cameraman standing on the edge of the stage was terrified, and quickly hid to the side with the camera on his shoulders, while the other two staff members quickly lifted the sponge pad to prevent the artists from falling below the stage.

Delay in filming is small, but if the artist is thrown out of the way, the problem will be big.


Justin Sun hit the sponge pad hard, and finally rolled to the ground. He tried hard to stand up, but struggled several times, but failed.

The second person to complete [-] laps was Zhou Jinlin.

Perhaps seeing Sun Yuchen's miserable state, he learned his lesson, turned around and lay on the ground without moving. After more than ten seconds, he got up and ran to the opposite side after he was no longer dizzy and could not feel the dizziness.

Although the three female artists turned slowly, they became even more dizzy. They were either sitting on the ground or lying on the ground. They finally completed twenty laps, and more than half of the time had passed.

A few people stood among the whiteboards, quickly opening them one by one, trying to find their favorite profession in the shortest possible time.

At the same time, don't forget to peek at the whiteboards that others have flipped through to save time.

Qin Yan looked at the six artists while looking at the stopwatch on her mobile phone. When the time reached 1:55, she said loudly: "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, stop!"

In an instant, the six artists stood still as if acupuncture points had been tapped.

It's just that some people look happy, and some people look sad.

Obviously, some people have found a career they are good at, while others have not found a career they like.

"Okay, let me see what occupations everyone has chosen..."

Qin Yan came to the middle of the whiteboard array, and the camera was also aimed at the artists and the whiteboard beside them.

Not far away, Xu Jie had already seen the artist's chosen career, but he frowned slightly, not very satisfied with the result.

Most people choose some ordinary occupations, such as: courier, takeaway, sales, and the repetition rate with the first two seasons is too high, which will reduce the focus of the show.

And looking at the happy looks of several artists, you know that they must be prepared before the filming of the show starts.

How does this work?
If you are prepared, how can you accept the beatings from the society?
Alas, 2 minutes is still too much time.

It should be half a minute more.

At this time, he suddenly remembered Qin Yan's interview with several artists when he was in the car. At that time, he asked everyone what career they wanted to choose. Everyone generally chose courier and deliveryman, and the words were full of familiarity with the city of Beijing.

Familiarity, doesn't the difficulty decrease?
"Old Cheng, you stay here and watch, I'll make a call."

Xu Jie whispered something to Cheng Yingjie, then left the stage, walked to a corner, and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

"Hello, is this Mr. Gao? I'm Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture."

The person Xu Jie called was Gao Xiaoxi from Jinling Media.

"Mr. Xu, I'm Gao Xiaoxi, let me guess, you must have something good to ask me?" Gao Xiaoxi asked with a smile.

Although in this season's "Crossover Actors", the three artists of Jinling Media did not enter the top three, and the limelight was taken away by the other three.

But yesterday, the other party promised her that next year's "Crossover Actor" will definitely let her artist enter the top three.

Just because of this guarantee, the depression in her heart, which was still a little unbalanced, disappeared in an instant.

"Mr. Gao, you are really amazing. You guessed it before I said it. That's right. I really want to find you a good thing, but I don't know if you will find it troublesome." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"As long as it's a good thing, I won't bother you. Tell me what it is?" Gao Xiaoxi asked enthusiastically.

Although the two belong to two different TV stations, she is very willing to cooperate with each other. Who makes the other party powerful?Who doesn't want to be taken away in a group with capable people?

"That's right, "Ordinary Courage" has already started filming, but the first two seasons were filmed in the capital. I want to change to another city. Firstly, it can add freshness to the audience, and secondly, it can also promote some cities. And the first thing I thought of was your southern city in Jiangsu."

No novelty and no publicity are secondary, he just wants to make the artist's job more difficult.

Working in an unfamiliar city is definitely more difficult than working in a familiar city.


Gao Xiaoxi froze immediately after hearing this.

"Ordinary Courage", this is a variety show that does not lose to "Crossover Actor". If you can come to Nancheng to shoot, it will be a good thing for Nancheng.

"Mr. Gao, although "Crossover Actors" is over, I always feel a little sorry for Mr. Gao. Isn't there a part in the program "Ordinary Courage" where artists embarrass the experiencers? If Mr. Gao If the artist has time, he can arrange two guest appearances..."

In order to make the other party agree, Xu Jie chose to give the other party some sweetness, which can be regarded as a reward.

As the old saying goes: people leave their names, and geese leave their voices.

He can't let people make irresponsible remarks.

Gao Xiaoxi is not calm anymore, is there such a good thing?
That's great.

Mr. Xu is indeed benevolent and conscientious.

"Mr. Xu, that's the deal." Gao Xiaoxi excitedly agreed directly.

"We expect to arrive in Nancheng tomorrow." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, tell me before you arrive, I'll wait for you at Nancheng Airport."

"see you then."

After talking on the phone, Xu Jie returned to the stage in satisfaction.

At this moment, the occupations chosen by the six actors have been introduced. Just as Qin Yan was about to announce the start of the experience, Xu Jie quickly waved at each other.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yan came over and asked curiously.

But her intuition told her that the other party seemed to have come up with something new.

"This season's program will be filmed in the southern city of Jiangsu." Xu Jie said.

"What? Nancheng?" Qin Yan looked surprised and even suspected that the other party was joking.

Why did you go to another city to shoot?
Isn't this decision too sudden?

"I've already made arrangements, let's go." Xu Jie said to Qin Yan.

When Qin Yan heard it, since the other party had already made arrangements, she couldn't say anything more. Who made the other party the chief director?

When she returned to the stage, she looked at the six artists and said after a while: "Everyone has chosen a career, the next step is for us to go to Jiangsu Jiangnan City, where we will experience this season's career..."


After the words fell, the faces of the six artists were astonished.

Even those who were joyful just now are now stunned in surprise.


How could it be the southern city of Jiangsu?

Shouldn't it be the capital city?
After Zhou Jinlin came back to his senses, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

He finally picked the job of a courier. He thought that with the help of his understanding of the capital, he could easily be qualified for this company, but his experience turned into Nancheng. This unfamiliar place, how can he start his work?
You know, before he deliberately drove around the streets and alleys of the capital, just to engrave the map of the capital in his mind.

It's over, all the previous efforts were in vain.

This program group is so ruthless!


(End of this chapter)

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